Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (Jtairman - Committ!?t" on Financt: & Taxation, General Government O]><".rations, and 'fouth Development J A1itu(lrentai -Tres J1.la Lihesiahiran t,--;udhan I 33ru Guam Legislature February 15, 2016 TI1e Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, 1:d.D. Speaker I Mina 'Trentai Tres no Lihesla1urar1 Guilhan l 55 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 VIA: '!be Honorable Rory J, Respicio All/!/ Chairman / v - - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Naturnl Resources, Election Reform, and Capitol District RE: Sponsor's Report on Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) Dear Speaker Won Pat, Hilfa adai! Trnnsmitted herewith is the Sponsor's Report on Resolution No, 257-33 (COR) ·-"Relative to expressing l Liheslaturan Gulihan's unreserved support for the introduction ofH,R, 3642 into the United States House of Representatives hy the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine 7,, Bordallo." Committee votes are as follows: TO DO PASS TO NOT PASS TO REPORT OUT ONLY TO ABSTAIN TO PLACE IN NACTIVE FILE LAS DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St. Suite 407 Hagati\a, Guam 96910 (671) 472 - 6453 I [email protected] I www.senatmsarrnicolas.com Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas Ch.airman - Committee on Finance & T a:xation, General Goverrunent Open1tions, and Youth Developtnent l !Y1in1.:ftrcntai Tres N1z L-ihi'$/aturari (~tulhan I 33ro Gua1n Legislature SPONSOR'S REPORT Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) "Relative to expressing I Liheslaturan Guahan 's unreserved support for the introduction of H.R. 3642 into the United States House of Representatives by the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo." DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St Suite 407 Hagati\a, Guam 96910 (671) 472 - 64531 [email protected] I www.senatorsannicolas.mm Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (~hainnan - ('ommittee- on Finance & Taxation, General Government (_)perations, and Youth Dl;"'velopn1t"nt ! Mina'trent1'i Tres t../o. L1hesli1turan Gu.1Jlu1n I 33m Guam Legislature February 15. 2016 MEMORA.l'l!DIJM TO: All Senators RE: Sponsor's Report on Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) Hafa adai! Transmitted herewith is the Sponsor's Report on Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) "Relative to expressing I Liheslaruran Guahan's unreserved support for the introduction of H.R. 3642 into the United States House of R<:presentatives by the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo." This report includes the following: • Vote Sheet • Report Digest • Copy of Resolution No. 257 -33 (COR) • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet • CopyofCOR Referral of Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) • Notices of Public Hearing • Copy of the Public Hearing Agenda Please take the appropriate action on the attached vole sheet. Your attention to this matter is 1,>reatly appreciatt'<l. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Respectfully, DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St. Suite 4-07 Hagati\a, Guam %910 (671) 472 - M53 [ [email protected] I www.senalorsannicolas.com Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas Chairman- Committee on Finance & Taxation, GeneraJ Government Operations, and Youth Development I lvfirrcltn'Tltw' Tres ,"fa Lihl'slaturmr Gudfwtt I 33'J Guam Legisiatute VOTE SHEET Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) - "Relative to expressing I Liheslaturan Guilhan 's unreserved support for the introduction of H.R. 3642 into the United States House of Representatives by the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo." Speaker V. Anthony Ada i ·~ -f ~-·-t---·-···---+-·~_ ---~ l ' ·-· ..r-l >--~~~--~~~~~~~~-· -~.+-~~~ -+~~~-4 Senator Thomas A. Morrison ~.......... --+-...... r-.J I i I Senato; Tina Rose Muiia-Barnerl·- -· r·---r-··--i I Sm''°' Rocy J R~pido ti~/llW" ;:;----,;_ ---r---i +~ F· J;di..;T.\v;;·p:- ·-r -~1 -t-=- :-.. -[ - ~ DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St. Suite 407 Hagatria, Guam %910 (671) 472. 64531 [email protected] I www.senatorsannicolas.com Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas Chairman - ('omn1ittee on Finance L~ T.lxation, General Government ()perations1 and Youth Development I Mina'tn:ntui Tres t"Ja Liheslaturan Gualwn I 3Jr-d Guam Legislature COMl\fITIEE REPORT DIGEST l.OVERVJEW Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) was introduced on January 7, 2016, by Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas. The bill was subsequently referred by the Corrunittee on Rules to the primary sponsor on January 12, 2016. The Committee on Finance & Taxation, General Government Operations, and Youth Development held a public hearing on January 28, 2016, in I Liheslatura's Public Heming Room. The only item on the hearing agenda was Resolution No. 257-33 (COR). The hearing convened at 9:00 a.m. and was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Public Notice Requiremeuts Public Hearing notices were disseminated via electronic mail to all senators and all main media broadcasting outlets on January 21, 2016, and again on January 25, 