Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A- Town of Watertown Weekly (Entered m Jan., 1A IMS, at Hue pot* «ffiee at Oafcvtlle, Conn. the /U* of 'Mar. 3, 1878.) Vol. IV, No. Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Year. Single Copy, Gc Cents May 3,1951 SHE. CITIES and BOfiOUGHS COMMITTEE " HAS APPROVED THE COUNCIL MANAGE® CHARTER ACCOBDING TO A KEFOBT AT .PRESS-TIME; 21 Mill Tax Rate Stockholders To Act Hallways-At South School Are Jammed Like This Many Times A Bay Bills Mailed To On Merger Proposal 5000 Taxpayers For Watertown Bank; Approximately 5,CUM)' tax . bills have been, mailed out to property owners according1 to. a. report Aid Colonial Trust this week by Tax Collector Irv- Following the approval of the ing .F. Smith, The bills were merger of stockholders a n d. computed at the 21 mill rate set. banking- supervisory authorities, for the year by the Board of Fi- the Water town Trust Company nance in order to raise $481,514 will be operated as a branch, of from property taxes. the Colonial 'Trust Company on For the first, time, the tax bill June 4, 1951, according to a joint, itemizes the assessments separ- announcement this week by ately for personal property, Harry H. Hem in way. President autos,, real estate and t h e of the Watertown bank, and amount of exemption, if • any. Winthrop W. Spencer, President Taxes became due on May 1 and of the Waterbury bank. The an- are subject to penalties if not nouncement stated that the paid by June 1, 1951. merger of the Watertown Trust The lax collector will be at town hall during this month to (Continued on Page Nine) collect taxes Monday through Friday froni 9 a m. to 1.2 M and. from 1 to ft p. m. He will be : there on Saturday from 9 a. rn. Trpits For little to 12 and on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8. He will, also be at South. School on Tuesdays and Fridays League Teams Draw The- above scene of a crowd of children mass >d in a hallway happens at: least four times a day between 6:30 and 8:30 p. m. at overpopulated South School: when pie youngst *n arrive; recess time; at noon; and when classes end. 'This school for 700 has 20 percent more persons than its 'Capacity .allows. The overstrain on Crowd Of Youngsters staff and facilities is serious. The difficulty of emptying the building' quickly in. case of emergency 185 eager and excited young- .is obvious. lie Welch W.ns sters showed up for Little 'League team try outs on Judd and DeLand Clothing' Racks. Clutter Hall rays At Baldwin. School Toa fields last Saturday and. Sunday State Spelling afternoons. Commissioner Mort Keilty and. assistant commission- er William Russell, assisted by Championship several enthusiastic f a t her s, checked the running, fielding and G. Grant "Mike™ Welch, of Bald- throwing1 of the boys. win School won the state spelling championship last Saturday in Because of Little League regu- competition against 23' other top lations, it was announced that only 120 of the young fellows be- spellers from all over northwest- tween, the ages of 8 and 12 can ern Connecticut. The Third An- 1 be. chosen for the major league nual Spelling Bee finals were held and. farm club teams of the Oak- at the Elton, under the sponsor- ville-Watertown Little 'League- ship of the Water bury Republi- can and American. Mike Welch, winner of the Wa- tertown-Oakville spelling bee last, Concert Membership month, and Mort Keilty, .runner- up from South School, were the two contestants from this town. The finals lasted for three Drive Opens Witt hours. At. the end of this lime, Mike was left alone with one'oth- er contestant, John Dempsey of Over 180 .Renewals St.. Mary's School, Waterbury. The Community Concerts Asso- John stumbled finally on .the ciation counted more than one word "meticulosity." Mike came huad'rcsd suzscrlption renewals as through with the correct spelling it. opened its fifth, annual mem- and then proceeded to spell the bership drive an Tuesday, May 1, next entry, "tergiversate", to win from campaign, headquarters in, the state crown. Among the .355 Nai smith's store. Main street. After the close cf the campaign Instead of- remaining clear .and open for mf > .and easy passage as they were meant to be, the words given in. the finals were such tricky ones as "crustaceol- on May 5, the Board of Directors center areas, of hallways at Baldwin serve .as. clothing closets and. the end sections are used for of the Association will select the emergency classrooms. Otherwise there would be no. place to seat .the youngsters or hang their ogy''. *" t es s e Hat e ", "" satie ty*', " pic- c al il 1 i", "' horn oge ne i ty"", "liquefy", artists for the 1951-52 concert hats and coats. These