PHOLSE Finchley Society loose photos Page 1 of 27 30/01/2021 Name Detail Location Ser Acres, Birt film camera man, plaque Hadley Highstone 1854-1916 E3-B5 A01 Addington Drive N12 estate agent's photo Nov 89 G7-W.BUI A65 Albert Place Toilets various views 1984 E3-B5 A61 Albert Street School N3 class photo 1880? mounted E3-B10 A33 Albert Street School N3 (now Northside) class 2B of 1939 E3-B2 A02 Albert Terrace Ballards Lane N3 by Albert Place, c1900 D5-B2 A17 Alder School Long Lane N2 children in front Reboul collection E3-B11 A29 Alder School Long Lane N2 group photos 1916? 1918 (withtank), April 1919 G7-W.ALD A18 Alder School Long Lane N2 boy group photo 1880s/1890s? Mounted G7-W.ALD A19 Alder School Long Lane N2 girls group photo 1880s/1890s? Mounted G7-W.ALD A20 Alder School Long Lane N2 school photo (teachers & pupils) 1934 G7-W.ALD A21 Alder School Long Lane N2 school photo with building 1880s/1890s G7-W.ALD A22 Alder School Long Lane N2 pupils in costume, 1890s? G7-W.ALD A23 Alder School Long Lane N2 plans and elevation G7-W.ALD A24 Alexandra College Alexandra Grove N12 postcard from 7 small photos Sep 1914 D5-B2 A03 Alexandra Mansions before demolition 1974 G5-S.ALE A60 Alexandra Palace Built May 1873, burnt 1873 drawing E3-B5 A04 Alexandra, The, public house 1 Church Lane N2 1978 G8-W.PUB A28 All Saints Church Oakleigh Road G7-W.FRI A05 Allandale Avenue (Coll Fm end, before filling station) E3-B5 A06 Allandale Road N3 college farm Reboul collection E3-B11 A32 Amos, Freda with Castle Street school (later went to HT see H78) E3-B2 A26 Arcadia, Church End N3 interior E1-F4 A62 Archer, The statue by Aumonier 1939 photo undated G7-W.EAS A25 Archway, The (Highgate) 1901 photo, 1823, 97 drawings E3-B5 A07 ArtsDepot protest, prince andrew E3-B1 A63 Arundel Cottage Hendon Lane N3 estate agent's photo G7-W.BUI A64 Ashby, W Greengrocer & Fruiterer Front Reg Pk Rd N3 1933 E3-B3 A09 Aufholz & Co Princes Parade Church End, horse-drawn vehicles E3-B11 A30 Avenue House East End Road N3 and grounds old postcard D5-B2 A35 Avenue House East End Road N3 as Royal Airforce Hospital old postcard D5-B2 A36 Avenue House East End Road N3 pond, old postcard early 1900s? D5-B2 A37 Avenue House East End Road N3 sports field 1910 D5-B2 A38 Avenue House East End Road N3 water tower undated D5-B2 A39 Avenue House East End Road N3 Jean Scott rosebed ceremony Dec 1994, H Booth MP and E2-B4finsoc membersA44 Avenue House East End Road N3 Oak tree felling and products 1981/2 E2-B4 A45 Avenue House East End Road N3 lobby to drawing room after restoration E2-B4 A46 Avenue House East End Road N3 sketch of rear elevation by Peter Marsh 1995 E2-B4 A47 Avenue House East End Road N3 end view by gate E2-B4 A49 Avenue House East End Road N3 turret room unrestored 14 photos inc detail E2-B4 A50 Avenue House East End Road N3 after fire 1989 several views E2-B4 A51 Avenue House East End Road N3 Jan 1992, assorted photos incl fire damage E2-B4 A52 Avenue House East End Road N3 grounds 1996 E2-B4 A53 Avenue House East End Road N3 tree planting, centenary 1984, Mayor J Tiplady & FinSoc membersE2-B4 A54 Avenue House East End Road N3 features - stairs, fireplace, salver of H Stephens 1980s E2-B4 A55 Avenue