
Regd. No. NE 907 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority Vo I. XVIII Aizawl Friday 13. 10. 19�9. Asvina 21. S.E. 1911 Issue No.4f .... GOvernment of Mizoram PART I ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 21012/4/80-APT(A). the 12th October, 1989. In supersession of this De­ partment's Notifications of even no. dated 11.9.1989 and 13.9.1989 regarding transfers and po stings of IFS officers in Mizoram. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfers and postings of IFS officers in the interest of public service to the places and headquarters as shown against their names with effect from the date of taking oyer charge and until further orders. S"'I-. -"N"a=mcceC-o'"f-ot"hCCe-co"IT"'i"'ceO'r, ------'P"r::e""se"'n"tc-=p"laccccce-----.,W"'hi:Ce::rc:-e transferred- No. of posting and posted. 1. Pu Alok Saxena, IFS Divisional Forest Planning OfTicer, (1983) Officer, Forest Forest. Resources Survey Division. 2. Pu Lalramthanga, IFS Divisional Forest Divisional Forest (1983) Officer Forest Ex­ Officer, Aizawl tension Division. Forest Division, Aizawl. 3. Pu Roshula Kemp. IFS A.C.F. attached Divisional Forest (1984) to PCCF's office Officer working plan Forest Division 4. Pu Ch. Muralidhar Rao A.C.F. attached Divisional Forest IFS (1985) to PCCF's office Officer, Fo rest Re­ sources Survey Di- vision, Aizawl. Pute _ R'oshula Kemp and Ch. Muralidhar Rao will move first. H.Lalthlamuana, Special Secretary to the Gov!. of Mizoram. R-41/89 2 No. A-22013/1/86-PW/164, the 12th October, 1989. In the interest of Public ser­ vice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to transfer the following Assistant Engineers/Sub-Divisional Officers �Civil) P.W.D. at; indicated in column 2 and post them to the place shown in column 4 of the t�ble given below with immr�diate and until fiJflhcr oi-del's. This parlially modifies this Deplt's Nutification No. A-22013 /1/86-PW dt. 14.9.89. SI Present place T"ansferred Remarks. No. Name of Officer of posting to I 2 3 4 5 l. Sanghrima A.E., Lunglei Circle. SOO(S&I) Vice Lalru.ta Sailo Chawngthu Lunglei Sub- transferred Division. 2. Lalruata Sailo soo (S &I) Lunglei SDO, Buil- Vice Tlangh'l1ing- Sub-Division. ding Sub- thanga transferred. Divn. Lunglei 3. Tlanghmingthanga SOO, Building Sub­ SOO(TC) Ai- Vice R. Lalhlira Divn. Lunglei zawl Road transferred Divn. 4. Zothansanga Lecturer Lung1ei 500. Store Vicr H mingthanga Poly, Sub-Divn. transferred Aizawl. 5. Hm;ngthanga SOO, Store Sub-Oivn. A.E. Building Vice Vanlalchhuana Aizawl. Divn. attached transft'rred to Bldg. projecr Divn. 6. Vanla1chhuana A.E. Building Project. SOO, IWT Vice H,Laltawna Oivn. Alza\Vl transferred 7. H. Laltawna SOO, IWT, Aizawl. SOO, S&I Vice R Zatawn. Aizawl transferred. 8. R. Zatawna SOO, S& 1 Aizawl 500, S&I Vice Pu C.Hrangluta Saitual Sub- transferred Division 9. C. Hrangluta SOO, P&E Saiha A. E. S.E. Eas. Vacant tern Circle (1ffices. 10. H.C.Rokhawliana SOO, Dhaleswari Sub­ A.E, Office of Vacant Divn. P&E Dcptt. the S. E. Hydel Crele P&E Oept!. 3 R-41/89 51 I\o. 1, 4 and 10 above will move first. In respect of Pu Hmingthanzauva Sub-Divisional Officer, Thenzawl Su b- Divi­ sion, Pu Lalsangliana Chhakchhuak, Sub-Divisional Officer, Power & Electricit>, [\Oct Pu Zothallp:lia. Sub-Divisional Officer, Power & Elecricity. transfer Order issued vide this Deptt's Notificati0ll even No. dt. 14.9.89 stands cancelled. Vanheh Pachuau, Secretary to the Govt. of l\lizoram, Public Werks Uepartmel1t. "" l\o.A-22012!1!8'-PW;LOOSE the 12th Oc:ober 1989. In the interest of public 'services, the Governor of Miz')ram ;s pleased to transfer the followinl" Executive Engineers indicated in column No.2 and post them to the places shown in Cclumu No.4 of the taole given below with immediate effect and until futber ndors. This partial�y modifies this Department's Notification No. A-22012/l/86-PW/ LOOSE dated 11.9.1989 and No.A-lZOI2;2/86-PW/Pt dt. 5.9.89 respectively. ------------, --- --------- --- ------------- ----------� SI Present place i·ransferred Rem,trks if any. No. N2.rne ("If Cfficcr of posting 2 3 5 1. F.I alhmingtLanga EE(Planningl EE.PWD, Sain:al Vice.l.Rammav.ia E.l::..tc(fi Circle, Division. transferred, 1.Rammawiu EI:::,PWD,S;J.itual EE,fWD,Kola­ Vice HA Lian· Dhision. sib Division. ngura �:ransferred 3. H.A.Lianngura EE,PWD,Kola­ EE,PWD,Store Vice V. L.Kh lllT:a, sib Division. Division. tra nsf'�-rTed. 4. S8izika Sailo EE.PWD,Kawr­ EE,PWD, (Planning) Vice f L alhoning. thah Division Olliee of SE,PWD, thanga, tran s­ E,tstern Circle. ferred Sl No. 1 will move first. Val1hela Pachuau, Secretary to the Govt. of Vizof<J.m. Public Works DepartmclI. No.A-4701l;2!8Y-LAD, the 12th, October. 