;'-i » A < a w i n E N Th* WoatlMr Fere east ef 0. •. WsaN as ipoMN Memben of Spencer Circle,of doudy tonight. Lew 66| te 6$. South Methodiat Ghnndi win meet AiwntTown Wedneaday at 1 p.m. at the home Thursday eleody, not se waiia, of Mra. Ruaeen MacKandriisk, U showere Illkdy In aftemoen. Illgli H m U x f Sptnow OnM9 of Elaie Dr. Ihe Rev. lAwrenca Al­ around 86. ■oMM OiBBiotirtiooal Churoli mond, paator, wUl be thO apeaken General Manager Richard Mar­ Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm wftt told Ra tint M l meetins: tin has forwarded to the directors Wedneedoy «t 1 P-m. a t the home The Rhythmic Choir of Center of the Manchester Country Club a of Its leader. Mia. Nellie Brad* Congregational Church wiU hold reQuest for detailed lnformatl<m on (daaeifled Adverttsing ea Page M) PRICE FIVE CENTS Vtf, 44 Oreeawood Dr. A picnic Its Wednesday at S pjn. in year, the what jMsrts of the town-owned (TWBNTY-POUR fA G B^lW TWO 8BCTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEil 13, 1961 Inaetoon will precede the f hual- Woodruff Han. Any giila who are ed last night Qlobe Hollow tract the club wants iMH m eethif . Intereated in Joining apd are un* Douglas h. Pierce, bueineas to buy. able to attend may caU Mra. Clif­ manager of the board, recommend­ In a letter to the country club Bobert T. Steele, guided mlHile- ford Simpson. Regular^ rehearsals ed the figure, which leaves a $35 the general manager asked for de­ nwMi inemen USN, aon of Mr. and win begin the following Wednes­ "cushion*'^ above the estimated per. tailed information on what areas State lyews M n. Ballot B. Steele, 40 Foxcroft day at 3:30 p.m. in Woodruff Hall. pupil coef this year of $865. Dr„ ama graduated recently from Last year’s tuition was $375 are wanted, plus a map Showing the Bnhnaarine School a t the Naval Town firemen and department and the actual per pupil coat last where the dub would like to build Suhtnarine Baae, New Ijondon. holes, plus a description (ff what volunteers wUl meet tonight at year wga $818.96, he sud. holes, if any, which are now opera­ 7:80 a t McKee and W. Center Sts. ted by the dub, would nbt be pur­ a Fallsl Memben of S t Bridget’a RoM^y and proceed to the John F. Tier­ chased by the club. Society win meet at the home of ney F\ineral Home, 219 W. tJenter the laU Mta. Thomaa Moriarty, 35 BL, to pay their respects to Senior Citizens - These holes, he understood, State Wins HoUlater S t. tonight at 7:30 for Henry C. Freiheit, who was “would remain as a nucleus of a a recitation of the Rosary. member of Hose Co. 1 and whose Meet Tomorrow town operated golf course.” sons are also members. ‘ITie letter by Martin was written 2nd Award MB at the reQuest of the board of di­ to UN Forces th e Senior dtlsens dub, (in ­ rectors who dedded last week they The meeting for tomorrow of ducted by the recreatlan depart­ Engaged ment for retired people' of the needed more detailed information. The premier appointed Egide For Safety the Bethany Group of Center Club offldsds broached the sub­ Leopoldville, The Congo,' Church has been canceled. Town of Manchester, will have its The engagement of Miss Mary Bochely-Davldaon, a follower of first meeting of the 'seaacm to­ ject in June, and three weeks ago Sept. 13 (iP)—The United Na­ the Una of alaln ex-premier Pa­ Lathrop of Andover to John S. the general manager drew up a list tions announced today a Chicago, Sept. —Con­ The Hockanum Dog Club wijl morrow at the Community T. R^waa of Hartford has been an­ trice Lumumba, aa the new chief This club was organised in Feb­ of rutrlctions which he would rec­ forceful end to Katanga’s se­ administrator of Katanga. necticut has ‘^on another meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at the: nounced by her parents, Mr. and ommend in the event any sale or home of Chief and Mrs. Herman ruary 1965 with nine members Mrs. Alton Lathrop, Rt. 6, An­ cession from 'The Congo. U.N. Bochely-Davldaon was high com­ high awar(i ,ffom the Nation­ and has grown to 150. They have lease was made. Gray Box ‘Breathes, C. Scbendel, 21S Spring Sc. Prof. dover. Martin asked the dub offidals troops downed military re­ missioner of state in Antoine Gl- al Safety (Jouncil, this time Donald Grapt of the University of been meeting Wedneaday after­ Her fiance is Uie son of Mra. nenga’s rebel StanleyvUIe regime for th« manner in which it Connecticut wlU be guest speaker. noons beginning at 3 o'clock, for sistance in a blood-spilling and is believed by many western programs, consisting