2016. Notice was also posted on I Liheslatura's website beginning on January 21, 2016. Senators Present Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas, Committee Chairman Senator Nerissa B. Underwood. Ph.D .. Committee Member Oral Testimony None Written Testimony None U. TESTIMONY & DJSCUSSION Chairman Michael San Nicolas explained the intent of Resolution No. 257-33 (COR). He stated that it would express the support of I Liheslaturan Guc1han for H.R. 3642 legislation introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo. He explained that H.R. 3642 would make Social Security available as a retirement choice for government of Guam employees prospectively. He stated !hat discussion about the issue has been going on for nearly a year with all the relevant community stakeholders. Chairman San Nicolas explained that the Social Security Administration was instrumental in helping Congresswoman Bordallo's office draft the legislation and stated that one of the final steps needed to move forward is to show the otlicial support of the government of Guam, which is what the resolution intends to do. Without any public testimony being offered, the hearing on Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) was adjourned. Ill. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas, the primary sponsor of Resolution No. 257-33 (COR), hereby reports out Resolution No. 257-33 (COR), with the recommendation __ l);!. T::c PA£.,.L ____________ . DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St. Suite 407 Hagati1a, Guam %910 (671) 472- 64531 [email protected] I www.senatorsannicolas.com I :'l-flNA'TREN1'.4l TRES iVA L/HES/ATURAN GUAHAN 2016 (SECOND) Regular Session Resolution No. Introduct'ti by: Michael F.Q. San Nicolase Relative to expressing I liheslaturan G·uahan's unreserved support for the introduclion of H.R. 3642 into the United States House of Representatives by the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo. BE IT RESOLVED BY I l!Ht.'SLATURAN ClUAHAN: 2 WHEREAS, the Social Security Act, passed in the 74'h tLS. Congress, was 3 signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on August 14, 1935; and 4 WHEREAS, the Social Security Act granted money to the states lo provide 5 unemployment insurance. aid to families with dependem children, public health 6 services, assistance to aged individuals. assistance to the blind, maternal and child 7 welfare, am! is most widely known for benefits provided to retirees and survivors 8 through Old Age, Survior and Disability Insurance (OASIJI); and 9 \VHEREAS, the Social Security retirement security program did nol IO originally include any state or local government employees, hut sud1 coverage has I l since been extended to most states and territmies; and 12 \VHEREAS, Guam is not c1uTcntly authorized to extend coverage of state l < or local government employees under Social Security OAS DI; and 14 WHEREAS, 1he provision of an adequate retirement security program lo l) government of Guam employees ensures that once employees 1mcnd w retire. they 16 arc able to; and WHEREAS, since !995, new hires in the government of Guam arc enrolled 2 in a defined contribution retirement plan, which provides for individual accounts 3 similar to private sector 40 l K retirement accounts and matches mandatmy 4 contributions of five percent (5%) of employees' gross pay; and 5 WHEREAS, most private sector employees also contribute to and become 6 eligible to benefits provided under Social Security OASDL bu! since government 7 of Guam employees do not contribute to Social Security, their retirement income 8 from this source is usually little to none; and 9 WHEREAS, the total benefits availahle to future government of Guam 10 employees would be significantly enhanced by coverage under Social Security I l OASDI; and 11 !2 \VHEREAS, the 32 d Guam Legislature adopted Resolution No. 379-32 13 (LS) on June 16, 2014; and 14 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 379-32 (LS) requested that Congresswoman 15 Madeleine Z. Bordallo introduce legislation to allow government of Guam 16 employees to be covered under Social Security; and 17 WHEREAS, Congresswoman Madeleine L Bordallo introduced H.R. 3642 18 on September 29, 2015 in the I 14rt' Congress to provide increased tlexibility in the 1.9 extension of the Social Security program to Guam: now therefore be it 20 RESOLVED, that l Afina 'Trentai Tf·es Na Uheslaturan Gudhan does 21 hereby reaffinn its support for the extension of Social Security OASDl to 22 employees of the government of Guam; and be it further __, ., , RESOLVED, that I .Mina 'Trentai Tres Na Lilicslaturan Gut!han does 24 hereby express its unreserved support for H.R. 3642, introduced bv 25 Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Borda!lo; and be it tlirther 26 Rli:SOL VED, that the Speaker of I Uheslaruran Gucilwn ccrtity, and the 27 Legislative Secretary attests to, the adoption hereof and that copies of the same he 2 thereafter transmitted to the Honorable Representative Madeleine Z. Bordallo, 2 Guam Delegate 10 the United States Congress; to the Honorable Represemarive 3 Kevin Brady. Chaimian of the House Ways and Means Committee; to the 4 Honorable Representative Sander M.
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