/ r TRANSACTIONS OF THK NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. [Edited bt W. A. NICHOLSON, Hon. Sec.] — The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society has for its objects; 1. The Practical Study of Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its influence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel prejudices leading to their destruction. 3. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the County, and of exterminating rare plants in their native localities. 4. The record of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals and plants which have become extinct in the County; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. 5 . The publication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk. 6. The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of specimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursions, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. : TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORFOLK AND NORWICH VOL. VII. 1899—1900 to 1903— 4 . £orfoicf) PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON, LTD. 1904. Errata. Page 19, third line, second paragraph, for “florine” read fluorine. ” Page 24, first line, fourth paragraph, for “ crystal read crystals. “ ” Page 83, seventh line from bottom, for wasteria read wistaria. ” Page 88, eleventh line from top, for “ Aronia read Aromia. Page 169, twelfth line from top, for “ Bustards ” read Buzzards. “ Page 368, twentieth line from top, for Heron ” read Crane. Page 421, fifteenth line from top, for “p. 27 ” read p. 97. Page 457, ninth line from bottom, for “Russia” read Prussia (P) “ ” Page 459, tenth line, second paragraph, for puffin read Guillemot ( Uria troile, Lin.). CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Anonymous, 423 Bennett Arthur, 333, 467, 512. 620, 605 Bin WKI.L W. II., 98, 147, 277, 208, 582 Bikd M. C. II., 243 Bloomfield E. N., 110, 227, 427, 428, 541, 552 Bkowne F. Balfouk, 661, 731, 755 Bubbell W. H., 255 Clabkk \V. G., 409, 753 Dix F., 260 Dixon II. N., 212, 558 Durr W. A., 623 Fade Sib Peteb, 32 Edwabds James, 744, 746 GURNEY J. H., 267, 367, 427, 582, 627 Gubney and Southwell, 733 Gubnky Robert, 637 Hamond Charles A., 701, 754 Harmeb S. F., 115, 185 Hotblack J. T., 1, 7, 15, 106 Hurbell 11. E., 276, 383, 756 Lenky F., 364, 571, 722 le Strange IIamon, 753 Long Frederick, 585, 602, 617 Long S. II., 188, 353 Longe F. D., 148, 583 Lowe John, 112 Mayfield A., 348, 584 Mobley Claude, 706 Moss A. M., 445, 6/4 Newton A., 113, 158 Nicholson AY. A., 72, 379, 748 Patterson A., 63, 177, 330, 305, 566, 726 Plowright C. B., 138, 174, 346, 386, 414, 753 Preston A. \V., 54, 204, 372, 528, 687 Pycraft AY. P., 312 Reid Clement, 290 Southwell T., 45, 90, 96, 100, 101, 104, 114, 160, 171, 246, 276, 303, 328, 360, 453, 579, 580, 581, 584, 606, 741, 754 Southwell and Gurney, 733 Thompson AY. E., 514 THOULE8S H. J., 275, 425, 427 Tuck AY. H., 13, 156, 330, 526, 635 AVhf.eler F. D., 275 AVigg T. J., 49, 262, 354, 536, 682 AYoodwabd Dr. Hy., 429, 477 AYoodward H. B., 401 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Delphinus Deepms (to face) ... 