CANADIAN DISTRICT EAST OF CIVITAN INTERNATIONAL ONLINE DIRECTORY 2012-13 (Corrections as of Nov. 6th; pgs. 2,5,6,11,13,16,18 in Blue) CDE Online Directory 2012-13 by GRL CIVITAN INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 130744 1 Civitan Place Birmingham, Alabama, USA 35213-0744 Office: 205.591.8910 OR: 1.800.CIVITAN (248.4826) Fax: 205.592.6307 Email: [email protected] Web: www.civitan.org INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Joe G. Parker (Evalee) 1501 Autumn Ridge Drive Durham, NC 27712 919.471.1444 (H) 919.475.3011 (C) email: [email protected] International Director - Region 5 Val Marchant (Owen) P.O. Box 1649 St. Mary’s, ON N4X 1B9 519.284.1779 [email protected] 37 Civitan Countries (Country - Date established) Bangladesh - 1990, Cameroun - 2010, Canada - 1925, China - 2011, Cote d’Ivoire - 2008, Denmark - 1991, Egypt - 2012, Estonia - 1994, Germany - 1970, Ghana - 1997, Hungary - 1991, India - 1992, Italy-2012, Japan - 1975, Jordan - 1992, Kenya - 2011, Liberia - 2008, Mexico - 2010, Netherlands - 2002, Nepal - 1993, Nigeria - 1997, Norway - 1969, Pakistan - 1991, Philippines - 2001, Romania - 1992,Russia - 1992, Senegal - 2009, Sierra Leone - 1994,Slovakia - 1994, S. Korea - 1974, Sweden - 1970,Taiwan - 2008, Tanzania - 2012, Thailand - 2008, Ukraine - 1992, United Kingdom - 2008, United States - 1920 2 INDEX Civitan International. 2 Index.. 3 Civitan International Staff. 4 CDE Board. 5 CDE Chairs. 6 CDW Board . 7 Past Governors, Honor Keys, etc.. 8 CDE Junior Civitan Info. 9 Important Civitan Dates & Holidays - 2012-13. 10 CDE CLUBS Almonte. 11 Aylmer. 11 Brockville. 12 Carleton Place. 12 Chateauguay. 13 Cobden. 13 Gt. Napanee. 14 Gt. Petawawa. 14 Kingston. 15 Lakeshore.. 15 Lanark. 16 Pakenham. 16 Pembroke. 17 Perth. 18 Smiths Falls. 18 New Member Installation. 19 Officers Installation.. 20 3 Civitan International Staff Anthony, Luke - P. R. & Communications Manager (ext. 134) [email protected] Bozeman, Eddie - Shipping Manager (ext. 126) [email protected] Duckett, Tonya - Art Director/Graphic Artist (ext. 114) [email protected] Johnston, Jim - Receptionist (ext. 101 or 0) [email protected] Kennedy, Ruth - Membership/leadership Assist. (Ext. 116) [email protected] Luck, Mary - VP of Conventions, Meetings/Awards (ext. 121) [email protected] Rynearson, John - Executive Vice President (ext. 109) [email protected] Sabo, Stacy - Director of Leadership Training (ext. 120) [email protected] Seitel, Becky - Communications Assist. (Ext.) 123) [email protected] Sheffield, Keith - VP Develop & Corporate Counsel (ext. 105) [email protected] Shirley, Amy - Foundation Assistant (ext. 103) [email protected] Smith, Debra - Revenue Assistant (ext. 113) [email protected] Smith, Rosemary - Dir. Develop./Admin. Services (ext. 108) [email protected] Stephens, Louis - VP Membership/Leadership (ext. 119) [email protected] Stoves, Tom - Director of Finance (ext. 107) [email protected] Thomas, Glenn - Dir. Revenue Development (ext. 104) [email protected] Towns, Beth - Membership/Leadership Assist. (ext. 111) [email protected] Turriglio, Lauren - Manager Youth & Campus (ext. 131) [email protected] Walter, John - Supply House Manager (ext. 102) [email protected] Weldon, Yvonne - Assistant to