DIRECTORY.] DURHAl\I. STOCKTOX-rPON-lEES. 411 Works committee meet o-n the third friday in evMy month This court has also bankruptcy & admiralty jurisdiction. at the Tees Conserva-ncy offices, Middle~brough & The 1·egistrar, with few exceptions, holds sittings for Stockton alternately. at II a.m bankruptcy examinations every other weduesday: Graving Dock committee meet on the second friday in the whole of the places in the county court districts of alternate m<>nths at 12 noon, at the Graving Dock, Darlington, Barnard Castle, Stokesley & Gnisborough South bank & Whitby are "ithin its bankruptcy junsdi('tion Corporation Wharf. Official Receiver, H. Meredith Hardy, Court chambers, Corporation Wharf & Grain Warehon!'les (Edward T. M. Albert roa..i, Middlesbrough Cowburn, manager), Quayside, Stockton Certified Bailiffs under the " Law of Distress Amend- 1 ment Act:" Snowden Appleton, Wellington street, STOCKTON-ON-TEES LOCAL PENSIONS I Stock ton; William Rodgers, I Dovecot street, Stock­ COMMITTEE. ton; Robert, Hedley, Yarm; Thomas Mulholland, 12 The Committee consists of 40 members. Queen street, Stockton; Thomas William Dixon, 23 Meetings are held at the Town hall on the last wednes- Princess street, Stock ton; Harry Whitfield Robinson, day in the month at 4 p.m. 47 Dovecot street, Stockton; John Hatcher, 17 Bevan terrace; Walter Iverson, 3 Harewood place, Thornaby­ Chairman, Robert Frank Brittain, Kinnoull, Skinner st on-Tees & John W. Humphrey, :5 Dundas street Clerk, Arthur Burgess Crosby, Town hall Custom House, Bridge road, Frederick H. White, -chief Pen~ion Officer, Kenneth Stewart, Customs & Excise officer of ('Ustoms, superintendent of mercantile offices, Stockton-on-Tees marine, registrar of shipping, receiver of wreck, & registrar Royal naval reserve; James Muirden, pre­ STOCKTON-ON-TEES DISTRESS COMMITTEE. ventive & second offic~r; Arthur H. Fox, preventive The Committee, consisting of 12 members of the Cor­ man poration, 8 nominated by the Board of Guardians & 5 Custom & Excise Office, Bridge road, Herbert Dyer, persons experienced in the relief of distress, was surveyor; Kenneth Stewart & Harold E. Hale, officers; formed October, 1905. Andrew Da"~"rson & n illiam M. Edgar, old age pensio11 Meetings are held at the Town hall, as required. officers Chairman, Alderman John Harrison, 5 North terrace, Dispensary, Dovecot street, Henry Milner Hughes M.B., Norton road M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer, J. H. Walton, sec Clerk, .Arthur Bur~ess Crosby, Town hall Exchange Hall, High street, 'Ihomas .Russell \Vilson, sec_ 6 Dovecot street INCOME TAX COMMISSIONERS. Fire Brigade (Corporation & Auxiliary), West row, Office, Finkle street. RobeTt Gray, captain; William Todd, chief fireman Clerk to the Commissioners, Thomas Henry Faber Public Library, Wellington street, T. H.Wright,librarian Assistant Cl~:~rk to the Commissioners, C. E. Faber Freemasons' Hall, Wellington street, Charles W. Ander­ District· Collectors-Eaglescliffe, Aislaby, Elton, Long son, jun. sec. ; Waiter Hunt, steward & caretaker • Newton, Newsham & Preston, John William Watkin, Police Station (County), Church row, Edward Septimus Eaglescliffe; M01 ton Palms & Sadberge, F. J. Davi.son, James, superintendent. The force of the Stockton Sadberge; Bishopton, Carlton, Elstob, Grindon, division, which includes the borough of Stockton, Thorpe Thewles, Newbiggin (East & West), Red­ consists of I supt. 2 inspectors, 14 sergeants & 84 marshall, Stain ton (Great & Little), Stillington & constables Whitton, R. A. F. Bell, Carlton Iron works Recruiting Office, 36 Silver street, Frederick Stanley, sergeant DISTRICT REGISTRY OF THE HIGH COURT OF Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent JUSTICE. Society; Hon. Representative, J. G. Huntorr J.P. Bridge road. Barton house. l'f est End terrace District Registrar, Edmond Mathews Turner Stockton & Thornaby Hospital, Bowesfield lane, Henry Hind F.R.O.S.Edin. hon. consulting surgeon; Victor VICE-CONSULS. G. Miller M.D.Edin., M.B., C.M. hon. consulting Denmark, C. A. Jerveland, Middlesbrough ophthalmic surgeon; J oseph Whitfield Blandford :s'etherlands, Thomas Mellanby, Tower Street warehouses, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin., Arthur James Dale Tower street M.D., B.S.Dmham, Samuel Lyle M.B., Ch.B.Edin., F.R.C'.S.Eng., Henry Milnet- Hughes M.B., M.R.C.S., PUBLIC ESTABLISHME1~TS. Henry Bryan Densham M.B., C.M. & Francis Theodore Talbot M.B., B.C.Oamb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P. Admiralty Widess Telegraphy Station, Lieut.