.7234 CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE. }lAY 31, bill 2104 th::tt we had up a few days ago, the purpose of which 1\Ir. 1\IADDEN. Then let us amenu it so that it will say so. i to increa e the salaries of the boiler inspectors. If there is 1\fr. GARRET'".r of Tennessee. For the time being I make a not to be any oppo ition to that bill, it bus been on the calendar point of order on the re olution. for many months, and the department is very much desirous Mr. MADDEN. I do not think the point of order is well taken· to have the legislation enacted. I think the resolution simply asks for facts. It does not ask fo~ 1\Ir. SMOOT. I will say to the Senator from Mississippi that an opinion. It a ks for information which ought to be in I received in thi morning's mail a number of communications pos e sion of the department to which the re olution i ad­ upon the que tion of steamboat inspectors. I have not yet had dresseti. time to reati them, anti I want the bill to go over at least until The SPE..i.KER. What does the gentleman say about this I can exnmiue the letters which I have already received. language: l\Ir. V .A.RDAMAN. I am not going to urge the consideration That the Interstate Commerce Commi sion be requested to report to of the measure at this time, but it is very necessary that it shall the House the number of men in the s ervice of the commission liaWe to be passed. I ·wi h now to gi\e notice that early next week I military service. am going to ask the Senator from Utah to consider the question l\lr. l\1ADDEX. I mean within the draft age. which it involves, and to be ready to act upon the bill. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. But the resolution does not say so. ADJOURNME~"""T TO MO.."'WAY. 1\lr. l\IADDEN. I will make it say so, if I may be permitted Mr. 1\lARTIN. l\lr. Presluent, I move that the Senate adjourn to amend the resolution. until 12 o'clock noon on 1\Ionuay next. Mr. GARRETT of Tenne see. Of course, the gentleman can The motion \\·as agreed to; and (at 1 Q'clock and 20 minutes introduce a new resolution. p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, June 3, 1918, at 12 l\lr. MADDEN. I do not ee why there should be any neces­ o'clock meridian. sity for that. If it ac~omplishes the purpo e by amending the language to which the-gentleman object at thi time, why delay? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. It seems to me, Mr. Speaker, there is · no more important function to be performed by the Congress of the United States FRIDAY, May 31,1918. than to n certain whether or not we have a number of slackers in the different uepartments who are being made slackers and The Honse met at 12 o'clock noon. hidden away from the front-line trenches at the in tance of The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Coutien, D. D., offereu the fol­ the department heads, while the sons of the widows of America lowing prayer : are compelled to go to the front and fight. The purpose I have ''e thank Tl1ee, our Father in Heaven, for the splendid trib­ in mind is that by tlle pa . a~e of these resolutions we shall be ute poured out ye terday all o-ver the land for our heroes in able to ascertain who these men are, what tiutie fuey are per­ e-very war we as a people have been called upon to wage from the forming, where they are from, anti whether the duties they are inception of a Government of the people; for all the prayer. that performing are of sufficient Yalue to the tiepartmcnt to justify ascended to Thee from devout hearts in behalf of our soldiers, exemption. I have no ue. ire to cripple any department. If sailors, and their allies, who are fighting to-day for the same there i any man in a department who i being exempted from principles which our soltiiers of the past fought for. military sen·ice and who i within the draft age who e duties Grunt that the day, hallowed by precious memories, the trib­ in the department are such as to make it es ential that he horrid utes and the prayers which were poured out, may be an inspira­ be exempted from military service, I would be the last man to tion and solace to our heroe of to-uay. object to it, but let us take, for example, the case of the Secre­ May their coutage and ·ralor <lri\e back the barbarians a.nd tary of Agriculture, who ast;:ed and obtaineu exemption for bring to the world an everlasting peace, in His name. Amen. 2,000 men of draf"t age in his rtepartment. The Journal of the proceeuing of 'Vednesday, 1\lay 29, 1918, l\lr. BORLAND. 1\Ir. Speaker, will the gentleman yielti? wa read and approved. 1\Ir. l\IADDEN. In a moment. There ought to be something done about that. If that condition ex:ist in the Agricultural DEP.o\RT:i\IEST EMPLOYEES Lll"BLE TO 1\IILITA.nY SER\ICE. Department, it is fair to assume that it exists in other depart­ 1\Ir. 1\IADDE.L'{ rose. ment . Whether it does or not, we will oon be able to know The SPEAKER. For what purpose doe the gentleman from if we get the information that they have in theh· possession, illinois rise? and this is n mere resoltftion of inquiry us to the fact ·. 1\Ir. MA.DDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise for the purpose of moving l\1r. RAYBURN. Mr. Sperlker, will the gentleman yield? the ·discharge of \arious committees from further consideration 1\fr. 1\IADDEN. Yes. of some pri\ileged resolutions which were introduced se\eral l\1r. RAYBURN. Does the gentleman 'know that there are day ago, a '"'eek a"O la t Wednesuay, anti of a king that they that many within the uraft age in the .Agricultural Department be taken up for con ideration at this time and pas ed. who have been exempteu? 1\fr. GARRETT of Tenne ~ee. We will have to have one at 1\Ir. MADDEN. It is admitted. a time. l\fr. RAYBURN. By whom? The SPEAKER. Seml one of them up. l\lr. 1\IADDEN. By the Scc1·etary ot Agriculture. l\Ir. MADDEN. I shall send them all up, anti fuey can come 1\lr. BORLAND. I have not seen any such tu.tement. in their order. 1\lr. MADDEN. '.rhat statement was made on the floor of the The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read tl1e resolution. Hou, e by the members of the Agricultural Committee. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. BORLAND. The ecretary of Agriculture has not ad~ House resolution 336. mitted any such statement. R esolved, That the Interstate Commerce Commission be requested 1\Ir. MADDEN. l\Iy un1ler ta'nding is tllat lle did admit it to to report to the House the number of men in the ·ervice of the com.mis· the members of the Agricultural Committee. sian liable to· militury service for whom requests have been made and obtained for exemption from military duty, the names and addresses l\Ir. BORLAND. I hope that is not the case. of such per ons, nnd the character of work they are performing in the Mr. RAYBURN. The gentleman said fua.t be had atimittell service of the commission. it-not that it was his opinion that he did. 1\.lr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I re erve the l\ir. MADDEN. That is the statement of fue members of the point of order on the resolution. With the purpose the gentle· Agricultural Committee on the floor of the House. man has in mind I am in entire ~;ympathy, at least in so far as 1\fr. BORLAND. I hope the gentleman i wrong about fuat I understand the purpose. admission being made. Mr. MADDEN. The only purpose is to get the names and ati­ 1\Ir. 1\IADDEN. I hope he is, too. dre ses of these people. Mr. BORLAND. I am free to say fuat if 2,000 men lla\e 1\lr. GARRE'l'T of Tennes ee. Thljt nece · . ~arily requires an been exempted in the Department of Agriculture from rnllitary expression of opinion; that is, as to tho e liable to military service who are within the <lraft age-- seiTice. Mr. l\1ADDEK. That i true. l\fr. 1\IADDEN. I menn within tbe uraft uge. l\Ir. BORLAND. There is no justification for 100 men within M1·. GARRETT of Tenne see. I do not know about that. The the draft age being exempted a special employees of the re olution does not say o. department. 1\lr. l\IADDEK. I am a king only for those who are exempted 1\Ir. MADDEN. Tile clwrge wa macle on tlle floor <luring upon request from military duty and fuo e within the draft the consideration of the agricultural extension appropriation age. Of coursP, they are liable. to military tiuty if they are bill that that i the case, nml the statement was mn<le by mem­ within the draft a~e.
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