1989. The Governor of \\izoficm IS nleascd to rc!!ularies the adhoc appointment of Pu F. Lalhmingliana as Ass.stant Town & Country Planner in the scale of pay of Rs. 220:)!-p.m. pIn; all olher allo\v.lnces as ad111is�ible under Rules with effeet from 8.6.1987. H. Raltawna, Secretary to the Govr. of I\tilzuram, Local Administration Deptt. R-41/89 4 , No.A.19021/1O/83-P&E. the 12th Ootober, 1989. [n continuation of this Depart­ ment's Notification of Even No. dt. 2.8.1989, PuL. Pachuau Executive Engineer Sub-Station Division Aizawl is allowed to join as Executive Engineer Hydel Division Aizawl, on expiry of his leave. No. A. 32014/1/88-P&E/Pt.1I125, the 11th October, 1989. Subject to ver;fication of character and antecedents by the Po1ice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the followmg persons as Assistant Engineer (ElectJical) as shown in order of merit in the scale of pay of Rs. 2200-75-2800-EB-75-3200-100-40001-p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with effect from the date of ,J' joining. I) Ngursailova Sailo S/O Ngurliana Serchhip. 2) La1chuognunga S/O Vanlalsanga Melthum. 3) Benjamin L. Tlumtea SID T.H. Thanga Kawlthei Huan Mission Veng. 4) Audy Zorammawia S/O K.Lalchhunga Khatla. 5) P.B. Sangmawia S/O P.B. Lalhmingthanga (L) Bethlehem Veng, Aizawl. 6) Laltlanthanga S/OLalhruaia . Dinthar Veng-I!, Aizawl. 7) Liansangvunga S/O T. Sumthanga (L) Manipur. No. A. 32014/1/88--PclE/Pt.II/25(A), The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased. to transfer the following Assistant Engineers/ Sub-Divisional Officers (Electrical} and posted them as shown against their names in the interest of public services. 5 F-41/89 Sl/No. Name From To Remmks - - ---- ------- -- --------------------- - --- .------- 1. H .Zonunsanga Chief Engineer S.D.O.Elect. (Power) office Construction I.R.E.P. Cell. Sub- Division under Mainte­ nance Division Luangmual. 2. Lalduha\\ma Superinter.ding A.E. Chief Vice H. Zo­ Eng;neer, Engineer :Po� nunsanga Aizawl Circle. wer) office transferred. I.R. E.l'.Cell. ,I/No. Nrme To --------_._-----------.- ----- --- -----------�--.-- 3. Ngursailova Newly appointed A.E. Chief Saila Engineer Vacant. (P(!wer) office. 4. Lalchungnunga --do- A.E. Chief E-r-;gineer(Power) ofhce lR EPr Vacant. State Level . • , 5. Benjamin LTlumtea -do- A.E. Superin­ tending Engineer Transmission Vac��nl. Circie, Aizawl. 6. Audy Zorammawia -do- A.E. Chief En,!!ineer (Power) Office. Vacant. 7. P.B. Sangmawia -do- A.E.Superinten­ Vice L'lduh­ ding Engineer av,'ma trans­ Aha",, 1, Circle. ferred. 8. Laltlanthanga -do- A. E. Maintenan­ Vice J.IL ce Division Malsawma Aizawl. transferred. 9. Liansangvunga -do- A.E.Superinten­ ding Engineer Vacant. Lunglei. - - ------- By order etc .• J.H. Ramfangzauva, Secretary to the Govt. of MiLoram, Power & Electricity Department. R-41/89 6 No. A. 19018'17/88�COOP. the 12th October, 1989. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grar! 30 days Earned Leavc to Pu Lalda;lova Colney ARCS' Lunglei under the C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time w. e. f. the date of availing. The Qfficer would have continued to hold the same post but for his procee­ ning on !e3.ve and on expiry af Leave, he is likely to return to the SJme post. and place from where he would be proceeding on Leave. Pu La1dailova Colney ARCS Lunglei is also allowed to a\ail L. T. C. for lhe block year 1986�89 for visiting Veilore for Medical Checic up of his wife. Arvind Ray, Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Cooperation Department. No. A. 19015i106/86�PAR(R), the 6th October, 19�9. In continuation of this Deptt's of even No 8 dt. 8. 9. 89 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to sanction ex­ tension of 12 days Commuted Leave with effect from l. 9. 89 to 12. 9. 89 to Pu Rokhuma. Supd!. Office of Chief Controller of Accounts on Medical ground un­ der the c.C.S. (Leave) Rules. 1972 as amended from time to time. 1 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post of Superin­ tendent but for his proceeding on leave. • 3. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the same post and place from where he proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and allow,lflce'i as admissible under the Rules. No. A. 19014/25i84�P&AR(C), the 12th October, 1989.
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