65th Montana Legislature - 2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Business Report Signed by Chairman Roll Call Attendance Standing Committee Reports Tabfed Bills Fiscal Reports Roff Caff Votes Proxy Forms Visitor Registration Additional Documents Witness Statements that are not presented as exhibits. Afl informationaf items handed in after meeting. Petitions; etcetera. Any docurnents which were subnitted after the comnittee hearing has ended an d,/ot was subrnitted late within 24 hours regarding information in the comrnittee hearing. YOU MAYVIEW THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS AT THE MONTATTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY moHT-dH.({ n IErgR tcdt, 6ocreTg fl Rcfl rve6 22s H. RO0eRT6 flebeH-d, MT 5962O-t2Ol 2ot7 be6t6t -dfl ve EeaEtoH C-9OCUMCNT SpeClrltlttT: tt0iile fi "drqIl"TON BUSINESS REPORT MONTANA SENATE 65th LEGISLATURE. REGULAR SESSION SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday, April 1 1, 2017 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Capitol Room:303 BILLS and RESOLUTIONS HEARD: SR 65 - Confirm Governor's appointees to the Board of Crime Control - Sen. Keith Regier EXECUTIVE ACTION TAKEN: SJ 25, Do Pass SR 65, Be Adopted HB 133, Be Concurred In As Amended HB 595, Be Concurred In As Amended HB 600, Be Concurred In As Amended HB 46, Be Tabled MONTANA STATE SENATE 2OI7 IUDICIARY COMMITTEE ROLL CALL ,7 DATE: lt NAME PRESENT ABSENT/ EXCUSED CHAIRMAN REGIER I VICE CHAIR FIELDER VICE CHAIR SANDS SENATOR HINEBAUCH SENATOR HINKLE ,4hrtva b*, SENATOR VINCENT /*r" ,.4/aE SENATOR SWANDAL SENATOR BOLAND SENATOR MacDONALD SENATOR GROSS t/ PRESIDENT SALES ,/ S:V0l TCommitteeSecretaryFoldersUudiciaryUudiciary\CommRollCall.Judiciary.20l3.wpd SBNATE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT April ll,20l7 Page I of I Mr. President: We, your committee on Judiciary report that Senate Joint Resolution 25 (first reading copy -- white) do pass. -END- Committee Vote: Yes 8, No 3 Fiscal Note Required _ SJO025001SC.sjc COMMITTEE FILE COPY BILL TABLED NOTICE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE The SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE TABLED HB 46 - Generally revising funding for civil legal aid - Rep. Kimberly Dudik by motion, on Tuesday, April 11,2017 (PLEASE USE THIS ACTION DATE lN LAWS BILL STATUS). Committee) or the Secretary of l&tr6 April 1 1, 2017 (10:57am) Pam Schindler, Secretary Phone.1619 SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT April ll,20l7 Page I of I Mr. President: We, your committee on Judiciary report that Senate Resolution 65 (first reading copy -- white) be adopted. or Keith Reg -END- Committee Vote: Yes 11, No 0 Fiscal Note Required _ SRO0 65001SC. si c SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT April ll,20l7 Page I of5 Mr. President: We, your committee on Judiciary report that House Bill 133 (third reading copy -- blue) be concurred in as amended. To be carried by Senator Cynthia Wolken And, that such amendments read: 1. Titl-e, page I, line 11 through l-ine 12. Strike: "LIMITING" on l-ine 11 through "YOUNGER;" on line 12 INseTt: ''REVIS]NG THE MANDATORY MINIMUMS FOR CERTAIN SEXUAL OFFENSES WHEN VICTTM IS L2 YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER; " 2. Titl-e, page I, line 15. Strike: "ABOLISHING" Insert: "REVISING" 3 . Title, page L , line 1"9 . Strikez "46-18-222," 4 . Titl-e, line 20 . Strike: "53-30-403, " Strike: "61-B-410, " q rl'i 'l 1- a , .Y*nad6 Y' I, line 2I . E.olJ.owing': " 6l-- 8-J 3I, " Insert: "AND" FoJ.J.owing: "61-B-J32, " Strike: "AND 51-11-101, " 6. Page 6, line 22. FoJ.J-owing: "conviction" Committee Vote: Yes 9, No 2 Fiscal Note Required X HBO13300lSC16528. sic April ll,20l7 Page 2 of 5 Strike: "or" Insert: "and" 1. Page 16, line 28. Strike ' n 25tl Insert ' tf 10It B . Page 16, line 29 . Strike: "46-18-222 (1) throuqh (5) " Insert z " 46-18-222" Strike ' tt 25tl Insert ' 'r 10I' 9. Page L6, l-ine 30. Strike: "The exception" through I'Cpp].y.r' 10. Page 18, line 6. Strikei "25" Insert ' rr 10I' 11. Page 18, line 1. Strike: "46-18-222 (1) through (5) " Insert: " 46-18-222" Strike ' tt25tl Insert ' rr 10 rf L2. Page 18, line B. Strike: "The exception" through rrCpp]-y.rr 13. Page 20, line 1. Strike ' tt 25tj Insert: "10" 14. Page 20, Iine 2. Strike: "45-18-222 (1) through (5) " Insert.. " 46-18-222" Strike ' tt 25|| Insert ' rt 10 tl 15. Page 20, line 3. Strike: "The exception" through "apply. " 15. Page 29, Iine 21. FoJ.lowing: " (2)" Insert: " (a) " FoJ.lowing: "provided j-n" Strike: "subsection" Insert: "subsections (2) (b) and" H80133001SC16528.sjc April ll,20l7 Page 3 of 5 71 . Page 29, following l-ine 29. Insert: " (b) A person convicted of a second or subsequent viol-ation of subsections (1) (a) through (1) (f) within 1 year shall be fined an amount not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned in the 66rrrnl. rz i:i I f nr a term nOt tO exCeed 10 dayS." 18. Page 29, line 30. Following: ".