Isolated thunderstorms High: 81 | Low: 64 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Saturday, June 18, 2016 75 cents GROCERY STORE RIBBON CUTTING Local, state officials celebrate future Hurley grocery store By RICHARD JENKINS of support from the local commu- [email protected] nity, and other partners that HURLEY — A crowd of were assembled, to really show around 50 people gathered in the the community was really com- parking lot of the former Hurley mitted to getting this done,” Super One on Tenth Avenue Fri- LaMue, the WEDC’s vice presi- day for a ceremony in recognition dent of business and community of the city of Hurley receiving a development, told the Daily grant that will bring the return Globe following the event. “So of a grocery store to the city. the strong partnership was very In addition to a ceremonial much a factor (in Hurley getting ribbon cutting, several speakers the grant).” addressed the crowd, including Ben and Joe Campioni, the Iron County Development Zone owners of Pat’s IGA — the chain Coordinator Kelly Klein, Hurley moving into Hurley — were also Mayor Joe Pinardi and the Wis- on hand. The brothers thanked consin Economic Development the crowd for the support and Corporation’s Barb LaMue. said they were excited to open A $250,000 WEDC community the Hurley location. Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe investment grant is largely Gene Mylener, with Great STATE AND local officials cut a ceremonial ribbon at the former Hurley Super One store off Tenth Avenue on Friday to celebrate the city receiving responsible for enabling the gro- a grant that will return a grocery store to the site. Attending the ceremony were, from left, Hurley City Council members Jamey Francis and Robert cery store to return to Hurley. Lanctoe; Great Lakes Food’s Gene Mylener; Pat’s IGA owners Ben and Joe Campioni; Hurley Mayor Joe Pinardi, and city council members Joanne “I think it was the outpouring Bruneau and Jay Aijala. GROCERY — page 5 Ironwood man MURAL REPAIRS Ironwood budget holds gets 4 months jail line on property taxes By RALPH ANSAMI City treasurer Paul Linn said in larceny case [email protected] the millage rate will continue at IRONWOOD — A $10,346,100 29.6658. By RICHARD JENKINS budget for 2016-’17 that includes He noted the budget includes [email protected] identical millage rates to 2015- funding for facade improvements BESSEMER — An Ironwood ’16 was approved by the Iron- to the Memorial Building and a man received the potential for a wood City Commission following gymnasium upgrade and second chance in Gogebic Coun- a public hearing on Monday. $500,000 for street projects. ty Circuit Court when he was The total general fund rev- Citizen Bill Martell ques- sentenced on a larceny charge enue budget of $3,325,500 is up tioned why there was $12,000 Thursday. from $3,168,000 of a year ago. It less budgeted for parks mainte- Ira Asher Wilson-Johnson, calls for $1,782,000 to be collect- nance and said ordinance viola- 19, pleaded guilty to the five- ed in property taxes, with tion collection projections were year felony, larceny from a $726,000 projected from state too low in the budget. motor vehicle, as part of a plea grants. Other major funds include: deal he made with the Gogebic Last year, the commission Major street fund — $919,800; County prosecutor’s office in approved property taxes of local street fund — $872,400; March. $1,777,000, so the increase will library fund — $199,900; civic On Thursday, Wilson-John- be just $5,000. center fund — $192,900; equip- son was sentenced to four The city’s fiscal year runs ment fund — $712,500; water months in jail for the larceny through June 30. fund — $1,919,200; sewer fund charge, however Circuit Judge Last year, the commission — $1,900,200; cemetery fund Michael Pope agreed to grant approved a $12,229,600 budget him Holmes Youthful Trainee that reflected the U.S.. 2 renova- Act designation. tion project costs. The designation is applicable BUDGET — page 5 to those between 17 and 21 with no prior felony convic- tions, and allows those who suc- cessfully complete the require- Two suspects indicted in ments without getting into fur- ther legal trouble to have the felony not appear on their Wausau area meth probe records. MADISON, Wis.