Odonatological Abstracts 1979 In: W. Nachtigall, [Ed.], Verhaltensphysiologi- scher Grundkurs. pp. 32-46, Verlag Chemie. — (9339) KARAMAN, B.S., 1979i. Ekolosko faunisticka Weinheim-Deerfield Beach (Fla)-Basel. — - 3-527-25901-5. (Author istrazivanja Odonata SR Makedonije. [ Stu- ISBN deceased). A of field methodolo- dies on ecology and fauna of the Odonata of very detailed description and evidence in odon. behaviou- Macedonia],PhD thesis Univ. Zagreb, viii+151 gy assessment — ral studies. pp. (Croatian). (Author’s current address unknown). of odon. (9342) RUPPELL. G„ E. BARTELS & H. SCHULZE. This is a monographic treatment the fauna of the Republic of Macedonia (62 spp.). 1984. Calopteryx splendens (Calopterygidae) in the — des Balz. Parts of it were subsequently published Flugverhalten Mannchens und OA 5933,5934. A larval Puhl. wiss. Filmen (Biol.) 16(37): 3-16. (With papers listed in popula- Fr.s’s). - (Zool. Inst., Techn. Univ., tion of Epallage falime is reported from Mt Engl. & D-38106 Belasica, which is said to representthe northern- Pockelsstr, 10a, Braunschweig). of this The fauna of text for film No. E-2741 (Inst. most locality sp. Prespa Explanatory Wiss. Film, text). The Lake (34 spp.) is dealt with in great detail, the Gottingen; spoken major illustrated. — biogeographic composition of the national fau- types of flight are described and Further data in OA 4991 ; cf. also OA 5060. na is analysed, and a chapter on population biology of Coenagrion puella in a man-made 1988 pond at Skopje is added. 1984 (9343) BILLE. R.-P., 1988. Accouplement de l'aesch- Etoiles ne mixte (Aeschna mixta). 13 Reflects - (9340) BUCHHOLTZ, C., 1984. Die Formkonstanz du Valais 38(6): 36-37. (rue Ed.-Bille 44. des Beutefangschlages und dessen Habituation CH-3960 Siene). bei der Larve der Libelle Aeschna cyanea. In: A 2 p. col. phot,, with a comprehensive caption, and W. Nachtigall, [Ed.], Verhaltensphysiologi- containing also a note on the occurrence Grundkurs, 28-32, Chemie, of several Aeshna in Valais, Swit- scher pp. Verlag biology spp. Weinheim-Deerfield Beach (Fla) — Basel. — zerland. ISBN 3-527-25901-5. - (Author’s current ad- dress unknown). (9344) BILLE. R.-P., 1988. Les libellules de Finges. of 13 Etoiles du Valais 38(6): 38-40. - Description a laboratory experiment; cf. OA Reflects 907. (rue Ed.-Bille 44, CH-3%0 Sierre). A the fauna dealt general outline of as with also (9341) KAISER, H., 1984. Aufteilung des Paarungs- in the papers listed in OA 3103, 8462, but no Valais. Switzerland. plalzesund ’’Territorialverhallen" bei Libellen. species list: canton 194 Odonatological Abslracls 1989 (9350) BURGER. H., 1991. Die Libellenlauna der Sladl Aarau. Aargau. NeujahrsBl. 65: 59-71. - (9345) SIGRIST. M. & E. STEGMANN. 1989. Maim (Author’s address not s(aled). Fnlosehule. Diefaszinierende Well der Nahauf- A goodpresentation ofthe order, with emphasis nahme. the fauna of the Verlag Photographic. Sehaffhausen. on city of Aarau, Switzerland - - (19 but all listed). 200pp. ISBN 3-7231-9300-5. (Publisher: spp., not Photographie AG. CH-8201 SchafThausen). for CORDERO 1991. A handbook, using dragonflies description (9351) RIVERA, A., Eslralegias re- of various sexual macrophotographic techniques, on pmduclivas, polimorfismo y select ion en 29, 56. 69. 76. 87. 143. 157, 182. la lihelula Isehnura Tesis pp. 110-113. graellsii (Ramhur). 