Thursday, November 5, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Pag* S-D Automobiles for Sele 200 Automobile* for Sele 200 Automobile* for Sale 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sate 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sele 200 Automobiles for Sele 200 COMPARE THE CHAFFEE MOTORS NOW AVAILABLE At Lawndale Motors USED CARS THE FABULOUS ... ALL NEW . 1960 SIMCA. '59 Ford ............... $2995 '58 Ford... .............$1995 Galaxe Retractable Hardtop. Crulse-o-matlc, radio, heater, POW- Fairlane 500 Victoria. Crulse-o-matlc, radio, heater, power steer­ r steering and brakes. ing. PLEINCIEL... SLEEK SIMCA HARDTOP '59 Chevrolet.......... .$2695 '57 Ford................$1395 eOO SEDAN 4-Passen0er Brookwood Wagon. Automatic transmission, radio, Cuitom 300 7-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. heater, power brakes. '57 Ford................$1695 '56 Ford... .............$1295 Fairlane Custom Ranch Wagon. Fordomatlc. radio, heater. Victor!*, r-nrdomatle> radio, heater. '57 Dodge ............. '56 Anglia... ........... .$795 .$1695 5-Door VI Coronet Hardtop. Automatic transmission, radio, hcatrr Sedan. Radio, heater. '57 Ford................$1695 '57 Chevrolet...........$1195 Loads of Extra Falrlane Victoria. Fordomatlc, radio, heater. %-Ton Pickup, excellent condition. Equipment Free CHAFFEE""- 45 Miles Per Gallon Authorized tales and Service 65 Miles Per Hour FORD Simca Plein Ciel Hardtop The World's Most Desired Car! Cruising At )39th St., Hawthorne "Dealer's Warranty In Writing" Finned Aluminum Open Sunday 10 to 6 Week Days 'T«l f OS 5-7171 UNMATCHED BEAUTY PERFORMANCE ECONOMY Brakes SIMCA ... UP TO 42.6 MILES PER GALLON All for Only ALL MODELS NOW IN STOCK $1430 . Cecil L Thomas SEDANS ^WAGONS . &HARDTOPS Compare '59 Ford PUBLIC NOTICE NO MONEY DOWN Custom 300, Two Door Full Power $2195 LAWNDALE MOTORS 505 Your Nearest Authorized Simca Dealer Pacific Coast Hwy. '55 Cadillac NO PAYMENTS 'TIL 1960 1 5400 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Hermosa Beach LAWNDALE M COUP*, Full Power THIS MEANS THAT, AT NO EXTRA CHARGE, YOU MAY FINANCE WITH US OS 9-2245 OR 8-7426 Open Evenings and Sundays Where the Highest Trade AND MAKE NO PAYMENT 'TIL I960 Allowance Is Standard $1995 Equipment Nothing Down with Good Credit '55 Chevrolet FR 4-0921 Station Wagon OR 8-9638 A FINANCE PROTECTION PLAN $1245 This means that if you should become sick or injured and unable lo work, we will , 'The Bargain make your payments for you until you start again. You are not required to reimburse Car Store' CECIL L. us for the payments we made. This is e free service f6r you, This Plan Is Available on These Cars THOMAS INCORPORATED AND SONS Cadillac, Olds, GMC Trucks Fiaf Austin Heeley Sprite ' MGA Roadster MGA Sports Coupe Chrysler '58 4-Door Two Locations CHEVROLET 1956 This sassy little brother to Austin- The new MGA 1AOO Roadster, high Striking Windsor V8 4-door Heeley 3000 sets a new high In per­ New 1400 Hardtop Coupe with roll- Hard­ Hardtop Sedan. Georgeous mid­ performance combined with safety. up windows is a sister to the most top Sedan with push-button TOR- formance at a new low cost. America's top selling night blue, with matching custom Alfa Romeo sports car. roadster. Many colors to choose from. QUE-FLITE drive, big hl-fl type 1885 Torranee Blvd., FA 8-9222 Interior, comfort Is king with FAC­ dual tone radio, forced air, heaters TORY AIR CONDITIONING. Gen­ 7th to 8th $1795 $9.47 Wk. $2485 $11.87Wk. $2734 $13.19Wk. & defrosters, custom dual tread eral Motors exclusive Powergllde heavy duty whltewell tires. Be­ automatic transmission, super de­ at Gaffey longed to refined «, dignified local luxe push button radio, full ranga AN PKDRO couple, driven exactly 17,509 miles. heater, and premium white side- Not a mar or scratch anywhere. New Ramblers wall tires. Ju«t traded In on new TE 2-4659 You are always welcome whether Bonneville convertible bv local you buy or not. Come In and In­ snallglst that knew the value of spect It today. BIG SALE, PRICED fine cars. Come In and inspect '59 Pontiac $2999 CADILLAC 1954 LOW for quick disposal. $99 down. 20611 Hawthorne BL, FR 3-3455 It whether you buv it or not. BIG CataMna Sport Coupe. Hydramatlc, Bank financing, liberal trade, V SALE, PRICED DIRT CHEAP, $?f radio, heater. Ivory tlnl»h, beauti­ CONVERTIBLE d*y trial exchange & 15 month, 15,- down, liberal trade, Bank Financ­ ful red Interior. Only J300 actual Looks lust like a '5A or '57. Has 000-mllc written guarantee avail­ ing. BOB BEAVER PONTIAC, 900 miles. Like new. full power steering, power brakes. able. BOB BEAVER PONTIAC 900 New Rambler Pacific Coait Hwy., Htfmosa. FR Dual range Hydramatlc drive, big Austin-Healey 3000 Morris 1000 Sedan Morris 1000 Wagon Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermosa.* FR Trade-ins 4-6931. dual tone pushbutton radio, electric This all-new Austin Healey h«» been 4-6931. * '58 Pontiac $2599 windows and 4-way electric s*at. acclaimed by American top sport This Is your biggest small car buy This has all the features of domes SUr Chief Catallna Coupe Fu Brand new all weather nylon top, car magazine as the utmost In sport of 1f40 models. 43 m.p.g. with speed tic station wagon with durability '59 METROPOLITAN ....................... $1499 '55 DODGE r57 DODGE 2 door Srdnn Cornet, R & H, with power, radio heater, hydramatlc 5 almost new custom heavy duty car engineering 4-soater models also rang* *0 m.p.h. Priced at that will last- 'til the roads wear old new and serviced by us. puncture resistant tires. Imported available >n different colors. Station Wagon, Automatic Tran. Ra­ Radio, heater, whiiewalls, 2-tone. Like new. W. W. One owner car Immaculate English pin leather upholstery. Get ou. Test drive one today. dio It Heater. Solid white, Immacu­ the thrill of Its J85 hp. Ketterlng late. $795 '57 Ford $1499 V § engine that actually gets up to $3116 $19.33 Wk. $1545 $7.34 Wk. $1798 $9.46Wk. '58 REBEL 4-Door ..,_......... ......... ... $1999 f^irlane "500." Fully equipped. l_o 20 miles per gallon! Inspect this $1695 eal one owner ear. most luxurious of the distinguished Automatic drive, power steering, radio, heater, Cadillac reputation! It pays In the RIVIERA '56 Pontiac. long run to own the BESTi Come All above are products of British Motor Corp. Only BMC has full RIVIERA white walls. Like new. VOLKSWAGEN $1299 and see It today. PRICED AMAZ one-year warranty on parts and labor. 3601 Pacific Coaat Hwy. Catallna Coupe Fully equipped INGLY LOW. $99 down and sma'l VOLKSWAGEN Hermosa FR 4-34*1 Like new. 2 to choosa from easy payments. Bank Financing. '55 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR .............