Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 Modimolle Local Municipality INTERGRATED INTEINTEGRATEDGRATED DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT PLANPLAN 2009/10 REVIEW IDP ANALYSIS PHASE 2009/10 1 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 The purpose of this phase is to provide municipal status quo in terms of demographics, spatial rational, socio- economic status, financial viability, good governance and institutional capacity. The compilation of the analysis phasewas through desk-top study, bi- laterals with managers, interaction with IDP stakeholders as outlined in the IDP framework, reference to Community Survey 2007 STAT SA and Census 2001, Municipal Demarcation Board and through intense community participation. It provides an analysis of data collected and development implications of the analysis. In a nutshell, it provides a clear identity of the municipality. 2 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 1.1 INTRODUCTION Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a 5 year strategic Plan of a municipality. All municipalities are required by the MSA 32, 2000 to develop the IDP and review it annually. Integrated Development Planning is a process through which municipalities prepare a strategic development plan through an intense consultative process with its stakeholders. It informs all planning, budgeting, management and decision making process. Through the Integrated development planning process, which necessitates the involvement of relevant stakeholders. Modimolle Local Municipality: Identifies all needs and challenges; and key development priorities Formulates a clear vision and mission Formulates appropriate strategies Develops the appropriate organisational structure and systems to realise the vision and mission, and Aligns resources with the developmental priorities. 1.2 BACKGROUND Modimolle Local Municipality is a category B local municipality within the Waterberg District Municipality. It is 6227.9480 square meters in size with a total population of 52 605: Community Survey 2007 (72 000: STAT Census 2001), see MAP: 1 . It is strategically located, with the N1 passing through, connecting the Southern neighbouring province, of Gauteng to the North the province of Limpopo. It shares borders with all local municipalities within the Waterberg District Municipality. The municipality is also located at a strategic position at the intersection of two provincial roads, R33 (connecting the East to West) and R101 (connecting the South to the North). This provides a business development opportunity of developing and marketing Modimolle as a distribution point to support vast growing development in Lephalale and Polokwane. Modimolle town in particular is equal distance from two 3 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 developed cities, Polokwane and Pretoria, and provides a cost reduction benefit in logistic should Provincial and regional offices located in Modimolle. See Map: 2 Map 1: Modimolle Local Municipality (NP365) Source: Municipal Demarcation Board The municipality is predominantly rural in nature, with vast areas of land either under cultivation or being utilised for game farming purposes. The area is characterised by a number of prominent rivers, such as Mokolo river, which dominates the landscape. It is characterised by settlement patterns of Townships, farms and informal settlements. The areas are Modimolle/phahameng which is as a growth nodal point, Vaalwater (Mabatlane) and Alma (Mabaleng) as a service points. The new demarcation has excluded 76520044, 76520055 registration & voting stations and Elandsfontein 427kr. 4 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 Modimolle Local Municipality is a water service authority and provides bulk water and electricity to its community. It is also responsible for the construction and maintenance of local roads and storm water drainage, collection of solid waste, maintenance of municipal facilities and provides local economic development support to its communities. A SWOT analysis has been conducted, through the IDP review process, the development of Spatial Development Framework (SDF), the desk-stop study, internal one-on-one interviews with managers and the Local Economic Development (LED) strategy; and outlines as follows: Strength Tourism which is mainly game farming, game hunting, lodges (accommodation) Agriculture: The environmental analysis indicates that natural resources (type of soil, climate, amount of rain and available underground water) provides an agricultural potential. Administrative hub: demand for accommodation for rental is growing due to growth of the administrative sector. Strategically located along the N1 and at the intersection of R33 and R101. Weaknesses Unavailability of skills to match economic comparative sectors Though the municipality is strategically located, there is poor marketing of the town from the N1. No Marketing strategy to encourage and support business development and investment. Lack of institutional capacity. There is no planning Unit; planning functions are being shared between IDP, Technical Services and Corporate services, which make it challenging to coordinate those functions. 