MIKVEH ISRAEL RECORD 17 Tammuz 5772 6-7 July 2012 Parashah: In this week's parashah, Balak , king of Moab, grew alarmed at the Israelites' military victories. He sent Shabbat Service elders of Moab and Midian to invite the prophet Balaam to Candlelighting 8:14PM; Friday Night Service 7:15 PM come and curse the Israelites for him. G-d told Balaam, "You Shabbat morning Service 9:00 A.M. must not curse that people, for they are blessed." Balaam told Torah Class 6:45 P.M. Afternoon Service 7:45 PM Balak's dignitaries to leave, as G-d had refused to let him go Shabbat Ends 9:14 P.M. with them. Balak sent more numerous and distinguished dignitaries, who offered Balaam rich rewards in return for FROM THE RABBI cursing the Israelites. Balaam responded that even if Balak The following are the explanation of some of the Minhagim of were to give him a house full of silver and gold, he could not Tish'a Be'Ab we do at KKMI: do anything, big or little, contrary to the command of G- On Tish'a Be'Ab, we change seats in the synagogue d. Balaam invited the dignitaries to stay overnight while he because on that day we are considered to be mourners. The learned what else G-d might say to him. G-d told Balaam he whole Jewish nation is in mourning for the loss of our could go but he would only say what G-d told him. In the independence, the destruction of the Temples of Jerusalem morning, Balaam saddled his donkey and departed with the and the loss of the hundreds of thousands that were killed dignitaries. G-d was incensed at his going and placed an angel during both calamities. Happy people would find comfort in in Balaam's way. When the donkey saw the angel standing in the stability of their places. Not so for mourners; they are so the way holding his drawn sword, the donkey swerved from the disturbed that they are not looking for comfort. This is also road into the fields, and Balaam beat the ass to turn her back the reason for not having the readers seated on the Tebah onto the road. The angel then stationed himself in a lane with but on a lower platform in front of the Hekhal. a fence on either side. Seeing the angel, the donkey pressed Why do we turn off all the lights in the synagogue on Tish'a herself and Balaam's foot against the wall, so he beat her Be'Ab? Because there is a Midrash in Ekhah Rabbah that again. The angel then stationed himself on a narrow spot that says that G-d at the time of the destrution of the Jerusalem allowed no room to swerve right or left, and the donkey lay Temple asked, as it were, His ministering angels, "What does down under Balaam, and Balaam became furious and beat her a king made of flesh and blood do when his palace is with his stick.G-d gave the donkey speech, and she complained destroyed?" They answered Him that he turns off all the to Balaam as to why he had beaten her when she had never lighting torches. So G-d said , "I will do that." And we, in done this before. G-d allowed Balaam to see the angel, and imitation of G-d, do the same. Also having all the lights on is Balaam bowed down to the ground. The angel questioned a sign of happiness which is not present on Tish'a Be'Ab. Balaam for beating his donkey the three times, noting that she had saved Balaam's life. Balaam admitted his error and offered Why is the scroll of Ekha 's first four chapters (out of five) to turn back if the angel was displeased. The angel told have an acrostic of the 22 Hebrew letters? Balaam: "Go with the men. But you must say nothing except Because the Children of Israel transgressed the whole Torah what I tell you." The next day, Balak took Balaam to three which comprises all 22 Hebrew letters. So, in a measure for different vantage points, overlooking the people of measure, the scroll of Ekha which recalls the tragedy of the Israel. Each time, Balaam and Balak offered up a bull and a exile also comprises all 22 Hebrew letters. ram on seven altars. Three times Balak asked him to curse the Why do we recite VeAtah Kadosh after the reading of Ekhah Israelites. Three times Balaam blessed them instead. Each in the evening of Tish'a Be'Ab? time Balak complained that Balaam blessed them instead of Because it says in the Gemara that after having said in the cursing them. Balaam replied each time that he could not do scroll of Ekha "that all my limbs are frozen inside me" from contrary to G-d's command. The third time Balaam blessed the the disaster, we asked G-d, as it were, "Who would utter His people with: "How fair are