FREE & independent HHoorrssee RReevviieeww press HHoorrssee ooff tthhee YYeeaarr VOL. 29 • NO. 5 The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 JANUARY 2019 2. January, 2019 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview.com ON THe C OVeR : verdades, owned and ridden by laura graves of Horse Review January 2019 geneva, florida, named 2018 adequan®/uSdf grand Prix Horse of the year. the pair were also nominated Equus Charta, LLC ContentS • v ol . 29 • n o. 5 for 2018 uSef equestrian and international Horse of Copyright 2019 the year. ( photo courtesy FEI ) 6220 greenlee #4 P.o. Box 594 arlington, tn 38002-0594 901-867-1755 PUBLiSHeR & e DiTOR : Tom & Dr. Nancy Brannon STAFF : Andrea Gilbert WeBSiTe : www.midsouthhorsereview.com e- MAiLS : midsouthhorsereview@ yahoo.com Addie Veler, age 10, attended the Ten - [email protected] nessee Valley Boxing Day foxhunt on Dec. Fast-paced action at the Lucky Dog Barrel Race, Dec. 1, 2018. See p. 24. 26, 2018. (photo by Sarah McCoin ) (photo by Nancy Brannon ) ARTiCLeS & PHOTOS WeLCOMeD: features : we welcome contributions Century ride 15 from writers and horse people, StallionS 21 but cannot guarantee Boxing day HuntS 23 publication or return of manuscripts or photos. HigH Point awardS reproduction of editorial content, photographs or events • shows : advertising is strictly prohibited without written dreSSage 14 permission of the publisher. HunterS /J umPerS 16 young riderS 19 eDiTORiAL POLiCY: StallionS 21 the opinions expressed in articles driving 22 do not necessarily reflect the foxHunting 23 opinions or policy of the Mid-South Horse Review . CowBoyS & C owgirlS 24 One of the team roping horses at the Mississippi Classic, December 8-9, 2018 in expressions of differing opinions field trialS 28 Tunica, Miss. See p. 25. (photo by Nancy Brannon ) through letters or manuscript raCing 30 submissions are welcome. DeADLiNe for departments FeB. issue: JAN. 25 : Book nook 4 MSHR eNViRONMeNTAL HorSe HealtH Care 9 STATeMeNT the Mid-South Horse Review strives to greener PaStureS 32 lighten our environmental footprint. we reuse, ClaSSifiedS 35 recycle, compost, and seek the most environ - mentally friendly processes and materials for Bulletin Board 36-37 our newsmagazine. Printed on recycled con - Calendar of eventS 38-39 tent newsprint with soy ink and no binding, the mSHr is 100% recyclable. our printer strives to be environmentally We give THANKS to all contributors benign with recycling, using eco-friendly to this issue and to our advertisers who printmaking inks and solvents, and no Press - make this publication possible! Thank room voCs (volatile organic compounds). you all for a wonderful 2018! Please let our advertisers know you SUBSCRiPTiONS to the The Tennessee Valley Hunt gathered at the Riverplains Farm at Strawberry Mid-South Horse Review are appreciate their support of the Mid- Plains, TN for a Boxing Day Hunt, Dec. 26. See p. 23 (photo by Sarah McCoin ) South Horse Review . available by first class mail for $35 annually. To subscribe, send payment to: PLeASe LiKe US ON FACeBOOK deadline : for february P.O. Box 594, Arlington TN AT THe MiD -S OUTH HORSe ReVieW 38002-0594 issue : JAN. 25 at 5 Pm Phone: (901) 867-1755 FiND MUCH MORe ON FACeBOOK & OUR WeBSiTe : www.midsouthhorsereview.com www.midsouthhorsereview.com • ©Mid-South Horse Review • January, 2019 3. 4. January, 2019 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com Book, art & film nook virtual reality (vr) video for the amer - Mustang Films Receive Top ica’s mustang program placed first in equestrian virtual reality and equestrian Commercial – mini. the vr video takes Titles at Equus Film Festival the viewer from where they are to standing By Matt Manroe in the wild with mustangs. they are able to see the conditions in which mustangs live the 2018 eQuuS film festival, held and how they interact with each other. Equestrian at the wythe Hotel and Cinema in new working closely with vr filmmaker greg york, nov. 30- dec. 2, 2018 showcased Hughs, of Big look Productions, mHf Art Exhibit talented filmmakers from all over the developed the virtual reality experience l ross gallery’s Holiday group exhi - world. there were many awards for vari - that not only entertains, but also educates bition, november 30–december 22, 2018, ous categories, and the mustang Heritage viewers. included equestrian art by mary Cour Bur - foundation (mHf) won in four of them. “vr is a terrific medium when you rows and kurt meer. l ross gallery is lo - “it was exciting to be a part of the want to capture a viewer’s attention and cated at 5040 Sanderlin ave., Suite 104 in eQuuS film festival,” said mHf execu - pull them into your world,” said manroe. memphis, tennessee. tive director kali Sublett. “it is a great “it’s one thing to create a traditional video Below is “red mare” mixed media on way to showcase all that is happening in that people