Accused Persons arrested in Eranakulam City district from 11.09.2016 to 17.09.2016 Name of the Name of Name of the Place at Date & Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police Arresting father of Address of Accused which Time of which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Officer, Rank Accused Arrested Arrest accused & Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chakkalakkal veedu. Cr.1846/16, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 1 Pramod Mani Age.37 Pambaimoola, Edakochi U/s.279 IPC & Palluruthy P.S ASI Aliyas 01.45 hrs Kochi Edakochi. 185 MV Act Chakkanadu, Cr.184716, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 2 Vargheese Xavier Age.29 Ammanezhathu, Edakochi U/s.279 IPC & Palluruthy P.S SI Vimal V 05.45 hrs Kochi Aroor 185 MV Act Cr.1848/16. Pillerkadu house, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 3 Saju Kuriyan Joseph kuriyan Age.23 Edakochi u/s.118(e) KP Palluruthy P.S SI Vimal V Palluruthy 10.20 hrs Kochi Act Marodikkal Cr.1849/16, JFCMC -II - 4 Sebastine Nikolas Age.67 parambil, Ambedker Edakochi 12.09.16 U/s.324,326,2 Palluruthy P.S SI Vimal V Kochi road, Edakochi 94(b), IPC Cr.1850/16, Theruvil house, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 5 Justine Joseph Age.38 Marunnukada u/s.118(a) KP Palluruthy P.S SI Vimal V Perumpadappu 17.35 hrs Kochi Act Cr.1851/16, Maliyekkal house, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 6 Justine Sabu George Edakochi u/s.118(a) KP Palluruthy P.S SI N.S George Palluruthy 18.05 hrs Kochi Act Cr.1852/16, Manoj T Das bhavan, Paipe 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II - 7 Mohanan Age.22 Kacheripady u/s.118(a) KP Palluruthy P.S SI Vimal V Mohanan lane, Palluruthy 18.40 hrs Kochi Act 1) Nazad nilayam, Cr.1853/16 Age.21, Nadavathu nagar, 11.09.16 at U/s.279 IPC, JFCMC -II 8 Rijas, Suhayil Sahim, Hamsa Janatha Jn Palluruthy SI N.S George Age.20 Arookutty 2) Suhayil 19.05 hrs 132 r/w 177 Kochi manzhil, Arookutty of MV Act Thirunalveli house, Cr.1854/16, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 9 Mothilal S/o.Abu 45 Poura samity road, Kacheripady U/s.279 IPC& Palluruthy SI N.S George 19.07 hrs Kochi Palluruthy 185 MV Act Alinjaparambu, Palamattom road, Cr.1855/16, Haidros, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 10 Sudheer, John 36,61 Edakochi 2) Arakkal ESI Road U/s.15© Palluruthy SI N.S George Bapootty 19.45 hrs Kochi veedu, Palamattom Abkari Act road, Edakochi Kandathilparambil, Cr.1856/16, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 11 Xavier Jose 63 Mararikulam, Marunnukada u/s.119(a) KP Palluruthy SI Vimal V 19.10 hrs Kochi Cherthala Act Nelliveettil house, Cr.1857/16, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 12 Shoibu Mamu 45 Abad road, Chullikkal Chirakkal U/s.118(a) KP Palluruthy SI Vimal V 20.05 hrs Kochi house, Act Kakkathara house, Cr.1858/16, 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 13 Ashique Augustine 21 MA Mathew road, Ilikkal U/s.118(a) KP Palluruthy SI AJ Steaphen 18.05 hrs Kochi Perumpadappu Act Thuravoor house, Cr.1859/16, Sharath Poopanamkun 11.09.16 at JFCMC -II 14 Hgovindhan 52 Laksham veedu U/s.15© Palluruthy SI AJ Steaphen Chandra Bose nu 18.30 hrs Kochi colony, Kumbalanghi Abkari Act Makkathara hhouse, Cr.1860/16 Prabhul M Indira nagar, South 11.