KENNETH A. NAGY PUBLICATIONS Up to JUNE 2016 For Open Access pdf, click link. For copyrighted reprint pdfs, please email your request to Ken Nagy at [email protected]. I will be happy to share a copy of the article with individual colleagues, when permissible under copyright law. 2016 Nagy, K.A., G. Kuchling, L.S. Hillard, and B.T. Henen. (2016) Weather and sex ratios of head-started Agassiz’s desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii juveniles hatched in natural habitat enclosures. Endangered Species Research 30:145- 155. (Research article) (Link to pdf) Ellsworth, E., M.R. Boudreau, K. Nagy, J.L. Rachlow, and D.L. Murray. (2016). Differential sex-related winter energetics in free-ranging snowshoe hAres (Lepus americanus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 94:115-121. (Research article) (link to pdf) 2015 Nagy, K.A., S.Hillard, S. Dickson, and D.J. Morafka. (2015). Effects of artificial rain on survivorship, body condition, and growth of head-started desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) released to the open desert. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:535-549. (Research article) (Link to pdf) Nagy, K.A., L.S. Hillard, M.W. Tuma, and D.J. Morafka. (2015). Head-started desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Movements, survivorship and mortality causes following their release. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:203-215. (Research article) (link to pdf) 2014 Gienger, C.M., C.R. Tracy, and K.A. Nagy. (2014). Life in the slow lane: GilA Monsters have low rates of energy use and water flux. Copeia 2014:279-287. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2012 Nagy, K.A., and G.G. Montgomery., (2012). Field metabolic rate, water flux and food consumption by free-living silky AnteAters (Cyclopes didactylus) in Panama. Edentata 13 : 61-65. (Short communication) (email Nagy for pdf) 2011 Davy, C. M., T. Edwards, A. Lathrop, M. Bratton, M. Hagan, B. Henen, K.A. Nagy, J. Stone, L. S. Hillard, and R. W. Murphy (2011) Polyandry and multiple paternities in the Threatened Agassiz’s desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. Conservation Genetics 12: 1313-1322. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K. A., M. W. Tuma, and L. S. Hillard (2011) Shell hardness measurement in juvenile desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii. Herpetological Review 42: 191-195. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2010 Hazard, L. C., D. R. Shemanski, and K. A. Nagy (2010) Nutritional quality of natural foods of juvenile and adult desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium digestibility. Journal of Herpetology 44:135-147. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2009 Nagy, K. A. and D. R. Shemanski (2009) Observations on diet and seed digestion in a sand dune lizArd, Meroles anchietae. African Journal of Herpetology 58:39-43. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Hazard, L. C., D. R. Shemanski, and K. A. Nagy (2009) Nutritional quality of natural foods of juvenile and adult desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Energy, nitrogen, and fiber digestibility. Journal of Herpetology 43:38-48. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2007 Brown, T. K. and K. A. Nagy (2007) Lizard energetics and the sit-and-wait vs. wide-foraging paradigm. Pp. 120-140 in: S. M. Reilly, L. D. McBrayer, and D. B. Miles, eds., The Evolutionary Consequences of Foraging Mode. Cambridge University Press. (Book chapter) (email Nagy for pdf) 2005 Nagy, K. A. (2005) Field Metabolic rate and body size. The Journal of Experimental Biology 208:1621-1625. (Invited review article) (email Nagy for pdf) Brown, T. K., K. A. Nagy, and D. J. Morafka. (2005) Costs of growth in tortoises. Journal of Herpetology 39:19-23. (Research article) 2004 Nagy, K.A. (2004) Water Economy of Free-living Desert AniMAls. Pages 291-297 in Animals and Environments. International Congress Series 1275, Elsevier, Inc., Amsterdam. (Invited review article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K.A. (2004) Heterotrophic Energy Flows. Pages 159-172 in Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier Inc., New York. (Invited review article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2003 Lagarde, F., X. Bonnet, B. Henen, K. Nagy, J. Corbin, A. Lacroix, and C. Trouve. (2003) Plasma steroid and nutrient levels during the active season in wild Testudo horsfieldi. General and Comparative Endocrinology 134:139-146. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Lagarde, F., X. Bonnet, J. Corbin, B. Henen, K. Nagy, B. Mardonov, and G. Naulleau. (2003) Foraging behaviour and diet of an ectothermic herbivore: Testudo horsfieldi. Ecography 26:236- 242. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Lagarde, F., X. Bonnet, J. Corbin, B. Henen, K. Nagy, B. Mardonov, and G. Naulleau. (2003) Foraging behaviour and diet of an ectothermic herbivore: Testudo horsfieldi. Ecography 26:236- 242. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Christopher, M.M., K.H. Berry, B.T. Henen, and K.A. Nagy. (2003) Clinical disease and laboratory abnormalities in free-ranging desert tortoises in California (1990-1995). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39:35-56. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Whiting, M.J., K.A. Nagy, and P.W. Bateman. (2003) Evolution and maintenance of social status signaling badges. Pages 47-82 in S.F. Fox, J.K. McCoy, and T.A. Baird (eds), Lizard SociAl Behavior. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore (Invited research and review chapter) (email Nagy for pdf) 2002 Nagy, K.A., B.T. Henen, D.B. Vyas, and I.R. Wallis. (2002) A condition index for the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4:425-429. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K. A. (2002) Dry, dry again. Natural History 111:50-55. (Invited popular press article on desert tortoises) (email Nagy for pdf) Henen, B.T., K.A. Nagy, X. Bonnet, and F. Lagarde. (2002) Clutch size and fecundity of wild Horsfield's tortoises (Testudo horsfieldi): time and body size effects. Chelonii 3:135-143. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Lagarde, F., X. Bonnet, K. Nagy, B. Henen, J. Corbin, and G. Naulleau. (2002) A short spring before a long jump: the ecological challenge to the steppe tortoise (Testudo horsfieldi). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:493-502. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Salatas, J. H., P. C. Frederick, K. A. Nagy, and G. E. Williams. (2002) Validation of the labeled-water method for estimating food consumption in nestling herons. The Auk 119:551-556. (Research note) (email Nagy for pdf) Martin, K., and K. Nagy. (2002) AniMAl physiology and global environmental change. Pages 136-139 in T. Munn (ed), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Vol. 2, The Earth System: Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. John Wiley, Chichister, U. K. (Invited review chapter) (email Nagy for pdf) 2001 Lagarde, F., X. Bonnet, B. T. Henen, J. Corbin, K. A. Nagy, and G. Naulleau. (2001) Sexual size dimorphism in steppe tortoises (Testudo horsfieldi): growth, maturity, and individual variation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:1433-1441. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K. A. (2001) Food requireMents of wild animals: Predictive equations for free-living mammals, reptiles, and birds. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, Series B 71:21R-32R. (Invited review article) (email Nagy for pdf) Wilson, D. S., K. A. Nagy, C. R. Tracy, D. J. Morafka, and R. A. Yates. (2001) Water balance in neonate and juvenile desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii. Herpetological Monographs 15:158- 170. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K. A., G. l. Kooyman, and P. J. Ponganis. (2001) Energetic cost of foraging in free-diving Emperor Penguins. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74:541-547. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Bonnet, X., F. Lagarde, B. T. Henen, J. Corbin, K. A. Nagy, G Naulleau, K. Balhoul, O. Chastel, A. Legrand and R. Cambag. (2001) Sexual dimorphism in steppe tortoises (Testudo horsfieldii): influence of the environment and sexual selection on body shape and mobility. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 72:357-372. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2000 Nagy, K.A., and S.D. Bradshaw. (2000) Scaling of energy and water fluxes in free-living arid-zone AustrAliAn MArsupiAls. Journal of Mammalogy 81:962-970. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Mautz, W.J., and K.A. Nagy. (2000) Xantusiid lizArds have low energy, water, and food requirements. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73:480-487. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K.A. (2000) Energy costs of growth in neonate reptiles. Herpetological Monographs 14:378- 387. (Review article) (email Nagy for pdf) 1999 Brown, M.B., K.H. Berry, I.M. Schumacher, K.A. Nagy, M.M. Christopher, and P.A. Klein. (1999) Seroepidemiology of the upper respiratory tract disease in the desert tortoise in the Western Mojave Desert of California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 35:716-727. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Wilson, D.S., C.R. Tracy, K.A. Nagy, and D.J. Morafka. (1999) Physical and microhabitat characteristics of burrows used by juvenile desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3:448-453. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Wallis, I.R., B.T. Henen, and K.A. Nagy. (1999) Egg size and annual egg production by female desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): the importance of food abundance, body size, and date of egg shelling. Journal of Herpetology 33:394-408. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Wilson, D.S., D.J. Morafka, C.R. Tracy, and K.A. Nagy. (1999) Winter activity of juvenile desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Herpetology 33:496-501. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K.A., I.A. Girard, and T.K. Brown. (1999) Energetics of free-ranging MAMMAls, reptiles And birds. Annual Review of Nutrition 19:247-277. (Invited review article) (email Nagy for pdf) Nagy, K.A., & Gavrilov, V.M. (1999) Energetics and the ecology of bird species.
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