__$ 1199 WE NEBD YOUR TRADE-INS Liberal trade and free S-dav trial KOI Pacific Coast Hwv WE WELCOME YOU Come in to see and test drive Hermosa FR exchange, 15-month, iVOOOmlle these cars or phone us end a-34N Bel-Air. Powerglide, power sfeering, brakes and '53 Chevrolet $699 written guarantee available. a courteous talesman will WE NEED YOUR TRADS-INS BOB answer your inquiry. windows, radio and '58 Pontiac Catalina Bel-Air 4-door, Radio, haatar BBAVER PONTIAC, 900 Pacific heater. Beautiful bronze finish. Radio and Heater automatic tram- ttandard transmission. Exceptional Coast Hwy., Harmosa. FR 4-M31. MERCURY 1957 mission, power steering and brakes, ly 'clean inside & out. Here's the expensive AAonterey two tone. b7 Volkswagen Hardtop that should not be called '59 ENGLISH FORD Squire ____$1399 used. The super agility and spirited $1795 '51 Chevrolet $299 performance only waits tor your Like new inside and out. 7 Door Sedan. Powergllde, radio J-doof sedan, factory equipped. and heater. touch. Automatic transmission sel­ Ctaan as a uln. ector. Has flnger-tlp control, power Van Wyk NEWCASTLE > steering. Power brakes. Full-range '56 BORGWARD 2-Door......................... $1099 $1595 Stereo, 2-speaker type radio, Special deluxe heater Premium puncture The finest small car Germany offers. Morris Beck SPORTS CAR CENTRE, LTD. proof tubeless' white tide wall tires. Motors Only 15,411 local miles. Not a mar Your Ingiewood Dodge-Dart Dealer Pontiac RIVIERA or a scratch anywhere. Must be '56 BUICK 4-Door ......................,..,...........$ 999 1175 S. La Brea Ingiewood 700 Pacific Coast Hwy. sold Immediately. PRICFD DIRT OR §7788 OR S-77W VOLKSWAGEN HERMOSA BEACH FR ^3474 CHEAP, $99 down. Liberal trade, Dynaflow, radio, Heater, coral and whire finish. Vouxholls Bank Financing. BOB BEAVER 2*01 Pacific Coast Hwv. Auhorlzed Dealer for Beautifully kept car. "Reputation Tested" Harmosa P» 4-34M PONTIAC, WO Pacific Coast Hwv., Personal 412 W. Anaheim MG Morris Austin Austin Healey Hermosa. PR 4-6931. Are vou short of cash but want a '55 RAMBLER Custom Wagon newer automobile? We are special­ Wilmington Rambler $995 Wagon ___________ Open Every Evening 'Til 9 Including Sunday '58 CHEVROLET $1095 ists In no down payment financing Radio, heater. True standard of American motor­ and arrange terms conveniently & TE 5-3141 -Open Sunday Factory Air confldentlntlv. All you need is IMPALA SPORT COUPE ing economy. steady employment and good credit. Conditioning R1H, while walls, automatic, 7 tone Please come In or phone If you Ford '57 Hardtop Desert Rose finish, with matching would like to move up to a good Famous 1400 weather eye re trig vinyl Interior, fully equipped with used car or a brand new Pontiac. Type V8 2 door Fully factory erator air condltlonlna, Hydra Matl full power, Including Air-float. Bank '55 PLYMOUTH V-8 Suburban $ 999 equipped with almost new, Heavy drive. Rig radio, heaters 2$ mile RUSH CHEVROLET financing available. Station Wagon. Radio, heater, etc. duty whiteweil tires. High fashioned per gallon economy Comes from BOB REAVER Plastic A nylon Interior, it's Thun- oulet and elegant Rolling Hills area dorblrd VB engine delivers the not a mar or spot anywhere $2495 ;54 FORD Ranch Wagon PONTIAC twoofest kind of go on the road to­ Remember, only Rambler gives vo $ 899 Used Car Department day Blaring power I smooth quiet Big Car room and comfort, Smal Ford-o-matic, radio, heater.
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