— A grand It alleges Rasmussen was Pope had struggled with jury has indicted two more men involved with more than 500 what sentence to deliver, say- for meth dealing in the Wausau grams of meth and Schmeltzer ing that while Wilson-John- area. with more than 50 grams, based son was young, several crimi- Paul Rasmussen, 34, of on their participation in the con- nal incidents when he was a Osseo, and Christopher spiracy. juvenile indicated he may be Schmeltzer, 45, of Merrill, have Ten people have been heading toward a life of been charged with conspiring to charged as members of a con- crime. distribute methamphetamine spiracy to distribute meth that “You’re a young man. You’ve and to possess meth with intent operated in the central Wiscon- got your whole life ahead of you to distribute, according to John sin area from June 2013 to May and it certainly doesn’t make W. Vaudreuil, U.S. Attorney for 2016, Vaudreuil said. sense to be convicted of a felony the Western District of Wiscon- Previously indicted were: at such a young age,” Pope said. sin. —Joseph Kujawa, 37, Oak- “What makes it difficult is An indictment returned on dale, Minn. when I look at your history, it June 1 by a grand jury sitting in tells me maybe you’re growing Madison was unsealed. into a criminal.” METH page 5 “... And the reason I’m strug- — gling with (the sentence) is, I’m trying to understand the kind of young man you want to be. Do you want to be a criminal, or Vilas victim’s name released do you want to be a good father EAGLE RIVER, Wis. — The a.m. Sunday on Shangri La Road and someone who is beneficial Vilas County Sheriff’s Depart- off Wisconsin 17 in the town of to society?” Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe ment has released the name of Washington. Wilson-Johnson’s attorney, RON HOEFT, left, and Ken Challis, of Hoeft Construction Company of Hurley, do some repair work on the man who was blowing leaves Jastrow was standing in the Anna Talaska, argued the sta- the Miners Memorial Mural on the corner of McLeod Avenue and Suffolk Street in downtown Iron- when struck and killed by a vehi- roadway when he was struck by tus was crucial to ensuring he wood Friday afternoon. The mural was damaged by a private snowplow driver on April 8. The mural cle on Sunday. the vehicle. repair is not finished, as Hoeft’s crew replaced some of the old mural and installed a new primed sec- Mark Jastrow, 56, of Eagle The name of the driver was tion of plywood that still needs to be painted to match what was there. Hoeft said the artist, Kelly River, was the victim. not released and no charges were Meredith, of Butternut, Wis., is expected to paint on-site Monday, weather permitting. The accident occurred at 10:04 issued. IRONWOOD — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY Grayling coming back Classifieds . .13-14 Daily Globe Inc. Friday Today’s records High 79 High 92 (1933) Comics . .12 Vol. 97, Ed. 144 118 E. McLeod Ave. Isolated t-storms DNR attempting to bring Low 47 Low 34 (1982) Community . .3 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 back grayling. Ironwood, MI 49938 Obituaries . .none Year ago today Precipitation — Outdoors Opinion . .4 High 64 To 7 a.m. page 16 yourdailyglobe.com Low 51 Friday none in. Outdoors . .16 906-932-2211 Sports . .9-10 2 l SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2016 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD EXTREME HEAT TODAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Isolated T-storms Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Sunny 81º 64º 87º 63º 74º 52º 68º 48º 69º 50º Winds: 5 mph W Winds: 10-15 mph S Winds: 5-10 mph SW Winds: 3-7 mph SW Winds: Light winds Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 78/62 -*./0% +1% +"22% 311% 4/5620% 72*8.0% 39"13% +"6$% /% :;<% 7$/=71% *>% 3$*+153% /=.% 6$8=.1536*5?3@% Bergland $"#$% 61?415/6851% *>% ABC@% $8?"."60% *>% DB<&% 82/64 E136%+"=.%F%?4$&%-$1%517*5.%$"#$%61?415/6851% :DNHÀHOG >*5%6*./0%"3%(GC%316%"=%B(::&% Ironwood 81/64 45 Saxon 81/64 79/66 Marenisco SUN AND MOON Bessemer 81/64 Watersmeet Hurley 80/64 2 Upson 82/62 80/66 80/65 I8=5"31%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%FJ;'%/&?& 51 I8=316& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & AJFD%4&?& Mercer K**=5"31% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'J;(%4&?& 81/65 K**=316%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%,JB:%/&?& Manitowish NATIONAL WEATHER Associated Press 82/64 Minocqua FIREFIGHTER CHRIS Greene carries a case of water as he walks past dozens of cases of water at the Glendale 83/64 %-*./0%I8=&Fire Department Resource Center in preparation for record-setting heat expected over the weekend and L$"7/#*% A:MDA% 3% (;M'B% 3 N/22/3% (DM'D% 3% (:M'F% 3 into next week in Glendale, Ariz. O/=3/3%L"60% (GM';% 3% (,M':% 3 )*3%P=#1213% A'MDD% 3% (FMDA% 3 Q1+%H*59% A:MD:% 3% A:MD:% 3 ALMANAC REGIONAL WEATHER R52/=.*% AAM':% 6% AAM'G% 6 ‘Rare, dangerous’ heat !"#$"%&'(%" % -*./0% I8=& S$*1="T% B;(MAF% 3% BB'MAA% 3 !"#$%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&'( P3$2/=.% ''MDG% 6% A:MDG% 3 I1/6621% DGMFB% 3$% ';MFB% 47 )*+% & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,' N8286$% ':MDB% 6% AFMDB% 6 *"&'+"%,-*./FOFORXG\ÀÀXUULHVSFSDUWO\FORXG\ 5/M5/"=[%53M5/"=%\%3=*+[%3M38==0[%3$M3$*+153[% headed to parts of western US H13615./0Precipitation & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & none U/8%L2/"51% A,MDF% 47% (BMD'% 3 3=M3=*+[%6M6$8=.1536*5?3[%+M+"=.0 U37/=/V/% '(MD;% 3% 'AMDF% 3 LOS ANGELES (AP) — It’s a email.
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