Higher Education Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance: Norway The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Please cite this publication as: OECD (2019), Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance: Norway, Higher Education, OECD, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/be5514d7-en. Photo credits: Cover © elettaria/Shutterstock.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS │ 3 Acknowledgements This country note was prepared as part of the Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance project. The note was written by Gillian Golden, Shizuka Kato and Gabriele Marconi of the OECD Secretariat’s Higher Education Policy Team. Massimo Loi and Shizuka Kato provided statistical support, and Cassandra Morley edited the note. Thomas Weko (Team Leader, Higher Education Policy) and Paulo Santiago (Head of Division, Policy Advice and Implementation) advised the work. Guidance for the work of the Secretariat was provided by the national coordinators Mads Gravås and Gro Beate Vige; and by experts and country representatives in Norway. These include Sigve Berge Hofland, Katrine Elida Aaland, Kristin Celius, Lea Jorselje Fuglestad, Ellinor Dalbye Kasahara, Linda Johansen Elmhari, Karin Bjørkeli Hjermundrud, Haakon Kobbenes, Tove Lyngra, Hege Høyvik-Landmark, Erin Nordal, Guri Brochmann Skoklefald, Filip Ask von Ubisch, Lars Vasbotten, Åsa Sandnes and Erik Ferdinand Øverland, who commented on subsequent drafts of the Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance report; Sigve Berge Hofland, Mai-Lin Hofsøy, Frøya Plathe Stavem, Erik Ferdinand Øverland, Annette Skalde, Mette Lending, Kristin Evensen, Tove Lyngra, Borghild Abusland, Gro Beate Vige, Toril Måseide, Toril Fiva ,Ellen-Birgitte Levy, Inger Marie Skinderhaug, Anders Trodal, Inger Johanne Christiansen and Lars Arne Aasen, who were involved in providing the qualitative policy information; and Ingvild Marheim Larsen who was involved in the planning and start-up phase of the project. In addition, Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) provided the data extractions needed for this project. BENCHMARKING HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE: NORWAY © OECD 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS │ 5 Table of contents Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................... 3 Reader’s Guide ............................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 1. Higher education performance in Norway ............................................................. 9 1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 9 1.2. Context and structure of higher education in Norway ......................................................... 9 1.3. Norway’s higher education scorecard ............................................................................... 10 Chapter 2. Financial and human resources ............................................................................. 13 2.1. Financial resources ............................................................................................................ 13 2.2. Human resources ............................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 3. Education ................................................................................................................. 21 3.1. Access, student profile and completion ............................................................................. 21 3.2. Graduate outcomes ............................................................................................................ 24 Chapter 4. Research and engagement ...................................................................................... 31 4.1. Inputs and activities ........................................................................................................... 31 4.2. Internationalisation and knowledge production ................................................................ 34 Chapter 5. Scenarios for policy ................................................................................................. 39 5.1. Progress in higher education attainment in Norway has been slowing, and other countries are catching up.......................................................................................................................... 40 5.1.1. Rationale ..................................................................................................................... 40 5.1.2. Scenarios for future developments to 2030 ................................................................ 45 5.1.3. Implications for policy ................................................................................................ 47 References ................................................................................................................................ 55 Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 58 Tables Table 1.1. Higher Education system benchmarking: Norway ..................................................... 11 Table 5.1. Assumptions for the calculations of alternative attainment scenarios ........................ 46 Table 5.2. Relative probability of accessing bachelor’s and long first degree programmes for 18- 24 year-olds coming from rural or intermediate regions (2015) .......................................... 48 Table 5.3. Policies to broaden access in higher education in Norway (2017) ............................. 49 Figures Figure 2.1. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Financial resources .............. 14 BENCHMARKING HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE: NORWAY © OECD 2019 6 │ TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 2.2. Share of higher education expenditure, by source (2015) ......................................... 16 Figure 2.3. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Human resources ................. 17 Figure 2.4. Share of academic staff in higher education, by age group (2016) ........................... 18 Figure 2.5. Share of women among academic staff in higher education, by age group (2016) ... 19 Figure 2.6. Share of teaching staff with permanent contracts, by age (2016) .............................. 20 Figure 3.1. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Access, student profile, completion............................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 3.2. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Graduate outcomes .............. 25 Figure 3.3. Proficiency distribution among higher education graduates, 16-34 year-olds (2012 or 2015) .................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 3.4. Relative earnings of 25-34 year-olds, selected education levels (2016) .................... 27 Figure 3.5. Share of tertiary-educated 25-34 year-olds with advanced degrees (2017) and relative earnings (2016) ....................................................................................................... 28 Figure 4.1. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Research inputs and activities ............................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.2. Trends in expenditure on higher education R&D in Norway (2009-2015) ............... 33 Figure 4.3. Where does Norway stand in the OECD distribution? Internationalisation and knowledge production .......................................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.4. Increase in the volume of scientific production (2007-2017) .................................... 36 Figure 4.5. H-index for OECD research and development systems (1996-2017) ....................... 37 Figure 5.1. Entry rates to bachelor’s level programmes, selected countries (2013-2016) ........... 40 Figure 5.2. Completion and non-completion rates of bachelor’s level programmes (2014) ........ 42 Figure 5.3. Increase in higher education attainment of the population aged 25-34 (2017).......... 43 Figure 5.4. Trends in higher educational attainment in the population (2008-2017) ................... 44 Figure 5.5. Employment rates of 25-34 year-olds by level of education (2007 and 2017) .......... 45 Figure 5.6. Future scenarios for higher education attainment levels of 25-34 year-olds, Norway and OECD ............................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 5.7. Completion rates from selected programmes of study by entry cohort and selected student characteristics .......................................................................................................... 51 Boxes Box 5.1. Scenario development for policy analysis ..................................................................... 39 Box 5.2. Summary of policy concern .......................................................................................... 40 Box 5.3. The Australian Strategy for
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