ISSN : 2348-3458 dy’k flḠ— 6 l ¥´·¤ — 19 l ¥ä ʸflÊÁḷ¤ ÂÁò Ê·¤Ê l ÁŸfl⁄Uè -ÁêŸ, 2015 Year : 6 l Issue : 19 l Half Yearly Magazine l January - June. 2015 dy’k ·¤‹‡Ê ÂÁ⁄UflÊ⁄U KALASH FAMILY ¥Ÿé·˝¤◊ I N D E X ‚´⁄UˇÊ·¤ 4‚êÂÊη¤èÿ / Editorial (i) ◊ãUÊÁŸÎ‡Ê·¤ 4½ÊÄ ·¤â ÊŸ/ Preface (i) ÷Ê⁄UÃèÿ Âé⁄UÊÃà fl ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê 4A Brahmanical Legacy of Temple Art & Architecture at Badoh-Pathari, Dist.-Vidisha (MP) 1 Zulfequar Ali ‚êÂÊη¤ Dr. M.C. Joshi 4 7 ÁéËȤ·¤Ê⁄U ¥‹è ãUʇʴ»Ê’ÊÎ ·¤Ê flñcá Êfl ◊´ÁÎ⁄U-Á»Îè‡Ê ◊´ÁÎ⁄U MkW- galk O;kl 4A Note on Ancient Temple at Chheeri and ·¤Êÿ¸·¤Ê⁄Uè ‚êÂÊη¤ Parvezabad, Tehsil-Bara, District- Allahabad (UP) 9 ÇUÊÚ. ∞◊.‚è. ÁʇÊè Rajendra Yadav 4Origin, Development and Decline of Monolithic Pillars and the continuity of the tradition in Polylithic, Non-lithic ¥Ê·¤ËŸ and structural forms 15 ‹¹Ÿ ·é¤◊Ê⁄U ÷Ê»¿ã ÎÊŸè, ‚´Áÿ ·é¤◊Ê⁄U üÊèflÊSÃfl S. Krishnamurthy Sachin Kr. Tiwary ‚ãUÿÊ» üÊè ‚´Áÿ ¥Ÿ»⁄‘U, ·¤.¥Ê⁄U. ◊Ê‹flèÿ, ´·¤Á ⁄UÊ◊¿ã ÎÊŸè Patron Director General, Archaeological Survey of India Editor Zulfequar Ali Executive Editor Dr. M.C. Joshi ‚ÎÊÁ‡Êfl (|flè´-}flè´ ‡ÊÃÊé Îè §¸U.) ·é¤ÅU·¤‡fl⁄U ◊´ÁÎ⁄U, ÂÆUÊ⁄Uè, ÁflÁ·ÊÊ (ÿãU ◊êÁø »÷¸»ëãU ·¤è Á¿U‹è ÎèflÊ⁄U Â⁄U ∞·¤ S‹’ Â⁄U ⁄U¹è »§¸U ãñU) Sadasiva (7th -8thc. AD) Kutakeswara Temple, Pathari, Vidisha (M.P.) Designing (This sculpture is placed on a slab in rear wall of the garbhagraha ) L.K.Bhagchandani & S.K. Srivastava Support —— ¥Êfl⁄Uá Ê / Cover —— Shri Sanjay Angare, Â˝Ê¿èŸ ÃÊ‹Ê’ ·¤ Á·¤ŸÊ⁄‘U ÁSÍà Á‡Êfl ◊´ÁÎ⁄U, ’…¸UÊãU, ÁflÁ·ÊÊ (◊.½.) Siva Temple near the bank of an ancient water reservoir, Shri K.R. Malviya, Shri Pankaj Ramchandani Badoh, Vidisha (M.P.) dy’k ‚êÂÊη¤èÿ . E d i t o r i a l . Á½ÿ ÂÊÆU·¤»á Ê, Dear Readers, “·¤‹‡Ê” ·¤Ê v~flÊ¡ ¥´·¤ ¥Ê·¤ ãUÊÍÊ´ ◊´ ‚Êñ´Â·¤⁄U ◊é¤Ê ¥ÁÃ Â˝‚ÛÊÃÊ ãUÊ I am delighted to present the 19th Issue of “Kalash” ⁄UãUè ãñUÐ ◊´ÁÎ⁄U ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ÂÁ⁄UÿÊÁŸÊ (©U.