© Aluna Publishing Wiadomości Lekarskie, VOLUME LXXIII, ISSUE 5, MAY 2020 REVIEW ARTICLE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON MALE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH DOI: 10.36740/WLek202005132 Roksolana P. Nykolaichuk1, Oleksandr S. Fedoruk2, Volodymyr V. Vizniuk2 1PAVOL JOZEF ŠAFARIK UNIVERSITY, KOŠICE, SLOVAKIA 2HIGHER STATE EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT OF UKRAINE „BUKOVINIAN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY“ CHERNIVTSI, UKRAINE ABSTRACT The aim of our work was to make analysis of world literature that develops a problem of impact of environment on male reproductive health. Materials and methods: We analyzed the bibliography available, until January 2020, about influence of different exogenic factors on male reproductive system. Conclusions: The biggest influence of ionizing radiation on mankind was reached after two big catastrophes: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in April 1986 and an accident on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011. However, impact of ionizing radiation on male reproductive in literature still remains controversy that needs more detailed study. Lead influences on such sperm parameters, as sperm morphology, count, motility, semen volume. So, specific attention should be paid to the type of work routinely performed by man. Another one environmental factor that has negative influence is a heat. It effects on sperm morphology and motility. KEY WORDS: infertility, male, environmental exposure, sperm count; radiation, ionizing, metals, heavy Wiad Lek. 2020;73(5):1011-1015 INTRODUCTION Unfortunately, there is no sufficient accurate information Spermatozoa were first described by Leeuwenhoek in 1677 indicating the rate of male factor in the whole world [1,2]. as a tiny „animalcules “. Unfortunately, for a long time after According to global evidence percentage of male infertility discovery opinion of scientist about role of spermatozoa ranges from 20 to 70% [1,3,4]. In general, approximately was overridden. Just at the beginning of XX-th century one third of cases are associated with male reproductive sperm count was found to be associated with fertility failure. Another third includes female reproductive prob- potential and from that time a variety of sperm tests and lems, and the last one – both and other unknown factors semen parameters have been developed. of infertility [5]. In the era of ART, which intervenes natural selection, when there is a risk of fertilization of egg by defective father’s genetic material, exists an acute need of deep ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING study of parameters of spermiogram as a main indicator MALE INFERTILITY (EXOGENOUS FACTORS). of fertility disorders. Various ecological factors influencing on male infertility are described in the scientific and medical literature. How- ever, it is the mankind that promoted a negative effect of THE AIM the environment of the human health due to increase of its The aim of our work was to make analysis of world latest own requirements and technological advances producing data that develops a problem of impact of environment on unfavourable consequences on the surroundings. Thus, air male reproductive system. is polluted from different sources (exhaust gases, indus- trial wastes, burning of wood, coal etc.). These pollutants include СО, NO, SO і O3 [6]. According to the research MATERIALS AND METHODS that took place in Czech Republic it has been conducted We analyzed the bibliography available, until January dealing with a negative effect of ecological factors on male 2020, about influence of different exogenic factors on male reproductive function. The research was performed in reproductive health that lead to problems of fertilization. two groups of people residing in different locations. One group was exposed to severely contaminated environment. Departure from the normal spermiogram parameters was REVIEW AND DISCUSSION found in men of the group exposed to the effect of polluted Infertility is an international problem and involves 15% air. A negative correlation between the number of sperma- of family couples having unprotected sexual intercourse. tozoa in ejaculate and ozone effect was also determined [7]. 