View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server 1 Design and Expected Performance of the BTeV RICH Steven. R. Blusk Syracuse University for the BTeV Collaboration The BTeV experiment is a b-physics experiment designed to conduct precision tests of the CKM description of CP violation and study rare processes involving bottom and charm hadrons. The experiment will be located in the C0 interaction region at the Fermilab Tevatron, and is intended to begin data-taking around 2007-2008. One of the most important elements of the BTeV spectrometer is the ring-imaging Cerenkov detector (RICH) which is used for particle identification. In this article we describe the BTeV RICH and present its expected performance. 1 1. Introduction s− ) cannot compete with a hadron collider, even on the time scale of 2007. The BTeV experiment is designed to carry In pp collisions at ps=2 TeV, b quark pairs ex- out a comprehensive program of precision mea- hibit a high degree of correlation. In particular, surements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa when one b quark has large pseudorapidity (η), (CKM) matrix as they relate to CP violation in the other b-quark is also preferentially produced the b-quark sector. In addition, the experiment at large η. As a result, both b-quarks are often will conduct a wide array of measurements on rare either both forward, or both backward, with re- decays in both the bottom and charm quark sec- spect to the direction of the proton beam. The tor. These measurements will provide perhaps advantages of this are two fold. First, at large η, the most stringent tests of the CKM description the b-hadron is boosted with <βγ> 6, which of CP violation as well as provide complementary results in larger decay lengths. These larger∼ decay probes to the LHC for the presence of physics lengths aid in separating the b-daughter particles which is not described by the standard model from those in the interaction vertex. Not only (“new physics”). does this improve the overall detection efficiency, The first indication of a non-zero value for but it allows BTeV to trigger on b-hadron decays sin(2β)asmeasuredinB J/ψK decays was ! S at the lowest level of the trigger. presented by CDF [1]. The B-factory experi- Unlike CDF [3] and D0 [4] which are central ments, BaBar and Belle, which operate on the detectors, BTeV [5] is a forward detector opti- Υ(4S) have improved significantly on this mea- mized for B physics. The detector consists of an surement, and now have unambiguous confirma- array of 31 pixel modules inside a dipole magnet tion of a non-zero value for sin(2β) [2]. Despite centered on the interaction region. Tracking be- their impressive achievements, construction of a yond the pixel system is provided by 7 tracking dedicated b-physics experiment at a hadron col- stations which are each a combination of silicon- lider holds several key advantages. First, the pro- strip detectors for the forward high-occupancy re- duction cross-section is 10,000 times larger at gion and straw-tube drift chambers at larger an- ≈ + the Tevatron than at the Υ(4S). Secondly, e e− gles. Downstream of the last tracking chamber machines operating at the Υ(4S) cannot perform is a PbWO4 electromagnetic calorimeter and a CP violation measurements in the Bs system, muon detection system. The RICH is situated be- whose decays can be used to probe the angles γ tween the sixth and seventh straw/silicon track- and χ. Given these advantages, B-factories oper- ing chambers. 34 2 ating at the Υ(4S) (at a luminosity of 10 cm− The RICH is used for separating charge par- 2 ticle species from one another. When a particle exceeds the speed of light in a dielectric medium, Cerenkov photons are emitted at a characteris- tic angle (called the Cerenkov angle) given by cos θc =1/βn,whereβ = v/c is the speed of the particle relative to the speed of light in the radi- ating medium, n is the index of refraction of the medium and θc is the Cerenkov angle. By using the momentum measured in the tracking system and measuring the Cerenkov angle, the particle type (ie., the mass of the radiating particle) can be deduced. 