ˇÊ.), ÷ÊÂÊ‹ mUÊ⁄UÊ ÁflÁ·ÊÊ ÁÁ‹ ·¤ ’…¸UÊãU- in your hands. In the course of an architectural survey of ÂÆUÊ⁄Uè »˝Ê◊Ê´ ◊´ Á·¤ÿ »ÿ ◊´ÁÎ⁄UÊ´ ·¤ SÍÊÂà ÿèÿ ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ·¤ ÎÊñ⁄UÊŸ ·ÊÊflÃÊ⁄U fl ‚Ã◊…¸Uè temples in villages Badoh-Pathari in Vidisha district of ◊´ÁÎ⁄U ‚◊êãUÊ´ ·¤Ê ÁflSÃëà ¥ä ÿÿŸ Á·¤ÿÊ »ÿÊ ÁÁ‚·¤ ¥´Ã»¸Ã ©UŸ·¤Ê ÇUÊÄ ÿê◊´ÅU‡ÊŸ fl Madhya Pradesh, the Dashavatara and Satmarhi group of temples were studied through documentation along with their ⁄‘U¹ÊÁ¿ò Ê (ËÿÊÁŸÊ/©Uä fl¸ ÿÊÁŸÊ) ÃñÿÊ⁄U Á·¤ÿ »ÿÐ §Uã ãUè´ ·¤è ∞·¤ ½SÃéÁà §U‚ ¥´·¤ drawings and images which are being incorporated in this ◊´ ‚◊ÊÁãUà ãñUÐ §U‚·¤ ¥ÁÃÁ⁄UQ¤ ãUÊ‹ ãUè ◊´ §U‹ÊãUÊ’ÊÎ ÁÁ‹ ·¤ ¿⁄Uè ÃÍÊ Â⁄UflÁÊ’ÊÎ issue. Along with this, in the recent survey in Cheeri & »Ê¡flÊ´ ◊´ ÷Ê⁄UÃèÿ Âé⁄UÊÃà fl ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ·¤ ÇUÊÚ. ⁄UÊÁã ν ÿÊÎfl mUÊ⁄UÊ Â˝·¤Ê‡Ê ◊´ ‹Êÿ »ÿ ◊´ÁÎ⁄UÊ´ Parvezabad villages of Alahabad district (U.P.) by Dr. ·¤Ê ∞·¤ ÁflSÃëà ¥ä ÿÿŸ ·¤ ‚ÊÍ Â˝·¤ÊÁ‡Êà Á·¤ÿÊ ÁÊ ⁄UãUÊ ãñUÐ ‚ÊÍ ãUè ‚ÊÍ ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊´ Rajendra Yadav of ASI, two temples were studied and they SÃê÷Ê´ ·¤è ©Uà ÂÁû Ê ©UŸ·¤ Áfl·¤Ê‚ Â⁄U ¥Êä ÊÊÁ⁄Uà ∞·¤ ‹¹ ·¤Ê §U‚ ¥´·¤ ·¤ ◊Êä ÿ◊ ‚ have been braught out for the scholars. In addition, a note ¥Ê Áñ‚ ‚éä Êè ÂÊÆU·¤Ê´ ·¤ Á‹∞ ½Ááà Á·¤ÿÊ ÁÊ ⁄UãUÊ ãñUÐ based on the origin and development of pillars is also a part of Á◊ò ÊÊ´, ÿãU ÂÁò Ê·¤Ê ◊´ÁÎ⁄U SÍÊÂà ÿ fl ·¤‹Ê ·¤ ˇÊò Ê ◊´ ¿‹ ⁄UãU ‡ÊÊä Ê ·¤ÊÿÊZ this issue. ·¤Ê ‚÷è ‡ÊÊä Ê·¤Ãʸ¥Ê´ fl Âé⁄UÊÃà fl ·¤ ÁfllÊÁ͸ÿÊ´ ÷¤ Âãé´U¿ÊŸ ·¤Ê ∞·¤ ‚‡ÊÄ Ã ◊Êä ÿ◊ Friends, this magazine shares the on going research ãñUÐ ◊ñ´ ◊´ÁÎ⁄ ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ÂÁ⁄UÿÊÁŸÊ (©U.ˇÊ), ÷ÊÂÊ‹ ·¤è ¥Ê⁄U ‚ Âê⁄Uè ½·¤Ê‡ÊŸ ÅUè◊ ÃÍÊ activities in the field of Temple Art and Architecture among all Ç ‹Ê’‹ »˝ÊÁÈ¤Ä ‚ ∞fl´ ÂÁé ‹Á‚ÅUè, ÷ÊÂÊ‹ ·¤Ê ÂÁò Ê·¤Ê ·¤ ½·¤Ê‡ÊŸ ãUÃé ¥Ê÷Ê⁄U ½·¤ÅU the scholars researchers and students of Archaeology. I, on behalf of the Temple Survey Project (N.R.), Bhopal extend my ·¤⁄UÃÊ ãê¡UÐ gratitude to the publishing team and Global Graphics & Publicity, Bhopal for publishing the magazine. ÁéËȤ·¤Ê⁄U ¥‹è Zulfequar Ali ‚´ÂÊη¤ (¥ä ÊèˇÊá Ê Âé⁄UÊÃà flÁflΘ) Editor (Superintending Archaeologist) ÷Ê⁄UÃèÿ Âé⁄UÊÃà fl ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê, Archaeological Survey of India ◊´ÁÎ⁄U ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ÂÁ⁄UÿÊÁŸÊ (©U.ˇÊ.)÷ÊÂÊ‹ (◊.