250 doctoral Univ. Santiagode Compostela. pp. 1900 — (Ecoloxia, E.U. Enxeneria Técnica, Univ. Vigo, Avda Buenos Aires s/n. ES-36002 Ponte- (9346) BROCKHAUS.T, 1990. Bericht überdie 3Ta- vedra. Galicia). des Arbeitskreises Odonata. Min. sdchs. of the disseration were gung [Most parts published Enl. 21: 3-4. - (Mark! 20/21. D-09111 Chem- as journal papers]. nitz). brief the 3rd of East Ger- GALLARDO MAYENCO, I., 1991. A report on Meeting (9352) Respuesta man odonatologists, Chemnitz, Aug. 24-26. de macroinverlehrados fluviales a la salinidad. 1990. — For the previous Meetings cf. OA Tesis doctoral, Univ. Sevilla. 125 pp„ 27 labs 5718. 69.30. excl. — (Author’s current address unknown). The effects of salinity and some other chemical 1990. for 12 odon. based (9347) CORDERO, A., Competencia esperma- parameters are analyzed spp„ tica la libelula Ischnura the evidence from stations en graellsii (odonalos, on 11 sampling on insectos). Adas 3er Cong. nac. Elol. Spain, pp. the rio Guadaira. Spain. 33-39. — (Area Ecol., Escola Universitaria de Enxenerîa Técnica de Industrias Foreslais, (9353) KEIM, C„ 1991. L’anax porte-sellc. 13 Erodes Univ. Vigo. Avda Buenos Aires s/n. ES-36002 Refletsdu Valais I99l(7):2pp.[sep.). - (Finet- Pontevedra, Galicia). tes 10. CH- 1920 Martigny). A preliminary text of the subsequently publish- A41 x 28 cm col. lay-in, showinga ô Hemianax Swit- ed full paper as listed in OA 8534. ephippiger(emerged Sept. 1990, Vemey, evi- zerland), In a comprehensive caption some (9348) GARCIA AVILÉS. J.. 1990,. Insectos aeuaticos dence is reviewed on its occurrencein the Swiss de Baleares IOdonata, Ephememplera. Hete- Rhone Valley in 1990. docto- roptera. Plecopiera y Coleoptera). Tesis — Islenskl - ral. Univ. Complutense, Madrid. 690 pp. (9354) ÔLAFSSON, E., 1991. skordyralal. (Depto Ecol.. Fac. Biol., Univ. Autonoma Ma- A checklist of Icelandic insects. FjolrilNdnurif- drid. Cantoblanco. ES-28049 Madrid). raedistofntwar 17: 1-69. (Icelandic, with The odon. dealt with 510- — Mus. Nat. P.O. Box (19 spp.) are on pp. Engl.s.). (Iceland. Hist., -525. Various types of assemblages arc identi- 5320, IC-125 Reykjavik, Iceland). The 1245 in Iceland fied. analyzed and described in detail. spp. known to occur are catalogued. Hemianax ephippiger is the only 1991 recorded — For odon. sp. occasionally there. a review of records cf. OA 1460. 1656. (9349) BILLE. R.-R. 1991. Us libellules du Bois de Finges. Diana 1991 (2): 12-15. - (rue Ed.- (9355) SCHWALLER, T.. 1991. Vergleichendefaunis- -Bille 44. CH-3960 Sierre). tisch-dkologische Untersuchungen an den Li- im A nicely illustrated account on dragonflies of bel Icn/.onoscn zweier Klcinsccn schwci/cri- the Finges. canton Valais. Switzerland. — Cf. schcn Mittelland. Mill, nalurf. Ges. Sololhurn also OA 3103. 8462. .35: 7-78. — (Bahnhofslr. 26, CH-4708 Lutcr- bach). Odonatological Abstracts 195 A comprehensive study of odon. communities in China. They belong to 4 sfam.. i.e. Gomphi- in the lakes and Inkwilersee, in (93 in 17 (41 Burgâschisee nae spp. gen.),Onychogomphinae in 12 in the Beme-Solothum region, Switzerland. The spp. gen.). Hageniinae (5 spp. I gen.) of is Lindeniinae in earlier present status some spp. compared also and (6 spp. 3 gen.). In with that evidenced in the 1880s. publications. Gomphus and Onychogomphus 2 of hete- are very large genera consisting many (9356) SOLTESZ, K.. 1991. the damsel- divi- A. survey of rogeneous spp. lumped together. They are flies and dragonfliesof Cape May county. New ded into 8 and 7 genera respectively in the pre- Jersey. Cape May Bird Observatory, New Jersey sent studies. No genuinemembers ofthem occur Soc., Point, ii+54 - China. With of Audubon Cape May pp. in the exception Ophiogomphus — in the Price: US $ 10.