House East End Road N3 conservatory after the fire 1989 E2-B4 A56 Avenue House East End Road N3 archive room Jan 2002 E2-B4 A57 Avenue House East End Road N3 start of rebuilding Feb 1992 2 photos E2-B4 A58 Avenue House East End Road N3 sketch of Stephens original laboratory E3-B10 A42 PHOLSE Finchley Society loose photos Page 2 of 27 30/01/2021 Avenue House East End Road N3 dovecote large photo E3-B9 A40 Avenue House East End Road N3 rear view (turret), end view large photos E3-B9 A41 Avenue House East End Road N3 discovery of painting, Stephens with horse, Fred Davis E4-B4 A43 Avenue House East End Road N3 sketch of gardeners lodge 1978 by Herbert Norman P2-B27 A48 Avenue House East End Road N3 from drive, 1976 b&w stained E1-F4 A60 Avenue, The postcard sent 1906 x2 D5-B2 A11 Avenue, The postcard sent 1912 with woman D5-B2 A12 Avenue, The poscard undated with lady Victorian/Edwardian? X2 D5-B2 A13 Avenue, The jn w/ Reg Park Rd from tower E3-B5 A10 Avenue, The N3 In connection with Beggars Roost, affidavit 1975 D5-B2 A27 Avenue, The N3 undated D5-B2 A59 Avenue, The N3 photo of postcard with 2 men in blazers same A34 E3-B11 A31 Avenue, The N3 photo of postcard with 2 men in blazers A31 E3-B11 A34 Avery, Roz FinSoc Member undated E3-B2 A16 Bald Faced Stag, The, N2 pub in East Finchley G8-W.PUB B01 Baldfaced Stag, The, N2 East Finchley, cross roads in 1896 (large, mounted) E3-B9 B02 Ballards Lane Prince's Parade 1906-10 3 views D5-B2 B08 Ballards Lane Finchley 1930 by petrol station x2 man on bike D5-B2 B09 Ballards Lane Princes Parade Church End distant view 2 copies 1908 D5-B2 B10 Ballards Lane Railway hotel early c20 D5-B2 B11 Ballards Lane No 13 1904 D5-B2 B15 Ballards Lane Kings Parade 1905 D5-B2 B16 Ballards Lane jn with Long Lane 1900 D5-B2 B17 Ballards Lane jn with Redbourne Avenue 1923 D5-B2 B19 Ballards Lane 4 views locations unknown D5-B2 B21 Ballards Lane c1915 location unidentified D5-B2 B64 Ballards Lane looking north towards Long Lane c1938 D5-B2 B66 Ballards Lane rural view, boy blurred (see also B68) D5-B2 B67 Ballards Lane early motorised vehicles undated see also B65 D5-B2 B70 Ballards Lane undated unlocated D5-B2 B73 Ballards Lane north of Regents parade women alighting from tram D5-B2 B75 Ballards Lane N between Redbourne Ave and Hervey Close D5-B2 B78 Ballards Lane Princes Parade Church End ca 1904 same as B08 E3-B11 B93 Ballards lane Princes Parade 1914 E3-B5 B05 Ballards Lane jn w/ Falkland Ave 2x2 Jan 2004 E3-B5 B06 Ballards Lane various views 1983 x5 E3-B5 B07 Ballards Lane Hendon Way on Sunday old photo E3-B5 B12 Ballards Lane Hendon Lane, King Edward Hall E3-B5 B13 Ballards Lane 7 views 1995 E3-B5 B14 Ballards Lane jn with Albert Place x2 1982, 1985 E3-B5 B18 Ballards Lane /Essex Park junction 1908, (mounted) E3-B9 B03 Ballards Lane /Essex Park jn 1908, methodist church(mounted) E3-B9 B04 Ballards Lane j/w Nether Street past (1906) and present E3-F13 B20 Ballards Lane rural view c1910 (see also B67) D5-B2 B68 Ballards Lane Church End towards Methodist Chapel early motorcars undated D5-B2 B65 Ballards Lane Church End early motorised vehicles undated D5-B2 B69 Ballards Lane N3 nr Methodist Church, old open top bus D5-B2 B55 Ballards Lane