Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: 53955-AF Public Disclosure Authorized EMERGENCY PROJECT PAPER ON A Public Disclosure Authorized PROPOSED GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 33.3 MILLION (US$ 50.48 MILLION EQUIVALENT) TO THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN FOR A Public Disclosure Authorized SECOND CUSTOMS REFORM AND TRADE FACILITATION PROJECT April 21, 2010 Sustainable Development Department Afghanistan Country Management Unit South Asia Region Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective March 31, 2010) Currency Unit = Afghani Afs 48.35 = US$1 US$ 1 = 1.51824 SDR FISCAL YEAR March 21 – March 20 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ABP Afghan Border Police ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan ACD Afghanistan Customs Department ESSMF Environmental and Social Safeguard Management Framework ADB Asian Development Bank EUPOL European Union Police Mission ANDS Afghanistan National Development FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Strategy AP ASYCUDA ++ FMA Financial Management Agent ARDS Afghanistan Reconstruction and FMR Financial Monitoring Reports Development Services ARTF Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund FYP Five Year Plan ASYCUDA Automated System for Customs Data G2G Government to Government AW ASYCUDA World GAAP Governance Accountability Action Plan BMTF Border Management Task Force GAC Governance and Accountability C2C Customs-to-Customs GDP Gross Domestic product CAs Customs Authorities GOC Government of Canada COSO Committee of Sponsoring GOIRA Government of Islamic Republic of Organizations Afghanistan CP Customs Police GOJ Government of Japan CTA Chief Technical Advisor HOO High Office of Oversight CURE Customs Reform Unit HR Human Resources DA Designated Account IA Implementing Agency DC Direct Contracting IALA Inter Agency Letter of Agreement DCA Development Credit Agreement IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction & Development DFID Department for International ICB International Competitive Bidding Development DG Director General ICD Inland Clearance Depot DM Deputy Minister ICN Informal Customs Network DPD Deputy Project Director ICT Information and Communication Technology DPM Deputy Project Manager ISAF International Security Assistance Force DAB Da Afghanistan Bank IDA International Development Association DPS Declaration Processing System IERR Internal Economic Rate of Return EC European Commission IMF International Monetary Fund ECA Europe and Central Asia IOC Incremental Operating Cost ECMTFP Emergency Customs Modernization IP Implementing Partner and Trade Facilitation Project EIA Environment Impact Assessment IPCB International Police Coordination Board EIS Executive Information System IS International Shopping Procedures EPP Emergency Project Paper ISN Interim Strategy Note ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ISO International Organization for Standards ISR Implementation Status and Results PPU Procurement Policy Unit ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure PRAL Pakistan Revenue Automation Ltd. Library IUFRs Interim Unaudited Financial Reports PRR Priority Reform and Restructuring JCIUs Joint Customs Intelligence Units PSC Project Steering Committee LICs Low Income Countries PWP Project Work Plan LMICs Low and Middle Income Countries RFP Request for Proposal MOCI Ministry of Commerce and Industries SAR South Asia Region MOC Ministry of Commerce SBDs Standard Bidding Documents MOF Ministry of Finance SCRTFP Second Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation Project MOI Ministry of Interior SIA Social Impact Assessment MOPH Ministry of Public Health SOE Statement Of Expenditure MOU Memorandum of Understanding SRFQ Standard Request for Quotations MSA Management Services Agreement SY Solar Year NCB National Competitive Bidding TA Technical Assistance NEPA National Environment Protection Agency TER Technical Evaluation Report NPV Net Present Value TL Team Leader NS National Shopping Procedures TOR Terms of Reference NTBs Non-Tariff Barriers TRSU Tariff, Research and Statistics Unit O&M Operations and Maintenance UMICs Upper and Middle Income Countries OFC Optical Fibre Cable UNAMA United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan PACBP Public Administration Capacity Building UNComtrade United Nations Commodity Trade Project Statistics Database PC Policy Committee UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development PCA Post-clearance Customs Audit UNCAC United Nations Convention Against Corruption PD Project Director UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization PDO Project Development Objective UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime PFM Public Finance Management UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services PIU Project Implementation Unit USAID United States Agency for International Development PFMRP Public Finance Management Reform VCAs Vulnerabilities to Corruption Project Assessments PL Procurement Law WCO World Customs Organization PM Project Manager WTO World Trade Organization Vice President : Isabel M. Guerrero Country Director : Nicholas J. Krafft Sector Director : John Henry Stein Sector Manager : Michel Audigé Task Team Leader : Amer Z. Durrani ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN Second Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation Project TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 B. EMERGENCY CHALLENGE: COUNTRY CONTEXT, SECTOR CONTEXT, RECOVERY STRATEGY AND RATIONALE FOR PROPOSED BANK EMERGENCY PROJECT ............................................................. 2 Country Context ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Sector Context – The Afghanistan Customs Department: current, and desired, performance ......................................... 3 Government’s Recovery Strategy .................................................................................................................................... 6 Donor Coordination and World Bank’s Role ................................................................................................................... 8 Rationale for proposed Emergency Project ...................................................................................................................... 8 C. WORLD BANK RESPONSE: THE PROPOSED PROJECT ................................................................................... 9 D. APPRAISAL OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................... 11 Technical Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Economic Analysis and expected impact of the project ................................................................................................. 14 E. INSTITUTIONAL AND IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .................................................................... 15 Institutional Arrangements ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Financial Management and Disbursement Arrangements .............................................................................................. 18 Fund Flows and Disbursement ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Accounting and Reporting ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Disbursement Method .................................................................................................................................................... 19 Audit of Project Funds ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Procurement ................................................................................................................................................................... 20 F. PROJECT RISKS AND MITIGATING MEASURES ............................................................................................. 21 G. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROJECT FINANCING ................................................................................. 25 ANNEX 1: ECMTFP IMPLEMENTATION STATUS AND RESULTS (ISR) RATING .............................................. 26 ANNEX 2: CUSTOMS PERFORMANCE AND MACRO INDICATORS ..................................................................... 31 ANNEX 3: GOVERNANCE ACCOUNTABILITY ACTION PLAN (GAAP) ............................................................... 32 ANNEX 4: RESULTS FRAMEWORK AND PROBLEM TREE ANALYSIS INCLUDING PROJECT PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................................... 42 ANNEX 5: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT COMPONENTS ..................................................................... 46 Appendix 5.1: Legislative Matrix .................................................................................................................................
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