Portsea Island East Hampshire Fareham Gosport Specialty Consultants SMH QAH SJH BAT KIN CAV EHC ACO CDC EGU PFH HHC PWC W’Ville CHC HIHC DW FHC OSB MEA OV BLS SCH AVA PHC SYL GWM GHC HEW FR LHC ELDERLY Dr. A. Lord 10 HEALTH Dr. M. Bacon 2 Dr. Reid 4 Dr. R. Logan 6 Dr. D. Jarrett 7 5 Dr. Tandy 7 Dr. Pullyel 8 Dr A. Ravindrane 2 ~,DULT Dr. E. Caesar 9 MENTAL Dr. J.S.Jameson 11 HEALTH Dr K. Ostler 12 Dr. Rodin 3 3 Dr. Viewig 6 Dr. Sinclair 4 8 Dr. Millward Sadler 8 Dr. N. Renton 6 Dr. B Adam 5 Dr M. Slaney Dr. C. Shawcross 0 7 0 Dr. R.G. Poison 4 Dr. Bradbeer 0 Dr T. Walmsley 4 ELDERLY Dr. C. A. Trotter 3 MENTAL Dr. L. Hardwick 6 HEALTH Dr. J. Daoud 0 0 0 Dr. V. Samaruntunga 4 0 Dr. R. Lusznat 0 0 0 0 Dr. H. Meats 0 Dr. Banks 0 0 0 0 Dr Brown 3 ~J-COHOL Dr. Bradbeer 1 Dr. R, Poison 1 Dr P. Fleming 0 DRUGS Dr, Bradbeer 1 Dr. R, Poison 1 Dr P. Fleming 0 EATING Dr. B. Adams 0 DISORDERS 11110/01 OUTPAT.XLS Po~sea Island East Hampshire Fareham Gosport Specialty Consultants SMH QAH SJH BAT KIN CAV EHC ACO CDC EGU I PFH HHC PWC W’Ville CHC HIHC DW FHC OSB MEA OV BLS SCH AVA PHC SYL GWM GHC HEW FR CHILD LHC IDr,L. Grefen ’ 28 AND IDr.J. Prosser 6 6 FAMILY Dr.K. Stevenson 7 THERAPY :Dr.Z. Bhatti 7’ Dr. N. Swanson 6 COMM Dr.K.Venkat-Rahman 6 PAEDS Paeds Out Patient 6 Dr. H. Coleman 9 9 Dr. C. Laidlaw 0 2 3 9 Dr. H, Daley 6 FAMILY M&F Stedl.Csslg 6 SERVICES VAS Ops 10 7 10 PMS Clinic 10 Psychosexual 15 Menopause Clinic (HRT) 9 6 5 7 KEY SMH St.Marys Hospital OSB Osbom Clinic QAH Queen Alexandra Hos HEW Hewat House GWM Gosport War Mem. Hos MEA Meadows PFH Petersfield Hospital KIN Kingsway House SJH St. James Hospital CAV Cavendlsh House Clinic BAT Battenburg Avenue Clinic EHC Eastney Health Centre HHC Havant Health Centre ACO Acorn Lodge PWC PaW, Way Centre OV Old Vicarage FHC Fareham Health Centre CDC Child Development Centre GHC Gosport Health Centre EGU Ella Gordon Unit W’ville Watedooville Health Centre CHC Cesham Health Centre HIHC Hayltng Island Health Centre BLS Brook Lane Surgery SCH St Chdstophers Hospital PHC Portchestar HC AVA Avalon Centre DW Orion Centre Dunsbury Way FR Forton Road Surgery LHC Lee Health Centre MER Medin Centre SYL Sylvan OP’s DUN Dunsbury Way PHC Portchestar HC NB. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. Please note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative only. Some waiting times represent Trust Wide services 11/1o/01 OUTPAT.XLS SOH800032-0003 WAITING TIME TO NEXT NUMBER OF PATIENTS WAITING TO NUMBER OF REFERRALS RECEIVEr SITES AVAILABLE APPOINTMENT BE SEEN DURING THE MONTH URGENT ROUTINE URGENT ROUTINE GOSPORT GOSPORT W.M.H. Outpatients 41 6O 478 123 93 FAREHAM HILL PARK CLINIC Outpatients 26 191 240 PORTCHESTER H.C. Outpatients 12 8O 38 EAST HAMPSHIRE VICTORIA COTTAGE HOS. EMSWORTH Outpatients 58 72 PETERSFIELD HOSPITAL Outpatients 17 173 120 WATERLOOVILLE H.C. Outpatients 52 77 HAYLING ISLAND H.C.