Campaign Eylau-Friedland Scenario and Campaign List - Introduction List Comments Campaign Eylau-Friedland includes 4 campaign files, 21 historical battles (or actions) and over 200 scenarios that are in the main folder. This also includes Bonus, select campaign scenarios and also 15 min turn format scenarios. The players should note that the scenario file name lists whether a scenario is HTH - Head to Head or SOLO - meaning that it has AI scripts and can be played against the program. There were several HTH scenarios in the game which because of their complexity do not have a Solo counterpart. Others were simplified to allow for a more balanced situation when converted to a Solo setting. Three design scenarios are included for Scenarios Designers to use as well as those that would like to see all of the uniforms for the soldiers for this time period. They show the layout of the images that are part of the game. Key to the List Each scenario has a filename, scenario name and amount of turns on each line. Filename - has a number, the name of the action/battle and whether it is a Head to Head (HTH) or Solo (SOLO) scenario. If the scenario is a variant then the letter V followed by a number is listed after the name of the action/battle. Examples: Filename Title 021_Golymin-H_HTH.scn 021. The Battle of Golymin FB-Full Battle, H-Historical, HTH-meant for Head to Head play 075_Eylau_SG3-H_HTH.scn 075. Eylau: Murat's Charge SG-A segment of the full battle, H-Historical, SOLO-meant for Solo play Other abbreviations: V-Variant (V1, V2, etc) V1-1st Variant of the historical scenario 1D-1st Day of the battle, 2D-2nd Day (etc) LS - Later Start (note: does not mean that the battle started later - basically a shorter full battle situation) Bonus - Bonus scenario Camp - Campaign scenario Order of Battle Review Scenarios See the OB_View folder No listing is provided for these scenarios. One was included for every OB file in the game. Use the Scenario Editor or Main Program to open these files. If you use the Scenario Editor make sure you do not save the file if prompted to do so. Do not use Fog of War if you use the Main Program. Campaign Eylau-Friedland - Campaigns List Name/Filename Description 1. The 1806-07 Polish Campaign The complete 1806-07 campaign in Poland Campaign.cpd 2. The 1806-07 Winter Polish Campaign The 1806-07 Winter campaign in Poland Campaign-1806-07-Winter.cpd 3. The 1807 Spring Polish Campaign The 1807 Spring campaign in Poland Campaign-1807-Spring.cpd 4. The 1807 Spring Polish Campaign (Variant) The 1807 Spring campaign in Poland had the Russians remained Campaign-1807-Spring-Variant.cpd in Winter quarters in January Campaign Eylau-Friedland Scenario List Filename Title Turns Tutorial Scenario 000_Started.scn 000. Getting Started 12 The Winter Campaign of 1806 001_Biezun_H1_HTH.scn 001. Rearguad Action at Biezun 10 002_Biezun_H1_SOLO.scn 002. Rearguad Action at Biezun (S) 10 003_Biezun_V1_HTH.scn 003. Biezun: More French Forces 10 004_Biezun_V2_HTH.scn 004. Biezun: More Prussian & French Forces 12 005_Czarnowo_H1_HTH.scn 005. The River Crossing at Czarnowo 20 006_Czarnowo_H1_SOLO.scn 006. The River Crossing at Czarnowo (S) 18 007_Czarnowo_V1_HTH.scn 007. Czarnowo: Earlier French Assault 22 008_Czarnowo_V2_HTH.scn 008. Czarnowo: More French Boats! 