1011 Roksolana P. Nykolaichuk et al. Another one study showed that young male residents in though, according to laboratory studies selenium dioxide areas with high environment exposure had a significantly (SeO2) produces a negative effect of the testicles. In the increased telomere length in sperm. These findings support experiments with з SeO2 conducted on rats a considerable the view that semen is a sensitive sentinel biomarker of degeneration of testicles together with Leydig’s cells atro- environmental exposure [8]. phy was found [15]. Several semen parameters (reduced sperm quality and Mercury has spermato-, steroido- and fetotoxic effect. antioxidant defences, altered chemical element pattern), Unfortunately, it is widely used in refinery, plastic and which are associated with residence in a high polluted paints, antiseptic, scientific instruments, photography, environment, can be used, as early biomarkers of environ- fuel combustion and agriculture field. Mercury chloride mental pollution [9]. exhibited structural alteration of the testicular tissue along with biochemical change [16]. Mercury and its compounds influence on hydrolytic enzymes associated with the HEAVY METALS membrane in rats resulting in an abrupt decrease of these Lead. More than 20% of the world production and con- enzymes, and as a result – progressing degeneration of the sumption of lead is located in Europe and it is widely used peritubular membranes. The degree of damage is in direct for printing and automobile industry. Sedimentation of proportion to the dose exposed [10]. lead in the testicles, epididymis, seminal ducts, seminal Arsenic effect on the reproductive system was first stud- vesicles and ejaculation itself is toxic for the male repro- ied in mice and fish. According to certain data [17]. In ductive system and inhibits activity of living spermatozoa. experimental rats it stipulated disorders of spermatogen- Decreased motility and increased incidence of teratosper- esis which was associated with dysfunction of the steroid mia with higher doses of lead exposure were detected in production. workers occupationally exposed to lead exhibited moder- Arsenic effects the process of meiosis and post-meiotic ately high blood lead levels associated with sexual disorders phase of spermatogenesis. Acute arsenic effect causes quick like decreased libido that was followed by an increased and diffuse disorders of spermatogenesis in mice. Due to frequency of atheno-, hypo- and teratospermia [10]. the lack of investigations, concerning arsenic effect on the Intensification of DNA fragmentation in human semen male reproductive system a specific mechanism of its effect is a dynamic process, and its final level depends, to a great is not likely to be proved [17]. degree, on the concentration of lead in seminal plasma [11]. Pesticides and other chemicals. A wide range of chem- Cadmium is released from tannery, smelter, battery ical substances and pesticides are used nowadays. Certain crushing unit. The action of cadmium is specific at sper- substances disturb the endocrine balance in the body matogenic stage. High doses of cadmium chloride exposure influencing on the reproductive health and resulting in caused rapid testicular edema, haemorrhage and necrosis male and female infertility [18]. [10]. A study published in Israel involved workers being in con- In case of exposition to different doses of cadmium dead tact with pesticides, 1,2-dibromine-3-chlorpropane (DBCP). or pathologically changed spermatozoa were found in the The data obtained were indicative of the fact that DBCP seminal fluid. It is associated with the fact that cadmium produces an inhibiting effect on human spermatogenesis effects glutathione peroxidase (GSHB-Px) directly or indi- [19]. Relying on the data obtained from the experimental rectly, which, in its turn, catalyses destruction of H2O2 and group exposed to DBCP impact, the agent was found to lead lipid hydroperoxides by means of reduced glutathione that to irreversible azoospermia. Testicular function was exam- protects lipid membranes against peroxide damage [10]. It ined in 15 factory workers exposed to DBCP. A quantitative was shown that seminal plasma zinc concentrations from improvement of sperm after interruption of the exposition infertile patients were significantly lower than those from was observed 36-45 months later in a third of men with normal controls [12]. azoospermia and a half of men with oligospermia. In addi- Chromium. The nephro- and dermatotoxic heavy metal tion, the level of gonadotropins increased, and the level of chromium is widely used in refractory, pigment and stain- testosterone decreased [20]. At the same time Dauoud and less-steel factory, tannery, welding, engraving and photo collegues indicated that after exposure to pesticides it was processing units. Workers exposed to chromium effect for associated with a significantly higher risk of asthenozoosper- a long time demonstrate high levels of it both in the blood mia and necrozoospermia [21]. and in seminal fluid [13]. According to the experimental A group of researchers examined reduced number of data of certain authors different doses of chromium, i.e., 20, in vitro fertilization in family couples where a husband 40, 60 mg/kg sodium chromate in rats caused narrowing of was exposed to pesticide effect including other chemical tubular diameter, decrease of the nuclear
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