13 MYLAPORE TIMES September 20 - 26, 2014 ▲ ▲ l l l l General Jobs ACCOUNTANCY ACCOUNTS llWANTED DTP Operator English / Tamil, llMAINTAINING Accounts in Tally, Auditing, llACCOUNTS Executive at Mylapore, Male or Female, Part Time / Full Time. VAT, Service Tax, TDS, Income Tax, E-Filling. B.Com Graduate with 2 years experience, E. Venkatesan Advocate, 43, South mada Contact: 97907 41271. Good skills in Accounts and English Street, Mylapore. Ph: 98402 11722. communication. Male / Female – upto 30 llWANTED Home tutor for Computer Basics years. Mail to [email protected]. (CA Student) at Mylapore. Ph: 2466 1661 / ART & CRAFT Mobile: 99406 76150. 95000 42296. llEMBROIDERY, Dress Making, Crochet, Tatting, Kamal, Glass / Fabric / Glass Painting, Kerala / 3D Murals / Quilting, Paper Quilting, ADMIN / OFFICE STAFF Dolls/ Bags, wall Hangings, Some Classes llRECEPTIONIST / Front Office - Wanted Free. Ph: 99403 12650. Female, less than 30yrs, +2 or any degree, fresh/ exp, Basic computer knowledge must, good communication & good looking, CALL DRIVERS preferred in and around Mylapore. For full/ llGRACE Call Drivers near Mylapore part time in a clinic. Salary- 7k to 8.5k. Immed. Tank, Local 4 Hours Rs.250/- Extra Hours Appoint. Ph: 4353 5815 / 98412 38815. Rs.50/- only. Just Call Best Drivers. P.Raja – llM/F, Age no Bar, Good spoken English for 9176161676 / 99412 88795. Receptionist work in 2 shifts, 7.00 am – 1.00 pm and 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm in Mandaveli and Nungambakkam. Contact: 94444 92464 CATERING / 98415 86534. ll llMAMIS Kitchen Supplies Navaratri Sundal, RECEPTIONIST for Medical Diagnostic Prasadams, Diet Food Pulkas, Sevai, Centre – Full Time / Part Time. Excellent Birthday Snacks package Near Tirumylai spoken English and Computer knowledge Station. Book Early. Contact: 2495 2899. essential. Contact: 2811 5005 / 2811 3106. CIVIL WORKS GENERAL llINCLUDING material and Labour Asian Paint (Above 30 years) Tractor Distemper 210 Paise Emulsion 3.00/ sq.ft (Inside Outside) Painting water Proof Mosaic Marbles, Booking for repolish, Carpentry, plumbing. 24 hours A.P. COMPUTER Classifieds Raaji, Civil Contractor Ph: 98411 96813 / ll 98415 49879. LAPTOP, Desktop Sales Service closes on upgradation, Maintance Peripherals at your llPAINTING - Your House Inner, Outer Thursday night Painting work, Old Building alteration and door step, Anti Virus, Data Recovery. Also all building work. Ph: 94446 15982 / 98405 Done Here. Contact: 94440 21127 / 94440 everyweek. 15982. 41127. ll llWHENEVER you think of painting think INK Cartridge, Toner Cartridge Refilling and MYLAPORE of us individual buildings flats multi – storied Printer service every competitive price at your buildings emulsion enamel varnish pleasing door step. Contact: 98401 73444. TIMES colours perfect finish. Sri Abhirami Painters. Ph: 94450 69424. llS.R.CONSTRUCTIONS We are doing New Buildings Renovations, Alterations, DRIVING FURNITURE Painting, Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, llANY old type of Sofa’s Cushions, Repairing, PVC Aluminum doors, Cupboards, Interior Reconditioning at very moderate charges. work, Pest control Sump and overhead Tank K.N.S.Rajan. 58, Peter’s Road, Chennai – 14. cleaning works. Ph: 96001 98871 / 99621 Ph: 93818 03956 / 76671 33233. 