
. 'T /i c ~lllltlgclt htc<lll }'hitc 11 a ltc<lrL lllitllllitcd Section One-1'.1gcs 1 to 8 Nattnn lllajntltleK orll•'nut (ount\ I Oil Iter• UJ•lu It! n~ l'ull~ or Oam us sing nnuJ II Ncwspapm labulallons of lhe No I vcmbet 3 clccllo~ wetc proved te -------------------------------------------- mnJ !(ably nccutale by I he bon1<l of Expansion Of Business county CllllVIlSSCI H Ftldny llll(J Sntur· day Whlh• I here were some changes Called For More Room In the lot nls the ch!lngcs wctc no I gle!ll enough to upset the wmnets !lH ltnnouncC[l by ncwspnpm s lrtsl week Sheriff Allan A MacDonnlcl ( R) wns I ound to be I he winner over Nrt· IN CQJ,Lt~GE SYJ\ll'HONY l\IORE KENTUCKY HOUSES Ruth M Brown of Mason a fJ esh-~ S A LIIXton s Vevay stables re­ man, plays a vlolln in the MlChtgan ecived l1vo more I<Centuclty Thorough­ State college symphony orchestra breds Wednesday night Eight of the which Is under the direction of Mich-l fast horses arc now at the LIIXton ncl Press. 'rhe orchestra will present stables. BUYS GAS STATION its first concert of the season Decem- / Arthur Nichols has purchased the ber 2 in the auditorium of Eastern Sec 011r large selection of comfort· interest of Orla Maine in the Super- big 1 Lansing able snow suits Parkhurst's wl Shell gas station on Jefferson stlect s~'tool 1 1 In lllZfl J,urllll( llu• EH·xl. four Ylllli'H tho 1:11111111'/lorroV.I• llplnto fnutlm111 fol· What Other Editors 1:-Iave to Say lowln1: rllrf• r•rlrl l••adi'!IJ, unu In IH~l olul'lllllrl '11•1• ~ 'II''"' 111111 frol f0111 <Ill· l'tUOIII f f11Jtllt11"' II, llflllf' fJf WhOJU l'r•• CIJiVml II lllll)folil '/. ,fflilll (JIIill!!y AUELIIIH Mn~· llolll'llll llul11 ItooHtli'Oit not llflH<lt lhc lwud nnd hlllll'l ol' liw Wll!l l'il'l'i<•li iJV 1111• flloll!lll Iof II'JII I'HI'Il• 'l'u Unldll lJH rlttfllly Onwunll l'I'OHfdont-- I'Ol' llOW lliOI'!l lllllll llVUI' INGI-IAM rry NEWS Bllllleltlly HJlUttldng-, wu suppose llml lhlH ll!LIIon llt'm)H to hu gnldud hy lhll ,lntlv<·H. I l!lr ill)( Adlll!IH' ndmlniHII'II· lion I Wit llllljlol p111 lit· !I g1 I'W lip, 'I'll<• on1 1tlltdcr H might t•xpccl 11 nuwp~ttpol' utcrLcly hand ol' EL t'OLII'IIf:UDUB 1111111 with r---------------~~~~~-------~======. I hnl hns Hll[l[JUI'i ud lho 1uprll>llcan ciE:IIHH'I'itllt IHilly lltHil•l' 1111• l!•llfi<'I'Hillp Bllltf'l•nd au twcond hoth !'Pel 011 lhe gro\UHI.--'I'he Bit· Plll~l lSJ-lW EVERY Tl llJRSDAY AFTERNOON IN Tl IE c•nust• UIOI'c tlum llw uumucmlic to mlnghnm J•:cct'nlrl<•, Ol Alldi'I'W ,flU IUHHt 1Ill 1l!