KELVEDON HATCH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 11th June 2015 at 8.00 pm. 1. PRESENT Cllr M Allen, Cllr C James, Cllr D Jobbins, Cllr Y Maguire, Cllr S Saunders, Cllr D Stacey, Cllr A Webster, Cllr J Woodhouse and Cllr J Wright. 4 members of the public were also present and D.Munro, the Parish Clerk. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence received from Cllr R North. (In the absence of Cllr R North the meeting was chaired by Cllr C James, the Vice Chair.) 3. DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was received from Cllr A Webster. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & AMENDMENTS TO THE REGISTER OF MEMBERS INTERESTS Cllr D Jobbins had completed a new Declaration of Members Interests form. He wished to declare that he was now a member of a political party. No other declarations were received. 5. REPORT FROM ECC MEMBER, BBC MEMBER & QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Meeting suspended at 8.02pm to allow for this item BBC Cllr R McCheyne advised that the list of jobs for the NATs team to undertake should be sent to him by Wednesday 17th June 2015. The public session ended and the meeting resumed at 8.03pm 6. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 14th MAY 2015 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th May 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chair. 7. CLERK’S REPORT The clerk reported that items arising were listed for discussion at other parts of the agenda. 8. RISK MANAGEMENT a) Play Area update – The clerk advised that the matting at the Zip Wire has been laid and consideration is now being given to a top up with bark. He also advised that he had written to BBC to ask for more detailed information about the wear on the cradle swing chains. 9. MATTERS BROUGHT FORWARD a) School Road parking & Speed Limit – The clerk reported that he understand that ECC Highways engineers are producing a scheme for a variable 20mph speed limit to be submitted to the LHP for consideration. The LHP meeting was on 8th June 2015. He was not aware if this item was discussed. b) Speed Limit, Church Road – The clerk reported that the LHP meeting was on 8th June 2015. He was not aware if this item was discussed. c) Road Safety, Ongar Road (Brizes Corner to Crown Corner) - At our last meeting it was reported that as this is a “Priority Route” very little could be done. The clerk advised that the erratic operation of the VAS sign has been reported to ECC Highways. The clerk was asked to enquire why this section of the A128 was designated as a “Priority Route” whereas south of Brentwood the A128 passing through Ingrave had a 30mph speed limit. The clerk was also asked to enquire how much it cost to have the VAS sign recalibrated every time it went wrong. d) Ongar Road pedestrian refuge – The clerk reported that letters have been sent to ECC Cllr R Bass, the Coroner and the Police Investigation Unit. It is unlikely that we will hear anything until the conclusion of the investigation and the inquest and the report back to the LHP. e) Stocks Lane / Blackmore Road traffic island – It was reported that ECC Highways are re-examining the junction to come up with another solution to the problem. Results will be reported to the LHP. The LHP meeting was on 8th June 2015. It was not known if this item was discussed. f) Dangerous parking of vehicles – BBC Cllr K Parker was not present and therefore unable to update the PC on progress made on this item. g) Superfast Broadband – It was reported that we were still awaiting details of the Phase 2 plans. h) Football Club Grass Mower replacement. – It was reported that the Football Club were awaiting a visit from Upsons to assess whether the mower could be repaired. It was agreed to remove this from future agendas until there was something to report. i) Swan Pond – Maintenance – Cllr C James reported that it is proposed to have another tidy up of the pond. He will be leading a small working party. Information Lectern – Cllr A Webster reported that this was all ready for installation. He proposed to do this at the same time as the pond tidy up. j) Swan Lane Bollards – Cllr C James advised that this was in hand and would be done soon. It was agreed to remove this from future agendas unless there was something to report. k) Dog Fouling – It was reported that a meeting was being arranged with David Carter, the Environmental Health Manager at BBC to visit Poor’s Field. The clerk advised that he had obtained a