Tincan count was 331 “rolling houses,” each “The Little Minister” and Other in Tourists, the home of an average of three per- Critics Vote and Decide Characters Week’s Films sons. Meet Every season brings more de luxe 1,000 Strong, outfits. Mr. and Mrs. William Travers Which Pictures Were Good In Florida of St. Thomas, Ontario, have the Sunny largest of the transport homes—a 30- foot trailer with three separate room*. There’s even a band M. L. Simp- Is son of Their “First Ten of the Year" Quite Satisfac- More De Luxe Outfits Vasar, Mich., a violinist, is its director. tory, but Some of tbe Balloting Is Difficult for Road in Evidence to Explain—“Barretts" in First Place. at Homecoming. • BY E. it 8. MELCHER, lr the Associated Frau. ARCADIA, Fla., January 1.—A! Is that day on which the Film Dally an- anticipated thousand disciples of the rolling road nounces its list of the 10 best pictures of the year. Four hundred and twenty-four reviewers throughout the land —the tin can tourist* of the world- THIShave sent in their votes and the results are as follows: are gathered for their annual home- “The Barretts of Wimpole Street,” "The House of Rothschild,” coming to sunny Florida. “It One “One of Love.” “Little Women.” Happened Night,” Night A steady stream of modern cara- “The Thin Man,” “Viva Villa,” “Dinner at Eight,” “Count of Monte * vans—latest model automobile houses Crlsto” and ‘‘Berkeley Square.” —pouring into the campground since before Christmas, continues to come. There are no surprises here except I is headed by Paul Asn. wno presents perhaps. “Berkeley Square." As fai I "Variety Revels of 1935.” Around tht world and back, in as we can remember, it did only ar "Forsaking All Other*,” In which mileage, they have been, these tire- average week when it played here ai Joan Crawford. Bob Montgomery and less wanderers. Now they are at the end of the annual circuit. Today the the Pox—and two or three peoph Clark Gable play at being “Winnie- wrote in and asked if it please might the-Poo," continues with flourishes at be explained to them what it was ai: | the Palace. about. If they had seen the play “It’s a Gift,” the W. C. Fields they should have known. They should : comedy at the Columbia, continues have known anyway. | there until Tuesday. After Tuesday The above 10 are. on the whole, ! nobody seems to know. No—not however, extraordinarily satisfactory j “Student Tour." Only we should have listed them this “The Church Mouse." screen version way: “The House of Rothschild," of the stage play, opens at the Metro- “It Happened One Night," “Little politan on Monday. Jackie Coogan’s Women." “One Night of Love." “The | "Home oil the Range" stays until that Barretts of Wimpole Street," “Dinner ; time. at Eight.” “Count of Monte Cristo." Hepburn in "The Little Minister” at “The Thin Man." “Viva Villa" and Keith's goes on and on and on. The “Berkeley Square." public likes it. Dollars to doughnuts, however, that If “Little Women" had been produced later in the season it would have won PLAY TOURNAMENT. first vote. Same way with "Roths- All drama groups in the District child." Same way with "It Hap- of Columbia are asked to note that >• Takeadoihof The Thin Mon'&'It One the Happened pened One Night." Reviewers have the period of registration for W When and uou have } here and //_ _ Night.'mix thorouqhlu '<}'otnalu*wall a curious habit of thinking that the 1935 one-act play tournament of the dkcu.’.ttit grandest New Year Girt in the world.! last good picture they have seen is District of Columbia closes Satur- the best. and all entries must i day. January 5. Current Theater Attraction* * * * * be in the office of the Community and Time of DUT In the added “honor roll," Center Department not later than: Showing. TRAWFO D M CABLE what an assorted jumbje of Monday morning, January 7, at 9 ____________________ opinions! Can there really be 42 o'clock. National—"Laburnum Orove,” at HohentMONTGOMERY reviewers who believe that “Cleo- The first 20 groups registering will 8:30 p.m. John Beal and Katharine patra" was one of the best films? be accepted for this year's prelimi- Hep- Belasro—"No More Ladies,” at are Can there be 28 who think likewise naries. w hich will open at Roosevelt today burn. left, the chief player* at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. in The Little which is dU Othm about “Affairs of Cellini"? Can there auditorium Tuesday. February 5. with Minister," I'xi&iffotfflkfflujf breaking all records at R-K-O CHAS. BUTTERWORTH BILLIE BURKE be 24 who said the same about “Her | preliminary performances also on R-K-0 Keith’*—"The Little Minis- -FRANCES DRAKE Keiths. At right, Wallace Beery Sweetheart"? And who and what February 7. 