Third Session – Forty-Second Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Official Report (Hansard) Published under the authority of The Honourable Myrna Driedger Speaker Vol. LXXV No. 10 - 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 28, 2020 ISSN 0542-5492 MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Forty-Second Legislature Member Constituency Political Affiliation ADAMS, Danielle Thompson NDP ALTOMARE, Nello Transcona NDP ASAGWARA, Uzoma Union Station NDP BRAR, Diljeet Burrows NDP BUSHIE, Ian Keewatinook NDP CLARKE, Eileen, Hon. Agassiz PC COX, Cathy, Hon. Kildonan-River East PC CULLEN, Cliff, Hon. Spruce Woods PC DRIEDGER, Myrna, Hon. Roblin PC EICHLER, Ralph, Hon. Lakeside PC EWASKO, Wayne Lac du Bonnet PC FIELDING, Scott, Hon. Kirkfield Park PC FONTAINE, Nahanni St. Johns NDP FRIESEN, Cameron, Hon. Morden-Winkler PC GERRARD, Jon, Hon. River Heights Lib. GOERTZEN, Kelvin, Hon. Steinbach PC GORDON, Audrey Southdale PC GUENTER, Josh Borderland PC GUILLEMARD, Sarah, Hon. Fort Richmond PC HELWER, Reg, Hon. Brandon West PC ISLEIFSON, Len Brandon East PC JOHNSON, Derek Interlake-Gimli PC JOHNSTON, Scott Assiniboia PC KINEW, Wab Fort Rouge NDP LAGASSÉ, Bob Dawson Trail PC LAGIMODIERE, Alan Selkirk PC LAMONT, Dougald St. Boniface Lib. LAMOUREUX, Cindy Tyndall Park Lib. LATHLIN, Amanda The Pas-Kameesak NDP LINDSEY, Tom Flin Flon NDP MALOWAY, Jim Elmwood NDP MARCELINO, Malaya Notre Dame NDP MARTIN, Shannon McPhillips PC MOSES, Jamie St. Vital NDP MICHALESKI, Brad Dauphin PC MICKLEFIELD, Andrew Rossmere PC MORLEY-LECOMTE, Janice Seine River PC NAYLOR, Lisa Wolseley NDP NESBITT, Greg Riding Mountain PC PALLISTER, Brian, Hon. Fort Whyte PC PEDERSEN, Blaine, Hon. Midland PC PIWNIUK, Doyle Turtle Mountain PC REYES, Jon Waverley PC SALA, Adrien St. James NDP SANDHU, Mintu The Maples NDP SCHULER, Ron, Hon. Springfield-Ritchot PC SMITH, Andrew Lagimodière PC SMITH, Bernadette Point Douglas NDP SMOOK, Dennis La Vérendrye PC SQUIRES, Rochelle, Hon. Riel PC STEFANSON, Heather, Hon. Tuxedo PC TEITSMA, James Radisson PC WASYLIW, Mark Fort Garry NDP WHARTON, Jeff, Hon. Red River North PC WIEBE, Matt Concordia NDP WISHART, Ian Portage la Prairie PC WOWCHUK, Rick Swan River PC 331 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Wednesday, October 28, 2020 The House met at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Sala: Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the member for Fort Rouge, that Bill 203 be now read for Madam Speaker: O Eternal and Almighty God, from a first time. Whom all power and wisdom come, we are assembled here before Thee to frame such laws as may tend to Madam Speaker: It has been moved by the the welfare and prosperity of our province. Grant, honourable member for St. James, seconded by O merciful God, we pray Thee, that we may desire the honourable member for Fort Rouge, that Bill 203, only that which is in accordance with Thy will, that The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Referendum we may seek it with wisdom and know it with Before Privatization of Subsidiary), be now read a certainty and accomplish it perfectly for the glory and first time. honour of Thy name and for the welfare of all our Mr. Sala: Apologize for the troubles. people. Amen. I rise today to introduce Bill 203, The Manitoba Please be seated. Hydro Amendment Act for the referendum before ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS privatization of subsidiary. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Manitobans over generations have invested in Manitoba Hydro. It is our most important Crown Bill 203–The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act corporation, but is under threat. The Premier (Referendum Before Privatization of Subsidiary) (Mr. Pallister) of our province is committed to Mr. Adrien Sala (St. James): I rise today to breaking up and selling off pieces of Manitoba Hydro, introduce Bill 203, The Manitoba Hydro Amendment as he's already done one month ago. Act. It's the referendum before privatization– We believe that it's wrong and that all Manitobans deserve a say before any part of Hydro is privatized. Madam Speaker: The member first needs to move This bill would require a referendum before any part the motion and have a seconder. So: I move, seconded of our Crown is privatized because all Manitobans by. should have a say before this Crown is broken up and Mr. Sala: I move, seconded by the member for Fort sold off. Rouge (Mr. Kinew)– I look forward to debating this bill in the House as soon as possible, and I look forward to the support Madam Speaker: The member–seconder has to be of all members for this bill. sitting in the chair and he now is. Madam Speaker: Is it the pleasure of the House to The honourable member for St. James, if you adopt the motion? [Agreed] would like to start over. Committee reports? Tabling of reports? Mr. Sala: I rise today to introduce bill– Ministerial statements? Madam Speaker: No. Oh, I would indicate that the MEMBERS' STATEMENTS member may not have the wording of the motion Dalip Shekhawat before him. Hon. Rochelle Squires (Minister of Municipal We're just going to pause for one moment and we Relations): I rise today to recognize and honour a will ensure that the member has the wording sent remarkable man who lives in my constituency of Riel. to him. The moderator is sending the member the Dalip Shekhawat is a dedicated special education wording in the chat, so I'd ask the member to look at teacher at St. Amant School, where he gives his heart the chat, and first he would move and second it, and soul to caring for some of the most vulnerable I would acknowledge it and then the member can people in our community. speak to his first reading. Dalip is also someone who follows his dreams So, when he's ready. with great passion, and in doing so has learned how to 332 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA October 28, 2020 overcome barriers and reach new horizons, namely respect of measures that may be taken to recognize the summit of Mount Everest. the internment, including the installation of com- memorative plaques as well as public education On May 16th, 2019, after four days of a gruelling initiatives. ascent in freezing temperatures and wild winds, Dalip summited the highest peak in the world. He Many lives and families have been touched by conquered the mountain as part of his dream, but this shameful period of Canadian history. The legacy also to raise money for the St. Amant Foundation, of internment camps in Canada has had a lasting which provides resources for Manitobans with impact on the Ukrainian community here in Manitoba. developmental disabilities and autism. On his climb, There were two internment camps in Manitoba: one in he carried a St. Amant flag, as well as a flag for the Winnipeg and one in Brandon, both of which operated Royal Winnipeg Rifles, a reserve infantry regime of between 1914 and 1916. the Canadian Forces to which he belongs. These families were stripped of what little In the process of training for his climb, Dalip wealth they had, forced to do heavy labour, were developed a passion for running and noticed its disenfranchised and subjected to other state sanctions remarkable health benefits. He wanted to encourage and censors, not because of anything they had done and bring others with him on his journey towards but only because of where they had come from and achieving better mental and physical well-being. That who they were. was how the Rising Runners community group got its start. * (13:40) On Tuesdays and Saturdays, you will find them This treatment of Manitobans is inexcusable, and running together–but safely apart for social we must continue to do more to recognize these distancing–achieving new heights and breaking terrible mistakes of the past and acknowledge the boundaries. During one particular run, this amazing ramifications on the present. The most important group ran over to the Bishop Grandin Greenway lesson history can teach us is that there is no us versus where they spent an entire day removing garbage and them; there is only all of us together as our province beautifying this natural greenspace in our community. recovers to be stronger, more equitable, more sustainable, than it was before. Dalip also completed his goal of running 700 kilometres in support of the Wounded Warriors I hope all Manitobans will commemorate of Canada, a national mental health service provider National Internment Education Day by learning about that utilizes evidence-based care in support of the history and legacy of internment camps in veterans, first responders and their families. This is Manitoba. Thank you. further evidence of Dalip's amazing community spirit. Bob Cunningham Madam Speaker, as the MLA for Riel, I am very proud to honour my friend Dalip and recognize his Hon. Scott Fielding (Minister of Finance): Today amazing achievements. it's my privilege to recognize long-time Kirkfield Park constituent and recipient of the 2020 Grace Hospital Thank you. Foundation's Pearl McGonigal Lifetime Achievement National Internment Education Day Award, Bob Cunningham. Mr. Mark Wasyliw (Fort Garry): Madam Speaker, Established in 2019, the Pearl McGonigal Award today is National Internment Education Day. From honours the individual or group for outstanding 1914 to 1920, Canada incarcerated 8,579 people as contributions to the Grace Hospital and our com- enemy aliens. Many communities were affected, but munity at large. Bob has been an active supporter, a most were Ukrainian-Canadian civilians. They were donor, as well as a volunteer at the Grace Hospital issued with identity papers that had to be carried at all Foundation since its inception in 1991. times, the penalty for non-compliance being arrest and In 2016 Bob's vision led perhaps to the Grace possible imprisonment.
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