January 19, 2014 Think Green 50¢ Recycle Volume 88, No. 2 Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital Witnesses to life ’’ Advocates rally for the unborn TTODAYODAYSS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Pages 8-14 New cardinals named Bishop declares Our Lady of Lourdes Formal induction set Feb. 22 Page 3 as Marian patron Indiana Catholic Conference This year’s session and preschool vouchers Pages 4-5 Babies baptized Pope encourages motherhood, family Page 6 Novena for Life U.S. bishops encourage prayers Page 11 Blessing St. Jude Church stations Page 20 KEVIN HAGGENJOS Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades gathers with Principal Carl Loesch, chaplain Father Chris Lapp and student leaders of Marian High School at a Jan. 9 pastoral visit. Feasibility study Bishop names patron saints considers Catholic for all diocesan high schools BY TRISH LINNER first apparition appeared to her in the cave of middle/high school Massabielle while she was gathering firewood with her sister and a family friend on Feb. 11, MISHAWAKA —Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades 1858. Our Lady appeared in center of diocese made his first pastoral visit of the new year to to Bernadette 18 times dur- Marian High School on Thursday, Jan. 9, to cel- ing that year. Numerous BY ANN CAREY ebrate Mass, visit with students and faculty and See Bishop healings also were cred- announce the new patron saint — Our Lady of Rhoades’ column, ited to the spring water that NOTRE DAME — Would a Catholic middle and Lourdes — for the Mishawaka school. In Truth and Bernadette found after Our high school be feasible for the center of the Diocese Bishop Rhoades will be visiting all four dioc- Charity, page 2 Lady instructed her to dig in of Fort Wayne-South Bend? A consulting group at esan Catholic high schools to announce the patron the ground. Bernadette was the request of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades is studying saint at each school. “This is something I have later canonized as a saint. In that question. thought about for a long time. I am excited about 1862, Pope Pius IX autho- The diocese currently has four Catholic high what this will mean for the students,” Bishop rized Bishop Bertrand-Sévère Laurence to permit schools: two in Fort Wayne and two in South Bend. Rhoades said. the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in There is no Catholic high school in the center of the Our Lady of Lourdes is a title of the Blessed Lourdes. diocese, and only one of the Catholic grade schools Mother in honor of the apparitions witnessed by Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peas- STUDY, PAGE 7 ant girl from the nearby village of Lourdes. The MARIAN, PAGE 20 2 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC January 19, 2014 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Patron saints Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades for our diocesan high schools EDITOR: Tim Johnson NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH Editorial Department PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan AND FREELANCE WRITERS: Ann Carey, Michelle CHARITY Castleman, Karen Clifford, Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Freeby, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Jodi Magallanes, Joe Kozinski, Vince ach year, I thoroughly enjoy my official LaBarbera and Deb Wagner Evisits to our wonderful four diocesan high schools. I also enjoy “un-official” visits Business Department for various events. I try to visit Saint Joseph BUSINESS MANAGER: Sean McBride High School in South Bend on March 19th AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber every year, the feast of the school’s patron, BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol Saint Joseph. It is a special day of celebra- [email protected] tion there. I have been thinking for some time that it would be good for each of our Advertising Sales high schools to have a patron saint and feast day. I have decided, after consultation with Tess Steffen the principals, to name patron saints for all (260) 456-2824 the high schools. The titles of the schools remain the same. Of course, Saint Joseph is the patron Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org saint of Saint Joseph High School. Both the name of the school and the title of the BISHOP DWENGER HIGH SCHOOL, QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL, ST. JOSEPH Published weekly except second chapel is “Saint Joseph.” I believe that the Sunday of January; and every other devotion of the Holy Cross Brothers, who week from the fourth Sunday in originally staffed the high school, to Saint June through the middle Sunday Joseph influenced the naming of the school. of September; and last Sunday in The feast day of the high school, therefore, December by the Diocese of Fort is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Husband of Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun th St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Mary, on March 19 . Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, It is clear that the patron saint of Marian IN, and additional mailing office. High School is the Blessed Virgin Mary, since the title of the school is “Marian.” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: However, the school is not named with any Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort particular title of Mary nor does the school Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or email: have a particular patronal feast day. I have, [email protected]. therefore, decided to designate Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Lourdes, as the MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort patron of Marian High School. The feast day Wayne, IN 46802. Telephone (260) of the high school will be celebrated each 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. year on February 11th, the Memorial of Our BUREAU OFFICE: 1328 Dragoon Trail, Lady of Lourdes. I have seen the wonderful Mishawaka, IN 46544. Telephone (260) 456-2824. Fax (260) 744-1473. devotion of young people to Our Lady of Lourdes, particularly at World Youth Day News deadline is the Monday morning a few years ago when we spent a few days before publication date. Advertising in Lourdes prior to the event in Madrid. deadline is nine days before publica- Saint Bernadette, a teenager when Our Lady tion date. appeared to her, is a wonderful example for our youth. Today’s Catholic may be reached at : Bishop Luers High School was originally MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL, OUR LADY OF LOURDES BISHOP LUERS HIGH SCHOOL, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Today’s Catholic, staffed by the Franciscan Order. The com- P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN munity has always had a special devotion 46856-1169; or email: to Saint Francis of Assisi, therefore, I have the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. faithfully followed Christ is to be inspired [email protected] decided to designate Saint Francis of Assisi The new chapel, presently being planned, with a new reason for seeking the city which ISSN 0891-1533 as the patron of Bishop Luers High School. will also have the title of “Queen of All is to come, while at the same time we are USPS 403630 The feast day of Bishop Luers High School Saints.” taught to know a most safe path by which will be celebrated each year on October 4th, I am designating these patrons for our … we will be able to arrive at perfect union the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi. The high schools in order to promote the venera- with Christ, that is, holiness. God shows to new chapel, presently being planned, will also tion of these wonderful saints and also to us, in a vivid way, his presence and his face have the title of Saint Francis of Assisi. The implore their intercession for our high school in the lives of those companions of ours in popular Saint Francis is an ideal role model communities. The veneration of the saints the human condition who are more perfectly for our young people who inspires all to live fosters our sanctification and growth in holi- transformed into the image of Christ. He the Gospel of Jesus in simplicity and humility. ness. Their example helps us in living the speaks to us in them and offers us a sign of Find us on Facebook! Bishop Dwenger High School students Christian life. I also think it is good that the this kingdom, to which we are powerfully www.facebook.com/diocesefwsb and teams are called “the Saints.” I have high schools have a patronal feast day, as attracted, so great a cloud of witnesses is decided, therefore, to designate the Blessed Saint Joseph High School does, in order to there given and such a witness to the truth of Virgin Mary, under the title Queen of All celebrate their Catholic identity in a special the Gospel. (Lumen Gentium #50) Saints, as the patron of Bishop Dwenger way each year. May Saint Joseph, Our Lady of Lourdes, High School. The feast day of Bishop It is good to remember the following words Saint Francis of Assisi, and Our Lady, Follow us on Twitter! Dwenger High School will be celebrated of the Second Vatican Council about the saints: Queen of All Saints, intercede for us and our @diocesefwsb each year on August 22nd, the Memorial of To look on the life of those who have Catholic high school communities! January 19, 2014 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC 3 Pastor resigns after allegation Public Schedule of of sexual abuse of minor biShoP Kevin c. RhoadeS Father James Seculoff, pastor of Saint Patrick Parish in Walkerton, has resigned from the office of pastor after being accused of sexual abuse of a minor, alleged to have taken place approximately 44 years ago.
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