Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 16/18 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. September Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. 25 Jahre Osloer Prinzipienerklärung ............................................................................................................................. 1 2. USA stellen Zahlungen an die UNRWA ein .................................................................................................................... 3 3. Polizeichef geschasst ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 1. 25 Jahre Osloer Prinzipienerklärung palästinensischen Konflikts scheint in Weite Ferne 25 Jahre nach Unterzeichnung der Osloer Prinzi- gerückt zu sein. pienerklärung ziehen Befürworter und Gegner Bilanz des Friedensprozesses zwischen Israel und der Israel's selective memory on the Oslo Accords Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation (PLO). (…) I sense no special excitement even in anticipa- Der damalige Palästinenserchef Yassir Arafat, Isra- tion of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the els früherer Ministerpräsident Yitzhak Rabin und Ex- Oslo Accord on the White House lawn on Septem- Außenminister Shimon Peres wurden 1994 mit dem ber 13, 1993. Is it not important to reconstruct the Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Doch schon bald outbursts of joy on that day? Should we not focus on machten Terror und Enttäuschung der anfänglichen the handshake between Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Euphorie Platz. Rabin bezahlte mit seinem Leben, Arafat, the man who would betray him and destroy als ein jüdischer Extremist auf ihn schoss, um weite- in the blood and fire of terror attacks the agreement re territoriale Zugeständnisse Israels an die Palästi- that he had just signed with him? (…) Then, in the nenser zu verhindern. Nach dem Scheitern der days of ecstasy, you allowed no criticism to be Verhandlungen im Sommer 2000 und dem Beginn voiced against the self-deception in which you were der zweiten Intifada schien der Prozess am Ende zu imprisoned and which you led. Now, and just for the sein. Im Alleingang zog ausgerechnet der israeli- sake of professionalism, consider airing statements sche Hardliner Ariel Sharon fünf Jahre später die like those of Haggai Segal (today the editor of Makor Israelis aus dem Gazastreifen ab, was die islamisti- Rishon) on Arutz Sheva, the only media outlet that sche Hamas als ihre Errungenschaft propagandis- came out against Oslo: “Dear listeners, keep your tisch verbuchte und bei den palästinensischen Wah- newspapers from this week. Keep the red and blue len kurze Zeit später gewinnen ließ. Der Gazastrei- headlines that announce the coming of the messiah, fen wurde zu einer gegen Israel gerichteten Rake- (…) the tears of Yoram Kaniuk and the self- tenabschussbasis. Für viele Israelis schien damit congratulations of Uri Avnery ... If you throw them in bewiesen, dass sich territoriale Zugeständnisse mit the garbage can, your grandchildren will not believe den Palästinensern nicht lohnten. Bei den Palästi- a word you say about everything that was written nensern führte der Machtkampf zwischen der Ha- and said on the occasion of that insane event taking mas und der Fatah dazu, dass das Westjordanland place tomorrow in Washington. They will not be able und der Gazastreifen zwei rivalisierende Regierun- to believe that such intelligent people, so experi- gen haben. Eine friedliche Lösung des israelisch- enced, were willing to do business with a creature 1 like Arafat, and even to describe that business in doing the same thing, people would start to think terms of a vision of the End of Days.” Chilling. differently and try to come up with a new plan or try Israel Harel, HAA, 01.09.18 a different tactic. (…) annexing large swaths of the West Bank while giving the Palestinians an “auton- The Oslo Process – 25 years on omy on steroids” in Areas A and B (…) might not be The Oslo process (…) did not result in peaceful ideal, but at least it is an attempt to think out of the coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. The box (…) a regional peace deal (…). What does it nearly 1,600 Israeli casualties and many more thou- mean (…). Netanyahu has the political power and sands of wounded during this period by Palestinian capital today to pretty much do whatever he wants. terrorist and rocket attacks testify to this failure. If he decided to annex all of the West Bank, he has Yitzhak Rabin’s land-for-security formula did not the coalition to pass the needed legislation through work. (…) The differences in positions, particularly the Knesset. (…) this coming year is an opportunity on refugees and Jerusalem, are unbridgeable. (…) to demand more from