PEOPLE LOBBYING FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE • MARCH/APRIL 2007 Our Children, Our Future dear members IN MEMORIAM Rev. Robert F. Drinan, SJ ��������� What a time these first Nov. 15, 1920 –Jan. 28, 2007 ���������������������������������������� few months of the NETWORK—a Catholic leader in the global movement 110th Congress have for justice and peace— been! Through our joint educates, organizes and advocacy we have achieved lobbies for economic some significant victories and social transformation. including votes for a NETWORK Board of Directors Elizabeth Avalos, BVM minimum wage increase Marie Clarke Brill and building the movement Simone Campbell, SSS Joan Carey, SSJ toward peace in Iraq. There Cathleen Crayton are many more parts of our Patricia Crowley, OSB Jackie Griffith, SSJ agenda that now have some Linda Howell-Perrin, LSW political interest on Capitol Cherished friend of NETWORK for many years, Fr. Drinan was a Barbara Jennings, CSJ Barbara Lange Hill. Member of Congress, internationally known human rights activist, Marie Lucey, OSF It was in the midst of accomplished author and Georgetown University law professor. We are Lourdes Mendoza profoundly grateful for his life and legacy of justice. ABOVE: Congressman Kateri Mitchell, SSA this happy hubbub that Drinan accepts NETWORK award from Peggy Comfrey, CSJ (1974). Suzanne Sassus, CSJ we learned of the death Aisha Smith Taylor Sandra Thibodeux, MMB of our friend Father Bob Mary T. Yelenick Drinan, SJ. Whenever he Contents NETWORK Education Program saw any of us, he would Board of Directors envisioning Kit Hinga, SSJ always mention how proud Dorothy Jackson, SCN You Could Save My Child Kathleen Phelan, OP he was of our work before 3 Margaret Phipps Simone Campbell, SSS, hears the anguished cry proceeding to give us of an Iraqi mother. Mary Ann Smith, MM ideas on how to move our NETWORK Staff agenda forward. I will miss cover story Communications Coordinator/Editor— Stephanie Niedringhaus Making Health Coverage for his physical presence in 4 Coordinator of Annual Giving—Hanna Rutz our lives, but trust that he All Children a Reality in 2007 Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving— will intercede for us and all Marian Wright Edelman presents the Children’s Lindsay Gonzales Defense Fund’s new health initiative. Executive Director—Simone Campbell, SSS those in need. Field Associate/Editorial Assistant—Jessica This dual reality tells me focus on the hill Guentzel Field Coordinator—Jean Sammon that we live on the cusp 8110th Congress Quickens IT Coordinator—Joy Wigwe of change—birthing and Its Pace Lobbyists—Marge Clark, BVM; Catherine Pinkerton, CSJ dying. It made me think of The new Congress is off to a fast start. What Lobby Associates—Morgan Gregson, my little poem: comes next? Elena Lacayo Office/Membership Coordinator— Only between winter toward a global community Ann Dunn and spring, 10 There Are No More Children NETWORK Education Program Staff summer and fall Shahla Waliy speaks about the tragic loss of Jean Sammon (part-time) is daylight childhood innocence in Iraq today. Articles in NETWORK Connection may be balanced with reprinted. Please include the following highlighting people on the reprints: “Reprinted with permis- darkness. sion from NETWORK, a National Catholic Poised on the edge Fire in the Heart Social Justice Lobby, 25 E Street NW, 12 Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001, www. Helen Peterson tells the story of Mary Jo of birthing networklobby.org.” Please send us a copy and dying, Copeland, a woman who truly radiates God’s love. of the reprinted article. our world hurtles spread the word January/February 2007—Vol. 35, No. 2 in a brief balance NETWORK Connection before 13 Meeting Children’s Needs ISSN 0199-5723 rolling on Copy and distribute this call to activism for all our Published bimonthly by NETWORK children. PHONE 202-347-9797 FAX 202-347-9864 to the next phase E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.networklobby.org of disequilibrium. making a differencee POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO May this phase of 15 Double Vision NETWORK disequilibrium be good for Jessica Guentzel tells the story of lessons taught 25 E Street NW, Suite 200 and learned as she and her twin sister worked Washington, DC 20001 the working poor families with children in the U.S. and India. Annual dues: $50/$60 international. in our country. Copyright © 2007 NETWORK. Comments on this issue? Ideas for future issues of Design: Eugenia Kim Connection? Let us hear from you! Cover photo by Earl Dotter. [email protected] 2 Connection March/April 2007 www.networklobby.org envisioning You Could Save My Child BY SIMONE CAMPBELL, SSS T “You could save my child,” offered an and our political leaders’ grand visions. of