of games, Lena Hartjcs Repass of Hartford, fight of several hours at Elis- coiRbkts all types of acci- Prof. Grant will demonstrate his and the late Charles Repass. diplomats to be strongly pro-C<mi- defits. sheep herding Border Collies. The staling, dancing and refresh­ Miss .Lathrop, a graduate of abethville, the provincial’ munist. Sweats’ Like Human business meeting will follow the ments. capital. Of Tshombe, there was no flrjpi The council announced yester­ demonstration. Anyone wishing to Persons Interested in Joining this Windham High School, is employed news. Adoula said he was safe day Connecticut had won the Na­ see this demonstration is welcome. group may do so at the Com­ by The Manchester Evening Her­ President Moiie Tahombe fled, and under U.N. protectlon.t Other tional Safety Council Trustees Cape Canaveral, Fla., Sept. 13 (/P)—The United States took munity Y tomorrow afternoon. ald in the business ofllce. denouncing the attack, and the reports filtering through-to Leo- award for 1960. A city winner la Mr. Repass is a graduate of Leopoldville Central Government a long stride toward manned orbital flight today by rc«ket- S t James' Mothers Circle will What Do You Know poldvIUe.Bald he had Jieaded for also named each year and this ing a Mercury space capsule into orbit and rccoyering it af­ l U l l N I N meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Bulkeley High School and the appointed a LumUmbist adminis­ the frontier of neighboring north- time it was Sioux Falla, S. D. home of Mrs. John Funke, 565 University of Hartford. He 1s also trator to take over. the. mineral- The awards, highest bestowed ter one sweep around the Earth. Adams S t Co-hostesses wUl be British Americans employed by The Manchester Eve­ rich province. ' (Contlnned on Page Six) by the council, are recognition of The 2-ton capsule^ which carried an “Artificial Astronaut,” M O I O R S r ning Herald as a reporter. "The kstanga secession Is exqellence in protection of cit­ 3 Mrs. Thomsui Derby and Mrs. A Noy. 18 wedding Is planned. over," U.N. headQuarters here was was fished from the Atlantic Ocean 161 miles east of Ber­ Ihomas Brennan. Start Fall Events izens against all types of acci­ muda by the destroyer USS Decatur at 1:14 p.m. EDT—just •slilh8ian«...iatlM driv- About Pianos ? told by ita Ellsabethvllle 'represen­ dents, including those in traffic. Herald Photo by Oflara •T s S M t SN I te M to t Slock Story Circle, WSCS, of South The British American Club be­ tative, Conor CMiiee O'Brien. "Ka­ Hhbdesia Puts In factories, and in public places, over three hours after it roared away from Cape Canaveral ■wtak BSM sowy wsokdiy St Methodist Church, will meet to­ gins its fall schedule of activities tanga is now a Congolese prov­ the council said. on the nose of an Atlas missile. 5 and 6 :0 5 p.si. evor Friday night when the dart league ince." morrow at 10:30 a.m. at Wdsley DuBaldos Feted at Surprise FOR RENT This would mean an end to the Winners of the 1959 a w a r da The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said 1860 on year radio Hall to work on an afghan, braid­ begins play. 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors Troops Along were New Jersey and Kalamazoo, by Shoorwn, On Saturday, Sept 23, the first Independence of the lush, copjier- the capsule will be returned to Cape Canaveral as soon as dial. ed nig, and other handmade arti­ —sound or silent, also 85 mra. laden plateauland proclaimiid by Mich. The 1960 awards will be HamgiHI * Cow 9 1 3 Main St* cles in preparation for. "Hi Ho Mr. and Mni. Anthony DuBaldo^DuBaldo’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. dance will be held. Sunday, O ct 1, slide projectors. presented Oct. 17 at the National possible for study. Salvatore Ralmondo, S3 Maple S t the fall outing is set for the Gar­ NO OTHER Tshombe 14 monts ago.'' The pickup was made one hour and 24 minutes after the Come to the Fair." were honored at a aurprise lawn It also would mean diversion of Katanga Line SsLfety Congreas. The party table was decorated den Grove, and features a full day WELDON DRUG CO. On Sept. 1 the (XHincil announc­ space craft landed in the sea. party at their home, 161 Glenwood with a money tree, a gift from of activities concluding with a late millions in tax revenues from Ka­ St., yesterday in celebration of 901 Blaln S t Tel. 90 8-8881 PIANO tanga’s $980 miUion annual pro­ Salisbury, South Rhodesia, Sept.
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