0 F D E L T A S I G M A p I - ~ f!/J~ Wfl/..~u-avt:u,vu.vr~ f¥~ The lntcmatienal Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Commerce and Business Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at New York University, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affilia­ tion between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. The Grand Council Room 203, Detroit 11, Mich.; Homer T. Brewer, Kappa, 808 Southern Railway Bldg., Alumni Clubs Grtmd Pruitkm: J. Harry Foltham, Chi­ 99 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga.; and ALBUQUERQUE. New Mclrlco-Preo.: l:euetll E. Sattoa, Jr •• 5172 tht Pl. • Sandia Bue, Albuquerque, N.M. John~ HopkiN, Robert Garrett & Sons, John L. McKewen, Chi, Irving, McKewen & Phone: 64411, Ext. 22285. Baltimore 3, Md. O'Connell, Mathieson Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. ATLANTA, Georgia-Pres.; Harold L. McCary. 445 High· E"eCJUifiCI Direcwr: J. D. Thomson, Beta­ Jond Ave., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Northwestern, 330 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, Alumni Activities BALTIMORE, Maryland-Pres.; Milton A. Bowersox, 1526 Ohio. K.ingsway Rd., Baltimore 18, Md. Executive Secretary: Raymond W. F1odin, Chairman: John Dubay, Chi, 956 Argonne Dr., BIRMINGHAM, Alabama-Pres.: Ceorce E. l:ialah, 707 Alpha Omega-DePaul, 330 S. Campus Ave., Baltimore 18, Md. Montevallo Rd., S. W ., Birmingham, Ala. Oxford, Ohio. Members: James J. Moore, Chi; James H. Fry, BUFFALO, New Yorl<-Preo. 1 Frankllo A. Tober. 123 I>irecwr of BusiMu Education: E. Coulter Chi; William F. Gliss, Chi; Edgar S. Jacob, Highgate A.... Buftalo 14, N.)'. CHARLOTTE, North Carolina-Pres.: Theodore G. Chand· Davies, Beta-Northwestern, 414 Church St., Chi; William J. Meekins, Chi. ler, 2842 Columbus Circle, Charlotte, N.C. Evanston, m. CHICAGO, Illinoia-Pres.: Earl J. Rb, 9030 N. Keal· Director, Eastern Region: Robert 0. Hughes, Alumni Placing Service ing, Skokie, Ill. Bew Nu-Pennsylvania, 6 Rutledge Avenue, CINCINNA Tl, Obio-Preo. : Charleo V. Schnabel, 6971 Box 196, Rutledge, Pa.. Chairman: Henry C. Lucu, Alpha Delta. 408 Sandal Ct., Cincinnati, Ohio. Director, Southeastern Region: Homer T. S. 18th St., Omaha. Nebr. CLEVELAND, Ohio-Preo.: John G. Addamo, 5198 Har· Brewer, Kappa-Georgia, 808 Southern Rail­ Member~: John W. Lucu, Nu; Raymond A. mony Lane. Willoughby, Ohio. Peter, Belli Theta; and F1oyd E. Walah, COLUMBIA, South Carolina-Pres.: William N. Bowen, way Bldg., 99 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga. 1608 Two Notch Rd., Columbia, S.C. Director, East Central Region: Robert F. Epsilon. DALLAS, Te:ua-Prea.: Francia J. Newman, 408 CIUHD Andree, .Beta Tau-Western ReseTtle, 2094 Dr., Dallu, Tex. Lakeview Avenue, Rocky River, Ohio. life Membership DENVER, c.Jorad-Pree. o Harry G. Hleby, Mil OU .. Director, Central Region: Frank A. Geraci, St., Doner, Col•. ~oaoo Dater M8 Chairman: Franklin A. Tober, Alpha Kappa, Zeta-Northwestern, 4928 Randolph St., Hill· DETROIT, Alichi1an 123 Highgate Ave., Buffalo 14, N.Y. side, Ill. Tan.