Chapter 26: Status of Three-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Modelling Activities in the U.S. Geological Survey Donald Sweetkind1, Russell Graymer2, Debra Higley3, and Oliver Boyd4 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Denver Federal Center, Mail Stop 980 Denver, CO 80225 USA 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 973 Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA 3 U.S. Geological Survey, Central Energy Resources Science Center, Denver Federal Center, Mail Stop 939 Denver, CO 80225 USA 4 U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards, Northwest Region, 1711 Illinois Street Golden CO 80401 USA Sweetkind, D., Graymer, R., Higley, D., and Boyd, O. 2019. Status of three-dimensional geological mapping and modelling activities in the U.S. Geological Survey; Chapter 26 in 2019 Synopsis of Current Three-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Modelling in Geological Survey Organizations, K.E. MacCormack, R.C. Berg, H. Kessler, H.A.J. Russell, and L.H. Thorleifson (ed.), Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Special Report 112, p. 278–289. Introduction upon a similar status report of USGS rative work in the Water Mission 3D modelling activities of Jacobsen et Area, and the balance of the funding The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), al. (2011). supports work in the geological, bio- created in 1879, is the national geo- logical, and geographic sciences and logical survey for the United States Organizational Structure information delivery. The USGS and the sole science agency within its and Business Model workforce is approximately 9,000 dis- cabinet-level bureau, the Department tributed in three large centers (Reston, oftheInterior.TheUSGShasabroad In 2010, the USGS was organized Virginia; Denver, Colorado; San mission, including: serving the Nation into major topics, or Mission Areas, Francisco Bay area, California) and in by providing reliable scientific infor- that were aligned with the broad sci- numerous smaller science centers mation to describe and understand the ence themes outlined in a 10-year Bu- across the 50 states (Jacobsen et al. Earth; minimize loss of life and prop- reau-level Science Strategy (U.S. 2011). erty from natural disasters; manage Geological Survey, 2007): Land Re- water, biological, energy, and mineral sources, Core Science Systems Scientific work is organized into resources; and enhance and protect (which includes the National Cooper- “projects” run by principal investiga- quality of life. USGS scientific activi- ative Geologic Mapping Program), tors (PIs) who have significant lati- ties are organized around major top- Ecosystems, Energy and Minerals, tude in planning and conducting re- ics, or Mission Areas, aligned with Environmental Health, Natural Haz- search in accordance with Program- distinct science themes; three-dimen- ards, and Water Resources. At the level guidance, including acquisition sional (3D) modelling typically sup- same time, 10-year science strategies of the resources (e.g., equipment, ports research and project work were created for each of the USGS computers, software, and data) within a specific Mission Area. The Mission Areas and for the programs needed to carry out their studies. vastness, diversity, and complexity of focused on those topics (e.g., USGS 3D geological mapping efforts the geological landscape of the Evenson et al. 2013; Ferrero et al. typically occur on a project-by-pro- United States has resulted in the cre- 2013). ject basis, and 3D modelling activities ation of 3D geological framework are decentralized and spread across models that are local or regional in The annual USGS budget is approxi- USGS Mission Areas. The USGS scale; a National-scale 3D model is mately US$1 billion from federal ap- uses a myriad of 3D modelling and only beginning to evolve. This paper propriations. The bureau also receives visualization programs (Jacobsen et summarizes 3D geological modelling about US$500 million from outside al. 2011) due to the variety of 3D ap- at the USGS and does not discuss 3D entities such as other federal agencies, plications, the distributed nature of modelling that is conducted by other foreign governments, international scientific projects throughout USGS, Federal agencies, state geological sur- agencies, U.S. states, and local gov- and differences in scientific focus be- veys, academia, or industry within the ernment sources. More than half of tween Mission Areas. As a result, im- U.S. This paper updates and expands the outside funding supports collabo- plementing a single organization-wide AER/AGS Special Report 112 • 278 software platform is challenging and In areas of thick cover where bore- faces to help characterize complex perhaps not even desirable. hole data are sparse, much of the patterns of fault interactions and 3D region’s geology and mineral deformation (e.g., Plesch et al. 2007; Overview of 3D potential is poorly constrained and Nicholson et al. 2014). Crustal-scale Modelling Activities geophysical methods are a primary models for seismic hazard analysis in- means of developing a 3D subsurface