
327 Terrebonne SStt.. 158 Bois-des-Filion LLaawwrreennccee RRiivveerr 132 Pointe-aux-Trembles Varennes Saint-Amable 116 125 224 Sainte-Thérèse 50 148 Rosemère Montréal-Est 40 15 Saint-Hyacinthe 640 138 440 25 223 Sainte-Julie 20 344 Saint-Léonard Boucherville 229 40 Beloeil LLaaccddeess 148 OOuuttaarrddeess Laval-Ouest Mont-Saint-Hilaire 417 117 Ferry St-Valérien 344 13 116 Longueuil 137 La Montréal Route Ve Ottawa rte Ottawa Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac Aéroport Saint-Basile-le-Grand RRiivveerr Mont-Royal Aéroport SSaaiinntt--HHuubbeerrtt Outremont Landmark Bridge Saint-Laurent ddee LLoonngguueeuuiill L'Île-Bizard Dollard-des-Ormeaux Greenfield 231 342 Aéroport International Westmount Park 133 Aéroport International Saint-Hubert PPiieerrrree--EElllliiootttt--TTrruuddeeaauu Saint-Lambert Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu RRiivveeiirree Côte YYaammaasskkaa ddee MM 30 Saint-Luc La Pierrefonds Pointe-Claire Route Verte Kirkland 20 Montréal-Ouest Verdun Brossard 235 233 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Lachine 134 Chambly 40 Beaconsfield Canton-de-Granby Lasalle 201 Terrasse-Vaudreuil La Prairie Vaudreuil-Dorion 10 112 L'Île-Perrot Candiac Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot 227 La Route Verte Route La 104 Pincourt 139 Maple 35 Saint-Constant Granby Grove Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 132 338 Melocheville 340 Grande-Île Saint-Timothée 207 20 Farnham 30 104 325 Cartiers Jacques Rue 241 221 Montee de la Cannerie 15 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield 217 Rue Principale 223 236 Saint-Jean-Baptiste rand 401 Ch. G Bernier Eglise l’ 219 e 235 Rue d Cowansville 132 209 205 Mtee Blais 223 Rg. St. Jo se ph 133 203 202 201 138 Mont Guay 225 St. Valentines Île aux Noix 202 35 E Rang St. Georges St. Rang 223 213 202 202 Mont MacCallum Ch. du Bord-de-Leans 11 GGrreeaatt CChhaazzyy 225 River River 2 MMiissssiissqquuooiiRRiivveerr Alburg 78 189 236 108 120 9B 122 30 West Shore Rd. 2 EEnnoossbbuurrgg RReesseerrvvooiirr Swanton NNoorrtthh BBrraanncchh 118 CChhaazzyy RRiivveerr Enosburg Nortth Hero Falls LLiittttllee Sttatte Park 105 87 374 CChhaazzyy RRiivveerr 37 11 207 129 TTrroouutt 190 RRiivveerr Isle La Motte 11 9 11B 22 89 2 North Hero St. Stt Allbans Bay KKiiwwaanniiss Woods IIslland Albans Sttatte Sttatte Park LLaakkee Park 7 36 Poiintt au IInnggrraahhaamm Roche LLaakkee Sttatte Park 374 UUppppeerr Griswold Rd. SSttAAllbbaannss CChhaatteeaauuggaayy Cumberlland RReesseerrvvooiirr LLaakkee Bay Sttatte Rd. LLaakkee ason East Shore Rd. Lyon Park Mocc TTiittuuss Mountain MMoouunnttaaiinn VViieeww LLaakkee 109 3 Plattsburgh West Shore Rd. 104 Gr Plattsburgh and Isle West Ferry Grand IIslle Sttatte Park CClliinnttoonn CCoo LLaammooiillllee 2 RRiivveerr 108 AArrrroowwhheeaadd 22B MMoouunnttaaiinn LLaakkee Jeffersonville West Shore Rd. Shore West Johnson Lake 15 Lake 2 Sand Bar Macomb Landon Rd. FFlloorreennccee South St. Reservattiion Sttatte Park 99 Redford Sttatte Park NNoorrtthh BBrraanncchh SSaarraannaacc Causeway Seasonal 458 RRiivveerr PPoonn Bike Ferry 128 7 . Creek Farm Rd. e Dr shor 30 Lake 127 IInnddiiaann BBrrooookk RReesseerrvvooiirr RRiiccee AdiirondacLLkaakkee LLaakkee Park KKuusshhaaqquuaa Preserve 