a politician kissing a baby that will Iraqi mom in the pediatric oncology In the United States, like the rest make a difference. No, we need to unit in Baghdad in December 2002, of the world, the real health and other invest ourselves in the children around Yas I thanked her for allowing me to needs of children who are in middle us. We need to give our hearts to the play with her little son, Hyder. This class or working poor families often teens with the piercings or purple hair. message, possibly even an accusation get lost in the political machinations of We need to give our hearts to the crying and certainly a plea, seared my soul. I medical-industrial giants and politicians baby on the bus or the loud children on was overwhelmed by this responsibil- seeking re-election. Children’s educa- the street. We need to give our hearts to ity and my powerlessness in the face of tion gets lost in standardized tests and children in church or at the neighbor- our government’s refusal to let needed teacher punishment. Children’s basic hood center. Risking a conversation is medicines enter Iraq during the period security gets undermined by poor hous- important for our long term growth. It of sanctions. Since that day, I have been ing and limited opportunities as parents builds relationships that are at the core haunted by this anguished statement. struggle in low-wage jobs. of the reign of God. For, as we know, it I have since heard this statement In the world’s richest country, it is a is children who are at the heart of the repeated over and over by mothers scandal that we are not investing in our mission of Jesus. around the world. Mothers plead for future by responding to the needs of our So I have come to know that the Iraqi their children everywhere—in Sudan own children and children around the woman was begging all of us to respond and Somalia, Bangladesh and Myanmar, world. Through investment in housing, to the all too real needs of her child and Ecuador and Brazil, Spain and Russia. healthcare and education, we can make of all children. Are we willing to walk The world over, their plea is for their a future of hope for these emerging this searing path of relationship, exer- children’s survival and growth. This global citizens. At NETWORK, we work cising responsibility wherever we can? If plea is not mirrored in most people with daily for responsible policies in housing we are, then we will not need to shrink political power. In fact, leaders’ lexicons and healthcare and collaborate with oth- from the statement of reality: you could include “collateral damage” and “unin- ers who advocate for quality education. save my child. tended consequences” that lead to the With the advocacy of our members we death or maiming of the next genera- attempt to partner for change—creating Simone Campbell, SSS, is NETWORK’s tion. Children, the hope of our species, a world focused on the common good. Executive Director. Photo by Rick are often lost in their parents’ struggles It is not an easy slogan or a photo McDowell. www.networklobby.org March/April 2007 Connection 3 Making Health Coverage for All Children a Reality in 2007 BY MARIAN WRIGHT EDELMAN As the new political year gets off to a North Korea, or bring a lasting peace in special opportunity and responsibility to start, many leaders are spending a lot the Middle East. But we do know how to take the next logical, moral, and achiev- of time talking about what they want solve the crisis of uninsured children. It able steps to ensure health and mental to accomplish for the American peo- is disgraceful and costly to let more than health coverage for all children in Amer- Aple. Our leaders do not know how to nine million children in America—the ica as a significant down payment on extricate from the Iraq and Afghanistan richest nation in the world—go with- health coverage for all Americans. quagmire, stop nuclear prolif- out health coverage. Another uninsured CDF offers its proposal as Congress eration in Iran and baby is born every 46 seconds. As Con- prepares to reauthorize funding for gress must act to reauthorize funding for SCHIP, a program CDF championed in the State Children’s Health Insurance 1997. Children’s Medicaid and SCHIP Program (SCHIP) this year, it has a have made significant progress in Covering All Children in 2007: A Logical, Moral and Achievable Goal WHY ACT NOW? for our nation and leaders in all parties to take the next Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance logical, incremental, smart and just steps to ensure health Program (SCHIP) have made tremendous progress in and mental health coverage for all children in America as a improving children’s health insurance, currently providing significant down payment on health coverage for all.
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