½.) Temple Survey Project (N.R.), Bhopal (M.P.) ½ÊÄ ·¤ÍŸ . P r e f a c e . Á½ÿ ÂÊÆU·¤»á Ê, Dear Readers, ¥ÂŸ ½·¤Ê‡ÊŸ ·¤ ¿UÆUfl´ flḠ◊´ Âãé´U¿ ¿é·¤è §U‚ ÂÁò Ê·¤Ê In the 6th year of its publication, Kalash has got a ·¤Ê ¥÷êÃÂêfl¸ ‚Ȥ‹ÃÊ Á◊‹è ãñU ÃÍÊ ÁflÁ÷ÛÊ ‡ÊÊä Ê ‚´SÍÊŸÊ´, positive response for various research institutions, Âé⁄UÊÃà fl Áfl÷ʻʴ ÃÍÊ ·¤Êÿʸ‹ÿÊ´ ‚ ‚·¤Ê⁄UÊà ◊·¤ ‚´Î‡Ê Á◊‹Ê ãñUÐ archaeological departments and offices. Consequently, we ÁÁ‚·¤ ÂÁ⁄Uá ÊÊ◊SflM¤Â ½à ÿ·¤ ¥´·¤ ◊´ ãU◊ ∞·¤ Ÿÿ ‡ÊÊä Ê Áfláÿ are in co-orporating every time a new research based study in our Issues ·¤Ê ‚◊ÊÁãUà ·¤⁄UŸ ◊´ ‚Ȥ‹ ãUÊ ⁄UãU ãñ´UÐ Further, I would like to request to my senior ◊ñ´ ¥ÂŸ ‚÷è flÁ⁄UDU ‚ÊÁÍÿÊ´, ‡ÊÊä ÊÊÁâ ʸÿÊ´ ÃÍÊ colleagues, research scholars kindly to send their notes, ¥Áä Ê·¤ÊÁ⁄UÿÊ´ ‚ ¥Ÿé⁄UÊä Ê ·¤⁄UÃÊ ãê¡U Á·¤ flãU ◊´ÁÎ⁄U SÍÊÂà ÿ fl ·¤‹Ê articles and latest information on Temple Art & ‚ ‚´’´Áä Êà ŸflèŸ ÁÊŸ·¤ÊÁ⁄UÿÊ´ ·¤Ê §U‚ ÂÁò Ê·¤Ê ◊´ ½·¤Ê‡ÊŸ ãUÃé Architecture. Kalash family will be highly great full for the same. ¥fl‡ÿ ½Ááà ·¤⁄‘´UÐ §U‚ ãUÃé ·¤‹‡Ê ÂÁ⁄UflÊ⁄U ¥Ê·¤Ê «¤á Êè ⁄UãU»ÊÐ ÇUÊÚ. ∞◊.‚è. ÁʇÊè (‚ãUÊÿ·¤ Âé⁄UÊÃà flÁflΘ) Dr. M.C. Joshi (Assistant Archaeologist) ·¤Êÿ¸·¤Ê⁄Uè ‚´ÂÊη¤ Executive Editor, Kalash ÷Ê⁄UÃèÿ Âé⁄UÊÃà fl ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê, Archaeological Survey of India ◊´ÁÎ⁄U ‚fl¸ˇÊá Ê ÂÁ⁄UÿÊÁŸÊ (©U.ˇÊ.)÷ÊÂÊ‹ (◊.½.) Temple Survey Project (N.R.), Bhopal (M.P.) i S◊Ê⁄U·¤ ·¤Ê ‚ÊȤ-‚éÍ⁄UÊ ⁄U¹Ÿ ◊´ ‚ãUÿÊ» ·¤⁄‘´UÐ KALASH * Zulfequar Ali ** Dr. M.C. Joshi Introduction: Report, Vol. VII, JD Beglar & Cunningham, 1871-72,1873- The twin villages known as Badoh ( 23o 35' N and 74 pp.64-80). Subsequently, this work was followed by A. 77 o 38' E) and Pathari ( 23 o 56' N 78 o 13' E) preserve a Cunningham(ASI Report, Vol.X, 1974-75 & 76-77:pp.69-76) glorious past of our ancestors in the form of various In 1931-42 the Gwalior State Archaeology Department did the architectural edifices including structural temples, rock-cut survey over here and some restoration works were carried out caves, mosques and other sculptural remains scattered here by the department. Documentation of the structures was also and there. The legacy of constructing temples in the