•d IIH• 1'01111· c I 11 H a mrtttcr ut •t•npllou rt post-clc•cllc>n cililoriELI lry In 1H:!H nnd ll'ltiHitlf•d 111 pow PI CITY OF M1\SON, MICI-IIGAN . postofrlcc, M!luon, moHI ol 1111· lluu• 111rlil llu• r:tvll Wu1·. Michigan, un d or "l.. nmcnltLllons"; on the (JOIIll'!ll y' 'l'hllll l'lirty IIIII:'ILhUII 'l'ilt• oppo!!lllon 111111<'1 llu• )r•udt•I'Hhlp V. j. llttOWN, & SoN, Puhltshclo mt or MELrch 3, however, we Hill quite willing, nH tho Olw or llw vci'Y lntpOI'IItnt rncts of Clny unil W••IIHLPI l'llli<'rl UH•m• r·csult or lUI Etppnlont "mxoclus" of 1c- shown lly the clecllon rcltu·ns IH that BROWN ami NI'LSON D. BROWN, Editors 1870. pullllcans to t!JC New DelLI's "AnlH", Holvi'H Whlr;11. 'l'hr•y r nrriP<) two Jll'l'H· lO admit thnt Prcsiucnl Hooaovell's J.i'Etli\CI' Coughlin WILS not the "dlcln· hll'nllll! <'i<'<'llon•J. ------------·---- lot·" tho people wm·c lmLd lo llellcvc I lll'!h•v•• till' """""'I atlr• m· N<•w ( l'ayuhlll In AtiVtiiH'll) AnVI~It'l'ISINO HA'l'JIS g1unl victory I~ a bit of rL "ltcvclrL· nnd p!ollnbly he novm· hnd boon. 'l'hc Dr•ul Juu·tv will l'ull to ""'''"" of lit< tlon" lo us, cspcclully when he cturled so-wiled Union Pnl'ty ('l'hlrd In Mlch· own W<'i~hl In IIH• lli'XI four yerus, One Y''lll In Jnghum and adjoining Cmllltles _____ .$1.fi0 IJIHplny ndv"t tlslng mtes on nppllcnlion; Business Jo­ wllh him In Michigan the cnl11e dcm· i"an), WEill 11 vmy negligible ftwlor on OCIUiic llclwl. n nnrl will hP Hplll up lnlo l'n<'llanH light· eltls nnu IPILdlng notlc!'s on first anu locul pugc~. Hie 11 '!'ucsdEty In uny slul!• llnd If tt imd lng t'IH'h ol her. S1x munths In Inghrtm nncl ntljolnlng Cotmllcs___ .7G Pcrsonnlly, we hnvc 'felt tig-ht ulong ncvct· boon hotn I he II nul results would line; No •••ndlng or business uuvcrttslng less thun 25c; Lhul Govcrnm· Lnndon would not he li'1 om Ihe beginning ol' llw <'11111· have been exrwtly I he same In not u prtlgn l have thought Lhlll lht• IHHIII• rlll'I•P Monrns - ---··----·- ··------··- ·---· .10 CEU'd or 'i'hrrnlts, lc u word; Ob!tuu1y noliccs or 12u able Lo defcltt F'DR. Our ptuctlcal single Htnlc did II domlnnlc lhc final WIIH not IIHl plntfol ms ol' I hP I wo pal· or; \VOI'()s free, more than 125, 1c a word, Announcements 3ing-1e COplP~ --------------------------- ----- :~~;~;~~~~~~~rcK~llt~~csu~~;' ~~n~~~1J~~JI; result. lif'H, nor I ill' pm·sonallty or the cnn­ nf PntPltELinmcnts whore admission Is chargee! or of uny I man, no mttllcr how nble, could not In Michigan we hEld len or thcHc dldni<'H whether Landon IB a heiiPr nd LIPs ····---··- Ontsld•• l11ghrun nnd joining- Conn 2.00 mnn lil!ln J~oosovoll or vl<•c vei'HIL. 