Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-18-1959 The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3680. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3680 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !Li tkiettea As A Beet All Round Kentucky Community Newspapet The Full Largest Picture Circulation In The City of Kentucky Largest • Politics Circulation In - The County ( a'• United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon,218, 1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 195 QUAKE WREAKS HAVOC AT YELLOWSTONE • • Mrs. Zitell Goheen Two Killed, I Murray Flo.spital Five Big Power Failure In New York Receives Twenty-Five Terror Told Hurt In Bus Crash Dam In Danger Of Being • Award Monday's Year Service complete record fol- MT' PLk.ASANT Pi LH A OWE Paralyzes Area For Hours By Witness Greyhound bus crashed Into the wrecked- Residents Moved Out Cerisus 40 rear of a tractor-trailer on the A number of local home econ- %Adult Beth 65 ennsy1 vania Tu:nplke early to- dams as • By JOHN CAVANAUGH in two haurs. Other dealers were WEST YELLOWSTONE, Mont. Hebgen. These included omics teachers attended the home Emergency Beds 25 clay, killing two persons and in- Mont.. charging five cents for candles Of Earthquake (UPI i - The Mentanna nighway far east as Great Falb. n eeheITTIOiCS cnoference at Hard is- juring Lye otners. United Preas International Pat . tents Aehnitted 7 patral said bias' the Missouri River. The Madison that usually sell for a penny. burg. KentuckY. August 14-14. Police said a man and a woman at least six Patients Dismiseed ' 4 pers, ns were killed in slides is a tributarry of, the Missouri iNEW YORK (UPI)-The worst Thousands of extra poicemen Mrs. Oaten Goheen. Lone Oak EDITORS NOTE: The follow- were killed but their identities New Citizens 0 triggered by a massive' earth- Brook sa:d a highway patrolman power failure in New York City were ruahed into the affected teacher was presented with a ing is an eyewitness report of were not available. immediately. T euake early today. Four of the at the town of Lyon. about 10 history paralyzed a vast area of area, which includes several high 25 year service award. Others 'earthquake damage at West Vet- Patlints admitted- from -Friday The injured were taken Frick ts dead were members if the Pur- miles below the dam and about lie upper Manhattan for up to 13 -crime rate neighborhoods in the attending were Mrs. Jo Ann Har- lowstene reported ver ham ra- Memorial Hoepatel here. 9:013 a. m. to Monday 1110-a. rn. ferrety-elf- 'Cam- W- miles teeth -eat of :here, radioed hours Monday and early today, West Side, to ptevent looting mon. Kirksey. Miss Nancy dio by Warren Russell at tne The aceident oecured about 3/12 e. Idaho. him that tne water in tne Maar- leaving half a million residents Monday night .The police satura- Thompson, Hazel. Mrs. Bess Ker- park city. miles west od the Donegal Inter- Jetties Donald Glisson, 211 Ezist The quakes tumbled a mount- n below Hebgen was rising se-Leering during the most in- Lien proved effective. lick, Lynn Grove. Mr.s. Nancy change at 5:30 a.m. The bus driver, SONALS 7th.. Benton. Ky..: Miss Betsy ain into a valley arid threatened "very fast I'm getting the hell teMe heat wave ed the season. Crass. lame Oak, Mrs. Mary C. John M. Bee 01 Pittsbufgri, one Ann Blaleck. 311 W•exilawn; the fives of at least 150 fisher- out of here Lee Williams and* The heaviest one-day use of • Hull- Fancy Farm M.Iss Sue Fair- By WARREN RUSSELL of the injured, told police the Robert D•nald 'Rodgers. Rt. 2; men and tourists. Fear Break In Dam rned to their home power in the eit/Or'lliesory-at- Graves Medical less, Murray College High. -Mrs. truck "appeared suddenly" bet' re AS Told To UPI Mildred Virginia Adams, Sheaff Lloyd W. Brook of Vir- Brook said if the dam went out .a.nnessee. and Mr. teibutadle to 90-dSg.ree was The state &reeler it home ec- him as the bus was negotiating a Group Will Host WEST YELLOWSTONE. Mont. Rt. 1. Miss Brenda Jean Reel. ginia City. Welt., said several all at once it would create a .;ee and daughter blamed for the massive power onomies education reperted that gradual right hand curve. Wet -- We're havine minor trem- Rt. 6, Benton, Ky.: Miss Mary ere-tuxes may have been killed 40-foot wall of water that would to their home in failure which knocked out all State Doctors there are 31.5 home ecanoryscs Bee said he tried to avoid the blors about every 10 minutes. At Sandra Hughes*. 203 Dunlap St., when the landslide smashed the not spread out appreciably until usis after a nice electricity in 500-block section departments in the state with at • rig passing on the a 5:45 Tuesday morning) there was Paris, elan; leery Whayne Tuck- by left but it reached Meadi,e, Creek Dam r parents Mr. and of the upper East and West Sides, least one department in each er. Rt.. I. Hardin; Mrs. Thomas that he was unable to ,prevent the Members of the Graves Coun- _ heaver ahaek_but Much meter CaSTrtaP.Le rkfenc.) Tlicortor be-lhew Ennis. beets. 860 Ohne St. leaving tenants without cooling eatmty. Dureug the ltin'st-Year 1-11ell arid b-iii6g,r1. Rt. 3. collision. ty Med:cal Society will be hosts than the. two big ones. Bent- 'Hugh Potter,. at Helena. Mone From there, he said, it would devices, elevator service, lights, P43 boys and g.rls receive home e" Ky.; James Mitchell. The bus was en route to Harris- at a meeting cif the Kentucky Damage in West Yellowstone Stephen urged the Air Farce in M•ntana "go pretty fast all the way to radio and television. ecoreamice inetruetion in state Rt 1. Hardin; Mrs. Kenneth burg. Pa.._ from. Cleveland. Ohio. State Medical Aseociation's First included gasoline pumps tipped and Elate, Civil Defense officials Three Forks.•" itower to the East Side area schools. Stisit4 Rt. 1, Benten; _The acrideaoccuied only a Cauncilor D.-strict at the May- ever. grocery items toppled to the Mrs. Wil- to se.ve the stranded persons with At Bozeman. Mont.. Ciallatn afrected-a stretch bounded by Miss Frances Brown, member hen-. Steen McCuisten mile or eVo fran the. spot where field Golf and Country Club on floor, buildings moved off the and babe helse pters. " County Sheriff Don Skerrett warn- 73rd and 110th Streets and the et the Murray State College (ac- girl. lit Quentian tw., persons were killed and 29 THIS Thursday, August 27. found:Aria,. Chimneys were tuna- 5: Mrs. Jones, ed residents of the towns of 'l'os- East River and Fifth Avenue- ulty discussed management be- Rt. I. Renton; Mrs. Clift n Hut- injured in a similar accident in- : "Move fast!" Potter urged. Louisville urologist. Robert bled and there was a cansiderable ton. 21 miles north of Three was restored by midnight. Service tire the getup. "Good home son ard baby boy. Rt. 5: Finis volving a Greyhound bus and a Patter said giant fissures in Lac' h. M. D.. will present the amount of glass breakage. Forks and Townsend. 32 mil's to the West Side section hit- scientific hr the program. management is planning. con- ;the math the and the About three mites wrath of -here OUt.uld. RL fi.a Michael D Mee Sept. 16. 1952. Tydaya aces- brvicen muuntain north of here, to be ready ei nee.- from 59th to 110th Streets and . trolling. and evaluating resources • Kinney. Rt 1, Puryear, Tenn.: dent was the sixth serious misnap and the quake - weakened dam -Pasic---west-to---theHis tosee_ veil_ 17e ay lel tame _Tee_ Mad, _1•4141.4-..nnaeaa,..erei_ _ freer Central ---a- • - -ethane -4amity- -goals"- lama Elha-CMTRIke vmt frietTififf'd -buses 016+13feeenred The -3tiebitieed Failure . Robert W. Reibertson. wide crack in the road. learefers Latin rivers flow together near Hudson River-was back to nor- Brown said. 4th.: Miss Jane Ann Cooper. Rt. trucks on the Turnpike in the fe m escaping. M. D.. Paducah KSMA president, There were no specie reports Three Forks le form the head- mat at 3:42 a. rie ETYr. _ Dr. Ethel L. Parker of the 4; D. W. Bilhngt.n, 307 No. past seven years. Twelve persons UPI newsman Paul Quinn. who OU BUY will also address the meeting. of damage t, the many scenic 7th.: waters of the M.ssouri. The power failure. resulting Univereity of Kentucky spoke Kenneth Keys Bailey, 301 No. we:e killed in the previous acci- ;flew over the area, said he saw Plates were announced by .1. aeractions in the park itself. But In New York, the Rev. Joseph from .peek use of air conchtioners on teacheg aids. and Mrs. Jack 16th : eMrs. Milburn Outland. dents. many SOS signs and .egna: fires Vernon Pace. M. D.. Paducah there was one unconfirmed story Lynch. setemologist at Fordharn at. fans, occurred at 249 p.
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