MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Number 37 Pages 5145—5228 PART I (Part II begins on page 5219) HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. INVESTM ENT COMPANIES— SEC withdraws proposal pro- hibiting adjournment of shareholders meetings................. 5194 RELOCATION ASSISTANCE CLAIMS— HUD establishes grievance procedures; effective 3 -2 6 -7 3 .............................. 5168 AUTOM OTIVE POLLUTION— EPA proposal on inspection and certification of new vehicles and engines; comments by 4 -2 7 -7 3 .................... 5183 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION— FPC rules on declassifi­ cation; effective 2 -2 6 -7 3 .............. .......T................................... 5161 SS UNITED STATES— Commerce Dept, announces pur­ chase and solicits proposals for use; comments by 3 -3 0 -7 3 ............................................... ........................................ 5197 UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES— FTC cease and desist orders against false advertising, discriminatory pricing and flam­ mability violations (7 documents); effective 2—26-73..5156-5160 FEDERAL SURVIVORS INSURANCE— HEW proposal relat- ing'to evidence of death occurring outside the U.S.; com­ ments by 3 -2 8 -7 3 ...................................................................... 5182 LEVIES ON WAGES AND SALARIES— 1RS rules requiring prior notice to individuals affected; effective 2 -2 6 -7 3 ...... 5171 (Continued inside) REMINDERS (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to F ederal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going into Effect Today This list includes only rules that were published in the Federal Register after October 1, 1972. Page no. and date COAST GUARD— Hutchinson River, N.Y.; drawbridge operation regulations.. 2428; 1 -2 6 -7 3 CUSTOMS BUREAU— Declaration and en­ try of articles...... ........... 2448; 1—26—73 USDA— Information required for cotton and cotton products and for potatoes and potato products... 2445; 1 -2 6 -7 3 Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federa TUI holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Service Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S. •> Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I ). Distribut o is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal Register provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices iss by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders P“ Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Ac Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as ac fflcej bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO . 37— M ONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1973 HIGHLIGHTS— Continued antidumping — MEETINGS— Tariff Comm, notice of investigation and hearing on NASA: Earth Resources Technology Satellite Sym­ 4-10-73 about synthetic methione from Japan------- ------ 5212 posium; 3—5 through 3—8—7 3 - ----------------------------------------- 5208 Treasury Dept, initiates investigations on natural Research and Technology Advisory Council, Commit­ rubber tread from Italy and certain metal punching tee on Aeronautical Operating Systems, Ad Hoc Panel machines and expanded metal from Japan (3 docu­ on Aircraft Noise Reduction by Operational Flight ments) ...................................................... -.............——-......... 5195 Procedures; 3—6—73-------- ------------------- ------------- --------------- 5209 Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee; 3—1, -8 , CORPS OF ENGINEERS LABS— Procedures for conduct­ -2 2 , and -2 9 -7 3 .......... ............ ............ ............. 5205 ing work for governmental and private organizations; HEW: Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Automated effective 2—26—73................... ...............*.................................... 5171 Personal Data Systems; 3 -1 through 3—3—73__________ 5197 Nat’l Science Foundation: Advisory Panels for Political VETERINARY DRUGS— FDA approves use of dichlorvos Science, Earth Sciences, Research Management Im­ for horses; effective 2—26—73................................................ ' 5168 provement and Sociology; 3—9, —10, —12, —13, —15 and FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE— Publication of -1 6 -7 3 ................................................... -........................ ......... 5209 Economic Policy Directives of 11—20 and 21—72 and OMB: Business Advisory Council on Federal Reports; 12-19-72 (2 documents)......................................................... 5206 3 -1 -7 3 ...................................................................................... 5214 Contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making VOR Federal airways; extension. 5182 Filberts grown in Oregon and Records available and exempted. _ 5152 Washington; amendment of ad­ Notices FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ministrative rules and regula­ Air Haiti, S.A.; prehearing con­ COMMISSION tions ___________________,_____ 5151 ference and hearing regarding Proposed Rule Making Proposed Rule Making foreign air carrier permit FM broadcast stations: Castalia and Sandusky, Ohio— 5192 Milk in Eastern Ohio-Western amendment; addition of New York, N.Y., as conterminal Colorado Springs, Colo________ 5192 Pennsylvania marketing area; . p o in t_____:______________ _____ 5199 Flint, M ich..______________ 5193 decision on proposed amend­ ments to marketing agreement COAST GUARD Notices and to order___________________ 5176 Rules and Regulations Hearings, etc.: AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Transportation of dangerous arti­ Radio Telephone Company of cles or substances; phosphorous Gainesville, et al____________ 5199 See also Agricultural Marketing pentasulfide __________________ 5173 United Telephone Company of Service; A n i m a l and Plant O h i o ________________________ 5199 Health Inspection S erv ice ; Notices Farmers Home Administration; Equipment, construction, and ma­ FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Rural Electrification Adminis­ terials; approval and termina­ Notices tration; Soil Conservation Serv­ tion of approval notice (5 docu­ Certificates of financial respon­ ice. ments) _____5220, 5222, 5223, 5226, 5227 sibility (Oil Pollution): Notices Issu ed_____________ 5201 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT R evok ed____________ 5200 New York Produce Exchange; or­ See Maritime Administration. Issuance of certificate to Chinese der vacating designations as Maritime Transport, Ltd., and contract m ark ets____________ . 5197 CUSTOMS BUREAU Orient Overseas Lines, Inc.: . Rules and Regulations Casualty______________________ 5200 ANWALAND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION Performance_______________ 5200 SERVICE Chromic acid from Australia; revocation of dumping finding. 5175 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Declaration and entry of articles; Meat products; storage in and dis­ correction ____________________ 5175 Rules and Regulations tribution from federally in­ National security information ; spected establishments_____ 5151 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT classification and declassifica- See Engineers Corps. t iò n ___________________________ 5161 arm y d e p a r t m e n t Proposed Rule Making ENGINEERS CORPS See Engineers Corps. Utilization and conservation of Rules and Regulations natural gas; policy statement; a to m ic e n e r g y c o m m is s io n Laboratory investigations and extension of time______________ 5194 Notices t e s t s ________ ___________—------ 5171 Notices Hearings, etc.: Duke power Co.; order for pre- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Champlin Petroleum Co., et a l. 5203 hearing conference 5198 Metropolitan Edison Co. et~aU Proposed Rule Making Continental Oil Co___________ 5203 Air pollution from new motor vehi­ Distrigas of New York Corp___ 5204 license8 ° n faciUty opiating cles and engines_________ ______ 5183 Georgia Power Co_____________ 5204 5198 hexafluoride; charges, Indiana and Michigan Electric FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION Co __________________________ 5205 t£ n ? T ? . services. specifica- Rules and Regulations Washington Water Power Co_ 5205 corr^tion Packaging; revisions; 5199 Organization and functions______ 5151 (Continued on next page) 5147 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO . 37— M O NDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1973 5148 CONTENTS FEDERAL PREVAILING RATE ADVISORY Rules and Regulations NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION: COM M ITTEE Claims and payments; establish­ Notices Notices ment of grievance procedures_5168 Certain advisory panels; closed Committee meetings____________ 5205 meetings --------------------------------
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