AÇOREANA, 2007, Supl. 5: 162-172 THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF SANTA MARIA AS A CHANCE FOR FOSSILIFEROUS OUTCROPS MANAGEMENT Calado, H. 1, 2, S.P. Ávila 3, 4, 5 & P. Madeira 3, 4 1 Secção de Geografia, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Rua Mãe de Deus, 9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Azores, PORTUGAL 2 CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos - Pólo Açores, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Rua da Mãe de Deus, Apartado 1422, 9501- 855 Ponta Delgada, Azores, PORTUGAL 3 MPB, Marine PalaeoBiogeography Working Group of the University of Azores, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, 9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Azores, PORTUGAL, e-mail: [email protected] 4 Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Rua Mãe de Deus, 9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Azores, PORTUGAL 5 Centro do IMAR da Universidade dos Açores, 9901-862 Horta, Azores, PORTUGAL INTRODUCTION fruition (UNESCO, 1997; Mota et al., 2004; DROTRH/SRAM, 2006; he Azores Environment and Sea MAOTDR, 2006). TAgency through its Regional The general goal of the project Department of Land Management consists on stimulating practices to and Water Resources, together with the sustainable management of the the Agency of Land Management of coastal areas of the Azores, Madeira the Autonomous Government of The and Canary Islands. As specific objec- Canary Islands and the Regional tives, the following stand out: Cabinet of Transport and Social to strengthen the cooperation Equipment of the Autonomous between the Macaronesia authorities; Government of Madeira carry on the to identify the problems and the com- project “Sustainable Management of mon potential of the coastal areas of the Social, Economic and Ecological the islands; Development of the coastal areas of to train human resources: Macaronesia within the community Management and Preservation of initiative INTERREG III B 2000-2006, Resources; Açores-Madeira-Canary Islands, to contribute for the improvement which has been designated as of the state of the coastal ecosystems LITOSOST. of the EU islands. The LITOSOST project aims at The intervention area of this pro- achieving land management of a ject in the Autonomous Region of the coastal area which focuses on reduc- Azores, are the islands Santa Maria, ing the urban and infra-structural Graciosa, Flores and Corvo, the main pressure and regenerating, recover- goal consists in the elaboration of the ing and converting it for public Coastal Zone Management Plans. CALADO ET AL: COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN 163 MATERIALS AND METHODS May, 12th. These plans constitute a Governmental extra means of inter- Definition of Coastal Zone vention and aim at achieving objec- Management Plan tives of national interest with spatial The Coastal Zone Management repercussions, establishing safeguard Plans (CZMP) are considered as regimes for resources and natural Special Land Management Plans, as values, ensuring the permanence of mentioned in the Law-Decree nr systems which are fundamental to 380/99 dated from September, 22nd, the sustainable land use. altered and re-published by the Law- Decree 310/2003, dated from Intervention Area December, 10th, which establishes the The definition of the intervention juridical regime of the Land area for the CZMP is presented in the Management Instruments/Tools. It areas defined in Fig. 1. When the has been adapted to the Azores beach stretches beyond the estab- Region through the Regional lished width, the bank will be extend- Legislative Decree nr 14/2004, dated ed according to the limits defined in from May, 23rd, altered and re-pub- the CZMP. In the process of design- lished by the Regional Legislative ing this area, some practical aspects Decree nr 24/2003/A, dated from must be pointed out: FIGURE 1. Intervention (operational) and Study Area of the CZMP. LowEST – Lowest level of equinox spring tide. HighEST – highest level of equinox spring tide. 164 AÇOREANA 2007, Supl. 5: 162-172 a) the sea limit representing the the bathymetric of -30m and Protection Sea Zone of Santa the coastline; Maria Island has been found b) The coastal strip 500 metres by interpolating the bathymet- wide, measured from the ric of the -50m and – 20 m; coastline inland. b) the island’s limit, which equals the sea level, as been taken as Coastal Zone Management Plan the land limit of the Protection main Goals Sea Zone of Santa Maria The CZMP aims at integrating the Island, due to lack of informa- socio-economic development with tion concerning the highest environmental protection and level of high tide of the improvement, urban planning and equinox spring tide; management, besides protecting the c) coastline has been assumed to coast, promoting the communication meet the sea level, as shown in between institutions and public par- the vectorial information, of ticipation. The environmental plan- the Geographic Institute. ning is based on a set of guidelines, in order to achieve a holistic manage- In order to simplify the graphic ment of all resources, regardless