can watch on a tv or com - panel, 48 x 48, by mary Cour Burrows. the equine industry as well as a unique puter screen, but then get distracted and at the bottom is kurt meer’s “evening way for us to share the message of mus - look away. it’s quite another thing for a light,” oil on panel 36 x 48. tang training and ownership through our viewer to put on a headset and get trans - work with veterans. we were honored to ported to the middle of the desert and see receive so many awards for our efforts.” the environment for themselves.” the eQuuS film festival was created the final video, also produced by man - to highlight and award diverse and cre - roe, is titled “Honoring veterans Honoring ative efforts of those who artistically pay mustangs” and placed first in the Horses homage to the horse. the festival empow - ture films, documentaries, shorts, music Helping Humans Short category and ers storytellers to show the history and di - videos, commercials, training education equestrian war Horse. this video gives verse tapestry of horses in human culture materials, art and literature. viewers a glimpse into mHf’s veterans through equestrian content. they have fea - the mustang Heritage foundation’s and mustangs program to show how wild mustangs help change the lives of war vet - erans. the video is the conclusion to each session and encapsulates the journeys of each of the veteran participants. “it is such a privilege to be able to cap - ture the life changing experience these vet - erans have had gentling their wild mustangs,” said manroe. “the veterans are very open about their experiences and the impact the mustangs have had on their lives and their families.” details regarding the 2018 eQuuS film festival can be found online at http://www.equusfilmfestival.net/. find more information about the mus - tang Heritage foundation at: mustangher - itagefoundation.org www.fergusthehorse.com www.midsouthhorsereview.com • ©Mid-South Horse Review • January, 2019 5. FOR SALE Rosewood Farms - 4400 Warren Road Oakland, TN 38060 For information call: Jeff Jenkins 901-581-5333 Ken Cascarella 901-937-9404 © MSHR 266 acres of farmland, pasture, and woodlands In today’s world, where large tracts of beautiful equestrian land are getting harder to come by, here is a valuable opportunity to acquire one of the most beautiful pieces of property in the mid-south. The entire property is priced at $3800/acre or can be purchased in smaller tracts. (see map below). Current land use includes approximately 100 acres in row There are miles of trails that criss-cross through and around Property has had extensive preparation work done for crop, approximately 20 acres in Bermudagrass hay, and ap - the property, suitable for horseback or ATV riding. use as an equestrian facility or estate. Electricity, natural gas, proximately 100 acres of mixed hardwoods. There is a 28’ x 28’ cabin that can be a great hunting cabin telephone and cable TV/Internet are all available. Entire parcel There is abundant wildlife through out the property. Hunt - or a get away location. surveyed by Ollar Surveying, May 2018. ing has been limited since 2015, with a large white tail deer pop - -- Winford and Jean Speakman , Owners ulation, large groups of wild turkey; sizeable rabbit and squirrel populations, as well as red foxes and coyotes. 6. January, 2019 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com 1909 Chandler and Price printing press, with type cabinet in the background. Letterpress notecard The Press there is a little variation of texture in each the truth costs money…” for paying jour - persisted despite all the evidence pointing By Nancy Brannon, Ph.D. print.” martha showed us her precision nalists, photographers, printing, distribu - to their short-to-medium term demise.” carving tools she uses to create the line - tion, and every other cost involved in yet the guardian “eschewed paywalls,” martha kelly is a memphis, tennessee oleum or wood templates. martha can also disseminating information to the public. Jack writes, allowing readers all over the artist who has been showing her art work do multiple colors, but each color has to He also points that “advertising has always world to read the guardian online for in galleries since 1999. She maintains a be printed separately and allowed to dry subsidized reporting,” and he quotes free. “the guardian’s strategy in essence home gallery of her paintings and prints in before the next color is printed. american historian Paul Starr: “for the was to create such a large audience midtown memphis. She creates wood - See more examples of her block prints past 300 years, newspapers have been able through free access that online advertising blocks and linoleum block prints by hand. and other art work at her website: to develop and flourish partly because would meet the bills for everything.
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