75121. llSANDHYA Painting - Asian paints material labour, (16 years experience) Distemper, 2.00 MUSIC & DANCE emulsion 2.50 (inside, outside), house, flat, office, (new, old building,) Repaint building llSIVAN Arts Academy Offer Classes on alterations, tiles, mosaic, marbles, repolish, Vocal, Veena, Violin, Mridangam, Keyboard, carpentry, plumbing. Civil Contractor. S. Guitar, Mandolin, Bharathanatyam, For Sudhakar. Ph: 98409 29175 / 99406 45773. more details Contact: Kaimamani Dr.Mrs. RukminiRamani, Ph: 98403 48658. llHOME Tuition No:1 Keyboard, Guitar, CLASSES Drums, Western, Carnatic – Vocal, Trinity exam appeared students 8 Grades, arranged DAY CARE Carnatic music vocal, instrumental 100% Genuine 26 years teaching experience. Isaikalaimani Jagadeeswaram. Ph: 88071 13535 / 98845 49425. llKARNATAKA Vaineeka Gana Vidyalaya EDUCATION (Estd. 1933) New admissions for Individual llMBBS / BDS Coaching: Anatomy / Veena, Vocal, Keyboard, Voice culture Physiology / Biochemistry / Pathology / classes on03.10.2014 Vijayadasami Day. Pharmacology / ENT / Ophthalmology / Ring Up. Ph: 94441 63092 / 94456 93092. Surgery / OG / Orthodontics / Periodontics llSAMPRADAYAM offers shloka Music / Prosthodontics / Pedodontics & all. SVT Bharatanatyam story telling cultural activity Rengammal Medical Academy. Ph: 98403 classes @ Sprouts Montessori. Contact: 24260 / 99623 19638. Neeraja Srinivasan. Ph: 94453 91215 Spl dance classes for ladies also. DRIVING llBRAMMAS Driving School R.A. Puram, Mandaveli Govt approved learn car and two wheeler License in time individual coaching. Ph: 98408 32470, 98408 32471, 2495 8487, 2495 1477. llLEARN Two / Four Wheeler, touchup Classes also undertaken – only for Ladies. CLASSIFIEDS at your convenient time. For details Contact: S. Mangai. Cell: 99626 69287. Contd in page 11 September 20 - 26, 2014 MYLAPORE TIMES 14 ▲ l l Rentals ACCOMMODATION llMANDAVELIPAKKAM Brand new Prime llMYLAPORE / Mandaveli / Alwarpet / llNEAR St.Antony’s New 1650 sq.ft, 1st ll400SQ.FT and 600sq.ft at Kutchery Road, WANTED area duplex model new house, 1800sq.ft, R.A.Puram / San Thome / Two – Three – Four floor 3 BHK. CCP Lift, Genset. Contact: Suitable for showroom, Computer Office 3BHK, 2CCP, Rent Rs.35K + 1500. Ph: 97909 – Bedroom flats / Bungalows Rs.22000/- 99520 24648. Beauty Parlor Coaching Classes. Contact: llWANTED 3Bedroom Flat in Around 59393, 98412 57856. Rs.25000/- Rs.30000/- Rs.45000/- ll Senthil Kumar Ph: 91764 46115. Mylapore for Exchange of 2 bedroom new Flat LUZ Near Nageswara Rao Park 680 ll Rs.75000/- Rs.100000/- Contact: Manju. ll at Alwarpet plus Payment. Interested Parties 1BHK 2nd Floor, Nalappan Street, Scooter sq.ft, 1 BHK 2 Bath, Balcony 3rd floor no lift, MYLAPORE Opposite Savera Hotel Ph: 98846 43348. Contact: 72990 63528. parking, Rs.12K. Contact: 72000 67676. family / bachelors. Contact: 99400 95176 / Bishop Wallers Avenue East. Marble Arch ll llMYLAPORE VC Garden First Street, 99626 14426. Apartments 1st floor 1300 sq.ft, Lift, Car park llWANTED Single / Two / Three bedroomed 2BHK, 2nd Floor, 1300sq.ft No Lift, CP, G.floor, First floor, Second floor All 1 BHK ll Rs.35K. Ph: 94451 91568. flats houses for reputed companies peoples Vegetarian only, Next to Alwarpet Anjeneyar WARREN Road 1150 sq.ft, 2 BR 2 AC Temple. Rent Rs.23,000/- Contact: 90031 Independent house. Contact: 2464 1818 / CP Rs.22000/- 1850 sq.ft, 3 BR