/ 24 - THE HERALD, Sat., March 28rIWl NIANCHESIER HAS IT Boston Celtics Reagan participates Entire family Death toil now 11 divBion champs in Academy Awards in play troupe in condo collapse BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR Advertlslnq Space MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING Available P a g a 1 3 P a g a 1 7 P a g e 1 9 Page 24 To AdvertlM Here Call VICINITY 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 CUNUFFE AUTO BODY 703 ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE, CT. FEATURING THIS WEEK ... MAIN ST. MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. 6 QLEN ROAD - P.O. BOX M 8 643-1191 24 HR. TOWING MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 191 6 4 3 -0 0 1 6 ' PHONE (203) 843-8107 MAIN ST. he Urralh •COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR “SUPPLIERS OF SAFETY PROTECTION" MANCHESTER •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS 643-1900 3Serving the Greater Manchester Area for 100 Years •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFING YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES Manchester, Conn. Monday March 30, 1981 25 Cents 20 Warrtn St., ManchMimr (OppoaHa Royal lea Craam) •41^1101 with this ad fesigns,inc 10% Discount Hijackers fear GLASSES GOGGLES 341 SROAD STREET. MANCHESTER. CONN. 0SO40 GLOVES off glass 0 screen repair Manchester Professional Park, Suite A*1 Betty Gallaqher, Prop. AND 35 Style* pt doors to choose from In sny color. WE SERVICE AND INSTAU INDUSTRIAL AND CORIMERGIAL AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION HAND PROTECTION Automotive HEATING and SHEET METAL commando raid Ken Bralthwalte, Prop. 299 BROAD ST. BANGKOK, Thailand (UPI) - New England Mechanical Services, bic. (iMhlnd SpM dy MuHlw) Hijackers holding 50 hostages aboard an Indonesian jetliner beamed two powerful spotlights 166 TUNNEL RD. HEAD PROTECTION from the DC-9’s cockpit today as the VERNON, CT. 06066 643-8844 deadline for meeting their demands 871-1111 passed. I The hijackers, reported high on CLYDE a MICKEY MILLER’S FACE SHIELDS Serving Mancheiter over 50 yri. drugs, apparently feared an Indone­ HL 649-3528 - Ay-fO sian or Thai commando raid on the PARTS aircraft, commandeered three days PeOttand The Florist ago. The spotlights swept the tarmac “W TO PARTS FOR LESS" Spring means many different things, but to apparently the opportunity to enjoy the on both sides of the aircraft. HOURS FOOTWEAR, SAFETY 24 BIRCH ST. TEL. 043-0247 several persons throughout Manchester cold, sweet treat outdoors were Laurie The hijackers originally gave the 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. Indonesian government until 9 pm (9 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN. Sunday, spring, or at least Sunday’s spring­ Carlson, leFt, and Lee Dietrichsen, right, 043-4444 a m. EST) to deliver to Bangkok 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) F.T.D . like weather, meant going out tor an ice both oF Manchester. (UPl photo) NUSTEII CHARSE cream cone. Delighted with the weather and both a ransom of $1.5 million and the MANCHESTER RESPIRATORr EQUIPMENT AMERICAN EXPRESS W O R LD W ID E 84 political prisoners they had BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY SERVICE demanded be freed from Indonesian jails. CAUTIO PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FW ’S Cake Detwrating Supplies bic. A Thai government spokesman BLACKSMITHING THIS DOOR B g a B 648-0228 078-8282 later called reporters and said the -WALK MUST BE WEAR A COMPLETE H E OF WETON CAKE DECORATWHS Polish Communists deadline details had been clarified & WELDING OONT RU( KEPT CLOSE YOUR GOGGLES FIRE-RESISTANT CLOTHING and the hijackers now expected only •HAND FORGED ITEMS a response to their demands by •ITEMS CUSTOM MADE SIGNS, SAFETY 101 CENTER ST. Jakarta at that time. •SAND BLASTINGLASTINU MANCHESTER. CONN. It was not immediately known if Man. • Oat 10-S WALT'SCADDEN Thura., 10-1 slate union talks the Indonesian government WARREN S T. responded to the demands. MANCHESTER, CT. PROTECTION WARSAW, Poland (U PI) - Although the committee warned Thai police vowed the seizure FROM OIRT, Wedding Cakes A Specialty Poland’s Communist Party, Related stories and pic- that strikes had to stop and central would end today “in whatever means authority obeyed implicitly, it GREASE & SOOT desperately trying to stave off Soviet lures on page 3. necessary.” MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. intervention, gave a vote of con­ authorized Prime Minister Gen. The hijaORers, who were reported OVER fidence to moderate leader Wojciech Jaruzelski to participate to be taking “speed” stimulant pills, .Supp(i<>rs of Safety Proleclion MANCHESTER 4 5 TRAFFIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT YEAKS Stanislaw Kania and authorized 11th In Washington, Secretary of with the Solidarity union in talks upped their demands and h in t^ at HEARING PROTECTORS hour talks today with Solidarity, but today on averting the general strike AND CONTROL DEVICES EXPEMIENCE Defense Caspar Weinberger warned dire consequences to the hostages, •FOUL WEATHER SUITS MEMORIAL CO. ruled out force to avert a general