185 Anopheles and Culex (to face) 194 Anopheles and Culex .. 195 Hickling Broad, Sketch Map ... 267 Robert Wigham, Portrait (to face) ... 298 ... Cetaceans, Ancient 304 , 310 Wing of Bird ... 313 , 317 , 320 , 321 Wing of Bat ... 315 John Thomas (to face) 339 Norway, Sketch Map of . 367 I). C. Burlingham, Portrait (to face) 414 Miolania, Skull of (to face) ... 443 H. I). Geldart, Portrait of (to face) ... 573 St. Helen’s Swan Pit (to face) 579 Sketch Map of Pembrokeshire Coast (to face) 627 Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire (to face) ... ... 629 Fresh-water Laboratory at Sutton Broad (to face) 731 Hottonia palustris at Sutton (to face) 731 Interior of the Laboratory (to face) 732 vu ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SUBJECTS. .Ecidium elatum in Norfolk, 255 Carex paradoxa in Britain, 605 Aculeate Ilymenoptera at Bury, 13, Castle Museum, Additions to, 45, 171, 150, 330, 520, 035 36 t, 571, 722 Additions to Castle Museum, 45, 171, Cetaceans, Ancient Record of, 203 304, 571, 722 City Garden, My, 32 Addresses, Presidential, 1, 115, 277, Coleoptera, List of Norfolk and 420, 585 Suffolk, 706 Adventitious Growth on Trees, cause Coot Shooting on Hickling Broad, of, 617 2(57 Agriculture, Itooks and Owls in, 581 Cordeaux John, Obituary Notice of, Alien Plants at Oullon, 023 100 A ncient Records of Cetaceans, 303 Cranes’ bones in Norfolk, 158 Aquatic Invertebrates, Study of, 118 Cranes Breeding in East Anglia, 16 ) Arctic Lands, Distribution of Life Cramvorth, Lord, Obituary Notice of, in, 431 578 Crowning of Jacks, 114 Bionoruical Investigation of the Crustacea of East Norfolk, (537 Norfolk Broads, 0(51 Curlew, Breeding of, in Norfolk, 276 Birds observed in Spain, 701 Birds of Pembrokeshire Islands, 027 Decoy, Origin of the name, 611 Birds' Wings, 312 Decoys, Some Early, 606 Boileau, Sir F., Obituary Notice of, Diary, an old. Leaves from, 453, 754 110 Diastataxy, Problem of, 312 Box vulgaris in Norfolk, 584 Diptera, Norfolk, 541 Breeding of the Crane in East Distribution of Life in Arctic Lands, Anglia, 160 431 Brereton Family, 607 Distribution of Peueedanum palustre Bridgman J. B., Obituary Notice of, and Lathyrus palustris in Britain, 101 467 British Association at Dover, 106 Dix F., Obituary Notice of, 577 British Dye Plants, Tinctorial proper- Dolphin, Markings on Skin of, 185 ties of, 380 Dragon-flies of Norfolk Broads, 668 Browne, Sir Thomas, as a Naturalist, Dye Plants, Tinctorial properties of, 72 ‘386 Browne, Sir Thomas, Unpublished Letter from, 360 East Anglia, Pyrola rotundifolia in, Burlingham D. C.. Obituary Notice 512 of, 114 East Anglian Geology, Dawn of, 477 Bustard, Great, Notes on, 113, 117, East Coast, Post Glacial Faults on. 328 423 Butterflies, Swiss, 445, 674 Emys orbicularia at Ludham, 754 Entomological Notes, 13, 156, 330, Cardamine palustris near Norwich, 526, 635 583 — — Vlll Fauna and Flora of Norfolk Mollusca of a Suffolk Parish, 348, 584 Birds, 733 Molorchus minor in Norfolk, 275 Fishes, 741 Mosquito, Malarial Theory of, 188 Coleoptera, 744 Mosquitoes of Norfolk, 353 Hemiptera, 746 Mosses, Norfolk, 212, 427, 558 Flowering Plants and Ferns, 748 Mosses, Suffolk, 227, 427 Floral Scents, 279 Mundesley Beach, Stones on, 