20 009_Borokowo_H1_HTH.scn 009. Rearguard Action at Borokowo 8 010_Borokowo_H1_SOLO.scn 010. Rearguard Action at Borokowo (S) 12 011_Borokowo_V1_HTH.scn 011. Borokowo: More Russians 8 012_Borokowo_V2_HTH.scn 012. Borokowo: Flanking Force is Late! 8 013_Kolozab_H1_HTH.scn 013. Rearguard Action at Kolozab 12 014_Kolozab_H1_SOLO.scn 014. Rearguard Action at Kolozab (S) 12 015_Kolozab_V1_HTH.scn 015. Kolozab: Flanking Force Arrives! 12 016_Kolozab_V2_HTH.scn 016. Kolozab: Additional Russian Forces! 12 017_Sochocin_H1_HTH.scn 017. Rearguard Action at Sochocin 12 018_Sochocin_H1_SOLO.scn 018. Rearguard at Sochocin (S) 12 019_Sochocin_V1_HTH.scn 019. Sochocin: Additional Russian Forces 12 020_Sochocin_V2_HTH.scn 020. Sochocin: French River Crossing 12 021_Golymin-H_HTH.scn 021. The Battle of Golymin 36 022_Golymin-H_SOLO.scn 022. The Battle of Golymin (S) 36 023_Golymin-V1_HTH.scn 023. Golymin: More Russian Forces 36 024_Golymin-V2_HTH.scn 024. Golymin: Augereau is Late! 36 025_Golymin-V3_HTH.scn 025. Golymin: Davout is Absent! 36 026_Pultusk-H_HTH.scn 026. The Battle of Pultusk 36 027_Pultusk-H_SOLO.scn 027. The Battle of Pultusk (S) 36 028_Pultusk-V1_HTH.scn 028. Pultusk: Davout Arrives! 36 029_Pultusk-V2_HTH.scn 029. Pultusk:Absent Russian Forces/Earlier French Arrival 36 030_Pultusk-V3_HTH.scn 030. Pultusk: French Deployed for Battle! 36 031_Pultusk-V4_HTH.scn 031. Pultusk: Murat and Davout Arrive! 36 032_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-H_HTH.scn 032. The Battles of Pultusk and Golymin 36 033_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-H_SOLO.scn 033. The Battles of Pultusk and Golymin (S) 36 034_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-V1_HTH.scn 034. Pultusk-Golymin: Alternate Setup #1 36 035_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-V2_HTH.scn 035. Pultusk-Golymin: Alternate Setup #2 36 036_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-V3_HTH.scn 036. Pultusk-Golymin: Alternate Setup #3 36 037_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-V4_HTH.scn 037. Pultusk-Golymin: Alternate Setup #4 36 038_Pultusk-Golymin_DUAL-V5_HTH.scn 038. Pultusk-Golymin: Alternate Setup #5 36 The Winter Campaign of 1807 039_Mohrungen_H1_HTH.scn 039. The Battle of Mohrungen 24 040_Mohrungen_H1_SOLO.scn 040. The Battle of Mohrungen (S) 24 041_Mohrungen_V1_HTH.scn 041. Mohrungen: Russian Flank Forces Arrive! 24 042_Mohrungen_V2_HTH.scn 042. Mohrungen: More Troops for Both Sides 36 043_Bergfried_H1_HTH.scn 043. Rearguard Action at Bergfried 12 044_Bergfried_H1_SOLO.scn 044. Rearguard Action at Bergfried (S) 12 045_Bergfried_V1_HTH.scn 045. Bergfried: Frozen River! 12 046_Jankowo-Bergfried_H1_HTH.scn 046. The Battle of Jankowo-Bergfried 42 047_Jankowo-Bergfried_H1_SOLO.scn 047. The Battle of Jankowo-Bergfried (S) 42 048_Jankowo-Bergfried_V1_HTH.scn 048. Jankowo-Bergfried: No Flanking Force 42 049_Jankowo-Bergfried_V2_HTH.scn 049. Jankowo-Bergfried: Russians Redeployed 42 050_Hof_H1_HTH.scn 050. The Rearguard Action at Hof 20 051_Hof_H1_SOLO.scn 051. The Rearguard Action at Hof (S) 20 052_Hof_V1_HTH.scn 052. Hof: No Russian Reserves! 20 053_Eylau-Rearguard_H1_HTH.scn 053. Rearguard Action at Eylau 24 054_Eylau-Rearguard_H1_SOLO.scn 054. Rearguard Action at Eylau (S) 24 055_Eylau-Rearguard_V1_HTH.scn 055. Rearguard at Eylau: More Russians 24 056_Eylau_H_HTH.scn 056. The Battle of Eylau 80 057_Eylau_V1_HTH.scn 057. The Battle of Eylau: Unleashed! 