-Com- Land. hon. surgeons; Stanley David Craig M. B., Ch.B. mander Arthur V. Ross, in charge, Bishopton road Almshouses, Dovecot st. Rev. Canon Martin, chairman St.And. house surgeon; Henry G. Anderson, sec.; Frank Gough, collector; Miss Florence M. Bates, Borough Hall, High street, William Pargeter,hall keeper Cemetery, Oxbridge lane, John Stewart, superintendent Inatron ; Robert Reed, hon. treasurer Cemetery (New}, Durham rd. Waiter Cnnningham, supt 1 Surveyor of Taxes Office, Bridge road, Cecil C. Bensted, surveyor; Charles J. Stearn, rhief clerk; William Chamber of Agriculture, 134 High street, Isaac Robson esq. president ; W. Frank Hall, sec Seston, collector, 22 High street Castle Theatre, Bridge road, C. B. Bryant, manager Chamber of Commerce (Stockton & Thornaby), 134 High street, Robert Ropner esq. J.P. president; W \.i-rand Theatre of Varieties & Opera House, John Batty, Frank H::tll, sec. & treasurer lessee, Bishop street Corn Exchange, High street, Kenneth Stewart, inspector Hippodrome Theatre of Varieties, Dovecot street, Harry of corn returns; William Creasor, market inspector Burns, proprietor Temperance Hall, Dovecot street, William Dodslron, Corporation Baths & Washhouses, Bath lane, William Storey, superintendPnt; open from 6 a. m. to 9 p.m chairman to trustees; Arthnr J. Overtonl caretaker Corporation Weigh Office, Shambles, High street, Town Hall, High street, Miss Mary Kirby, caretaker William Creasor, weigh master County Court, Bridg-e road, His Honor Frederic Gordon Templer, judge; Edmond Mathews Turn~r, registrar & TERRITORIAL FORCE. high bailiff; William Smith, managing clerk; James sth Battalion Durham Light Infantry, Drill hall, Church Arrowsmith, bailiff. The court sits usually three times row; Commandingt Lieut... Col. G. 0. Spence; Majors, a month in the court house, Bridge road. The follow­ G. W. N. Hopper (second in command) & B. G. J). ing is a list of places within its jurisdiction: Ackla~ Biggs; Adjutant, Capt. W. R. M. Hartcup ;. Quarter­ Aislaby, Billingham, Bishopton, Bradbury, Butterwick, master, Hon. Lie'Ut. T. W. Bush; Medieal Officer, Carlton, Carlton Iron W ork!r, Castle Leavington, Capt. H. F. Wilkin F.R.C.S.Edin., R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Cowpen Bewley, Eaglescliffe, Eaglescliffe Junction, Chaplain, Rev. J. A. G. Bir.ch (T.F) East Hartburn, East Newbiggin, Eldon, ElstQb, Stockton Companies: A, Capt. W. Marle;y; B, Capt. Elton, Embleton, Fairfi.eld, Fishburn, Foxton, Goose­ A.. L. Raimes; C, Capt. H. G. Fabe:r; A. W. Thew, pool, Great Stainton, Grindon, Hartburn, Haverton sergeaut-maj or; Sergt.-Instructor T. Currie Hill, High Leven, High Worsall, Ingleby Barwick, Kirkleavington, Kirkleatham, Levenbrid~e, Long Xewton, Low Worsall, Mordon, Newbiggin, Newsham, STOCKTON RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. ~ewton Bewley, Nortcm, Nun-Stainton, Picton, Port Clarence, Potato Hall, Preston-on-Tees, Redcar1 Red- The townships in the District are the same as .in the mar~hall, Sedgefield, Shotton, Stillington, Stockton- Union, with the exception of Stockton-on-Tees on-Tees, Thornaby•on-Tees, Thorpe, TwO' Mile Houses, Council meetiii/.Til held -every alt~rn&lte wednesday at the --'Jtt l'rla> ~nok, We.<~t Hartburn. West Newbiggin, Whit- 1 Union :Board ro.om, Nelson tPrrace, at ton "Wolviston W'·nvard & Yarm Chairman, J. 'V. Page-Page, Norton, Sto ' ' .! • .
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