the Soviets of “grave consequences” — the worst crisis in the 8-month-old including two unidentified SPECIALIZED SAFETY strike threatened for Tuesday. if there were an invasion to kill labor movement. •ROOTS •HOSE Dpp. East C«iiMt«ry CALL 649-5807 Americans, if their conditions were •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS As the talks got under way, the of­ Solidarity as the Czech liberal And in a telling phrase, the party not met. ficial news agency PAP quoted both "Prague Spring” movement was committed itself to solving the strike The hostages told negotiators they 5 Glen Rd. • Manchester • 643-S107 iim HARRI8DN ST. Deputy Prime Minister Mieczylaw snuffed out in 1968. issue by “ means which have a want $1.5 million and 84 political lORIALS MANCHESTER Rakowski and Solidarity leader Lech The 140-member Central Com­ political character” — meaning use prisoners held in Indonesian jails to CUNUFFE AUTD BDDY Walesa as offering hope for a settle­ mittee, seeking to preserve party un­ of force by Poland was ruled out to be flown to Bangkok in exchange for ment. avert a walkout. Pet problems? CalTlo^uaKt^Iea^ ity in the face of the threatened the hostages. EVERYTHING IN GLASS carpet cleaning...lh« “The government position has nationwide walkout and continuing There was no itnmediate reaction “They are saying that the “WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUH PRODUCT” Bane-Clene' way come to approach our stand,' Soviet-led Warsaw Pact maneuvers from Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, hijacking is part of their Moslem CALL although not as closely as we had in and around the nation, rejected but he has met with Jaruzelski and Jihad, a holy war,” said an official A crewmember oF the hijacked Indonesian jetliner lies hoped,” Walesa said, without resignations of hard-liners seeking a praised the bemedaled general as a on the negotiating team. The J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. PBui MMinninGO explaining further. The union has man that can be trusted and a beneath the cockpit waving a handkerchief for help Sunday 487 No. Main 81. crackdown on Solidarity. hijackers, who had twice increased after he was shot by hijackers who caught him signaling to demanded dismissal of officials it Instead "a vote of confidence was patriot. Ironically, however, the number of prisoners they want 6 4 9 - 7 3 1 1 043-0056 says were responsible for police passed for the Politburo and Solidarity’s “four-hour” warning freed by Indonesia, had not previous­ plane refuelers. (UPI photo) OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE “Wa do a Iota more than claan carpets" beatings of union members in Secretariat,” the official PAP news strike Friday shattered the request ly demanded money. Despite earlier reports that In­ arrived from Jakarta but intended to 31 BISSELL 8T. MANCHESTER V- BydgosK March 19. for 90 days of labor peace Jaruzelski keep the four-member flight crew un­ •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STORE FRONTS FREE ESTIMATES agency saici in a brief communique Commandos and sharpshooters donesia had been refused permission •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC. 24 HOUR SERVICE The Central Committee session after the 16-hour meeting, confirming sought when he took office last circled the Garuda DC-9 and Thai of­ to launch an assault on the hijackers, til they reached their next destinh- Sunday came in the midst of that the moderate approach toward month. ficials ordered journalists beyond a reporters said Indonesian comman­ lion. FAMOUS BRAND CIILIFFE A M t h « v U « 4 Moscow’s grimmest assessment yet dealing with the union had prevailed. Solidarity, which has grown to 10 Thai Prime Minister Prem Tin- MOTOR I8LIS 300 yard radius of the plane because dos were seen exercising beneath the of the Polish situation, with the of­ In further indications that a con­ million members since the mass "things will be getting dangerous wing of a DC-10 jet sent from Jakar­ sulanonda had told Indonesian of­ TELEVISION - APPLIANCES J. B. ELECTRONICS ficial Tass news agency accusing summer strikes last summer, has ficials at a daiili meeting on the MA.NCHKSTKR STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV ciliatory way out of the impasse was here," ta to carry the hijackers to the Mid­ Solidarity of openly challenging being sought, the committee ordered asked for the dismissal of officials Police Gen. Montchai dle East. third day of the hijacking that he SALES AND SERVICE "legitimate communist rule.” A an explanation of the March 19 police responsible, for the beatings in Pankhonchuan told reporters “we in­ would approve use of force on the HOW NHIOVDEIIT . separate Tass dispatch from War­ beatings of union mem bers in Bydgoszcz and threatened another tend to have the whole matter end Negotiators said the hijackers five or six Indonesian hijackers only m. saw said "The situation in Poland is Bydgoszc that led to the strike nationwide strike of indefinite dura­ today in whatever manner promised to release the 46 hostage if the terrorists "also become 6 4 9 -3 5 8 9 extremely tense.” threat.
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