Finance Director (ext. 112) [email protected] Williams, Candice - Youth & Campus Assistant (ext. 132) [email protected] Yambot, Dr. Teresita - Director Branch Office - Asia [email protected] Dillschneider, Monika - Manager European Branch Office [email protected] 4 CANADIAN DISTRICT EAST M ailing Address Ken Fournier (Freda) 613.267.2491 (H) 1011 Drum m ond School Road, RR 6 Perth, ON K7H 3C8 kenfournier42@ gm ail.com C.D.E. BOARD OF DIRECTORS INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Val Marchant (Owen) 519.284.1779 (H) P.O. Box 1649 St. Marys, ON N4X 1B9 civitan.val.m @ gm ail.com GOVERNOR Bryan W iltsie (Julie) 613.283.8006 (H) 62 Lavinia Street Sm iths Falls, ON K7A 4P5 bwiltsie@ sym patico.ca GOVERNOR - ELECT Edie Em m ons (John Carr) 613.547.0073 (H) 602 Arbour Crescent Kingston, ON K7M 8Y1 em ca73@ cogeco.ca IM M EDIATE PAST GOVERNOR Eric Pottle (Sharron) 613.256.3677 (H) 139 Reserve Street, Box 1106 Alm onte, Ontario, K0A 1A0 eric.pottle@ sym patico.ca SECRETARY/TREASURER Ken Fournier (Freda) 613.267.2491 (H) 1011 Drum m ond School Road, RR 6 Perth, ON K7H 3C8 kenfournier42@ gm ail.com PAST GOVERNOR DIRECTOR Fred Applebee 514.421.9729 (H) 121 - 33 Brunswick Blvd., Dollard des Orm eaux, QC H9B 1P4 fred.applebee@ videotron.ca CLUBS: Aylm er, Chateauguay, Lakeshore DIRECTOR/LT. GOVERNOR Bill Lawrence (Stella) 613.256.7343 (H) 4 Union Street, Box 1720 Alm onte, ON K0A 1A0 billandstella@ rogers.com CLUBS: Brockville, Carleton Place, Perth DIRECTOR/LT. GOVERNOR Darlene Lam bert 613.735.6069 (H) 95 Spruce Street Pem broke, ON K8A 7S2 civitandarlene@ live.ca CLUBS: Lanark, Pakenham , Pem broke LT. GOVERNOR Trish McConnell (Scott) 613.253.2269 (H) 155 Gardiner Shore Road Carleton Place, ON K7C 0C4 trishm cconnell@ live.ca CLUBS: Alm onte, Cobden, Sm iths Falls LT. GOVERNOR Ron Legge (Heather) 613.257.5110 (H) 376 Cram Street Carleton Place, ON K7C 3N8 leggerh@ sym patico.ca CLUBS: Kingston, Gt. Napanee, Petawawa 5 CDE CHAIRPERSONS AW ARDS Eric Pottle (Sharron) (see Immediate Past Governor) 613.256.3677(H) CIVITAN INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION OF CANADA TRUSTEE Bryan W iltsie (Julie) 613.283.8006 (H) (See Governor) CONVENTIONS Julie W iltsie (Bryan) 613.283.8006 (H) 62 Lavinia Street, Sm iths Falls, ON K7A 4P5 juliewiltsie@ sym patico.ca DIRECTORY EDITOR/COM PILER Rick Libbey (Sharon) 613.256.9685 (H) 121 Peacock Crescent, Box 1676, Alm onte, ON K0A 1A0 civitan.rick@ m agm a.ca DISTRICT BULLETIN EDITOR Rick Libbey (Sharon) (See Directory Editor) 613.256.9685 (H) DISTRICT W EB SITE www.civitancanadaeast.org Jane Biddulph 613.267.5952 (H) 27 Brock Street, Perth, ON K7H 1Z4 janebiddulph@ gm ail.com CLAXTON CAKES Ken Fournier (Freda) (See Secretary/Treasurer) 613.267.2491 (H) Bonnie King (Barry) 613.267.6670 (H) 1081 Drum m ond School Road, RR 6, Perth, ON K7H 3C8 bking@ brownshoe.com GROW TH (New Clubs)/GROW TH & RETENTION Eric Pottle (Sharron) 613.256.3677 (H) 139 Reserve Street, Alm onte, ON K0A 1A0 eric.pottle@ sym patico.ca Ken Fournier (Freda) (See Secretary/Treasurer) 613.267.2491 (H) INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE & CIVITAN AW ARENESS LIAISON Bryan W iltsie (Julie) 613.283.8006 (H) (See Governor) JUDGE ADVOCATE W alter Trenholm e (Carolyn) 