Abrau (Sketch P. 262), 26 3 ADACHI, Lt-Gen

Abrau (Sketch P. 262), 26 3 ADACHI, Lt-Gen

INDEX ABRAu (Sketch p. 262), 26 3 ALLAWAY, Lt-Col A . G., 267n ADACHI, Lt-Gen Hatazo, 46, 82, 158, 201, 231, 395 , ALLCHIN, Lt-Col E. F., 756n 415, 443, 530, 561, 566, 601, 612, 624n, 675-6, 682n, ALLEN, Maj-Gen A. S., 280n ; commands NT Force, 1 6 710, 734, 807, 817 ; commands XVIII Army, 11 ; ALLEN, Cpl L . C ., 162, 16 6 on Salamaua operations, 57, 325 ; fears Allied ALLEN, Capt P. H ., 45, 203, 289, 298 landing Lae-Salamaua, 135 ; plans operations in ALLEN, Sgt W., 42 Bena plateau, 251-2 ; reinforces Finschhafen area, ALLIED Ant FORCES, 20, 242, 259, 263, 334, 341, 451 , 425, 523-4 ; on Japanese counter-attack at Finsch- 484, 508-9, 557, 652, 681, 787, 789, 795 ; strength in hafen, 524-5, 529, 532, 560 ; on loss of Sattelberg, South and South-West Pacific areas, 11 ; in Bismarck 652-3 ; orders withdrawal to Madang, 732 ; estimates Sea Battle, 26 ; in Salamaua campaign, 33-4, 70-1, Japanese casualties in Huon Peninsula, 736n ; on 87, 92, 112, 119-21, 221, 253, 278 ; attack Wewak Kankiryo Saddle operations, 762 ; withdraws to airfields, 232 ; bomb Lae and Cape Gloucester, Hollandia, 789, 804 278-9 ; in Nadzab-Lae operations, 282, 343-5, 381, ADAIR, Lt-Cdr, 447-8, 48 8 387, 389-90 ; and Bena Force, 438 ; role in NG ADAMS, Capt T. B ., 685-6, 711, 77 6 offensive, 444, 505, 733 ; attack airfields on New ADELAIDE (Sketch p . 15), 16, 537n Britain, 470 ; in Finschhafen campaign, 471, 492, ADMIRALTY ISLANDS (Map p . 28 ; Sketches pp . 793 , 535, 641 ; attack barge traffic, 522, 658-9 ; in 796), 232, 788, 790, 792, 794n, 798-9 ; American Finisterres, 744, 746-7, 754, 776 landings on, 795-7 ALLIED GEOGRAPHICAL SECTION, 596 n AITIA (Sketch p . 807), 807 ALLIED INTELLIGENCE BUREAU, 432 ; operations o f AGAR, Lt S . L., 757-8 coastwatchers and special units in 1943, 257-60 ; AGo (Sketch p . 726), 616, 728-9 NEFIS, 261 ; Mosstroops, 261-3, 432 ; Services AINSLIE, Brig R. I ., 380, 553, 619-21, 623-4, 628-9, Reconnaissance Detachment, 781n, Sepik River 640-1, 645, 647 ; commands 2/48 Bn, 368 area, 806n AIRCRAFT, in Fifth Air Force, 12 ; production of, 13 . ALLIED LAND FORCES HEADQUARTERS (L .H.Q.), 12, Types : Airacobra, 585, 727 ; Anson, 236 ; Beau- 16, 56, 197n, 261, 279, 320, 338n, 780 ; predicts fighter, 52, 66, 71, 81, 99, 387 ; Boomerang, 387, 429, Japanese strategy, 10n ; Intelligence estimates, 11n, 466, 511, 548, 551-2, 575, 585-6, 642, 649n, 651-2, 446 ; role restricted by General MacArthur, 221-2 ; 682-3, 691, 693-4, 706n, 707-8, 711, 729, 766, plans NG offensive, 230 ; seeks information abou t 778 ; Boston, 28, 30, 34, 52, 119, 128, 344, 387, 449, Sepik area, 260 ; composition of reserves, 280n ; 471, 492, 535, 727-8, 776 ; Catalina, 259, 261-3, relations with US planning staffs, 281-4 ; reinforce- 795 ; Dauntless, 430; Douglas, 20, 71, 234, 255, 276, ment of Finschhafen, 481 ; organisation and com- 343-4, 357, 415 ; Fairfield Cub, 599 ; Fortress, 119, mand in New Guinea, 504n ; redesignates Indep 190, 344-5, 387, 809 ; Junkers, 423 ; Kittyhawk, 449, Coys, 566n ; plans neutralisation of Madang, 696 ; 