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235 Rus Nolina parryi Parry's nolina 6 30 40 99 Flora of Whale Peak / Pinyon Mountain Valley Area, Anza-Borrego Desert State 236 The Muilla maritima muilla 4 30 Park http://tchester.org/sd/plants/floras/whale_peak_area.html Last update: 27 April 2017 # #Pl # FAM Scientific Name (*)Common Name V PVW PVE WP Lycophytes 1 Sel Selaginella bigelovii Bigelow's spike-moss 1 2 Sel Selaginella eremophila desert spike-moss 1 5 50 1 Ferns 3 Pte Cheilanthes covillei beady lipfern 1 40 30 99 4 Pte Cheilanthes parryi woolly lipfern 2 2 5 Pte Cheilanthes viscida sticky lipfern 1 25 6 Pte Notholaena californica ssp. californica California cloak fern 2 3 7 Pte Pellaea mucronata var. mucronata bird's-foot fern 3 3 10 30 Gymnosperms 8 Cup Juniperus californica California juniper 6 60 99 99 9 Eph Ephedra aspera Mormon tea 6 99 99 99 10 Pin Pinus monophylla pinyon pine 9 40 50 99 Eudicots 11 Ama Amaranthus fimbriatus fringed amaranth 99 99 99 12 Ana Rhus aromatica basketbush 9 25 3 15 13 Api Lomatium mohavense Mojave lomatium 4 99 14 Apo Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii climbing milkweed 1 1 15 Apo Matelea parvifolia spearleaf 6 Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. 16 Ast goldenhead 4 35 25 25 sphaerocephalus 17 Ast Adenophyllum porophylloides San Felipe dogweed 2 10 50 30 18 Ast Ambrosia dumosa burroweed 30 19 Ast Ambrosia salsola var. salsola cheesebush 3 99 99 99 20 Ast Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula white mugwort 30 50 50 21 Ast Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta mountain mugwort 3 22 Ast Bahiopsis parishii Parish's viguiera 3 99 99 60 23 Ast Bebbia juncea var. aspera sweetbush 1 3 25 California spear-leaved 24 Ast Brickellia atractyloides var. arguta 1 25 30 50 brickellia California spear-leaved 25 Ast Brickellia atractyloides var. odontolepis 1 brickellia 26 Ast Brickellia desertorum desert brickellia 1 199 Vis Phoradendron californicum desert mistletoe 3 5 10 1 27 Ast Brickellia frutescens shrubby brickellia 3 99 99 20 200 Vis Phoradendron serotinum ssp. tomentosum oak mistletoe 3 5 28 Ast Calycoseris parryi yellow tackstem 1 201 Zyg Kallstroemia parviflora few-flowered caltrop 25 99 50 29 Ast Chaenactis fremontii Fremont pincushion 3 3 99 202 Zyg Larrea tridentata creosote bush 2 99 70 99 30 Ast Encelia actoni Acton encelia 2 20 99 50 Monocots 31 Ast Encelia farinosa brittlebush 1 203 Aga Agave deserti var. deserti desert agave 1 99 99 99 32 Ast Ericameria brachylepis boundary goldenbush 1 99 3 75 204 Aga Yucca schidigera Mohave yucca 99 99 99 wide-leaved rock 205 All Allium fimbriatum var. fimbriatum fringed onion 1 33 Ast Ericameria cuneata var. spathulata goldenbush 206 Poa Aristida adscensionis six-weeks three-awn 1 99 99 99 34 Ast Ericameria linearifolia narrowleaf goldenbush 4 20 10 99 207 Poa Aristida purpurea purple three-awn 5 20 5 35 Ast Ericameria teretifolia needle-leaved rabbitbrush 1 50 50 208 Poa Aristida purpurea var. longiseta red three-awn 2 Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. 