our leaders – and most im- 25 years after Oslo, we are left with two revisionist portantly, to expect answers. (…) Palestinian national movements, one traditional and Yaakov Katz, JPO, 07.09.18 one Islamist, controlling parts of Palestine. Palestin- ian-ruled territories constitute local bases of terror- How Oslo Accords contributed to Israeli occupa- ism against Israel. (…) the awareness that the Pal- tion estinians are not ripe for statehood has slowly (…) we can congratulate the signatories of the Oslo spread into foreign policy decision-making fora. (…) agreement on a current reality in the Palestinian The decisions of the Trump administration to recog- territories, and not because the agreement was nize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and the cuts in signed, but rather because it was never fully imple- aid to the UNRWA and the PA reflect as well the mented (…). The Oslo agreement is not dead, it is decreased appeal of the Palestinian cause in the alive and breathing. (…) the reality it had created international arena. (…) Israel’s cautious strategy of has benefitted Israel—the occupation of the territo- conflict management (…) of recent years has been ries became much cheaper. The establishment of a successful in minimizing the domestic and interna- political Palestinian entity exempted Israeli govern- tional damage from the continuous Palestinian hos- ments from a burden of sustaining the territories, not tility. Israel’s willingness to make concessions is only when it comes to: economy, education, health, useful for retaining social cohesion at home and for employment, infrastructure and welfare, but from the gaining points among friends abroad. (…) the Oslo enormous security burden that only those who have process failed to attain peace and security for Israel, been to Nablus, Jenin and Hebron before Oslo, but it much relieved the Jewish state of the Palestin- would understand. (…) As far as the Right is con- ian burden. (…) Israel is no longer responsible for cerned, the agreement did not interfere with a set- the Palestinians, and they are on their own. (…) tlement enterprise. (…) since Oslo there has been a Efraim Inbar, JPO, 02.09.18 fourfold increase in the number of settlers (…) The Palestinian entity is run as a state in every sense of Breaking the cycle the word—with a flag, an anthem, police and army (…) Instead of peace, the sides seem to have never forces and government apparatuses—and it does been more distant (…). While it has brought relative not cost the Israeli taxpayer a penny. (…) The prob- quiet to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip still remains lem is that although the reality created by the Oslo Israel’s most volatile military front, one that the IDF Accords is convenient for the Israeli Right, it is drag- brass believes has the greatest potential of explod- ging the two nations into a de facto binational ing (…) while Israel has achieved economic prosper- state—a sure recipe for continuing violence and ity (…) the same cannot be said about the Palestini- bloodshed, which only harms Israel as a Jewish, an territories. (…) Are there leaders on both sides – democratic and Zionist state. If we were to entertain in Jerusalem and Ramallah – who are really inter- ourselves with an idea of “if” and imagine the Oslo ested in a deal and prepared to make the tough agreement had been implemented in its entirety, decisions and painful concessions to achieve one? Israel would have been a country with a Jewish (…) Can Israel today withdraw from enough of the majority that would not need a legislation such as West Bank to satisfy Palestinian demands? It seems the Nation-State Law, with recognized borders and that no matter what we offer, it will never be enough. open relations with the Arab world, and without the (…) It would be only natural that after 25 years of stain of occupation stamped on its forehead. Most 2 importantly, the word "peace" would have been part of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah – namely, a ploy aimed of our everyday discourse. Too bad that did not at buying time and eventually defeating Israel the happen. way the Prophet Muhammad had crushed the infi- Roni Shaked, YED, 08.09.18 dels – the Israeli Left remained in a state of denial. (…) Rabin saw the peace process as a means of I advised the Palestinian negotiating team. It was establishing nothing more than Palestinian autono- a mistake to have negotiated with Israel at all my. But his very willingness to sign a deal with the (…) 25 years later, Palestinians are no closer to PLO unleashed all the demons: the Palestinian freedom, as Israel has further entrenched, rather "right of return," refugees, Jerusalem,
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