their representation, the AI is shown in nature – economic, social, cultural or two distinctive units as in Fig. 2: natural – ensuring, thus, a sustainable a) Protection Sea Zone, between development (Beller et al., 1990). FIGURE 2. Limits of the intervention area of Santa Maria Island. At yellow, the pro- tected terrestrial zone; at blue, the bathymetry of 30m depth. CALADO ET AL: COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN 165 According to the Law-Decree nr and environmental importance, but, 309/93, dated from September, 2nd, very sensitive, a proper land use changed by the Law-Decree nr management of this place must be 218/94, dated from August, 20th, and observed. The guidelines concerning by the Law-Decree nr 113/97, dated the coastal interventions are defined from May, 10th, and still in accor- in the Resolution nr 138/2000, dated dance with the adaptation done con- from August, 17th, which sets the cerning the Autonomous Region of guidelines regarding the interven- the Azores, in the Regional legislative tions on the coastal areas: Decree nr 18/98/A, dated from a) environmental protection and November, 9th, the objectives of the valuation of the natural and CZMP are as follow: landscape resources; a) to rank the different uses and b) integration of the water practices; resources in the comprehen- b) to classify the beaches and reg- sive coastal planning, aiming ulate the bathing use; at its sustainable development; c) to value the beaches consid- c) promotion of the socio-eco- ered as strategic, due to envi- nomic development; ronmental or tourist reasons; d) transport and communications d) to lead the development of as regional cohesion factors; specific activities of the coastal e) improvement of the popula- area; tion’s life standard; e) to preserve nature. f) preservation of the coastal area; g) preservation of the sea environ- The fulfilment of the guidelines ment adjacent to the coast. regarding the interventions on the coastal area implies that a set of prin- The general objectives underlying ciples is observed during the elabora- the elaboration of the CZMP reflect tion of the CZMP. The principles different concerns and support the established by law, to be observed issues which are intended to be pre- during the elaboration of the plan are vented and will be presented accord- the following: ingly with specific goals for the coastal a) protection of the biophysical area of each island. The goals include integrity of the space; simultaneously the specificities (urban b) valuation of the coastal and legal) of this Land Management resources; Plan tool, the coastal planning on c) preservation of landscape and islands and the specific features of the environmental values. coastal areas of the islands. According to the Resolution nr 138/2000, dated Taking into consideration the from August, 17th, the general objec- pressures which exist along the tives underlying the elaboration of the coastal area and being the ecosystems CZMP concern: of an immense natural, landscape a) respect for the soil conditions, 166 AÇOREANA 2007, Supl. 5: 162-172 FIGURE 3. Methodology of the different stages of the CZMP of Santa Maria Island (Azores). CALADO ET AL: COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN 167 preservation of the resource and Promotion of the Fossil Deposits water and delimitation of risk of the Island Santa Maria”. Therefore, areas; the fossil deposits management is a b) urbanization (limits, con- part of the CZMP proposals and will straints, uses of the urban soil, be one of the conditions defined to etc.); achieve the suatainable use of c) building (construction stabili- resources and coastal development. ty, construction typology per The island of Santa Maria is the soil, use and building area); only one in the Azores archipelago to d) cultural trend and dimension have visible fossiliferous outcrops. of each island; These are often characterised by their e) institutional communication value and good state of preservation. and plan management. Most of these outcrops are Late- Miocene Early-Pliocene of age (e.g., Figueiral, “Pedra-que-Pica”, Ponta DISCUSSION Negra, Ponta da Malbusca, Ponta do Norte and Cré) (Zbyszewsky et al., The CZMP of Santa Maria Island 1961; Zbyszewsky & Ferreira, 1962; (Azores) Estevens & Ávila, 2007; Kirby et al., The CZMP of Santa Maria Island 2007), although there are also evi- is due to be elaborated in about 12 dence of Pleistocene outcrops months and taking into consideration (Prainha, Lagoinhas and possibly the last period due to public partici- “Pedra-que-Pica”) (Zbyszewsky & pation. Thus, the different stages of Ferreira, 1961; García-Talavera, 1990; the plan will be: Callapez & Soares, 2000; Ávila et al., a) Stage I – Characterisation and 2002; Ávila, 2005). For a complete list Diagnosis; of references see Madeira et al. (2007) b) Stage II – Land Management and consult Fig. 4 for the location of Previous Study; the fossiliferous outcrops. c) Stage III – Proposal of a plan; Since the 16th century that these d) Stage IV – Final version of the deposits have been source of interest plan.
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