36 Ast golden yarrow 1 1 209 Poa Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi Nealley three-awn 3 confertiflorum 210 Poa Aristida purpurea var. parishii Parish three-awn 2 37 Ast Eriophyllum pringlei Pringle's woolly sunflower 1 211 Poa Aristida purpurea var. purpurea purple three-awn 1 38 Ast Eriophyllum wallacei var. rubellum Wallace's woolly daisy 3 99 212 Poa Bouteloua aristidoides var. aristidoides needle grama 99 99 99 39 Ast Gutierrezia sarothrae matchweed 3 99 99 99 213 Poa Bouteloua barbata var. barbata six-weeks grama 99 99 99 40 Ast Lasthenia gracilis goldfields 20 214 Poa Bouteloua curtipendula side-oats grama 2 20 6 41 Ast Layia glandulosa white tidy-tips 4 99 215 Poa Bromus berteroanus Chilean chess 3 70 42 Ast Logfia depressa dwarf filago 1 1 216 Poa Bromus diandrus *ripgut brome 1 43 Ast Logfia filaginoides California filago 5 217 Poa Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens *red brome 2 20 99 99 44 Ast Malacothrix clevelandii annual malacothrix 1 218 Poa Bromus tectorum *downy brome 2 99 45 Ast Malacothrix glabrata desert dandelion 2 60 219 Poa Dasyochloa pulchella fluff grass 99 99 80 46 Ast Malacothrix stebbinsii Stebbins' malacothrix 2 220 Poa Elymus elymoides squirreltail 4 25 47 Ast Monoptilon bellioides desert star 221 Poa Hilaria rigida big galleta 1 48 Ast Pectis papposa var. papposa chinch-weed 99 99 30 222 Poa Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum *foxtail barley 1 10 49 Ast Perityle emoryi Emory's rock-daisy 1 30 99 223 Poa Koeleria macrantha June grass 75 50 Ast Pleurocoronis pluriseta arrow-leaf 1 224 Poa Melica frutescens tall melica 3 2 10 51 Ast Porophyllum gracile odora 2 40 50 7 225 Poa Melica imperfecta coast-range melic 3 20 52 Ast Pseudognaphalium microcephalum white everlasting 1 226 Poa Muhlenbergia microsperma littleseed muhly 99 53 Ast Rafinesquia californica California chicory 2 1 227 Poa Muhlenbergia porteri Porter's muhly 99 99 30 54 Ast Rafinesquia neomexicana desert chicory 1 228 Poa Poa secunda ssp. secunda one-sided bluegrass 3 99 55 Ast Stephanomeria exigua ssp. deanei slender wreathplant 1 229 Poa Schismus barbatus *Mediterranean schismus 2 10 99 56 Ast Stephanomeria exigua ssp. exigua slender wreathplant 2 40 230 Poa Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed 1 20 45 57 Ast Stephanomeria pauciflora wire-lettuce 1 8 50 5 231 Poa Stipa coronata giant needlegrass 2 58 Ast Trichoptilium incisum yellow-head 1 15 99 232 Poa Stipa hymenoides Indian ricegrass 1 59 Ast Trixis californica var. californica California trixis 1 1 20 3 233 Poa Stipa parishii var. parishii Parish's needlegrass 2 5 5 15 60 Ast Uropappus lindleyi silver puffs 2 30 234 Poa Stipa speciosa desert needlegrass 5 5 2 50 163 Pol Gilia diegensis coastal gilia 1 5 61 Big Chilopsis linearis ssp. arcuata desert-willow 1 20 164 Pol Gilia mexicana El Paso gilia 4 62 Bor Amsinckia intermedia common fiddleneck 2 99 165 Pol Gilia stellata star gilia 5 15 63 Bor Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata bristly fiddleneck 3 99 166 Pol Leptosiphon aureus ssp. aureus golden linanthus 2 64 Bor Cryptantha barbigera var. barbigera bearded cryptantha 5 5 99 167 Pol Leptosiphon lemmonii Lemmon's linanthus 4 99 65 Bor Cryptantha circumscissa var. circumscissa cushion cryptantha 5 20 168 Pol Linanthus bigelovii Bigelow's linanthus 4 mountain red-root 66 Bor Cryptantha micrantha var. lepida 6 99 169 Pol Loeseliastrum schottii Schott's calico 8 20 cryptantha 170 Pol Saltugilia australis southern gilia 1 8 67 Bor Cryptantha micrantha var. micrantha red-root cryptantha 2 99 