•LBSCRn>TIO.\ RATES: rtinhsftcd br the C on.prod*ll» rnbhsiiinc Co., Inc., dally except Monday, at oO S. Page Four \ fth St., Sew York City, N. Y\ Telephone Algonquin 4-7956. Cable “DAIWORK.’* By Mkii everywhere: One yeer, 56: six Months, 53,60; 5 mouths, 52; I stoafft, my Address and mail checks to the Daily Worker, 60 E. 13th St., New fork, N. Y. Dai!u,^orker'Aarlg •xceptlnf Borough of Mmnhsttan and Bronx, New York City, f oreign ud Central US A. Canada: One year, 59; 6 months, 55; 5 months, 53. COMMUNIST INTI URGES UNITED FRONT CLOTHING STYLE 1933 ROOSEVELT MODEL! HOW THE LATE LARRY FAY ACTION AGAINST FASCISM AND HUNGER BUILT LAUNDRY RACKET Pravda Declares Fascism Could Not Have Existed in Germany If Deal Put Over to Smash the Union for $17,000 * Socialist Heads Had Not Saved Capitalism in 1918 Despite Terror, Industrial Union Broke Up Ijy X. BUCHWALI) the Racket European Correspondent. Daily Worker) By LEON BLUM swered by an open declaration, ap- MOSCOW, March 7 (Uy Radiogram).—Yesterday’s Pravda carried a significant editorial In the spring of 1931 someone plauded by the rank and file, that) brought to Larry Fay who was the aim of the Communists is to entitled “The Onslaught Against Capitalism and Fascism*’. Commenting upon an appeal of bumped off by his SIOO a week clear the gangsters and their tools the Executive Committee of the Communist International, the official organ of the Com- doorman last year, the proposi- out of the union and to build a ranK munist Party onslaught of capital against the living stand- tion of organizing a racket in the and file union. At the following meet* of the Soviet Union said: “The laundry industry. The figures were ing there was sharp criticism of tila ards of the toiling masses and the growth of unemployment continues in the capitalist that there are 50,000 workers in the treachery of the racketeers in ate world. industry who will pay $2 and over as lowingthe Pretty laundry, whose boss initiation fee and- $2 a month dues, was a leader in the Association, tS “Unemployment is cm brae- j besides the unlimited graft and side fire workers indiscriminately. ing larger numbers of workers j money from the bosses. Dig Cell Ont To put over, 15 Finally, of Sept, organized reformist, Christian the racket about in the week tq, in and I International Notes strong arm organizers were put in 1931, rumors floated down the shopd trade unions. Ever growing masses j tv ROBERT HAMILTON the field, using two laundry workers, that a deal was put over with th» of workers have carried out strike j who were once active in the A. F. of Association to break up the union sos) SOCIALISTS REJECT COM- this united It action that explodes the social-demo- j front of all the toilers. L. as the “Greater New York the sum of $17,000. Thursday, joint Laun- On eratie theory about the impossibility j MUNIST OFFER OF UNITED wants it for the sake of the dry Workers Union, Inc.” Sept. 10, workers to the regular FRONT ) fight. came of the successful carrying out of eco- j Larry Fay also made a deal with meeting place, but detectives closed nomic strikes during periods of Tile Berlin district organization “During the past lew weeks it several laundry bosses to give them the hall on the ground that the char- j of the Communist Party crises. ’ proposed has repeatedly appealed to the So- some of the spoils. ter, which was in the hands of the ; to read the following united front Party, Chris- In the Lux Social-Democratic Treachery. cialist the Free and ; Laundry strike, the only Association, was missing. The offi- I declaration at a Socialist demon- tian trade unions to join in calling ; by cials refused to The newspaper, Pravda, one conducted the racketeers, the hold a meeting, but specially j i stration in front of the former upon the working class to oppose ; bulk of the trade away from a number of emphasizes fact that the on- taken workers went to another the imperial palace in Berlin on Fe- Fascism and the employers. the Lux went to the Hydrox laundry hall and held a meeting with 45 slaught of fascism became possible bruary 7th. “In this hour of the greatest present. in- j where the gang leader Owney Mad- workers because social-democracy was an ; The Socialist leaders, Wendt. peril the Communist Party again den had an In the Members the interest. return, Take Over strument in the hands of capital- j Kuenstler and Otto Weis refused to calls upon the workers organized ! owners of and At an to the the Hydrox, Regent this meeting organization ist class, and due fact that j let Comrade Erbst Torgler, chair- in the Socialist Party, the Free and [ some others, forced their to Committee of 11 and the