THE VILLAGER Vol. XLII Number 1 Stevenson University Stevenson, Maryland September 14, 2015 Stevenson class of 2019 takes over campus !"#$%&'()%*#+',*)-*..*/ Villager staf writer !"#$% &'()'*+#"'(% "(% #$,% -''./0% +% -1",2 % 3''.% +#% #$,% *3+//% '2 % 4567% 1,),+3/% #$+#% #$,% 21,/$8+(% *3+//% '2 % 4567% $+/% +% $"9$%:,1*,(#+9,%'2 %1,/";,(#"+3%/#<;,(#/%+#% =#,),(/'(%>("),1/"#?@% A),1% 75% :,1*,(#% '2 % #$,% /#<;,(#% :':<3+#"'(%3"),/%'(%*+8:</0%B$"3,%'#$,1/% live of campus and commute. 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Just about 30 percent identify +/% J21"*+(% J8,1"*+(0% +(;% I@I% :,1*,(#% ";,(#"2?%+/%J/"+(@%G$,%/#<;,(#%:':<3+#"'(% consists of 63 percent females and 37 :,1*,(#%8+3,/@% G$,1,% "/% +(% "(*1,+/"(9% (<8-,1% '2 % out-of-state students -- 32 percent hail 21'8%'<#/";,%'2 %O+1?3+(;P/%-'1;,1/@% Q(*3<;"(9% O+1?3+(;0% /#<;,(#/% *'8,% The class of 2019 gather with their families for Convocation, above. Below, freshmen students enjoy an Orienta- to Stevenson from 23 states and from 38 tion Adventure at Hershey Park, located in Hershey, Pa. Small photos from Stevenson University Student Activities Facebook page. diferent high schools. The largest number '2 % /#<;,(#/% B$'% +##,(;,;% +(?% '(,% $"9$% /*$''3%B,(#%#'%!,/#8"(/#,1%R"9$%=*$''3@% Colvin said that his ofce was very According to Farmer, 40 percent of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weekend, sponsored by the Ofce of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n this '()"&* &'()"&. '()"&3 Issue: '()"&66 NEWS 2 The Villager |September 14, 2015 Stevenson mourns beloved member of the Sodexo community by Kristofer DeJesus words when describing him. “This was such a loss. At age 32, the people who in- Villager staff writer teracted with him are going to miss him.” Many students walking down the hallway past Sub Connection will never feel the same. A familiar member of the Stevenson community Chabot added, “Armando was very helpful, and he passed away just before classes began, on Aug. 18, 2015. loved playing the piano. He would often play the piano Armando Enrique Molock worked for Sodexo, usually during his break.” in the Sub Connection space on the Greenspring campus. Along with playing the piano, Armando also enjoyed He was 32. broadcasting video games live on the internet. He loved He was born on May 22, 1983, to Olen Davis Molock playing and talking about video games with anybody, no and Luz Tirado Molock, and graduated from Randall- matter how well he knew them. stown Senior High School in 2001 where he completed a He is survived by his daughter Armana Molock, his variety of courses focusing on food services, giving him the parents Olen and Lucy, his elder brother David Antonio necessary skillset to earn a job through Sodexo at Stevenson Molock, three sisters, Dana McCready Molock, Nina University. Molock, and Luzita “Lulu” Molock. He is also mourned by At work, he always served customers with kindness and his nieces and nephews Dasia, Alecia, Alex, and Damond, humor. His supervisor, Marc Chabot, director of opera- his sister-in-law and brother-in-law Anissa Molock. tion on the Greenspring campus, had nothing but gracious AVCD to host its first Artist-in-Residence lecture and gallery on Sept. 30 byKimberly Hahr Villager staff writer The department of Art and Visual Communication Design (AVCD) will host its first Artist-in-Residence of the year on Sept. 30 in the Rockland Banquet room for a reception and lecture. Gabriela Bulisova, a photojournalist who studied at the Maryland Institute College of Art, will be the featured Artist-in-Residence this year. Her pieces will be displayed on the Greenspring campus and she will also speak at the lecture on Sept. 30 at 6 p.m. The AVCD’s Artist-in-Residence program began over a decade ago to bring working artists on campus, said George Moore, the chair and associate professor. These artists share their experiences, help critique student work, and talk with students in the major about possible career paths, in addition to lecturing to the general audience. Elena Volkova, professor of photography, chose Gabriela Bulisova as the first featured artist. Bulisova is known for her photojournalistic stories that are typically belief in equality and opportunity for all people on that the classroom cannot, Moore said. Students in the under-reported. Some of her collections included pieces earth.” This perspective is one of the main reasons she past have had great networking opportunities at this on family members of the incarcerated and examinations invited Bulisova. Volkova continued to explain that “her event, some even getting internships with previously fea- of Iraqi refugees. attitude towards the world is contagious” and she hopes tured artists. The act of story telling, in this case using photo- Stevenson students come to feel that from both her photos Students of all majors are welcome and encouraged graphs, allows readers to express their creativity through and her lecture. to attend this event, said Moore, adding that students and interpretation of the topic. It also allows for powerful In addition to opening the audience’s eyes to a new faculty from other schools around the area often attend messages and controversial topics to be addressed, says viewpoint on social issues, the Artist-in-Residence pro- the event due to its reputation of inviting great artists. Volkova. gram can get students into the professional world in ways Volkova described Bulisova as someone with a “deep Commuter Student Association revives club, offers new opportunities for students by Alexis Cohen On Wednesday, Sept. 2, CSA had its first meeting of Villager staff writer the year in the Ratcliffe Center. This was a time to get acquainted with one another and nominate a new execu- tive board with elections Sept. 9. CSA will even have two With the new school year beginning, the Commuter members represent the club on the Student Senate, ac- Student Association (CSA) hopes to revive the club and cording to Schwartz. inform students of all that Stevenson University has to The group will meet on Wednesday evenings, every offer. other week, beginning Sept. 16. Schwartz directs stu- The CSA’s main purpose is to be an advocate for dents to the association’s social media pages or resources the commuter population and their concerns, while also on the SU Now Portal in order to remain updated if they providing a place for commuters and residents to meet can’t attend meetings. one another. One thing the new advisor for CSA, Daniel CSA also offers discounts to Stevenson commuters. Schwartz, pointed out was that CSA is not just for com- If a student utilizes the MTA in order to travel to campus muter students; it is for any Stevenson student. (Continued on p. 3) Emma Ragon, commuter NEWS The Villager | September 14, 2015 3 Sodexo redefines the dining experience for students by Meagan Hardesty the half-court shot contest during the basketball season. Villager staff writer New digital concession boards have been added to the Mustang Stadium’s concession stands. Lukeivic said, “We just Sodexo is redefining the dining hall redid the monitors down at the concession experience for students this fall. stands to bring the menu boards up to John Lukevic, general manager of 2015… we are also looking at reinventing Sodexo at Stevenson, explained what some of the foods down there in the students can expect this semester. concessions for a lot of the games.” Sodexo plans to bring back premium Lukeivic added that “the big games, dining nights, during which students will like football and lacrosse, it’s always fun be able to enjoy a extraordinary cuisine, to go down to concessions and see those.” such as steak and steamed crabs, on that Lukeivic said he enjoys Stevenson’s large file photo Villager specific night.
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