small “No Dogs Allowed” sign and put it up by the entrance gate to the picnic area in Eagle Field. l) Re-use of the Crown Corner Recycling Centre Site - Cllr M Allen had asked for this item to be put on the agenda. He felt that the PC should be proactive in determining how the site should be used. It was reported that the site was owned by ECC. It was agreed that the clerk should make some preliminary enquiries to find out if ECC would be prepared to let the PC take this site over. m) Visit by the NATs team in w/c 22nd June 2015. The clerk reported that jobs already lined up for the NATs team to tackle were: - Path clearance from Brizes Corner to the Camping Shop on Ongar Road. - Removal of a bramble bush at the footpath between Glovers Field and Kelvedon Green. - Repair of the bent Glovers Field street name sign. - A cut back of the hedge at the Swan Lane / Fox Hatch walk-through. - A cut back of the hedge at the kissing gate entrance to Eagle Field in Blackmore Road. No further jobs were suggested by members. The clerk undertook to pass this list on to BBC Cllr R McCheyne. 10. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION a) Balances / Management of Accounts Community Account balance as at last meeting 14/5/15 £34,577.02 (plus income since last meeting + £ 750.00) (less cheques issued following last meeting - £ 7,544.56) (Estimated balance at 11/6/15 = £27,782.46) Scottish Widows – 3 Year Fixed Term Deposit £20,000.00 United Trust Bank – 60 day notice Account £30,631.09 Transactions since last Meeting: Income S D Howe Village News Advert 150.00 Ashford Executive Village News Advert 75.00 Cars Chelmer Chimney Village News Advert 75.00 Services A W Home Village News Advert 75.00 Maintenance HPS Village News Advert 75.00 Chelmsford Plumbing Village News Advert 75.00 & Heating Abacus Tree Services Village News Advert 150.00 L J Barnes Village News Advert 75.00 Total 750.00 Cheques issued since last meeting Total nil Cheques prepared for this month’s expenditure Namesco Limited Website name & Email address (2yrs) 125.17 Viking Direct Stationery & 100x 2nd Class Postage Stamps 113.63 D Munro No Dogs Allowed Sign 6.74 (Reimbursement) A M Sewell & Co Ltd Internal Audit Fee 360.00 Kelvedon Hatch Hire of Recreation Field 6918.42 Village Hall Kelvedon Hatch Hire of Village Hall 365.24 Village Hall J E Dobre V News editor & Village correspondent 185.00 Evergreen Litter picking May 420.00 Assessments Ltd J & S Garden Services Maintenance of Play Area, War Memorial & 320.00 Swan Pond D Munro June salary 875.26 HMRC June Tax & NI 338.68 Total 10028.14 b) To consider and approve payment of invoices received and cheques prepared. Payment of invoices and cheques prepared as listed above was proposed by Cllr A Webster, seconded by Cllr Y Maguire and approved unanimously by members. Signatories were instructed by the Chair to sign the cheques. c) Internal Audit Report The clerk reported that the Internal Audit had been carried out by Mike Raistrick of A M Sewell & Co. The report had already been circulated. No items of concern had been raised. He had also completed Section 4 of the Annual Return for the External Audit. d) Completion of the Annual Accounting Statement and Annual Governance Statement for 2014/15. The clerk advised that following the Internal Audit we now have to complete Sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return before sending this off to the External Audit. This has to be with them on Monday 15th June 2015. Copies of Sections 1 & 2 had already been circulated to members. Cllr C James proposed that Sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return as presented should be signed. This was seconded by Cllr A Webster and agreed unanimously by members. Cllr C James as acting Chair and the clerk signed the Annual Return. e) Maturity of 3 Year Fixed Term Deposit. The clerk advised that our 3 year Fixed Term Deposit with Scottish Widows matured on 1st June 2015. We have had £20,000.00 in this account for the last 3 years earning 3.5% interest. When it matured the £20,000.00 was put into a Maturity Base Rate Tracker Account earning just 0.5%. He advised that if we were to re-invest this in another 3 Year Fixed Term Deposit with Scottish Widows the interest rate they are now offering pays only 1.4%. He advised that he had searched internet comparison sites for the best savings interest rates available with other banks and they are all offering similar rates.
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