2. BTeV RICH To separate kaons from pions in two-body B de- cays, we require that the RICH provides at least 3σ separation between kaons and pions up to 70 GeV/c. At the low momentum end, the RICH is Figure 1. Momentum distribution for kaons used for flavor tagging. These particles peak at which provide a flavor tag for B-meson CP eigen- lower momentum, as shown in Fig. 1, and there- states. Shown are the distributions for kaons fore the low momentum cut-off is set by the spec- which are produced in the fragmentation of the trometer acceptance, which drops off around 2.5 b-quark which produces the CP-tagged B meson GeV/c. (same-side tag), and kaons which are produced To achieve particle separation over this large in the decay of the second B-hadron (away-side momentum range a heavy gas is required. We tag). chose C4F10 because of it is among the heaviest gases which has high transparency with respect to visible light and is a gas at room tempera- ture. This gas has also been used in a number nels. Photons from the liquid radiator are de- of other experiments [6–8] as well as LHCb [9]. tected directly by arrays of photomultiplier tubes No gas can provide kaon/proton separation be- which cover the walls of the RICH vessel and are low about 9 GeV, and we therefore are designing tilted at 60o so that photons strike perpendicu- a 1 cm thick C5F12 liquid radiator system. The larly, on average. A total of about 5000 PMTs Cerenkov angle as a function of momentum for are required. Because of the large difference in the two radiators are shown in Fig. 2. The gas Cerenkov angle between the gas and liquid radi- radiator has n=1.00138, whereas the liquid has ator, gas photons are detected almost entirely in n=1.24, resulting in vastly different Cerenkov an- the HPD’s and liquid photons in the PMT’s. gles and hence momentum coverage. At 70 GeV/c, the difference in θc between kaon A cartoon of the baseline RICH for BTeV is and pions is only 0.4 mrad, and therefore, to shown in Fig. 3. The system consists of a 1 cm achieve at least 3 σ separation, we must keep the C5F12 liquid radiator, followed by 3mofC4F10 total uncertainty in the Cerenkov angle (σ)be- gas. At the back end of the RICH,∼ two spherical low about 0.130 mrad. Detailed simulations have mirrors, each tilted by 15o, focus Cerenkov pho- been carried out, and they indicate that we ex- tons from the gas radiator onto one of two arrays pect to detect 80 photons per track. After re- of hybrid photodiodes (HPDs) located on either moving photons∼ which are consistent with more side of the BTeV dipole magnet. The arrays con- than one track, we expect about 60-65 photons sist of about 1000 HPD’s, each with 163 chan- per track on average. This implies that the single 3 50 K/p 0.6 40 (gas) C F 30 5 12 K/π 0.5 Liquid 20 (gas) 10 K/p 0.4 (liquid) 0 Pion 0 204060 Momentum (GeV/c) 0.3 Kaon Proton Cerenkov Angle (rad) 0.2 C4F10 Gas 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Momentum (GeV/c) Figure 2. Cerenkov angle as a function of mo- Figure 3. Cartoon showing the conceptual design mentum for the gas and liquid radiators for pions of the BTeV RICH. (solid), kaons(dashed) and protons (dotted). The inset shows the separation power as a function of momentum. in kaon-proton Cerenkov angle is about 5.3 mrad at 9 GeV. We therefore are required to keep the Cerenkov angle resolution below about 1.7 mrad photon angular resolution must be kept below 1 per track. To determine the expected number of mrad. The primary contributions to the intrinsic detected photons, we simulated a photodection angular resolution are from photon position reso- system consisting of large arrays of single anode lution, emission point uncertainty and chromatic PMTs along the walls of the RICH tilted at an uncertainty. In collaboration with DEP we have angle of 60o. We also included the shadowing developed a 8.3 cm diameter, 163 channel HPD produced by mu-metal tubes which will likely be which will contribute an uncertainty of 0.51 mrad necessary to cope with the residual magnetic field to the Cerenkov angle uncertainty. The emission of the interaction region magnet. We simulated point uncertainty contributes another 0.51 mrad both 2 in. and 3 in. diameter tubes. The 3 in. di- uncertainty. The chromatic uncertainty yields a ameter tubes provide sufficient resolution and are shallow minimum at 0.37 mrad if we restrict our more cost effective. The simulation shows that for wavelength detection to larger than 280 nm. All a 3 in. diameter PMT, we would expect to detect together, we expect to achieve 0.8 mrad un- about 15 photoelectrons, and, with this granular- certainty on the Cerenkov angle∼ per photon, or ity, the Cerenkov angle uncertainty per photon is 100µrad per track. The expected separation about 6.5 mrad.
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