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 15 Mani 21 U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen Mani Kadavanthara, Kumbalanghi 20.05. hrs Y Kochi 185 MV Act Ernakulam Cr.1861/16 Athipozhy house, 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 16 Ashly Antony Edakochi U/s.279 IPC & Konam, Palluruthy 10.35 hrs Y Jose Kochi 185 MV Act Pollayil house, Cr.1862/16 Kalakhapodya north, 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 17 Francis Issac Age.36 Nambaipuram U/s.279 IPC & SI Vimal V Kannamali,Chellana 09.55 hrs Y Kochi 185 MV Act m Vadassery house, Kadhebhagam, Cr.1863/16, Gopi, Age.32, Palluruthy 2) 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 18 Thomas, Mani Chirakkal U/s.15© SI Vimal V Ashokan Age.36 Marottikkal 16.45 hrs Y Kochi Abkari Act parambu, Palluruthy Nada 1) Pulithara house, Vallummel road, Raphel, Cr.1864/16, Age.46, Palluruthy, 2) 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 19 James, Anas Abdhul Marine Jn U/s.15© Age.42 Aliparambil house, 11.25 hrs Y Jose Kochi Khader Abkari Act Marakadavu, Mattanchery Vadayanad, Mundamveli, Kochi, Cr.1865/16, Ajayan,2) S/o.john, 2) Age.42, Waterland 12.09.16 AT PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 20 2) Vekimunlchira, U/s.15© SI N.S George Remesh S/o.Mani Age.49 road 11.40 Hrs Y Kochi Santhom colony, Abkari Act Thoppumpady 15/681, Tholath Cr.1866/16 house, Indira gandhi 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 21 Mathew Poulose Age.51 Palluruthy Veli U/s.279 IPC & SI N.S George Road, Pambaimoola, 12.35 hrs Y Kochi 185 MV Act Edakochi Chelliyathu house, Cr.1868/16 Nr.Rajeev Gandhi Jn. 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 22 Augustine Samual Convent Jn. U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen Konam, 19.05 HRS Y Kochi 185 MV Act Perumpadappu Kakkathara house, Cr.1869/16, 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 23 Sherin Augustine MA Mathew road, Illikkal U/s.118(A) KP SI AJ Steaphen 19.205 Hrs Y Kochi Perumpadappu Act Alunkal House, Nr.Malattubeckery, Cr.1870/16, Kumbalanghi, 2) 12.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 241) Robin 2) TensonGeorge, SebastineAge.26, Age.29 Nr.Malattu beckery U/s.15© SI AJ Steaphen Mootheri house, Nr. 19.40 hrs Y Kochi Abkari Act Nr.Malattu backery, Kumbalanghi Thadiyankadavil, Nr. Cr.1871/16, PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 25 Sarath Sasidharan St.Lawrence church, Edakochi 14.09.16 U/s.341,448,3 SI Vimal V Y Kochi Edakochi 24 IPC Kadavil House, Near Cr.1872/16 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 26 Vincent Devassy Age.35 St.Joseph Church, Palluruthy Veli U/s.279 IPC & SI N.S George 17.05 hrs Y Kochi Kumbalanghi 185 MV Act Kaliyankara house, Cr.1873/16, Kollanchery , 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 27 Jifin Tinku Age.18 Kallanchery, U/s.118(A) KP SI AJ Steaphen Kumbalanghi 17.35 hrs Y Kochi Kumbalanghi Act Ayyamkannezhath, Cr.1874/16 Perumpadapp 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 28 Bigish Bose Age.31 Kadebhagam, U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen u 18.40 Hrs Y Kochi Palluruthy 185 MV Act Karimundakkal Compression Cr.1875/16 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 29 Joji Joseph Mathew house, Kallanchery, mukku, U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen 19.05 Hrs Y Kochi Kumbalanghi Kumbalanghi 185 MV Act Pulithara house, West of Malattu backery, Cr.1876/16, 1) Augustine, Age.35, 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 30 Alby, Joseph Kumbalanghi, 2) Kumbalanghi U/s.15© SI AJ Steaphen 2) Sunny Age.34 19.35 hrs Y Kochi Arakkal house, Abkari Act Keltron ferry, Kacheripady Kalayil house, Cr.1877/16 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 31 Haris Haneef Age.23 Kacheripady, Edakochi U/s.279 IPC & SI N.S George 19.35 hrs Y Kochi Palluruthy 185 MV Act Chalikkal house, Nr.Aquinas college, Edkochi,2) Pazhaya Cr.1878/16, 1) Sudheesh, 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 32 Albert, SaravananAge.39, 25 Kattuparambu Edakochi U/s.15© SI N.S George 2) Sarath 19.45 hrs Y Kochi veedu, Sree krishna Abkari Act temple road, Edakochi Kaithakattu house, Sreekrishna temple 1) Aneesh Cr.1879/16, Age.24,2 road, Edakochi, 2) 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 33 Kumar, 2)Ambujakshan, Augustine Edakochi U/s.15© SI N.S George 5 Veli Parambu house, 19.45 hrs Y Kochi Bijoy Abkari Act Sree Krihna Temple road, Edakochi Kurishinkal house, Cr.1880/16, Near Pashnithodu Kumbalanghi 13.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 34 Jeemon Xavier Age.27 U/s.15© SI N.S George bridge, Smashanam vazhy 19.55 Hrs Y Kochi Abkari Act road, Edakochi Pandaramparambil Cr.1881/16 Age.24,2 Kumbalanghi 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH ASI Santhosh JFCMC -II - 35 Amal Antony House, Panjayathu U/s.279 IPC & 5 vazhy 2.35 hrs Y Kumar Kochi road, Kumbalanghi 185 MV Act Cr.1882/16 Kattummel parambu, 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 36 Biju BhavanachandranAge.44 Palluruthy Veli U/s.279 IPC & Palluruthy 10.05.hrs Y Jose Kochi 185 MV Act chendi nikarthil , Cr.1883/16 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 37 Akhil Pushpan Age.22 S.Npuram, Palluruthy Veli U/s.279 IPC & 11.05 hrs Y Jose Kochi Ezhupunna 185 MV Act Thettaliparambil, M Cr.1884/16 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 38 Binumon Sugunan Age.34 A Mathew road, Palluruthy Veli U/s.279 IPC & 17.50 hrs Y Jose Kochi Perumpadappu 185 MV Act Ottuparambil , Cr.1885/16 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 39 Michael Joseph Age.61 Manasseri, Kacheripady U/s.279 IPC & SI N.S George 17.50 hrs Y Kochi Kannamaly 185 MV Act Arakkapadathu, Cr.1886/16 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 40 Anson lanto Antony Age.20 St.Peters church, Kumbalanghi U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen 20.15 Hrs Y Kochi Kumbalanghi 185 MV Act Puliyezhathu house, Cr.1887/16 Perumpadapp 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 41 Saison Joseph Age.36 Pouchakkal, U/s.279 IPC & SI AJ Steaphen u 20.30 Hrs Y Kochi Cherthala 185 MV Act Kattisseryparambu, Cr.1888/16 14.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 42 Nitheesh Lekshmanan Age.22 Vysapuram road, Kadhebhagam U/s.279 IPC & 21.20 hrs Y Jose Kochi Palluruthy 185 MV Act Kannatil house, Cr.1889/16 Age.46, 15.09.16 at PALLURUTH SI Jacob Raji JFCMC -II - 43 Kunjumon Muhammed Market road, Binny road U/s.279 IPC & Age.42 12.20 hrs Y Jose Kochi Ernakulam 185 MV Act Kavalamkuzhy, Cr.1890/16 Janeesh 15.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 44 Joseph Age.33 Pambaimoola, Edakochi U/s.279 IPC & SI N.S George Joseph 12.35 hrs Y Kochi Edakochi 185 MV Act 23/5206, Madhura Cr.1892/16, 15.09.16 at PALLURUTH JFCMC -II - 45 Shaeheer Abdulla MuhammedAge.32 Company road, Palluruthy Veli u/s.118(a) KP SI N.S George 17.15 Hrs Y Kochi Palluruthy Act 1)Thoppil house, 1)Bibin 16.09.16 at Ward I ,Kumbalanghi 1893/16, U/s.
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