inadequacies .are typical throughout the overcrowded school system. series, Tha following new mem- Baldwin School Hallways Couldn't Be Any Worse (Continued on Page Nine.) bers were recently elected direc- tors: Mrs, Wilfred S. McKee, Mrs, Wilbur H... Caney, Mrs, Met vin E. Terrill and Charles F. Options .Are Being Johnson. Acquired On Lots Chamber Commerce' Next To Jodd Tract Purchase options are 'being ac- Beds New Officers quired on approximately twenty At their annual meeting Mon- day evening, the board of direc- lots bordering the Judd. tract, th»: tors of the Oakville-Watertown site of the pioposed Junior High, Chamber of Commerce elected, accordirg to a School Building the following officers for 1951: Committee announcement- this president, Gerald. C. 'Low; vice- week The parcels are necessary president. Nelson Ford; secre- to have the building properly 'fit tarj--tr.sasii.rar,, Atty. Sherman R. on the upper level and. for pre- Slavin. serving adjacent areas for possi- The directors also, organized t>le future nsetis. The options are committees to study., the follow- to b« assigned to the town. ing civic problems: Streets and Negotiations for the options Sidewalks-William Butterly, Nel- have been carried, on by Earle son Ford, .Joseph Lovetere .and W. Couch and Arthur O. Evans, William Humphrey; Parking'— who were appointed to help the Louis Kay, Sol Luna and. Eniile Building Committee in this 'mat- Bussemey, Jr.: Post Office — ter while it is consulting with George Davidson. Merchants ac- the architect on. details of the tivities will be supervised by preliminary plans. Clarence Walk, William, Quigrley On Monday the Building Com- and, 'Herman Schwartz. mittee nn.eni.bers. • met • 'with the In this schooi lor 4W pupils 692 mm expect* i to attend next fall, an excess of almost 90 per- Board of Selectmen fo explain cent SJbcve capAclt;. Tfie kmertn; off - health' and s fety • standards Is inevitable under the ctecum- AL'S Confectionery pud <^qa>easi»iK»ter prepare,f<>r.more roo K and facilities. - (Continued on Page Nine.) Xfli. W'ta. 720 Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org - REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE 30 East Main St., Waterbury .. v .. , Tel. 4-5832 vate f lift: f§§*»;,, -I* *•: tbjj^ • Mr. • mid •Mrs,, Kn% tertained Kennard'Nelson, • a la t student'"from Montclatr, N.- J." 'Corps. * "•"-* •>'• ••••- ."""-»' xnilton of North ,3&«sl are plan- 1 ning to move Friday to "Maple- Miss Susan Shorn, daughter •• Roy • ,P. '• "Parson*, son- •**•• Mrs. "-wood, New Jersey. Mt and. Mm Charles Shone, Taf Nellie Parsons of-'..Wheeler Si, dnltated in the U. S- . Marine Roy Powell Conway of Wheel- School, attended Tale's .Hammo- nasaet Day last Saturday -as. Me. Corps on April 28 for a period future.. er. Street- has, enlisted' in- the Ma- of three years. Xtoy-jttepded Wa* rine Corps and. left last Thursday guest of "Harold McLean of- Saa- ta Barbara, Calif. tertown Higji' School an*' - prie* to begin basic training at Farria to, his; -' enlistment „ worked'- at Island. Miss Goldie Gordon of tb farming for Stuart, Young. He is South School faculty is visiting now stationed ' at Parrls .Island, Armand Deroein of_ Tower ;3L C. ' - Road has returned home after • an friends In New Haven during thi What happens tomor- school 'vacation, week. appendectomy at: the Waterbury Mr. and-Mrs. William Grean- Hospital. Mrs. Daniel Fenton. is stll wood, Jr., Buckingham St., teU- row depends largely srated .their 18th wedding' anni- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Nastri and hopeful that someone may find their-daughter, Jane, are now liv- an unused pair of andirons to versary on April 20. upon what you do to- ing1 in their new home on Taft donate to the Red Cross offices Pfc Bernard Quesnel flew horn? Circle. The Nastris moved here in the Munson House. last Friday from, Fort, Sam Hous- from Lydia Street, Waterbury, ton, Texas, to .spend, a 21-day day 1 And the 'key to about a. month ago. First reports have been receiv- furlough 'With his- parents, Mr. ed on, the whereabouts of the five and Mrs. D. R. ^uesnel, Main. St., Oakvilies who were drafted, on Watertown. Bernard, who is in, future security is in Mr. and Mrs. May Tyler of April 16. Salvatore Rinaldi of the U... S. Army Air Corps Uedics, Westbury Park, opened up their Tucker Avenue and Michael Nar- in, scheduled to leave for the Far summer place at Lake Ban.tarn doia of Warner Avenue are now East .after his furlough. SAVING for it! last week-end. Mr. Tyler "has had stationed at Fort Bix, N. J. The good., luck .fishing so far this .sea- other three' are together at Camp Delmare Cote, son of Mr..
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