80 058_Eylau_V2_HTH.scn 058. Eylau: Unleashed - Davout Is Here! 80 059_Eylau_V3_HTH.scn 059. The Battle of Eylau: Ney Arrives 80 060_Eylau_V4_HTH.scn 060. Eylau: Davout and Augereau's Flank Attack! 80 061_Eylau_LS-H_HTH.scn 061. The Battle of Eylau - Later Start 60 062_Eylau_LS-H_SOLO.scn 062. The Battle of Eylau - Later Start (S) 60 063_Eylau_LS-V1_HTH.scn 063. Eylau - Later Start - Ney Is Here! 60 064_Eylau_LS-V2_HTH.scn 064. Eylau - Later Start - Ney Arrives Earlier! 60 065_Eylau_LS-V3_HTH.scn 065. Eylau - Later Start - Davout Deployed! 60 066_Eylau_LS-V4_HTH.scn 066. Eylau - Later Start - Guard the Left Flank! 60 067_Eylau_LS-V5_HTH.scn 067. Eylau - Later Start - Ney Takes A Shortcut! 60 068_Eylau_SG1-H_HTH.scn 068. Eylau: Seruzier's Advance! 6 069_Eylau_SG1-H_SOLO.scn 069. Eylau: Seruzier's Advance! (S) 6 070_Eylau_SG1-V1_HTH.scn 070. Eylau: Seruzier's Advance - More French Troops 6 071_Eylau_SG2-H_HTH.scn 071. Eylau: Augereau's Assault 6 072_Eylau_SG2-H_SOLO.scn 072. Eylau: Augereau's Assault (S) 6 073_Eylau_SG2_V1_HTH.scn 073. Eylau: Augereau's Combined Arms Assault 6 074_Eylau_SG2_V2_HTH.scn 074. Eylau: Augereau's Coordinated Assault 12 075_Eylau_SG3-H_HTH.scn 075. Eylau: Murat's Charge 12 076_Eylau_SG3-H_SOLO.scn 076. Eylau: Murat's Charge (S) 12 077_Eylau_SG3-V1_HTH.scn 077. Eylau: Murat's Charge - Additional Forces 12 078_Eylau_SG4-H_HTH.scn 078. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 1 24 079_Eylau_SG4-H_SOLO.scn 079. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 1 (S) 18 080_Eylau_SG4-V1_HTH.scn 080. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 1 - Korff Arrives! 24 081_Eylau_SG4-V2_HTH.scn 081. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 1 - Augereau's Entrance! 24 082_Eylau_SG5-H_HTH.scn 082. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 2 24 083_Eylau_SG5-H_SOLO.scn 083.Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 2 (S) 24 084_Eylau_SG5-V1_HTH.scn 084. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 2 - Ney Arrives! 24 085_Eylau_SG5-V2_HTH.scn 085. Eylau: Davout's Attack - Part 2 - Ney's Success! 24 086_Eylau_SG6-H_HTH.scn 086. Eylau: L'Estocq's Attack 16 087_Eylau_SG6-H_SOLO.scn 087. Eylau: L'Estocq's Attack (S) 16 088_Eylau_SG6-V1_HTH.scn 088. Eylau: L'Estocq's Attack - Grouchy Arrives! 16 089_Eylau_SG6-V2_HTH.scn 089. Eylau: L'Estocq's Attack - Grouchy & St. Hilaire Arrive! 16 090_Ostroleka_H_HTH.scn 090. The Battle of Ostroleka 42 091_Ostroleka_H_SOLO.scn 091. The Battle of Ostroleka (S) 42 092_Ostroleka_V1_HTH.scn 092. Ostroleka: Savary's Decision 42 093_Ostroleka_V2_HTH.scn 093. Ostroleka: Savary's Dilemma! 42 094_Ostroleka_SG1-H_HTH.scn 094. Ostroleka: Gazan's Assault 12 095_Ostroleka_SG1-H_SOLO.scn 095. Ostroleka: Gazan's Assault (S) 12 096_Ostroleka_SG1-V1_HTH.scn 096. Ostroleka: Gazan's Assault - More Russian Forces 16 097_Ostroleka_SG2-H_HTH.scn 097. Ostroleka: Essen's Assault 12 098_Ostroleka_SG2-H_SOLO.scn 098. Ostroleka: Essen's Assault (S) 16 099_Ostroleka_SG2-V1_HTH.scn 099. Ostroleka: Essen's Assault - Sixth Division Attacks! 16 100_Ostroleka_SG2-V2_HTH.scn 100. Ostroleka: Essen's Assault - More French Forces 16 101_Ostroleka_SG3-H_HTH.scn 101. Ostroleka:
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