527n, 575, 683, 694, 706n, 707, 733, 754, 797, 804 ; on tasks of 7 Div, 77 9 Liberator, 119,185,189-90,344,358,449 ; Lightning, ALLIED NAVAL FORCES, 284, 307, 362, 504n, 505 , 242-3, 259, 334, 387, 466; Marauder, 727-8, 733 ; 507-8, 557, 789 ; strength, 11-12 ; in Salamaua-Lae Mitchell, 87, 119, 121, 141, 185, 234, 277, 344, 376, operations, 221, 266, 278-9, 282, 363 ; reinforcement 387, 449, 535, 591, 644, 652, 687, 727, 729, 733, 744 , of Finschhafen, 480-1, 482 746-7, 797 ; Piper Cub, 160, 256, 357, 409, 415, 423 , ALLIED TRANSLATOR AND INTERPRETER SECTION, 60 0 430, 436, 709, 729, 785, 808-9 ; Superfortress, 275, ALLIES, THE, 259, 523, 686n, 729 ; strategy of, 4-1 0 791, 798 ; Thunderbolt, 609, 727, 733 ; Tiger Moth, ALLMAN, Sgt B. B ., 547 256 ; Vultee Vengeance, 471,492,609,747 ; Wirraway, ALUKI (Map p . 327), 333-4, 336-7, 348 97, 589, 599, 682-3, 766 ; Zero, 4 6 ALusu TRACK (Map p . 327), 349 AIRFIELDS, 20 ; in Markham Valley, 55-6, 268 ; on Ben a AMAMI (Sketch p . 235), airstrip at, 256 plateau, 234, 236, 239-40, 243 ; Allied developmen t AMBON ISLAND (Map p . 814 ; Sketch p. 15), 11, 78 8 in New Guinea, 402n, 426n, 507, 556, 569, 593 ; 791, 811, 81 3 protection of, 594. Japanese, at Munda, 7 ; Allied AMBUSHES, Australian, 315 ; in Salamaua area, 28, 31 , plans for seizure of, 220 ; on Bougainville, 653 ; 67-8, 115, 202-3 ; at Buang River, 128, 135 ; at Allied attacks on, 658 Kesawai, 435 ; in Finisterres, 572 . Japanese, in AIR RECONNAISSANCE, Bogadjim Road, 588 ; in Salamaua area, 88-9, 115-16, 124, 130, 212-1 3 Finisterres, 58 9 AMBUSH KNOLL (Map p . 27; Sketches pp . 116, 196) , AIR SUPPLY, 742, 809 ; in Burma, 6 ; Salamaua area , 115-17, 131-2, 151, 153, 165-6, 188, 193n, 208, 311 ; 86-7, 132, 166 ; early developments in New Guinea, action at, 152-5 233-4 ; in Sepik River area, 262 ; in Markham-Ramu AMBLE (Map p. 773), 785- 6 Valleys, 341, 438 ; of ammunition at Finschhafen , AMERICA, UNITED STATES OF, 14-15, 84, 219, 272 ; 465-6 ; by Japanese, 557, 649 envisages withdrawal from European theatre, 3 ; AIR SUPPORT, in Salamaua campaign, 31, 38, 81, 92 , Service rivalry in, 12 ; and China, 217 ; strength of 105, 109, 112, 119-21, 128, 129n, 161, 185, 189-90 ; population in Armed Services, 817n for 1943 New Guinea offensive, 231, 506 ; i n AMERICAN Ant FORCE, 20, 177, 230, 254, 426, 428n , Nadzab-Lae operations, 269, 366, 381, 387 ; in 567, 609, 739, 783, 798, 808 ; strength and deploy- Finschhafen operation, 449, 451, 492 ; in Finis- ment, 2, 9, 16, 57, 227n ; bombs Wewak, 204 ; in terres, 586, 745 ; in advance to Fortification Point , Finschhafen operations, 444, 466, 471, attacks 667n retreating Japanese, 727-30 ; attacks Cap e AIR TRANSPORT, 119 ; of 7 Div to Nadzab, 414 ; i n Gloucester, 449 ; relations with Australians, 523 ; Ramu Valley, 43 3 in Finisterres, 585, 591, 683 ; radar policy, 594 ; AITAPE (Map p . 28 ; Sketches pp . 