7 Formation of Flints in Chalk, 148 Museum, Castle, Additions to, 45, 171, 364, 571, 722 Galls, Norfolk, 110 Geldart IP. D., Obituary Notice of, Nineteenth Century Rainfall, 260 573 Norfolk and Suffolk Coleoptera, 796 Geology, East Anglian, Dawn of, 477 Norfolk Geology, East Norfolk, 290 Broads, Bionomical Investigation Glazed Frost at 346 Lynn, of, 661 Granite Boulder at Guist, 754 Cranes’ bones in, 158 Gurney J. N., Obituary Notice of, Crustacea, 637 578 Diptera, 541 R. J. Gurney H., 98 Dragon-flies, 668 Flowering Plants and Ferns, 748 Hepaticae, Norfolk, 552 Galls, 110 Herring Fishery, Notes on, 49, 262, Hepatic®, 552 354, 536, 682 Hymenoptera, 428 House Sparrow, Plea for, 112 Molorchus minor, in, 275 Hymenoptera, Norfolk, 428 Mosses, 212, 427, 558 Mosquitoes, 353 Indications of Spring, 246 North Coast of, Plants gathered Insects from Narborough, 425 on, 514 Jacks, Crowning of, 114 Soils and Subsoils, 401 Jay, Siberian, 583 Norwich Museum, Additions to, 45, 171, 722 Kimberley, Earl of, Obituary Notice 364, 571, Notes — of, 576 Entomological, 526, 635 Laboratory at Sutton Broad, 731 Meteorological, 54, 204, 372, 528, Lastrea cristata in Britain, 695 <187 Lathyrus palustris, Distribution of, Miscellaneous, 112, 274, 423, 579, in Britain, 467 752 Leaves from an Old Diary, 453, 754 Natural History from Yarmouth, Liparis loeselii in England, 333 63, 177, 395, 566, 726. Liparis lu'selii. Stations for, 620 Notes on— Lowe, Dr. John, Obituary Notice of, Cardamine palustris, 583 578 Flowering of Nycterinia capeusis, Lycopodium, raising from seed, 96 582 Great Bustard, 113, 328 Macrogaster arundinus in Norfolk, Herring Fishery, 49, 262, 354, 536, 274 682 Malaria, Mosquito Theory of, r 188 N3 cterinia capeusis, 582 Markings on Skin of a Dolphin, 185 Pond Life at Yarmouth, 755 Marsham’s Indications of Spring, 246 Rotifera at Gt. Yarmouth, 275 Marten Cats in Suffolk, 580 Norway, Southern, Ornithological Memoir of Robert Wigham, 298 Notes from, 367 Memoir of John Thomas, 339 Nycterinia capeusis, Floweringof,5S2 Meres of Wretham Heath, 499 Meteorological Notes, 54, 204 372 Obituary Notices— 528, 687 Birkbeck E. L., 422 Miscellaneous Notes and Observa- Boileau, Sir F., 116 tions, 112, 274, 423, 579, 752 Bridgman J. B., 5, 101 IX Obituary Notices— Siberian Jay, 583 Burlingham 1). C., 414 Silver Thaw at Lynn, 346 Cordeaux John, 6, 100 Soils and Subsoils in Norfolk, 401 Cranworth, Lord, 578 Solar Halo and Mock Sun, 174 Dix Francis, 577 Some Early Decoys, 606 Geldart H. D., 578 Sooty Tern in Suffolk, 752 Gurney J. N., 578 Spain, Birds observed in, 701 Gurney It. J. H., 6, 98 Stations for Liparis keselii, 620 Kimberley, Earl of, 576 Sticklebacks as Manure, 581 Lowe John, 578 Stones on Mundesley Beach, 7 Macpherson H. A., 422 Stones Precious, 15 Paget Sir Janies, 5, 104 Study of Aquatic I u vertebrates, 118 Pelham- Burn, Archdeacon, 421 Suffolk Mosses, 227, 427 Young John, 422 Suffolk Parish, Mollusca of, 584, 34S Observations on the Viper, 243 Suffolk, Marten Cats in, 580 Ornithological Notes from South Suffolk, Coleoptera, 796 Norway, 367 Sutton Broad Laboratory, 731 Ostrea angulata in Norfolk, 753 Swan Pit, St.
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