N3 2 views 1906, 1977 mounted E3-B10 B99 Ballards Lane N3 j/w Alexandra Grove early undated Reboul E3-B11 B95 Ballards Lane N3 by Albert Place looking south (1970s?) E3-B5 B56 PHOLSE Finchley Society loose photos Page 3 of 27 30/01/2021 Ballards Lane, Old Tally Ho Corner pre Kingsway 1934, Tally Ho Garage E3-B5 B106 Ballards Lane Princes Parade with horsedrawn omnibus ca1906 D5-B2 B71 Ballards Lane Princes Parade early undated D5-B2 B72 Ballards Lane Princes Parade 1960s? E3-B5 B105 Ballards Lane from Grove Lodge looking north with Princes Ave to rightE1-F4 B107 Ballards Lane Barnet Library Services 17 set 5 postcards D5-B2 B108 Balloon Factory 1914-18 factory floor work in progress E3-B1 B22 Balloon Factory 1914-18 workers - works photo E3-B1 B23 Bambrick, Valentine Plaque x2 VC 10/9/2002Islington Cemetery Buglers reinstate G7-W.BLU B24 Baptist Church North Finchley N12 Dale Grove 3 photos inc. 1 duplicate E4-B5A B109 Baptist Church North Finchley N12 demolition 1983 3 photos E4-B5A B110 Baptist Church North Finchley N12 interior 3 photos E4-B5A B111 Baronsmere Road N2 corner of High Road 1935 Reboul collection BLS B97 D5-B2 B100 Baronsmere Road N2 corner of High Road 1935 Reboul collection BLS B100 E3-B11 B97 Barrett-Newberry, Gerry FinSoc Member (in late middle age) E3-B2 B28 Baxendale family tablet marking vault below (St John Whetstone) E3-B2 B79 Beach Lodge 66 Hendon Lane pre-demolition (1966) exterior & interior 4 views a-d E3-B5 B29 Beach Lodge 66 Hendon Lane 1996/7 incl panelling G5-S.BEA B103 Beating the Bounds 1910 and 1933 photocopy from book E3-B1 B30 Belgrave Tavern Public House N12 ca 1914 past and present E3-F13 B80 Belgrave Tavern Public House N12 744 High Road N12 1978 G8-W.PUB B81 Belgrave Terrace N12 x2 off Stanhope Road (Demolished 1959) E3-B5 B31 Berry, WG and sons sanitary engrs, undertakers franked 1910 UDC stamp E3-B3 B76 Bishops Avenue, The, N2 Corner of High Road 1935 D5-B2 B63 Bishops Avenue, The, N2 Corner of High Road 1935 Reboul coll same as B63 E3-B11 B96 Black Bull, public house High Road Whetstone N20 1978 G8-W.PUB B82 Black Bull, The, N12? Whetstone pub E3-B5 B32 Blue Anchor public house 1432 High Road Whetstone N20 1978 G8-W.PUB B83 Blue Anchor public house Whetstone pen sketch large E3-B9 B98 Bothy, The, Avenue House Garden & Greenhouses 1930 D5-B2 B33 Bothy, The, Avenue House garden party 8/9/2002 D & B Warren E4-B3 B101 Boundary Markers x2 Finchley Golf Course 1934 E3-B5 B34 Boundary Markers Creighton Avenue N2 200-204 1934 E3-B5 B35 Boundary Markers Woodhouse Road N12 (2 markers, 1864 and 1910) E3-B5 B36 Bow Lane N3 with postman 1905 send 1912 D5-B2 B57 Bragg & Sons Ballards Lane Bragg in shop E3-B2 B38 Brent Lodge Nether Street 1900 D5-B2 B39 Brent Lodge Nether Street postcard undated D5-B2 B40 Broadway Church End Finchley early photo undated D5-B2 B44 Broadway Church End Finchley Ballards Lane, with open tram D5-B2 B46 Broadway Church End Finchley with cart and early motor 1904car D5-B2 B47 Broadway Church End Finchley parade of shops inc horsedrawn vehicle copy of PC D5-B2 B58 Broadway Church End Finchley Ballards Lane, with children c1904 D5-B2 B59 Broadway Church
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