799, 807), 260, 789 , losses in Gilberts, 65 4 791, 803, 815 ; Japanese strength and development, —FORCES : Second Air Task, 210, 255, 423 ; Third 20, 232 ; U .S . attack on, 801-2, 804 ; Japanese Air Task, 426n ; Fifth, 8, 12, 34n, 57, 87, 234, 239, counter-attack, 806- 7 255n, 402n, 414, 504n ; in Salamaua operations, AITKEN, Lt-Col E. F., 711n 58-9, 105, 121, 129n ; in Lae operations, 182, 231 , AIYAU (Map p. 773), 777 273-6, 338, 359, 388-9, 433 ; in Finschhafen opera- AIYURA (Sketches pp. 235, 427), 236, 238-40, 41 6 tions, 535, 609 ; in Ramu Valley, 566, 684 ; Eleventh, AKYAB (Sketch p. 218), 5, 21 7 227 ; Thirteenth, 11 ; Fourteenth, 220n ALANBROOKE, Field Marshal Viscount, in, 2n, 218-19 —GROUPS : 49th Fighter, 527n ALEUTIAN ISLANDS (Sketch p. 5), 1, 4 ; Americans —WINGS : 54th Troop Carrier, 338, 42 5 plan seizure of, 3-4, 220 ; attack on, 226- 7 —SQUADRONS : 41st, 705-8 ; 67th Fighter, 223 ALEXANDER, Field Marshal Earl, 264, 283 AMERICAN ARMY, 1, 59-60, 65, 273, 422, 567, 763, 786, ALEXISHAFEN (Map p . 773 ; Sketch p . 808), 807 ; 817 ; strength and deployment, 2, 16-17, 57, 227n ; entered by 30 Bn, 788 relations with navy, 3n, 12 ; compared with ALEXISHAFEN ROAD (Map p. 773), 78 7 Japanese, Iln ; Australian cooperation with, 105 , ALIBU (Map p . 773), 782 138-41, 145, 159-61, 180-2, 280n, 281-4 ; casualties, ALLAN, Col H. T., 465, 490, 517, 609n in New Georgia and Aleutians, 226, in Admiralties, 822 INDE X AMERICAN ARMY—continue d AMERICAN ARMY—continue d 797, in Marshalls, 800-1, on Bougainville, 801, i n to Australia, 321n ; lands Biak, 805 ; 163rd, 17, 84 , Wakde-Sarmi operations, 805, on Biak, 806, o n 280n ; at Aitape, 804 ; 169th, 225 ; 172nd, 225-6 ; Noemfoor, 806 ; on Bena plateau, 243 ; staff 186th, 17, 280n . Parachute, 503rd, 268, 277, 280n , appointments, 266n ; training and outlook compared 415 ; in Nadzab operation, 270, 338-9, 343-6 to Australian, 321n, 444 ; Nisei translators, 478 ; —INFANTRY AND PARACHUTE BATTALIONS : Infantry : uses dogs in Ramu, 567n ; and Lethbridge Mission , I/126 Bn, 731 ; III/126 Bn, 731 ; I/162 Bn, 85 ; at 686n ; develops Finschhafen base, 737 ; dismounte d Nassau Bay, 71-3, 84, 90-1, 96-100, 102-4, 135, 144 , cavalry compared with Australian organisation , 182n, 215 ; in Salamaua operations, 107, 136, 310 ; 795n ; tactics, 800-1 ; develops experience an d in Mubo operations, 122-4, 126-8 ; at Lake Salus, skill, 81 6 141, 213-15 ; Komiatum-Mt Tambu, 145-7, 149, —UNTIED STATES ARMY FORCES IN FAR EAST , 160, 163, 165-8, 189, 199-200 ; Roosevelt-Scout Reconstituted, 221, 402 n Ridges, 185, 187, 292, 295, 308-9 ; returns to —UNITED STATES ARMY SERVICES OF SUPPLY, 282 , regimental command, 201-2 ; Bitoi Ridge, 210 ; 401-2, 504n, 506 Charlie Hill, 297 ; casualties, 324n ; 11/162 Bn, I38n ; —ARMIES : Third, 222 . Sixth, 792 ; composition an d Lababia Island, 142 ; Tambu Bay, 143, 159 ; role, 220-1, 280n, 730-1 ; arrives Australia, 221 ; Roosevelt Ridge, 159, 183-5 ; Nassau Bay, 180 ; staff, 222 ; establishes HQ near Brisbane, 402n . Scout Ridge, 292, 308-9 ; at Salamaua, 321n ; Seventh, 28 3 casualties, 324n ; III/162 Bn, 84, 159, 309, 321n ; at —CORPS, compared with Japanese, 11n ; I, 280n, at Nassau Bay, 138-40 ; at Tambu Bay, 142-5 ; Rockhampton, 17, composition, 220, at Hollandia , Roosevelt and Scout Ridges, 180, 183-5, 201, 292 , 804 .

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