9, 12 and 14. The finals ter." at 11 am., 1:11, 3:22, 5:33, 7:44 and as they appear the dickens was "Her Sweetheart." will be held Saturday night. Febru- and 9:52 p.m. Adolph Menjou in "The Mighty Barnum,” one of Broadcast* Can 14 ary 16, also at Roosevelt auditorium. A11 Others," at a&Ln!'Toyland anyway? right-minded Palace—"Forsaking the season's most discussed films, sleuths rightfully persuade themselves The tournament is open to any 11:55 am., 2, 4:05, 6:10, 1:16 and which comes to Loews Fox to- that 13" adult dramatic club in “Operator was one of the | Washington j 10:20 p.m morrow. Below is the lncreaslnfly masterpieces of the year? And which has been recr*jnized as an or- Earle—"Bweet Adeline.” at 11 am.. popular Myrna Loy. who stars in worser" than all are there 10 ganizatlon by public performances really 1:35, 4:20. 7:05 and 9:50 p.m. Stage •'Broadway Bill," at the Earle. solid citizens of this U. S. A. who can within the year. Full informa- past shows at 12:35.3:25.6:10 and 8:55 p.m. work themselves up to such a fever tion regarding tournament rules may I Loew s Fox—“The President Van- pitch that they give one of their 10 be had at the Community Center De- 7:10 blue ribbons to "Caravan"? partment, Franklin Administration ishes.” at 11 am., 1:40, 4:20, and 9:50 shows at Tnere obviously are. The less said Building. Thirteenth and K streets. p.m. Stage 12:40, 6:15 and 8:55 about them the better. “Riptide," 3:20, p.m. WARNER BROS. I I which set a certain board Metropolitan — "Home on the censorship BAND CONCERT. Into a frenzy, got 17 votes, too. Range,” at 11 a.m„ 12:50, 2:40, 4:30, the United States Soldiers' Home 8:15 and 9:55 a a a a j By 6:20, p.m. Band Orchestra, this at 5:30 evening Columbia—"It’s a Olft,” at 12 noon, ance that marked the end of the Fall OF ALL the players the world over o'clock. In Hall. John S. WINTER TERM BEGINS. Stanley 2, 4, 6. 7:55 and 9 55 p.m. term. the Abbey P.ayers are M. Zimmermann. Anton founder of the Clif- probably bandmaster; at S. E. Cochran, The Clifford Brooke Is the most feted. When Tivoli—“The St. Louis Kid," 2:40, j Academy they open Polntner. associate leader: the 4:25, 6:15. 8 and 9:50 p.m. < ord Brooke Academy, announce* entirely professional. The faculty is their season here on Monday (for one March. “On the Frontier"... Arthur < of the Winter term of the composed of Maurice Oreet, director; week at the National with “The “Turandot" Ambassador—"The Painted Veil,” at ipenlng only) Overture, Lachner [ Mildred Coleman and Adelaide Hib- and the Stars" this will be Entr'acte. “A Serenade” Saint-Saens 6:15, 8 and 9:50 p.m. icademy January 14. As previously : Plough bard. Instructors; 8. E. Cochran and the for a -•- signal positive barrage of “Scherzo Opus 16 No. 2" Mendelssohn innounced, Mrs. Adelaide Hibbard, T. D. Bonneville, business executives. entertainments. Even before of Irish that. Potpourri songs, "The Sham- RUSSIAN PICTURE. lopular member of the National The- Mrs. Robert Brennan of 3842 Cathe- rock" Myddleton Ij A Russian "In the Land i iter Players, who has appeared here dral avenue will give a tea in their Characteristic, “Simpering Susan.” picture, PLAYERS AS GUESTS. honor. or nine has the The latest invitation comes Grey of the Soviets.” with explanatory sub- 1 Summers, joined National Theater TOMORROW j players appear- from President Lucia Hanna Hadley Waltz petite, “Song of the Chimes,” titles in will be shown at the 1 of the academy and will take English, acuity ing this week in J. B. Priestley's "La- of the District of Columbia League Parenteau Foreign Language Cinema in Pierce ; i i prominent part In the training of See Feature at of American Pen Women. After a bit Finale. “The Toastmaster”. Orth i burnum Grove" were guests of honor 10:30-l:15-4:10-7:00-9:55 Hall. Fifteen*! and Harvard streets. 1 ocal aspirants to the stage in the of juggling with the calendar this “The Star Spangled Banner." at luncheon today at the Willard at 8 will a Friday and Saturday evenings j term of the achool. worthy group give party Tues- orthcoming Hotel the o’clock. It consists of a series of given by English-speaking day evening at 11:30 o'clock at the An added department of the acad- Hotel.
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