&-Prea. 1 Doaald R. Nelaoa, 8840 Mackiuw, D• Members: Jerome J. Johannes, Alpha Kappa; troll t. Mich. Phone: TYS 062'. Direcwr, South Central Region: V. Burt Waite, GAMMA THETA-Pres.:. W. Douglas McKen.zie, P.O. Gamma Delta-Mississippi State, Box 944, William Mosler, Alpha Kappa; Norman Box 319, Detroit 31, Mich. c/o T. E. Lott & Co., Columbus, Miss. Schlifke, Alpha Kappa; John Torpy, Beta GAI\IMA KAPPA-Pres.: Leonard Rynski, 9015 Arnold Xi; William Weyer, Alpha Kappa. Ave., Detroit 39, Mich. Director, Midwestern Region: Henry C. Lucas, GAMMA Rso-l'reo.: Robert F. Trapp, 4912 Williomo, Alpha Delta-Nebraska, 408 S. 18th St., Dearborn 9, Mich. Omaha, Neb. Nominations EL PASO. Texao-Sec.: Maynard 0. Traeder, &2M Broaddus, El Paso, Tez. Director, Southwestern Region: Kenneth B. Chairman: Robert 0. Hughes, Beta Nu-Penn· White, Gamma-Boston, 4911 Greenville HOUSTON. Te:u.-Preo. l Sam Moore, 1518 Bob White, sylvania, 6 Rutledge Avenue, Rutledge, Pa. Bellaire. Tex. Ave., Dallas, Tex. Members: Robert 0. Lewis, Beta-Northwest· KANSAS CITY. Misoouri-Preo.: Bruce CottlnJioa, 5903 I>irecwr, Inter-Mountain Region: D. H. Chand· em; and Monroe Landreth, Alpha Lambda­ Kentucky, Kansaa City, Mo. ler, Gamma Iota-General Delivery, Farm· North Carolina. LINCOLN, Nebraska-Pres.: Jameo S. Pillenger, Box 763, ington, N.M. Lincoln, Neb. Director, ll' estern Region: Andrew P. Marin· LOS ANGELES, Californla-Prea.o Joba A. Croll, 1147 conch, Phi-So. California. 1222 Trotwood Past Grand Presidents Ni chols Canyon Rd., Hollywood 46, Calif. Avenue, San Pedro, Calif. LUBBOCK, Texas-Pres.: Joe M. Hefner, 3103 42nd St., •w. N. Dean, Alpha-New York . 1914 Lubbock, Tex. Director-at-Large: Franklin A. Tober, Alpha P. J. Warner, Alpha-New York •• 1914--1915 MEMPHIS, Tenoeooea-Preo. 1 Roy N. Tipton, 681 St. Kappa-Buffalo, 123 Highgate Avenue, Buf­ •H. C. Cox, Alpha-New York •... 1915-1916 Nick Dr., Memphia, Tenn. falo 14, N.Y. MIAMI, Florida-Preo. 1 Daolel S. McNamara, UOl I.W. F. J. McGoldrick, Alpha-New York 76tll A•e., Miami, Fla. Past Grand President: Robert G. Busse, Beta • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 1916-1917 IULWAUUE, Wlocoodo-Preo.l A. H. Wa11ow, 2981 S . Omicro11r-Rutgers, Burroughs Corp., Cash J. Ege, Alpha-New York •.•. 1917-1920 103rd St .. Milwaukee 14, Wio. Register Dept., 2832 E. Grand Blvd., Room •c. NEWARK, New Jersey-Pres.: Carl R . Michel, Raritan 203, Detroit 11, Mich. H. G. Wright, Beta-Northwestern .1920--1924 Gardens, 690 Ches ter Circle, New Brunswick, N.J. •c. W. Fackler, Epsilon-Iowa ..•• 1924--1926 NEW OR LEA 15, Louisiana-Pres.: Max Barnett, Jr., 5534 S. Galvez St., New Orlea ns 25, La. H. 0. Walther, Psi-Wisconsin •••• 1926-1928 NEW YORK, New York-Preo.: Philip J. Warner, 15 E. The Central Office •R. C. Schmidt, Theta-Detroit •••• 1928-1930 26th St., New York. N.Y. E. L. Schujahn, Psi-Wisconsin ••1930-193' OMAHA, Nebruka-Preo.: Walter R. Jaba, Ul9 No. Uth 330 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio. A.... Omaluo, Neb. Pboao: GL·SUS. •E. D. Milener, Chi-Johns Hopkins 1936-1939 PHILADELPHIA. Poaaoyl.. nla Executive I>irecwr: J. D. Thomson 1. L. McKewen , Chi"-Johns Hopkins 1939-1945 O><ICA-Preo. : Fred E. Haaemayer, 80ll Pine Rd .. Executive Secretary: Raymond W. F1odin K. B. White, GtJ171111(J-Boswn •..