613.283.7304 (H) 11764 Hwy. 15 North, RR 3, Sm iths Falls, ON K7A 4S4 ctrenholm e@ xplornet.ca JUNIOR CIVITAN W endy Robinson (Bob) 613.267.6104 (H) 1 Scott Crescent, Perth, ON K7H 3J2 robinwr@ bell.net PUBLICITY Julie W iltsie (Bryan) (See Conventions) 613.283.8006 (H) SERGEANT-AT-ARM S (Appointed at each District Meeting) GEOGRAPHIC TRAINING LIAISON Julie W iltsie (Bryan) (See Conventions) 613.283.8006 (H) COMMUNICATIONS Lyle Armstrong 416.447.3071 (H) 4 Briarfield Drive, Don Mills, ON M3B 1B3 [email protected] DISTRICT INSURANCE CONTACT (T.B.A.) 6 CANADIAN DISTRICT WEST DISTRICT BOARD 2012-13 GOVERNOR Lyle Armstrong 416.447.3071 (H) 4 Briarfield Drive Don Mills, ON M3B 1B3 [email protected] GOVERNOR - ELECT Darrell Blackwell 519.641.8581 (H) 301 Stephen Street London, ON N6K 2M9 [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST GOVERNOR Owen Marchant (Val) 519.284.1779 (H) P.O. Box 1649 St. Marys, ON N4X 1B9 [email protected] SECRETARY John Veals 705.526.9814 (H) 1320 Everton Road 705.549.2710 (W) Midland, ON L4R 5J6 [email protected] TREASURER Sue Gibson 519.453.5770(H) 52 Boullee Street 519.657.5500(W) London, ON N5Y 1T6 [email protected] District West Web Page www.civitan.on.ca 7 PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS CANADIAN DISTRICT EAST ONTARIO DISTRICT (Continued) Ernest A. Moore1949-50 Freda Fournier (Per) ** 1999-00 Roy G. Steel1950-51 Bob Robinson (Per) ** 2000-01 John S. Green1951-52 Bruce Baldwin (Kng) 2001-02 Samuel L. Phillips1952-53 Paul LeBlanc (Cha) ** 2002-03 Allan R. Jupp1953-54 Ross Munro (Alm) ** 2003-04 ONTARIO - QUEBEC DISTRICT Don Rubino (Smf) ** 2004-05 David Urquhart 1954-55 George Hooper (Cob) ** 2005-06 Ivan S. Gray 1955-56 Peter Guthrie (Alm) ** 2006-07 Kenneth Eberhard 1956-57 Carol Rubino (Smf) ** 2007-08 O. Harlow Evans 1957-58 Greg Dobbie (Gan) ** 2008-09 Earl Coleman 1958-59 Ted Coqueran (Chat) ** 2009-10 Jack Scott 1959-60 Eric Pottle (Alm) ** 2010-11 David J. Mills 1960-61 John Carr (Kng) 2011-12 E. King Evans 1961-62 CANADA DISTRICT ** before their year shows receipt of the R. J. Pearsall 1962-63 ‘Governor’s District Honour Key’ Gordon Bate 1963-64 J. Wesley Armstrong 1964-65 PAST INTERNATIONAL CANADIAN DISTRICT EAST DIRECTORS Val J. Cartier (Lks) 1965-66 ( Region 5 International Director) Ron Morin (Nrs) 1966-67 Ron Morin 1969-71 Wilf McAuley (Lks) 1967-68 Ken Fournier 1973-75 Harry Godfrey (Cap) 1968-69 Gib Ducharme 1977-79 Sam Wilson (Smf) 1969-70 Brent Cuthbert 1981-83 W. A. Whelan (Lks) 1970-71 Ken Pilon 1985-87 Gary Nichol (Lch) 1971-72 Walter Trenholme 1989-91 Ken Fournier (Per) 1972-73 Brian Prot 1993-95 Garry Severin (Pem) 1973-74 Gib Hodge 1997-99 Gib Ducharme (Cen) 1974-75 Brian Keast 2001-03 Walter Trenholme (Smf) 1975-76 Bob Robinson 2005-07 Jack Bell (Pem) 1976-77 Ross Munro 2009-11 Brent Cuthbert (Cen) 1977-78 HONOUR KEY HOLDERS Bob Sommerville (Ayl) 1978-79 Edward Albert Gerry Lalancette Garry Murphy (Kng) ** 1979-80 Fred Applebee Paul LeBlanc Peter Guthrie (Alm) 1980-81 Jack Bell Rick Libbey Ken Pilon (Smf) ** 1981-82 Joan Bennett Mel Molson Larry Boyd (Lac) 1982-83 Val Cartier Ross Munro Marjorie Hawkins (Cap) 1983-84 Lloyd Connolly Garry Murphy Ross King (Brk) 1984-85 Brent
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