2A Burlington Bike Path CChhaaiinn BBrroowwnnss Essex LLaakkee RRiivveerr 3 Junction 87 Burlington Bay Au Sable Forks Burlington 117 Intl Airport 189 LLoowweerr SStt Regis Lake Regis Lake South 89 UUppppeerr SStt Burlington RReeggiiss LLaakkee Shelburne 9N 9 Bay HHiigghhllaannddss 100 FFoorrggee LLaakkee Spear St. 2 Rd. AAddiirroonnddaacckk Webster RReeggiioonnaall WWaatteerrbbuurryy WWeesstt BBrraanncchh RReesseerrvvooiirr Ausable River Rd. Philo Mt. Ausable River . EEaasstt BBrraanncchh Bostwick Rd. Marsett Rd 86 AAuussaabbllee RRiivveerr Waterbury 22 Rd. Greenbush WWiinnoooosskkii RRiivveerr 116 Lake Rd. Rd. Lake Ferry Rd. Mtt Phiillco LLAAKKEE Sttatte Park PPLLAACCIIDD 7 100B 73 Greenbush Rd. Greenbush AAmmppeerrssaanndd East Slang LLaakkee . o Rd 17 Chicag Basin Ha LIttle rbor Rd. Button Bay HHaalllloocckk State Park LLaakkee Comfort Hill Rd. Hill Comfort Winona on Rd. Button Bay Rd. Bay Button Pant Lake Vergennes Vergennes Giant Reservoir Giant Northfield WWaasshhbboowwll Pease Rd. Jersey St. LLaakkee CCoollddeenn Lower Lower Sugarbush-Warren AAuussaabbllee Sugarbush-Warren LLaakkee Lake St. HHeennddeerrssoonn Lake Mineville-Witherbee Lake 17 LLaakkee SSaannffoorrdd 17 Andrew Lake Andrew Lake LLeemmoonn 23 FFaaiirr 116 Chimney RRiivveerr 87 Point State Historic Site 12A Middlebury 9N Adjidaumo Beaver Adjidaumo Beaver 125 FFllooww FFllooww SShheerrmmaann HHaarrrriiss LLaakkee Lake St. Lake 100 LLaakkee 125 GGooooddnnooww FFlloowwaaggee 28N 9 CCaarreeyy Lake Rd. SSuuggaarrHHiillll Marsh RReesseerrvvooiirr SSiixxtthh Marsh LLaakkee Watch Pt. Rd. 22A EEsssseexx Shoreham CChhaaiinn Richville Rd. Lakes 53 Lakes 74 PPyyrraammiidd CCeeddaarr LLaakkee RRiivveerr SScchhrroooonn 73 Indian Indian Lake River DDeevviillss River 7 WWaasshhddiisshh No. Orwell Rd. 30 73 Main St. Orwell Brandon Martin Hill Rd. Hill Rd. Hill Raymond Raymond 107 30 28 FFuurrnnaaccee 144 Sunset Lake Rd. BBrrooookk CChhiitttteennddeenn RReesseerrvvooiirr Brant Lake Benson Rd. 8 Hulett Hill Rd. 87 22 BBoommoosseeeenn SSttaattee PPaarrkk LLaakkee Stage Rd. 9N 3 RRuuttllaanndd CCiittyy Main Rd. RReesseerrvvooiirr Friends LLaakkee Lake CChhaammppllaaiinn TTeennnneeyy 9 22A BBrrooookk 4A 4 8 Tripp West 4 Lake Rice Willis Rd. Rutland River Rd. Fair Haven Whitehall 100A Trout Lake D &H Rail Trail E. Main St. Poultney Thrall Rd. 22A Speculator AAmmhheerrsstt 133 Stt Cattheriine Wallingford LLaakkee 31 Sttatte Park 30 EEaasstt BBrraanncchh CChhaarrlleeyy SSaaccaannddaaggaa 140 LLaakkee RRiivveerr 103 North St. North HHaarrrriissbbuurrgg 25 LLaakkee LLeennss Wells CChhiippmmaann LLaakkee 149 Granville LLaakkee LLaakkee AAllggoonnqquuiinn 87 Button Falls Rd. 155 9L LLiivviinnggssttoonn Lake Tenant Vanare WWeesstt BBrraanncchh Tenant LLaakkee 153 Sacandaga Lake 22 BBeeaavveerr Sacandaga Lake 30 RRiivveerr BBrrooookk 7 JJeewweellll Brook MMuurrpphhyy West Pawlet Brook Lake 29 Lake Conklingville Dam Glens FFllooyydd DD Scenic Lake Falls BBeennnneetttt Overlook Hadley Luzerrne North 153 Glens 100 HHaallffwwaayy Falls 196 Rogers IslandLLaa kkeeBicycle Loop West Glens GGrriiffffiitthh Falls Dean Mt Rd. LLaakkee A 48-mile9N loop extending from Rogers Island in Fort Edward to Corinth, NY. 30 Antone Rd. Rogers Island Bicycle Loop South Shore Rd. 40 North Shore