} HAVANT H.C. } Outpatients 144 174 Community Rehab Team (CRT) NB. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. IPlease note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative only. lSome waiting times represent Trust Wide services 11/10/01 OUTPAT.XLS/PT PHCT SOH800032-0004 Physiotherapy/ Outpatients SMH Clinic Specific Maximum Waiting Times 21 lO Number of Patients Waiting for Initial Appointment Less 226 607 Than 13 Weeks Number of Patients Waiting for Initial Appointment Over 67 13 Weeks 0 Number of Patients Waiting for Initial Appointment Over o 0 26 Weeks Clinic Specific Average Waiting Times n/a 6 Number of Referrals Received In The Month - Urgent 254 185 Number of Referrals Received In The Month -. Routine 63 448 Ratio of UrgentJRoutine Referrals Received In The o4:01 Month 01:03 Clinic Specific DNA - Initial 28 106 Clinic Specific DNA- Follow Up 113 213 NB. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. Please note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative only. Some waiting times represent Trust Wide services 11/10/01 OUTPAT.XLS/PT PHT " SOH800032-0005 SITES WAITING TIME TO NEXT NUMBER OF PATIENTS NUMBER OF REFERRALS AVAILABLE APPOINTMENT WAITING TO BE SEEN RECEIVED DURING THE MONT~ :~ORTSMOUTH CITY ~ult Mental Health .~avendish House 6 12 12 ~.com Lodge 8 5 3 ;entral Team (St. James) 8 3 3 :~UEEN ALEXANDRA 4euro Outpatients 0 0 0 "rauma Hand Patients 2 5 43 ~,A. Outpatients 7 14 21 ~ain 0 0 0 :AST HAMPSHIRE kdult Mental Health lavant Community Mental Health Team 2 5 8 layling Community Mental Health Team 0 3 4 Vatedooville Community Mental Health Team 0 6 4 ’etersfield Community Mental Health Team o 3 1 )T Outpatients 45 8O ~OSPORT iosport W.M.H ~omicilliary Visits 3 2 15 ~utpatients 8 2 4 dult Mental Health iewatt House :AREHAM dult Mental Health ,sbom Clinic NB. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. Please note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative only. I Some waiting times represent Trust Wide serv ces 11/10/01 OUTPAT.XLS/OT SOH800032-0006 Primary Care Group Site New Patients Existing Patients Waiting Time in weeks Number of patients Waiting Time in weeks EAST HAMPSHIRE Denmead Health Centre 4 8 4 Dunsbur,/Wa~/Clinic 12 32 4 Havant Health Centre 22 242 4 Hayling Island Health centre 8 55 4 Petersfield Hospital 5 42 4 Victoria Cottage Hospital 8 7 4 Waterlooville Health Centre 20 177 4 FAREHAM Fareham Health Centre 6 39 3 Portchester Health Centre 14 23 2 Sylvan Outpatients 10 30 4 GOSPORT iGosport Health Centre 14 149 6 Lee on Solent Health Centre 10 26 2 PORTSMOUTH CITY Battenburg Ave Clinic 22 109 6 Cosham Health Centre 25 80 4 Eastne~/Health Centre 4 82 8 Lake Road Health Centre 5 150 5 Paulsgrove Clinic 25 19 2 Portsea Clinic 3 1 3 Somers Town Health Centre 2 11 3 DISTRICT WIDE SERVICES Child Development Centre 8 40 5 Q.A.H. Nail Surger~ 5 49 0 Communit~ Rehab Team (CRT) Rheumatology-SJH 42 TERTIARY REFERRAL SERVICE Battenbur,q Avenue Clinic Biomechanics 14 86 4 Cosham Health Centre Biomechanics 31 284 2 NB. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. IPlease note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative i only. Some waiting times represent Trust Wide services 11/10/01 OUTPAT.XLS/Podlal~ SOH800032-0007 Number of patients waiting for Initial appointment: H&P CITY F&G Total Less than 13 Weeks - ADHD GP Referral 7 2 8 17 Other Referral 4 2 2 8 Less than 13 Weeks - NONoADHD GP Referral 6 4 32 42 Other Referral 8 3 12 23 13 - 26 Weeks - ADHD GP Referral 5 0 0 0 Other Referral 4 0 0 4 13 - 26 Weeks - NON-ADHD GP Referral 2 0 0 0 Other Referral 3 0 0 0 ~)ver 26 Weeks - ADHD GP Referral 1 0 0 1 Other Referral 1 0 0 1 ~)ver 26 Weeks - NON-ADHD GP Referral 0 0 0 0 Other Referral 0 0 0 0 ,,taximum Waiting Time ADHD 28 6 6 4O NON ADHD 26 7 0 33 werage Waiting Time ADHD 0 0 6 6 NON ADHD 0 0 0 0 dumber of Urgent GP referrals received in the month ADHD 0 0 5 5 NON ADHD 3 1 15 19 ~umber of Routine GP referrals received in the month ADHD 11 0 3 14 NON ADHD 10 15 17 42 lumber of Other Urgent referrals received in the month ADHD 0 1 2 3 NON ADHD 4 10 6 2O lumber of Other Routine referrals received in the month ADHD 0 1 0 NON ADHD 4 6 6 16 ’otal Number of referrals received in the month 38 34 54 126 % of Urgent to Routine referrals received in the month O% 0% 50% 5O% Oral Number of Re-Referrals received in the month 11 12 18 41 lumber of Referrals ccepted 16 23 30 69 ,’turned to referrer 1 0 7 8 waiting more information 8 2 6 16 ;ferred to Medin 0 3 0 3 ,=ferrred to Brookvale 0 0 0 0 ~ferred to PMHW 2 4 10 16 ;ferred to Other 0 2 1 3 umber of Consultant DNA’s for irst Appointment 1 0 o 1 ~llow up Appointment 4 1 12 17 dreary Mental Health Teams verage Waiting Time 5 6 6 ~ngest Waiting time 7 8 9 !B. These are an indication of the ROUTINE waiting times. Any patient requiring URGENT treatment will be seen appropriately. lease note that sites have been grouped into localities broadly based around PCG boundaries. These are indicative only. Some ~aiting times represent Trust Wide services 11/10/01 OUTPAT.XLS/CFT SOH800032-0008 WAITING TIME FOR NUMBER OF NUMBER OF WAITING TIME NUMBER OF SITES INITIAL PATIENTS WAITING REFERRALS RECEIVED FOR PATIENTS WAITING APPOINTMENT TO BE SEEN DURING THE MONTH TREATMENT FOR TREATMENT GOSPORT aaediatrics 3osport Health Centre 6 1 6 30 8 .ee on Solent Health Centre 6 3 4 0 0 :~owner Health Centre 6 o 3 0 0 ~,dults .~osport War Memorial Hos :AREHAM =aedlatrlcs :areham Health Centre 6 o 8 11 2 =ortchester Health Centre 6 2 2 o 0 ]ighlands Medical Centre 6 0 2 o 0 ~,dults It.
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