CP, 4 AC, llR.A.PURAM 4 BR 3000 sq.ft, 1 Lakhs / in and around Adyar, Mylapore, R.A.Puram, 98410 94488. Brokers excuse. Abhiramapuram, Mandaveli. Ph: 89396 18593. Woodwork Rs.42000/- Luz Avenue 2300 R.A.Puram MRC Nagar 2200 sq.ft, 3 CCP llT.NAGAR S.W Boag Road G.F 1100 38159 / 89396 38160. llNEAR Mandaveli Bus Stand Srinivasan sq.ft, 3 BR 2 CP, 4 AC Genset Rs.55000/- Rs.60000/- Abhiramapuram 3000 sq.ft, sq.ft, 2 BHK Ready by Oct 1st with Car park Narasimma Perumal, 1000 sq.ft, 2 BR CP Ind. Building Rs.80000/- Mylapore near llWANTED for rent 3 BHK flat with 2 CP in Street, 2nd Floor, 2BR No Lift, 1000sq.ft, Veg preferred. Rent Rs.18000/- 4 months Rs.18000/- Ph: 98419 83231 / 98410 58333. Nageswara Rao Pak 4 BR House 3000 sq.ft, Mandaveli, Mylapore, Alwarpet or R.A.Puram. Good ventilation, rent Rs.17000/- Newly Built. advance. Contact: 98409 86646. ll Rs.80000/- Abhiramapuram C.P.Ramaswamy Owners only. Contact: 99401 45054. Ph: 98400 42791 / 4210 8443. R.A.PURAM 1850 sq.ft, 3 BR Deluxe 2 CP, llT.NAGAR S.W Boag Road 2nd floor 1100 llTEYNAMPET Cenotop Road Flat 850sq. 4 AC, Genset Rs.45000/- 1100 sq.ft, 2 BR CP Road 3500 sq.ft, Ind – Building any showroom sq.ft, 2 BHK (Ready to occupy) with Car park ft 2BHK, 2nd Floor, No Lift Rs.17000/- Rs.23000/- Alwarpet 1850 sq.ft, 3 BR New Rs.3 Lakhs / Alwarpet 1800 sq.ft, Res / no lift, Veg preferred. Rent Rs.18000/- 4 Bachelors, Family. Umapathy Realty. Ph: CP Rs.50000/- East Abhiramapuram 1550 Commercial Rs.50000/- Abhiramapuram months advance. Contact: 98409 86646. 93827 09611 / 97105 69767. sq.ft, 3 BR CP Rs.30000/- Ph: 98419 83231 St.Mary’s Road 3500 sq.ft, Full furnished llWORKING Women Accommodation Rs.2.50 Lakhs / Alwarpet Ind. Building 5000 llNEW Flat R.A.Puram 2000sq.ft 3BHK, 2nd / 98410 58333. without food at R.A.Puram Rent Rs.6500/- sq.ft, 8 Car park Rs.3 Lakhs. Ph: 98846 Floor, Lift, Gym, 2CCP, Rs.55K, veg 1500sq. llMYLAPORE Mandaveli Apartment Rs.10K Contact: 98417 09624 Saturday, Sunday 10 81106. ft, 3BHK, 1st Floor Lift CCP. Ph: 90031 86674. 1 BHK, Rs.15K 2 BHK, Rs.20K 2 BHK, am to 4 pm. ll ll Rs.25K 2 BHK, Rs.35K 3 BHK. Contact – ALWARPET 3000 sq.ft, 2 CCP can be split, MANDAVELI 850sq.ft, Rs.19K, 1st Floor, ll MANDAVELI Spencer 1500 sq.ft, 3 Agent. Ph: 98841 37904. lift. HanuReddy Realty. Ph: 94440 19910 / 2BHK, Wood Work, M. Kitchen Balconies, bedroom Rs.35000/- CCP Genset 1000 sq.ft, llNO. 33/5, VENKATRAMAN Street, T. 4399 9000. 2 Wheeler park, Lift, Security, Mandaveli 2 bedroom Rs.17000/- 900 sq.ft, Rs.13000/- Nagar 750 Sq-Ft 2 BHK, GF OCP, Modular llR.A.PURAM near Bishop Garden office 1200sq.ft 12K, 1st Floor, Old House, 7 Rooms Abhiramapuram Brand New 1900 sq.ft, Kitchen, Semi Furnished Flat. For Immediate space 1350 sq.ft, Rs.35000/- 850 sq.ft, Very near to Sivaswamy Kalalaya School, Rs.50000/- 1000 sq.ft, 2 bedroom Rs.30000/- Occupation @ Rent Rs.22000/-.Contact No: Rs.22000/- 300 sq.ft, Rs.15000/- All on First Only Veg. Ph: 95662 31721. 2 CCP. Ph: 98407 36132. 98408 56021 / 87544 23444. floor Quiet Residential area. Call: 98410 llALWARPET Posh area 3BHK, 1500sq.ft, llNEW Duplex house near St.John’s ll 47800. 36K, 1st Floor, W.Work, Balconies, M.Kitchen, Mandaveli 2 CCP Rs.38000/- near MYLAPORE near Madavaperumal Temple llMYLAPORE CIT Colony 1000sq.ft lift, CCP, N/F Security.
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