Weimar republic any Reichstag workers was elected s2l did not in l man of the Communist Christian trade unions, at once to join the racket. In fact, bosses to start the work of re- way Injure the forces of the re- deputies, read the to the tX.c:ceted old I declaration join us In beginning the fight paid the initiation and dues for many organization. The bosses and the gime which was able to thrive under! the assembled workers, although it against Fascism in town and coun- drivers. gangsters were wild. Intimidation, the it. was deliberately phrased so as not try, in the factories and at the In August, 1931, most Communism states: "No fas- workers real- red herring of were Continuing Pravda I to give the Socialist Party leaders unemployment exchanges. ized that the only purpose used, but re- in Germany, any rejecting the rack- to no avail. The bosses cism could have existed excuse for it. “Call joint meetings at once for eteers had was to get money from taliated by breaking the head of Hungary or if reads the Poland, Italy, Austria The declaration as follows: the formation of fighting organs in both the workers and the bosses. A chairman of the organization com- social-democracy had not saved capi- "Socialist class comrades! Com- every factory, at every unemploy- movement started in the shops to mittee, Louis Schribman, a worker of talism in 1918. Tile defeat of Ger- rades of the Reichsbanner and the ment exchange, in all residential stop dues payments to the racketeers the Active Laundry, and fired him social-democracy defeat of Hitler-Papen- man is a j Iron Front! The districts. Reinforce mass self- Ford Massacre Anniversary Finds And to build inner groups in every on top of it. This worker was put Hugenberg government is estab- world-historic importance. It is ac- defense against Fascist terrorism I shop to be ready to reorganize the back to work after the next strike in companied by a rise in the struggle lishing open Fascism in Germany. There isn’t a single day, a single union when the sell out would come. the Active Laundry. of the toiling masses, raising the j The entire labor movement is to be ; hour to be lost! Open Clash Scores of workers in shops, where pro- suppressed may fight for the dictatorship of the | so that capitalism “Class comrades, Fellow-workersl Workers Stronger A secret meeting of shop chairmen only a few were fooled by the racket- live. Everything is at stake for the letariat. Grasp the hands stretched out to and leading workers was held at eers into joining them and where the working proletariat. We can win everything ¦‘The class feels acutely j i you by us Communists for com- about the same time. To this meeting workers did not stick together for the necessity of uniting all forces j ! in these days and weeks, but we By K, BAKER merging of the private armed a of T.U.U.L. was were _______ representative the protection, fired. can also lose very much indeed mon struggle! We will win this with for the fight against the onslaught fight, if we fight united and with Monday, March 7, Union As forces of industry the city and invited to outline a program of action All the application cards and the That Is why we must immediately Qrows state armed work- •f capital and fascism. ’ j determination. Bloody1932, marks a glowing milestone apparatus. The for the rank and file. While the books were in the hands of the boss- conclude tire united front for the ers’ blood staining hands Mobilize for Struggle. "Long live the revolutionary uni- on the road of workers struggles the of meeting wa* in progress, the gang es. But this did not stop the Laundry common struggle. The freedom of Answer to Boss Ford the massacre “The Communist Parties of all ¦ ted front of all those who toil!” against hunger and terror and for at scene of the broke in. This brought the issue to an Wickers Industrial League from tak- the working class, wages and bread. was found on the hands of Mayor open out countries have the problem of utiliz- District Exe- bread and freedom in Detroit. The clash. Workers brought the ing its place. In spite of disillusion- i are at stake. Berlin-Brandenburg Terror Murphy in the city hall. treachery and racketeering of struggles all to mobilize the Hunger March and the stormy # the ment and intimidation, the ing opportunities "The Communist Party wants cutive of the Communist Party. Ford O entire working class and toiling popu- following a gangsters and declared their purpose earned on by the union against wage events it for memorable gun lation for struggle.” "The Commu- week unleashed the potential fight- doned police clubs.
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