•. 1945--1947 Philadelphia, Pa. B•·u. Nu-Pre1.1 Robert 0. Hu1hea, 6 Rutled1e A•e., Staff Members: Jane Lehman, Jane Nelson, • A. L. Fowler, Beta Nu-Pennsylvania Rotled1e. Pa. Helen Schocke, and Peg Whitelaw •••••••••••••.••...•..•••••.•.. 1947-1949 PITTSBURGH, Pennoyl.. nla-Preo.: Jooeph Schewe. 567 •w. C. Sehm, Alpha Epsilon-Min- Celerou St.• Plttabarp 21. Pa. Pbooe: CH 1·2289. SAN FRANCISCO, Callfomla-Preo. : Raymoad P. Neal. National Committees nesota ••.•••••.••..•••••••••••• 1949-1951 172 Ke&dowbrook Dr.. Sao J'raoclaeo, Calif. Phoao1 H. B. Johnson, Kappa-Georgia ..•. 1951-1953 LO 6·6627 R. G. Busse, Beta Omicron-Rruger.s.1953-1955 ST. LOUIS. Miooonr!-Preo. : Eu1ene L. Zieba, 5615 Executive Committee Humphrey. St. Loala, Mo. Phooe: Sl JUS. • De.cetued TRENTON. New Jereey-Pree.: Walter A. Brower, Jr .• Chairman: J. Harry Feltham, Chi-Johns Hop· Trenton Alumni Club of Delta Sigma Pi, Box 1701, Tren· kins, Robert Garrett & Sons, Baltimore 3, ton, N.J. Md. Grand Secretary Treasurer TULSA. Oklaboma-Preo. t Ram- l:la1, 1323 11:. 49tlo St., Members: Robert F. Andree, Beta Tau, 2094 Tuba, Okla. Phoae: 79570 Emeritus TWIN CITIES, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Mlnneoota­ Lakeview Ave., Rocky River, Ohio; Robert Pres.: Vilas Benning, 2708 Hampshire Ave., S., Min· G. Busse, Bew Omicron, Burroughs Corp. H. G. Wright, Beta-Northwestern, 222 W. neapolis, 16, Minn. Cub Relrister Dept., 2832 E. Grand Blvd., WASHINGTON, D.C.-P.._, 'flneeat J, G..... lold. Adama St., Chicago 6, DL I60S Mayfair Pl. SU•er 8pr!q, Md. The Grand President's Column THE FIRST SEMESTER of this college year is now his­ tory and before we ~·ealize it :-ve will be in t~e process of winding up our annual busmess. This may be a hit hard to believe as it seems like we have just begun to accomplish the goals we set forth in September. It is not enough for each chap­ Volume XLVI MARCH, 1957 Issue 3 ter to initiate their quota of mem­ bers or for each alumni club to hold a full schedule of meetings. In This Issue Every member must be deriving some benefit from membership in Th e Grand President's Column 57 Delta Sigma Pi and the ideals of Allen L. Fowler Passes Away ... 58 the fraternity must be advanced or the chapter or alumni club is mis­ Deltasigs in New York City Prime for "Golden Anniversary" 59 sing its mark no matter how active Wake Forest Colleg e Occupies Its New Home 62 it is. To expound further on this thought I might point out that Is This My Job 7 64 there are approximately 2,500 new undergraduate initiates each More Regional Meetings Spark Chapters 65 year yet there are nowhere near Foundation Aids Completion of Building 69 that number of new members join­ ing the alumni clubs annually With the Alumni the World Over 70 throughout the fraternity. The fact Among the Chapters . 72 that the undergraduate chapters J. HARRY FELTHAM Chi-Johns Hopkins are missing the boat when it comes Grand President to making solid Deltasigs of its new Our Cover members is obvious to me.
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