- ' 0 x ^ 2 TO INCLUDE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WITHIN GOVERNMENT THE DEFINITION OF “ AIRM AN” Storage ----- — H E A R I N G BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON JV TE RST ATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE m □ c HOU SE OE RE PR ESEN TA TIVE S ru H EIGH TY -SE VE NT H CONGRESS DC c a SE CO ND SE SS IO N □ □ ON IT H H.R . 8160, H.R . 8327, an d H.R . 8334 < ILLS TO AM EN D SE CT IO N 10 1(7) O F T H E FED ER A L AV IATION CT OF 1058, SO AS TO IN CLU DE FL IG H T A TT EN DANTS W IT H IN TH E D EFIN IT IO N OF “A IR MAN ” MAY 1, 1002 P ri nte d fo r th e us e of th e Com mitt ee on In te rs ta te a nd Fo re ig n Co mm erc e U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTIN G OF FIC E 83870 0 WASHINGTON : 1962 COMMITTEE ON INTE RSTA TE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE OR EN HA RR IS, Arkansas, Chairman JO HN BE LL WILL IAMS , Mississippi JO HN B. BENNETT , Michigan PETER F. MA CK, J r., Illinois WILLIAM L. SP RI NGER , Illinois KENNETH A. RO BE RT S, Alabam a PAUL F. SC HE NC K, Ohio MO RO AN M. MO UL DE R, Missouri J. AR TH UR YO UN GE R, California HA RL EY O. STAG GERS, West Virginia HAROLD R. CO LL IER, Illinois WAL TE R ROOERS, Texas MIL TO N W. GL EN N, New Jersey SAMU EL N. FR 1E DE L, Maryland SAMU EL L. DEV IN E, Ohio TORBERT H. MA CD ON AL D, Massachusetts AN CIIE R NE LS EN , Minneso ta GE OR GE M. RH OD ES, Pennsylvania HA STINGS KEIT H, Massachusetts JO HN JARM AN , Oklahoma WILL AR D S. CU RTI N, Pennsylvania LEO W. O’BRIEN , New York AB NE R W. SIBAL, Connecticut JO HN E. MOSS, California VE RN ON W. TH OM SO N, Wisconsin JO HN D. DI NG EL L, Michigan PETER H. DO MIN IC K, Colorado JO E M. KILG OR E, Texas PA UL G. ROGERS, Florida RO BE RT W. HEM PH IL L, South Carolina DA N ROST ENKOW’ SKI, Illinois JA MES C. HE AL EY , New York HO RA CE R. KO RN EGAY , North Carolina W. E. W illiamson, Clerk Kenneth J. P ainter, Assistant Clerk Professional Staff Andrew S tevenson Sam G. S pal Kurt B orchardt M artin W. C unningham S ubcom m it tee on T ra nspor tatio n an d A er o n a u tic s JO HN BE LL WILL IAMS , Mississippi, Chairman HA RL EY O. STAGGERS, West Virginia WI LL IAM L. SP RIN GER , Illinois SAMU EL N. FR IE DEL, Maryland HAROLD R. CO LL IER, Illinois TO RBER T II. MA CDONALD, Massachusetts SAMU EL L. DEV IN E, Ohio JO HN JARM AN , Oklahoma «». 'SJUN 19 C O N T E N T S \ , 62 V’ Tex t of— "TSge" H.R. 8160 ___________ 1 H.R. 8327 _____________ h r . 8334 _____________________ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Report of — Civil Aeronautics Board __________ _____ _____ __________ ___ 2 Bureau of the Bud ge t. ...................... ........... ..... ZZZZZZZZZZZZ " 2 Statem ent of — Griffiths, Hon. Martha W., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan ________________________________________ 3 Horst, James F., internatio nal vice president of Transp ort Workers Union and director of air transp ort division, Elm hurst, N.Y.; Roland K. Quinn, Jr., president, Air Line Stewards & Stewardesses Association; and Miss Barbara Roads, legislative represen tative, Air Line Stewards & Stewardesses Association __________________ 23 Mack, Hon. Peter F. Jr., a R epresentative in Congress from the State of Illinois ____________________________________________ 4 Prill, George C., director, Flight Standards Service, Federal Aviation Agency, Washington, D.C __________________________________ 6 50 Tipton, S. G., president, Air Transp ort Association of America; ac­ companied by J. G. Brown, director of training, flight operations, United Air Line s _______________________________________ 42 Communicationfe su bmitte d to the committee — Adams, Joseph P., general counsel and executive director, Association of Local Transp ort Airlines, telegram dated April 30, 1962 _______ Commerce, R. E., president, Airlines Dispatchers Association, tele­ 3 gram dated April 30, 1962 ___________________________________ McM urray, Kay, executive adm inistrator, Air Line Pilots Associa­ 53 tion, letter dated May 7, 1962. ______________________________ Quinn, Rowland K., Jr., president, Air Line Stewards & Stewardesses 54 Association, letter d ated May 7, 1962. ____ ___________________ Rice, Wyman R., operation s manager, Northern Consolidated Air­ 41 lines, Inc.: Letter d ated August 24, 1961.. ____ ___________________ 53 Letter dated April 24, 1962 ___________________________ZZZZZ Riley, George D., legislative represen tative, AFL -CIO, letter dated 52 April 27, 1962 __________________________________ 51 Rivers, Hon. Ralph J., letter dated April 27, 1962.ZZZZZZZZ 52 R °1962 A J ’ V*Ce p r e s i < I e n t ’ R i d d , e Airlines, letter dated April 30, Tipton, S. G., president, Air Tra nsport Association, letter dated 55 May 7, 1962 _____________________________________ 49 Additional data submitted to the committee — Airman issuances —1955-58, table submitted by Mr. Rowland K. Quinn, Jr ____ _______ _________________________________ Civil Air Regulations Draft Release No. 62-9, submitted bv Mr. 42 Pri ll _____________________________________________ Halaby, N. E., Administrator, Federal Aviation Agencv, letter to 11 Mr. Blank dated April 20, 1962 ______________________________ Prill, George C., Director, Flight Standards Service, Federal Aviation 22 Agency, letter dated May 14, 1962 _____________________ 9 h i TO INCLUDE FLIGH T ATTENDANTS WITHIN THE DEF INITION OF “AIRMAN” TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1962 H ouse of R e pr e se n t a t iv e s , S ubcom m it te e on T ransp orta ti on an d A er onauti cs of t h e C om m it te e on I n tersta te an d F oreig n C om m er ce , Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 1334, New House Office Building, Hon. John Bell Williams (chairman of the subcommittee), presiding. Mr. W il lia m s . The subcommittee will be in order, please. The Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics is meeting today for hearings on three identical bills relating to flight attendants. The bills would amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to define flight attendants as “airmen.” This would be done by amending section 101(7) of the act to add flight attendants on an aircraft “while underway” to the list of those persons defined as airmen. These bills are H.R. 8160 by our colleague on the committee, Hon. Peter Mack, Jr. ; H.R. 8334 by our colleague on the committee, Hon. Morgan Moulder; and H.R. 8327 by our colleague from Michigan, Hon. Martha Griffiths. If there is no objection, the proposed legislation will be included in the record at this point, followed by agency reports and also by a wire from the Honorable Joseph P. Adams, general counsel and executive director of the Association of Local Transport Air Lines. (The documents referred to follow.) [II.R. 8160, 87th Cong., 1st sess.l A BI LL To amend section 101(7) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, so as to include flight att endants within the definition of “ air ma n” . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, Th at paragraph (7) of section 101 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1301(7)) is amended to read as follows: “ (71 ‘Airman’ means any individual who engages, as the person in command or as pilot, mechanic, or member of the crew, in the navigation of aircraft while underway; and (except to the extent the Adm inistrator may otherwise provide with respect to individuals employed outside the United States) any individual who is directly in charge of the inspection, maintenance, overhauling, or repair of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances; and any individual who serves in the capacity of airc raft dispatcher or air-traffic control-tower ope rator or serves as a flight att en da nt on an airc raft while underway.” (N o te .—H.R. 8327 and H.R. 8334 are identical with H.R. 8160.) 1 2 FLIGHT ATTENDANTS W ITHIN THE DEFINITION OF "AIRMAN” Civil A eronautics B oard, Washington, D.C., May 8, 1962. Hon. O ren H arris. Chairman, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. Dear M r. Chairman: This is in reply to your letter of July 17, 1961, asking the Board to comment on H.R. 8160, a bill to amend section 10i(7) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, so as to include flight attendants within the definition of “airman.” “Airman” is now defined as “any individual who engages, as the person in command or as pilot, mechanic, or member of the crew, in the navigation of aircraft while underway; and (except to the extent the Administrator may other­ wise provide with respect to individuals employed outside the United States) any individual who is directly in charge of the inspection, maintenance, overhauling, or repair of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances; and any individual who serves in the capacity of aircraft dispatcher or air-traffic control-tower operator.” H.R.
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