@1b." Strike: " (i) " Insert: " (1) (i) " 19. Page 37, l-ine 21 and line 28. Strike: "THAT ARE" on l-ine 21 through "46-23-502" on l-ine 28 20. Page 31 , l-ine 28. Strike: "SEXUAL OFFENSE'l on line 28 throuqh f'TS Arr on line 29 2L. Page 31 , line 29. FoJ.J.owing: "FELONIES. " Insert: "At least one of +-L^ +1-,-^^ felonies must be a sexual- offense or a viol-ent offense AJ +l^^^^LIIU-E terms are defi-ned l_n 46-23-502. " 22. Page 38, line 1 through l-ine 2. Strike: "SEXUAL" on line 1 through "46-23-502, " on line 2 Insert: "offenses'l 23. Page 45, line 11 through page 46, line 1 Strike: section 21 in 'il-q anf iraJ-rr Renumber: subsequent sections 24. Page 50, line 24 through page 51, l-ine 19. Strike: section 31 in il-q anl- iro.l-rz Renurnber: subsequent sections 25. Page 54, line 19 through line 24. Strike: subsection (b) (f) in its entirety Insert: " (b) (i) A person convicted of the offense of driving a motor vehicle without proof of a statutory exemption for the second time shall- be punished by imprisonment for not less than 2 days or more than 6 months and may be fined not more than $500. (if) Except as provided in subsection (1) (b) (iii), a person convicted of the offense of driving during a suspensr_on or revocation period shal-l- be fined an amount not to exceed $500 or be imprisoned for a term of not more than 6 months, or both. " Renumber: subseguent subsections 26. Page 54, Iine 29. Strike: "be" HBO133001SC16528.sjc April ll,2017 Page 4 of 5 FoJ.lowing : f'a-t€r:rF-o+rf Strike: "not" FoJ.J.owing :'re-t=-fs--crr:rl Insert: "a term of not less than 2 davs or'l 21. Page 58, line 9 through line 29. Strike: section 38 in its entirety Renurnber: subseguent sections 28 . Page 66, l-ine 1 . Following : rrer{tcati€rr-tr fnsert: ", education," 29. Page 66, line 10. Strike: "anc!" Insert: " (b) for a first conviction, except as provided in subsection (B) (b), a chemical- dependency education course; andtt Renunber: subseguent subsections 30. Page 66, line 16. Strike: "shal-l" Insert: "may, in the judge's discretiofl," 31. Page 66, fine L9. Following: rt<+.+rt rnsert: "ff the assessment is not ordered or completed before sentencing, the judge shal-l order the chemical- clenenclcnr:rz assessment as part of the sentence. " 32. Page 66, line 20. Following : I'ec1:i=e'r' Insert: "and the chemical dependencv education course'l 33. Page 66, line 25. FolJ.owing : rteol:rr.se-r' Insert: ", the education course," 34. Page 66, line 27. Fo1J.owing : rretitteatrofiTrt Insert: "educationr " FoJ.J.owing : f'7--or*ot:h, Insert: ", or both" 35. Page 67 , l-ine B. FoJ.J.owing : the f irst'redtreat+-o1t-r' Insert: "education or" Following: the second'redlJe€ti€rr---orrl Insert: "the education or" H80133001SC16528.sjc April ll,2017 Page 5 of 5 36. Page 67, line 9. FoJ.J.owing : treorl.se--r-r' Insert: "education course or" 31 . Page 6f , line 10. FoJ.J.owing : rfeolr.r'sercr.' Insert: ttcourse or' 38. Page 6J , line 15. Fo1lowing: " (B) '' Insert: " (a) " 39. Page 6J, following line 18. Insert: " (b) ff treatment is ordered under subsection (B) (a) for a first-time offender, the offender may not also ha radrri rarl to attend a chemical_ dependencv education course. tt 40. Page 6J, l-ine 28 through page J0, line 6. Strike: sectj-on 42 in its entirety Renumber: subsequent sections 4I. Page f 0, l-ine 1B . FoJ.J-owing: line 18 Insert: "COORDINATION SECTION. Section 41. Coordination instruction. If Senate Bill No. 280 and lthis act] are both passed and approved and if both contain a secti-on that amends 61- 5-212, then the section in Senate Bilt No. 280 that amends 61-5- 2L2 is void. " -END_ H80133001SC16528.sjc SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT April ll,2017 Page 1 of I Mr. President: We, your committee on Judiciary report that House Bill595 (third reading copy -- blue) be concurred in as amended. To be carried by Senator Jennifer Fielder And, that such amendments read: 1. Page I, l-ine 23 . FoJ.J.owing: line 23 Insert: " (3) No cause of action shall arr_se as a consequence oI harm caused to an unborn bal-rrz brr an unintentional- act of its mother. " Renumber : subsequent subsection END Committee Vote: Yes 6. No 5 Fiscal Note Required _ H80595001SC15235. sic SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT April ll,20l7 Page I ofl Mr. President: We, your committee on Judiciary report that House 8il1600 (third reading copy -- blue) be concurred in as amended.
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