'l'h•• plan to rnls1• funds must be puld in advance rrt Jcgulur t>c "hulll up" In a row months to 00• phony purllcs mulling- lhc lmllol un­ 2.fJ0 I !!lOll, cupy In the public mind u place l1cld I wieldy and not mo11nlng nnyl hlng so Issue wnu the New Doni, do yon ILJl· prove of II or do you cllsnftllove'' by sucl1 a clmp ns l•'mnklln !Jalano fnr ns recording public sentiment Is Sumo prommonl domot'l'llts repurliltiNI Hoosevcll. In numerous othc 1· ph11.ses conccmed. A way should be found to C:OOD VOTINC: arc cmer~111g from ,, dev.ISL.tting dcprcs,l!lll, is cmotion,li of cttmp!Llgn activity, wo also feel vmy follow some or lhe rules and law,s re­ PJCtured nt his desk in hts Geneva It, nnd tho cdllot·s of nil lhc ncWH· o!Tlce Is Mt·. Snavcdtn Lnrnns of papoiH nnd mrtgnzlncs J lal<e WCI<' nil Tins lll'W'J1·1[11'1 CO!l~l.ltlll.rtcs the Vrltcrs or Ingham .uul tnl.lglll>lttvc to the point of hystcr i.1 The )e,tders of stlongly thai the tcpubllcan nllllonrLI quircd of lho mujo•· pulllcs. l'hen committee, nnd the Michigan stl\lc most or them would cease tG exist.­ Argentina, who t cccnlly wus nnmccl ngalnsl II, lntl till' p<'ople rolled up n Cllllnly .tml "f the sl.tle 11[ M1dHg.u1 1111 thctr ll c,ttment the 1cpuhbc.u1 party .1re the s.unc old hu11ch of conscrva· tll•rn<'ndons rna[orlly for it. As tho central commlllce fELIIed to funct 10n Dcllolt Couller. president of the league 'tsscmbly. of the [11111 amcndmcllls suhmllted to the electorate !.ESt l1vcs who kept telling the people ho~ck in llJ21J and up to as efflctcntly as ,;osslhlc. But these mitior of I hi' Rlute Journal S!tld a ft'W l'n2 th.tt "prospe11ty 10 JUst allmnd 1he mmcr" .111d days ngn, "'l'lw United SIELti'S hns week Tucsd.ty 1\ll (IIlii' ,ll'c decrs1vcly dcic.ltcd, th,· l.rst consldcmtlons cliO beside lhc tefll ''"I The Lubor l'rnhlmu dem,tndcd "buSiness as usu,1l" TillS phii11Sophy c1 uclfied pas•<od liii'DIIgh a rPvolutlon. Lei us two hy nvcrwhclmu1~ m.tJOIIllcs. sues thai confront lhe American pea- Rogel' 13abson SEtys, "W~ business be I hrllll<ful rl wrts n bloodless orw, l'n•[11h.rl nnmhc1 "'"' h.td "'me mc·nt Nnmhc1 lwn tlll' I-loowr admill!str,ltiDn ami sent him h.Lck to Cal1· pic I oday. men Lhlnlt thut lhe world Is govemed not Ill"• IV hill I hey hllv<' over In 1~111'· It mtght h.1vc w<n Led out .til right hut It held 1Ls tlnc.tts f<llni.L .L •~JcClcd leader Even so Mt· HuDvcE pcrststcd, 'l'he1·e Is no question but wllut the by lnlollect. Is not. We lhlnlt ope• or Sotlilt Anwrl••n." vast mnjorlly of Amcrlcuns nrc m!lft· people nrc controlled by LhelL minds. Congrnlulntlons to V. ,J, 13town on Numbers three ami inur wctc du,·ct .tlt.Ecl<s upnn st.1hlc hy mnscnt ol the lc,1dcts or without il, 111 takmg p.trt 111 ing- ltnGWn, through their ballots, the They arc not. Both employers and till' L.1ndu11 c.unp;ugn, The l".tnk ,md file nf the vote1s surviving Lite Dcmocl'!ll ir. Jandsllclc. gllvcllllllL'Ilt .1nd adoptlllll "nuld h.tvc led to rnscclll:lty, fact thrttlhcy Intend to gain cCOilomlc wage earners nrc controlled by their IT.
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