your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, praises? " Therefore, to comply we say VeAta Kadosh with O Israel! . Blessed are they who bless you, accursed they the trice Holy word (Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh). We do not who curse you!" At this, Balak dismissed Balaam. Balaam blessed the people once again, predicting that they would start with Uba LeTsion Goel (a redeemer shall come to Sion) strive over Moab and other peoples. Then Balaam set out back because the redemption will come during the day and not at home, and Balak went his way. While the Israelites stayed at night. Also, we follow the same pattern in the house of the Shittim, they engaged in harlotry with the Moabite women and mourner. worshiped their G-d Baal-Peor, enraging G-d. G-d told Moses to This year Tish'a Be'Ab is pushed from Shabbat to Sunday. impale the ringleaders, and Moses directed the officials to slay Therefore it starts right after Shabbat, on Saturday night. So, those who had attached themselves to Baal-Peor. When one of how do we say the Habdalah? Do we say it over wine? And if the leaders publicly brought a Midianite woman over to his so do we drink the wine? And how come we don't say the companions,Street Address Pinhas son of Eleazar took a spear, followed the Berekha over the Besamim, the nice smelling plants? The manSuite into 555 the chamber, and stabbed him and the woman abbreviated Habdala is recited after the evening services and City, State 55555 throughwww.webaddress.com the belly. Then the plague against the Israelites was before the end. It is not recited over wine since we are not checked, having killed 24,000. allowed to drink because the fast. The Birkat Besamim is not ParashatE: [email protected] Balak has 104 verses recited because the "Neshamah Yeterah," the extra soul, is HaftaratP: 555 -Balak555-5555 has 17 verses departing us while we are a state of mourning. SeferM: HaHinukh555-555-5555: Parashat Balak contains 0 Mitzvot. F: 555-555-5555 Mikveh Israel Record 1 This week's Haftarah is from Micah and will be read by Mr. David Vessal. FROM THE PARNAS By Mark I. Wolfson th (continued from previous column) July 4 1776 – Independence Day th of Mikveh Israel. The original is on loan and part This week we celebrate Independence Day – July 4 . of the new Exhibit that began June 29th at the We celebrate the Independence of the 13 US National Museum of American Jewish History. Colonies from the monarchy of England. Independence means freedom of self-determination, While the Jews who came from England often freedom to live and work, participate in society, played both sides and eventually moved to the participate in and create political parties, hold political loyalist side, Jews born in America were often office, and freedom to practice religion. When the fervent patriots for American independence. Colonies declared their independence in 1776 in the Immigrants not of British stock, who came from form of the Declaration written by Thomas Jefferson, central and eastern Europe, who had been the majorities of the Jews in the Colonies recognized persecuted in their countries, saw the political, that the freedoms they would enjoy would pave the economic, religious, and social benefits of way to a thriving Jewish existence not known for freedom in American and quickly embraced the hundreds of years in any part of the world. cause of freedom. The most famous of these was KKMI member and Board of Adjuntos member The seeds of independence were sown in the Haym Salomon, a Polish refugee, who used his Colonies amidst the tightening of imperial controls brilliant financial mind and all of his resources to from the mother country who was struggling to pay its further the American cause. war debts, in spite of incurring some of that debt defending the American Colonies against the French. True religious freedom began to become a reality The Jews in the American Colonies numbered only in 1779, with Thomas Jefferson’s Ordinance of 2500 out of a total population of about 2.5 million. As Religious Freedom in Virginia, the largest and a large number of the Jews were merchants, most populous state. Between 1789 and 1793, importers and traders, they were particularly sensitive Georgia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware to import, export, and consumption taxes that were and Vermont bestowed upon the Jews all starting to be imposed on the colonies.
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