- net. (Author: P.O. Box 62, (s.str.), all the remaining genera occur South Salem, NY 10590, USA; — Publishers: Indo-Chinese Subregion of the Oriental Region. P.O. Box 3, Point, NJ 08212, USA). It that the be the Cape May seems Subregion may centre of distribution from where This is a commercially available booklet on the gomphidsspread ra- of is of Cape May Co. odon. (New Jersey. USA). Since diallyto various parts the old world. It ofwhich interest that the 1890,80 spp. were evidenced, 76 were particular to note among transre- encountered the 1986-1990 10 of them during survey. They gionalgenera, constituting a fairly total number of are listed here along the locality and flight data, high percentage 28.5% of the - field notes and bibliographic references. For genera occur in the Orienlal+EastemPalaearctic - an abridged checklist cf. OA 9370. Regions. There are 21 spp. in 16 gen. that in Taiwan. All in both occur genera are common sides the Strait. the 21 (9357) WYSS, G., 1991. [Aus Forschung und Praxis], of Taiwan Among spp.. Libellen. Schweiz. Bienenztg 114(11): 641-645. 14 occur both in Taiwan and Fujian. The remai- — (Grauholzstr. 64, CH-3063 Ittigen). ning 7 endemic spp. are congeneric with the General, on dragonflymorphologyand biology, closely related spp. that occur in Fujian. It is evident that the Taiwanese fauna is with a reference to Musée Robert, Biel (cf. OA gomphid 5233). close that of very to Fujian. 1992 (9360) COBOLLI, M„ E. DE MATTHAEIS & G. CARCHINI, 1992. Biochemical syslematics in (9358) BÔTTGER, K. & R. PÔPPERL, 1992. Zur Ma- Odonata: the mediterranean Coenagrionidae. cines norddeut- Proc. I9lh Ini. Em.. 27. Ab- kroinverlcbralen-Besicdlung Congr. Beijing, p. schen Tieflandbaches unter Herausstellung stract only. - (First Author: Dipto Biol. Anim. rheotypischer Arten. Limnologische Studien im & Uomo. Univ. Roma ”La Sapienza", Viale Naturschutzgebiet Kossautal (Schleswig-Hol- deU’Università 32, 1-00185 Roma). stein). II. Limnologica 22(1): 1-15. (With Enzyme electrophoresis was used to study the Engl.s.). — (Zool. Inst., Univ. Kiel, Olshau- genetic divergence in various populations of 10 senstr. 40, D(W)-2500 Kiel). spp., referable to Cercion, Coenagrion, Ery- Calopteryx splendens is recorded from the Kos- thromma and Ischnura. The allele frequencies sau R., Schleswig-Holstein. Germany, Detailed were identified at 22 loci, but no results are data of the habitat also the abstract. water quality are provi- presented in ded. (9361) KHAL1Q. A. & M. YOUSUF. 1992. Caloptery- (9359) CHAO, H.-f., 1992. The taxonomy, fauna and goidea (Zygoptera; Odonata) of Pakistan. Pa- — zoogeographical distribution of Chinese gom- kistan Em. 14(1/2): 84-87. (First Author: phid dragonflies (Odonata: Gomphidae). Proc. Dept Ent.. Univ. Coll. Agric.. Rawalakot. AK. I9lh Im. Congr. Em.. Beijing, p. 27. [Abstract Pakistan). only). - (Biol. Control Res. Inst., Fujian Agric. The Pakistani members of the fam. Caloplerygi- Coll., Fuzhou-350002, Fujian.
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