Rd. Western New England Greenway 315 EEmmeerraalldd Fort LLaakk e Edward Dorset West Rd. Woods South Shore Rd. 197 Unpaved Bicycle Route Lake Corinth 197 Dorset Palmer Ave. Alternate Route Woodward Woodward 24 4 Lake Johnnycake Exit 17 Bicycle Path Edinburg Lake West Rd. 11 Saratoga Ave. LLoowweellll Northville Rd. LLaakkee 22 North Heath Rd. 30 North Old Saratoga Rd. 29 Angel Rd. Corinth Mtn Rd WWiinnddhhaamm 30 1000 ft 800 ft SSaaxxtto1on2n1ss Locust 600 ft RRiivveerr Grove Rd. Manchester Wilton 400 ft Rogers Island Center Exit 16 200 ft 9 Edie Rd. Rogers Island SStteeeellee Green Rd. 0 ft West Rd. IIrreellaanndd Travet Rd. Duncan Rd. Lake 30 RReesseerrvvooiirr Scout Rd. 0 mi 10 mi 20 mi 30 mi 40 mi 48 mi Lake GGrreeaatt RReesseerrvvooiirr Gailor Rd. MMaaddeelleeiinnee SSaaccaannddaaggaa At mile point 10.8 take CR 34 (Northern Pines Rd.) to the left thru Wilton and LLaakkee turn left on Gailor Rd. at mile point 30.3 for a 31 mile ride with no serious hills. 32 NNoorrtthh WWeesstt River Rd. BBrraanncchh RRiivveerr BBrrooookk 29 0.0 Reynolds Rd. (Rt. 197) leaving Rogers Island in Fort Edward. SSafetychuylerville Guidelines 4.7 L onto Rt. 9. Victory 30A LLyyee BBrrooookk Fink 5.9 Cross I-87 at Exit 17. Saratoga Fink Union Ave. Motorists and bicyclists share scenic roads. Use caution on narrow, 7 MMeeaaddoowwss Brook Springs 7A TToowwnnsshheenndd Brook 6.2 R onto Old Saratoga Rd. winding or unpaved roadway. Follow traffic laws and ride safely. NNoorrtthh LLaakkee 10.2 R onto Rt. 9 entering Wilton. 372 313 Arlington Sunderland Hill Rd. Broadalbin Chucatununda 29 Bicycles are vehicles by law and have the right to use public roads. Chucatununda 10.8 L on CR 34 (Northern Pines Rd.) thru Wilton for short ride. 29A CCrreeeekk Ave. Nelson You are responsible for operating your bicycle under all conditions. 11.1 R onto CR 101 (Corinth Mountain9P Rd.) and pull steep hill. Townshend SSoouutthh Townshend GGlloowweewweeee 17.5 Road becomes CR 24 and Palmer Ave. entering Corinth. RReesseerrvvooiirr When cycling, please follow these Warm Brook Rd. AAllddeerr CCrreeeekk 18.8 L onto Saratoga Ave. guidelines: BBrrooookk 20.3 L onto Heath Rd.64 Saratoga Galway No22.3rth BL onto Angel Rd. Lake Cambridge 9P 71 71 1. WEAR A HELMET and cycling gloves. Ba23.4llston R onto Spier Falls Rd. Spa 2. Ride with the flow of traffic. Shaftsbury SSoommeerrsseett 24.0 L onto Locust GroveManning Rd. Rd. State Park RReesseerrvvooiirr NNoorrtthh Ballston Saratoga 3. When using travel lanes, follow motor vehicle laws. 25.4 L onto Greene Rd. Maple Hill Rd. Obey all traffic signs and signals. Do not cut corners. CChhuuccttaannuunnddaa 29.3Spa Road becomes Gailor Rd. crossing Rt. 9. National 100 Creek 9P 4. Use clear hand signals when making turns or stopping. Creek 50 30.6 L onto Travor Rd. Hist Park 423 5. Ride in a straight line at least 3 feet from parked cars or curbs. 32.0 R onto Rt. 33 crossing I-87 at Exit 16. Hagaman 6. If you must ride at night, use lights and reflectors. 67 LLaa RRuuee 32.4 R onto Edie Rd. 7. Ride defensively! Be aware of motorists’ actions. CCrreeeekk 33.4 L onto Scout Rd. 8. Be aware of train tracks and other road conditions. Tribes 35.1 L onto Rt. 50. Hill 9. Ride single file. 35.3
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