corporate geology-based 3D seismic Within the Energy and Minerals Mis- representation. velocity models that are used to sion Area, a wide variety of 3D data model the propagation of seismic en- management, modelling, and visual- Within the Water Resources Mission ergy through the upper to middle ization tools are applied as part of re- Area, the USGS has conducted re- crust (e.g., McPhee et al. 2007, source assessments. In Energy, 3D gional hydrologic studies of principal Aagard et al. 2010). National scale geologic models are built as stand- aquifer systems (Figure 1) under the three-dimensional geophysical struc- alone research projects for reservoir Groundwater Resources Program ture based on knowledge of surface characterization and as geologic input (Reilly et al. 2008) and currently as and subsurface geologic variations to 4D pressure, volume, temperature part of the USGS National Water will assist with earthquake hazard risk models that are used in petroleum ge- Availability and Use Program assessment by supporting estimates of ology assessments to understand and (Evenson et al. 2018). Regional ground shaking in response to an delineate areas that are thermally ma- groundwater availability studies typi- earthquake (Boyd and Shah, 2018; ture for oil and gas generation, evalu- cally include a conceptualization of Shah and Boyd, 2018). For assess- ate timing of generation and migra- the hydrogeologic system, inventory ment of volcanic hazards, 3D models tion relative to tectonic events and of hydrologic data sets, and construc- of hydrothermal alteration and water trap formation, and determine vol- tion of a numerical simulation (e.g., content derived from airborne geo- umes of generated hydrocarbons for Faunt, 2009; Feinstein et al. 2010; physical data delineate zones suscep- each modelled petroleum source rock. Heilweil and Brooks, 2011; Brooks et tible to sector collapse of Cascade arc 3D data are released as grid files of al. 2014). Understanding of ground- volcanoes and subsequent destructive elevation and thickness, and 3D water flow systems is enhanced lahars (Finn et al. 2007; 2018) in ad- model files with model-viewing capa- through the development of 3D dition to mapping structure and bility (Higley et al. 2006; Higley, hydrogeologic framework models volume of volcanic products 2014; Hosford Schierer, 2007). Geo- produced as part of the regional study (Langenheim et al. 2016) and the thermal energy assessments increas- (e.g., Burns et al. 2011; Feinstein et magmatic system beneath Mono ingly use 3D geologic models in de- al. 2010) or created by the USGS Na- Basin (Peacock et al. 2015). veloping the structural framework to tional Cooperative Geologic Mapping locate intersections of faults at geo- Program or state geological surveys. Resources Allocated to thermal prospects. In Minerals, 3D These 3D framework models are pro- 3D Modelling Activities modelling includes 3D representation duced for regional water-availability of geophysically derived surfaces and assessments and are not intended to An estimated 50 to 100 people within forward modelling of geophysical be components of a national geologi- the USGS routinely or occasionally data to create 3D geologic models to cal model, yet are comparable in areal conduct geological 3D modelling ac- support mineral-resources assess- size to national-scale models pro- tivities. These scientists are dispersed ments and research. Recent emphasis duced by other national geological across the organization and 3D geo- on mineral commodities considered agencies (Figure 1; Table 1). At the logical mapping efforts occur on a critical to the economic and national groundwater basin scale, 3D model- project-by-project basis. A far greater security of the United States (Schulz ling activities focus on the thickness number of staff are able to visualize et al. 2017), particularly in areas bur- and extent of specific aquifers, the data in 3D, including the analysis and ied beneath glacial or Phanerozoic configuration of the basin, and the ge- use of airborne and ground-based cover, require extrapolating geologi- ometry of faults that affect the aqui- LiDAR and using animations, fly- cal mapping from the surface to fers (Pantea et al. 2011; Sweetkind, throughs, and data-discovery tools to depths greater than 1 km over large 2017; Page et al. 2018). help researchers conduct science and areas where little borehole informa- communicate results. tion exists. To extrapolate below Within the Hazards Mission Area, 3D ground, various geophysical datasets geologic modelling activities include Overview of Regional are integrated with surface geologic building geologically realistic fault- Geological Setting and borehole data to develop a 3D block models used for incorporating geologic model of the region (e.g., geology into hazard scenarios (e.g., The United States has a large variety Drenth et al. 2015; Finn et al. 2015). Phelps et al. 2008) and the develop- of geological terranes that record ment of crustal-scale 3D fault sur- more than 2 billion years of geologi- AER/AGS Special Report 112 • 279 Figure 1.
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