villages initiated by the Gwalior State Archaeology Department. ID particularly Badoh authenticate the real zeal of contemporary Trivedi in his work i.e. Temples of Pratihara Period in Central rulers towards their religious bearing. Indeed, the present India also did study of the temples in Badoh and Pathari. In location of the villages witnesses the ancient favourable 1992-93 B L Nagarch of ASI had produced a brief account of conditions which might have been responsible to erect great rock-cut sculptures of Ramgarh hill near Pathari. temples such as Gadarmal, Dashavatara Group and a huge Jain temple. Distribution : Both the villages are located (Fig-1) about 40 km. north east of Villages Badoh-Pathari witness the existence of th th a small town Ganja Basoda and about 110 km from Bhopal on Brahaminical –Jaina - Budhhist cults prevailed during 6 -7 th th north-east direction by road in Kurwai Tahsil of Vidisha CE- 12 13 AD in this region of Madhya Pradesh. The temples district of Madhya Pradesh. The nearest railway station from particularly of Brahmanincal faith are found here in groups. the sites is Kulhar on Bhopal –Bina main line of central Broadly, four such groups have been noticed so far. railway. Both the villages are linked by village roads and Whole area of village Badoh-Pathari can be divided in the being separated by an old natural water reservoirs. The sites context of their architectural pattern as under: are surrounded by various water bodies and sand stone hills such as Gadori on the east of Pathari, mount Gyannath to the south nearly 500 ft. Besides, to the east of mount Gyannath and to the east of village Pathari mount Anhora and further to the east is mount Lapa-Sapa are located. As a whole the hills form a semi circle open to east and closed on the west by a curves ridge which joins mount Gadori and mount Gyannath. There were many water reservoirs in this region as indicated by the ground condition, among them an ancient reservoir in Badoh which even to this date Badoh-Pathari has bundings and ghats are still surviving. Ganj Basoda The sites were first visited by J.D. Beglar, the then Asstt.
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