Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/22159 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Pederson, Randall James Title: Unity in diversity : English puritans and the puritan reformation, 1603-1689 Issue Date: 2013-11-07 Bibliography Primary Sources Adams, Thomas. A Commentary or Exposition Vpon the Diuine Second Epistle Generall, Written by the Blessed Apostle St. Peter. London, 1633. Airay, Henry. Lectures Upon the Whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians. London, 1618. Anonymous. Charity Mistaken, with the Want Whereof Catholickes Are Vniustly Charged: for Affirming, as They Do with Grief, that Protestancy Vnreprented Destrois Salvation. 1630. Ambrose, Isaac. Prima, Media, and Ultima: The First, Middle, and Last Things, in Three Treatises. London, 1657. Ames, William. The Marrow of Sacred Divinity. London, 1623. Baillie, Robert. The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, 1637-1662. Edited by David Laing. 3 vols. 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A Conciliatory Discourse upon Crisp’s Sermons, on the Observation of Mr. Williams’s Dissatisfactions in Them. London, 1692. _____. A Conciliatory Judgment Concerning Dr. Crisp’s Sermons, and Mr. Baxter’s Dissatisfactions in Them. London, 1690. Bernard, Nicholas. The Life and Death of the Most Reverend and Learned Father of Our Church, Dr. James Usher, Late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of All Ireland. London: Printed by E. Tyler, 1656. Bunyan, John. The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded and I Will Pray With the Spirit. Edited by Roger Sharrock. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976. Burgess, Anthony. The True Doctrine of Justification Asserted and Vindicated. London, 1644. Burgess, Cornelius. No Sacrilege Nor Sinne To Aliene or Purchase the Lands of Bishops or Others, Whose Offices are Abolished. London, 1659. Calamy, Edmund. Two Solemne Covenants made Between God and Man: That is, the Covenant of Workes and the Covenant of Grace. London, 1647. Cartwright, Thomas. A Second Replie. London, 1575. Clarkson, Laurence. The Lost Sheep Found: or, The Prodigal Returned to his Father’s House. London, 1660. Chauncy, Isaac. Neonomianism Unmask’d: or, The Ancient Gospel Pleaded. London, 1692. Crisp, Samuel. Christ Made Sin: 2 Cor. 5:21 Evinced from Scripture, Upon Occasion of an Exception Taken at Pinners-hall, 28 January 1689, at Reprinting the Sermons of Dr. Tobias Crisp. London, 1691. 240 Crisp, Tobias. Christ alone exalted in fourteen sermons preached in and neere London, / by the late Reverend Tobias Crispe...As they were taken from his own mouth in shortwriting, whereof severall copies were diligently compared together...And published for the satisfaction and comfort of Gods people. London, 1644. _____. Christ Alone Exalted being the Compleat Works of Tobias Crisp, D.D., Containing XLII Sermons…which were Formerly Printed in Three Small Volumes…to which is Now Added Ten Sermons, Whereof Eight Were Never Before Printed Faithfully Transcribed from His Own Notes, which is All That Will Ever Be Printed of the Said Doctor’s. London, 1690. Culverwell, Ezekiel. A Treatise of Faith: Wherein is Declared How a Man May Live By Faith, and Find Releefe in All His Necessaries. Applied Especially unto the Use of the Weakest Christians. London, 1623. Dering, Edward. A Sermon Preached Before the Queens Maiestie. Awdely, 1569. Donne, John. The Works of John Donne, D.D., Dean of Saint Paul’s 1621-1641. Edited by Henry Alford. 6 vols. London: John W. Parker, 1839. Downame, George. A Godly and Learned Treatise of Prayer. London, 1640. Downame, John. Additional annotations or, A collection of all the several additions to the third (above the first and second) impression of that most excellent work, intituled, annotations upon all the books of the Old and New Testament. By the labour of certain learned divines, thereunto appointed, by authority of Parliament. Published for the ease and benefit of th[ose] [w]ho have already bought the former impressions; with directions at the end of the preface, for the more ready finding where these additions should be inserted in the greater volume, to supply what is wanting therein. London, 1658. _____. Annotations upon all the books of the Old and New Testament wherein the text is explained, doubts resolved, Scriptures parallelled and various readings observed / by the joynt-labour of certain learned divines, thereunto appointed, and therein employed, as is expressed in the preface. London, 1645. _____. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein conteined [and] carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. John Downame. London, 1630. _____. The Christian warfare against the Deuill world and flesh wherein is described their nature, the maner of their fight and meanes to obtaine victorye. London, 1634. _____. A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word. London, 1622. _____. Lectures vpon the foure first chapters of the prophecie of Hosea Wherein the text is exponded and cleered, and such profitable instructions obserued, and applied, as naturally arise out of this holie Scripture, and are fit for these times. By Iohn Dovvname Bacheler in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. London, 1608. _____. The Plea of the Poore; Or, A Treatise of Beneficence and Alms-Deeds. London, 1616. Durham, William. The Life and Death of…Robert Harris, D.D. London, 1662. Dury, John. The Earnest Breathings of Foreign Protestants, Divines and Others to the Ministers and Other Able Christians of These Three Nations for a Compleat Body of Practicall Divinity. London, 1658. Eaton, John. The Honey-combe of Free Justification by Christ Alone. London, 1642. Edwards, Thomas. The First and Second Part of Gangraena: Or, A Catalogue and Discovery of Many of the Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies and Pernicious Practices of the Sectaries of This Time, Vented and Acted in England in These Four Last Yeers. London, 1646. 241 Eyre, William. Vindiciae Justificationis Gratuitae. London, 1654. Finch, Henry. The Summe of sacred Diuinitie, First Briefly and Methodically Propounded and then More Largly and Cleerely Handled and Explaned, Edited by John Downame. London, 1620. _____. The Worlds Great Restauration; Or, The Calling of the Jewes, and (with them) of all the Nations and Kingdomes of the Earth, to the Faith of Christ. London, 1621. Gataker, Thomas. God’s Eye on His Israel. London, 1645. Geree, John. The Character of an Old English Puritan. London, 1646. Geree, Stephen. The Doctrine of the Antinomians by Evidence of Gods Truth, Plainly Confuted in An Answer to Divers and Dangerous Doctrines in the Seven Frist Sermons of Dr. Crisps Fourteen, which Were First Published. London, 1644. Goodwin, John. Redemption Redeemed. London, 1651. Gouge, William. A Learned and Very Useful Commentary on the Whole Epistle to the Hebrews. London, 1655. Greenhill, William. An Exposition of the Five First Chapters of the Prophet Ezekiel. London, 1645. Hall, Joseph. Christ’s Mystical; Or, the Blessed Union of Christ and His Members. London, 1647. _____. Revelation Unrevealed: Concerning the Thousand Yeares Reigne of the Saints with Christ upon Earth. London, 1650. Hartlib, Samuel. The True and Readie Way to Learne the Latin Tongue. London, 1654. Jenkyn, William. An Exposition of the Epistle of Jude. London, 1652. Leigh, Edward. A Systeme or Body of Divinity, Consisting of Ten Books. London, 1654. Montagu, Richard. Appello Caesarem. A Just Appeale from Two Unjust Informers. 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