5 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 Poor tax base: A larger percentage of our community register as indigents are receiving free basic services. There is lack of implementation of the debt and credit collection policies. Most of the land is privately owned. Lack of adequate water especially in Mabatlane. A few farms that have been declared to have streams with sufficient water are privately owned and their prices are exorbitant. Opportunities Retail sector not being utilised to its full potential Good Road Network system. Threats Land invasion: People that are displaced from farms usually occupy public open spaces, especially in phahameng, which contributes to Infrastructure and housing backlog. Conversion of privately owned land from agricultural land to game farming. Lack of land use management strategies and policies. This threatens the growth of the town and agricultural growth, especially subsistence farming. Subsistence farming is another way of reducing pressure on poverty stricken families. Lack of water, especially in Vaalwater(Mabatlane) poses a health risk High water table in Alma (Mabaleng) development: Due to the unavailability of sanitation infrastructure poses a health hazard through of contamination of underground water. Municipal land available for development is sandy, which makes development expensive. 6 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 1.3DEMOGRAPHICS 1.3.1 POPULATION Figure A: POPULATION Modimolle population community survey 2007 60000 50000 40000 30000 Series1 20000 10000 0 Black Coloured Indian or White Grand Asian Total Source: Community Survey 2007 Modimolle local municipality has a total population of 52 605 of which 43304 are black, 8554 are white, 481 are Indian and 264 are coloured. 25 882 are woman and 26 717 are men. 1.3.2 YOUTH PER GENDER AND AGE TABLE 1: YOUTH PER GENDER AND AGE Age Male Female Grand Total 16 428 496 924 17 431 809 1241 18 383 624 1007 19 423 476 899 20 427 443 870 21 485 532 1016 22 611 517 1129 23 875 560 1435 24 630 434 1064 25 526 432 958 26 456 338 794 27 478 589 1067 28 562 406 968 29 584 468 1052 30 515 372 888 31 615 348 963 32 512 524 1036 7 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 TABLE 1: YOUTH PER GENDER AND AGE, cont. Age Male Female Grand Total 33 478 276 755 34 487 434 922 35 591 411 1003 Grand Total 10499 9490 19989 FIGURE B: YOUTH PER GENDER Table 1 and figure B, clearly indicates that we have more males than females though the difference is of a small fraction. Table 1, also indicates that we have most 23 year olds and the least 26 year olds. The total number of youth is 19 989. 1.3.3 DISABILITY Disabled persons are people who are physically and mentally challenged. The Municipality has established a disability desk that is coordinated from the Mayor’s office. Its main function is to oversee that the needs of the disabled are attended to. All municipal facilities has basic infrastructure (on ramps) that enables disable people to access services. There is room for improvement; main municipal building is currently not conveniently accessible on the first floor. FIGURE C: DISABILITY 8 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 Source: Community Survey 2007 Figure C indicates that 91% of the population are physically sound, 6% are institutionalised, 2% are physically challenged, 2% are emotionally challenged and only 2% have sight disability. 1.3.4 EDUCATION TABLE 2: EDUCATION Grade 0 830 Grade 1/sub A (completed or in process) 1776 Grade 2/sub B 1982 Grade 3/standard 1 2072 Grade 4/standard 2 2370 Grade 5/standard 3 2944 Grade 6/standard 4 2766 Grade 7/standard 5 3269 9 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 TABLE 2: EDUCATION, cont. Grade 8/standard 6/form 1 3467 Grade 9/standard 7/form 2 3193 Grade 10/standard 8/form 3/NTC I 3406 Grade 11/standard 9/form 4/NTC II 2372 Attained grade 12; out of class but not completed grade 12 1035 Grade 12/Std 10/NTC III (without university exemption) 3952 Grade 12/Std 10 (with university exemption) 1177 Certificate with less than grade 12 279 Diploma with less than grade 12 158 Certificate with grade 12 331 Diploma with grade 12 974 Bachelor's degree 423 BTech 198 Post graduate diploma 240 Honour's degree 166 Higher degree (masters/PhD) 141 No schooling 4808 Out of scope (children under 5 years of age) 5156 Unspecified 114 Institutions 2998 Grand Total 52599 Source: Community Survey 2007 STAT SA Table 1 depicts that only 1177 obtained grade 12 with an exemption and 1168 are able to obtain tertiary qualification. Number of individuals not attending school is about 4808, this includes school leavers and elderly people. Due to the fact that Modimolle LM does not have tertiary institutions, most school leavers migrating to other municipalities in other provinces. In comparison with our neighbouring province, Gauteng, the province has many, if not most tertiary institutions in South Africa. 10 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 1.3.5 EMPLOYMENT ANALYSIS Employment capacity of municipality depends on various factors such as business industry, sector competitiveness and entrepreneurial initiatives.
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