171 Pol Centrostegia thurberi red triangles 2 15 68 Bor Cryptantha muricata prickly cryptantha 1 Tucson wing-nut 172 Pol Chorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornu brittle spineflower 2 69 Bor Cryptantha pterocarya var. cycloptera 2 99 cryptantha 173 Pol Eriogonum apiculatum San Jacinto buckwheat 30 70 Bor Cryptantha pterocarya var. pterocarya wing-nut cryptantha 7 174 Pol Eriogonum davidsonii Davidson's buckwheat 5 10 99 50 71 Bor Cryptantha utahensis scented cryptantha 9 99 175 Pol Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum California buckwheat 1 72 Bor Emmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora whispering bells 3 2 176 Pol Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium California buckwheat 4 99 99 99 Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. 73 Bor eucrypta 2 99 177 Pol Eriogonum inflatum desert trumpet 1 70 3 bipinnatifida 178 Pol Eriogonum maculatum spotted buckwheat 74 Bor Nama demissum var. demissum purple mat 1 3 4 179 Pol Eriogonum plumatella yucca buckwheat 29 75 Bor Pectocarya linearis ssp. ferocula slender combseed 1 180 Pol Eriogonum saxatile rock buckwheat 2 76 Bor Pectocarya recurvata curvenut combseed 1 3 181 Pol Eriogonum wrightii var. membranaceum Wright's buckwheat 4 99 20 99 77 Bor Pectocarya setosa moth combseed 6 99 182 Pol Eriogonum wrightii var. nodosum Wright's buckwheat 1 5 78 Bor Phacelia affinis limestone phacelia 1 183 Pol Pterostegia drymarioides threadstem 3 60 79 Bor Phacelia cryptantha limestone phacelia 3 184 Pol Sidotheca trilobata three-lobed oxytheca 1 5 80 Bor Phacelia distans common phacelia 3 50 50 99 185 Ran Clematis pauciflora virgin's bower 1 81 Bor Phacelia pedicellata pedicellate phacelia 1 186 Ran Delphinium parishii ssp. subglobosum intermediate larkspur 2 82 Bor Pholisma arenarium sand plant 3 187 Rha Rhamnus ilicifolia hollyleaf redberry 10 83 Bra Boechera not-xylopoda beautiful rock-cress 3 188 Rha Ziziphus parryi var. parryi lotebush 1 20 4 84 Bra Boechera perennans perennial rock-cress 5 5 20 birch-leaf mountain- 189 Ros Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides 3 20 50 85 Bra Boechera pulchra beautiful rock-cress 2 mahogany slender & beautiful 86 Bra Boechera xylopoda 30 190 Ros Coleogyne ramosissima black brush 2 99 20 99 rock-cress 191 Ros Prunus fremontii desert apricot 3 30 99 20 87 Bra Caulanthus lasiophyllus California mustard 4 17 192 Rub Galium angustifolium ssp. borregoense Borrego bedstraw 4 2 10 80 88 Bra Descurainia pinnata western tansy-mustard 2 11 193 Rub Galium stellatum star-flowered bedstraw 1 10 89 Bra Draba cuneifolia wedge-leaved draba 34 194 Rut Thamnosma montana turpentine broom 3 10 30 99 90 Bra Lepidium sp. pepper grass 1 195 Sim Simmondsia chinensis jojoba 2 20 30 2 91 Bra Sisymbrium altissimum *tumble-mustard 1 196 Sol Lycium andersonii Anderson's desert-thorn 1 50 99 30 92 Bra Sisymbrium irio *London rocket 1 197 Sol Physalis crassifolia thick-leaved ground cherry 2 2 4 93 Bra Sisymbrium orientale *Oriental mustard 1 198 Vis Phoradendron bolleanum dense mistletoe 2 5 10 60 94 Bra Streptanthus campestris southern jewel-flower 3 3 95 Bra Thysanocarpus curvipes ssp. eradiatus fringe-pod 2 11 129 Fab Senegalia greggii catclaw 99 99 15 96 Bra Thysanocarpus laciniatus var.

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