Russian Entomol. J. 20(3): 229240 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2011 A new tribe of fossil digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber and its place in the subfamily Pemphredoninae Íîâàÿ òðèáà èñêîïàåìûõ ðîþùèõ îñ (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) èç âåðõíåìåëîâîãî ÿíòàðÿ Íüþ-Äæåðñè è åå ïîëîæåíèå â ïîäñåìåéñòâå Pempredoninae A.V. Antropov À.Â. Àíòðîïîâ Zoological Museum, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 6 Bolshaya Nikitskaya str., Moscow 125009, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé Ìîñêîâñêîãî ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Ì.Â.Ëîìîíîñîâà. Áîëüøàÿ Íèêèòñêàÿ óë., 6, Ìîñêâà 125009, Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Pemphredoninae, Rasnitsynapini, Palangini, new taxa, New Jersey amber. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Pemphredoninae, Rasnitsynapini, Palangini, íîâûå òàêñîíû, ÿíòàðü Íüþ-Äæåðñè. ABSTRACT. A new tribe of digger wasps, Ras- áó Palangini trib.n. Ïðåäëîæåí ñïèñîê ñîâðåìåí- nitsynapini trib.n. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae, Pem- íûõ è èñêîïàåìûõ ðîäîâ ïîäñåìåéñòâà Pemphre- phredoninae), which includes the only known genus doninae è ñõåìà èõ âåðîÿòíûõ ôèëîãåíåòè÷åñêèõ and species Rasnitsynapus primigenius gen. et sp.n., is îòíîøåíèé. described from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey am- ber. The most distinctive characters of the new tribe Introduction include complete wing venation, non-elongate first gas- tral segment without separated sternal petiole, and ab- Four extant tribes containing 55 genera are includ- sence of psammophores, digging tarsal rakes, and py- ed into the subfamily Pemphredoninae, which is one of gidial plate. The new tribe occupies a basal position in the most generalized taxa of the family Crabronidae the phylogenetic tree of the subfamily Pemphredoninae (Apoidea). There are 15 fossil genera among them, and also represents a sister group to the tribe Spilome- although 12 genera are cited as having an uncertain nini which is separated from the tribe Pemphredonini. position within the subfamily [Pulawski, 2011]. At the The extinct genus Palanga Budrys is placed within a same time, the vast majority of extinct genera, includ- new tribe, Palangini trib.n. A list of extinct and extant ing those described from the Cretaceous, is represented genera of the subfamily Pemphredoninae and a scheme by highly specialized forms that make impossible well- of their probable phylogenetic relationships are pro- grounded conclusions regarding evolutionary pathways posed. within the subfamily in general. I have recently completed examination of a fossil ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Èç âåðõíåìåëîâîãî ÿíòàðÿ Íüþ- pemphredonine wasp from the Upper Cretaceous New Äæåðñè îïèñàíà íîâàÿ òðèáà ðîþùèõ îñ Rasni- Jersey amber. The description of the wasp is given tsynapini trib.n. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae, Pemphre- below. The study of this sample allowed for a fresh doninae), âêëþ÷àþùàÿ îäèí ðîä è âèä Rasnitsynapus look at the whole system of Pemphredoninae and to primigenius gen. et sp.n. Íàèáîëåå ÷åòêèìè äèàãíî- determine relationships of the majority of taxa within ñòè÷åñêèìè ïðèçíàêàìè íîâîé òðèáû ÿâëÿþòñÿ ïîë- the subfamily. íîå æèëêîâàíèå êðûëüåâ, íåóäëèíåííûé 1-é ñåã- ìåíò áðþøêà áåç îáîñîáëåííîãî ñòåðíàëüíîãî ñòå- Material and methods áåëüêà è îòñóòñòâèå ïñàììîôîðîâ, êîïàòåëüíûõ ãðåáíåé íà ëàïêàõ è ïèãèäèàëüíîãî ïîëÿ. Íîâàÿ The specimen was studied under the stereomicro- òðèáà çàíèìàåò áàçàëüíîå ïîëîæåíèå â ôèëîãåíå- scope Carl Zeiss Stemi SV 6 in a thick sugar solution òè÷åñêîì äðåâå ïîäñåìåéñòâà Pemphredoninae, à òàê- rather than immersion oil in order to minimize the æå ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñåñòðèíñêîé ãðóïïîé òðèáû Spilomenini, possibility of damage (strong oblique illumination can âûäåëåííîé èç ñîñòàâà òðèáû Pemphredonini. Âû- somewhat improve visibility of some parts of the fossil ìåðøèé ðîä Palanga Budrys ïîìåùåí â íîâóþ òðè- body). Digital cameras Canon EOS D40 and Leica 230 A.V. Antropov DFC420 mounted on the stereomicroscope Leica 165 ture; antenna unmodified, with 12 segments. C have been used to prepare photographs which were 3. Clypeus transverse, very short; labrum short, not subsequently improved when necessary using Adobe projecting beyond anterior margin of clypeus. Photoshop CS software. Line drawings were prepared 4. Mandible without ventral notch or angle. using the stereomicroscope Carl Zeiss Stemi SV 6 with 5. Pronotal collar lower than scutum, with moder- a drawing unit and CorelDRAW 7 software. All mea- ately convex lateral angles and without distinct trans- surements were made in accordance with the scale bars verse carina (Figs 3, 6); lateral lobe of pronotum sepa- automatically generated by the Leica DFC420 digital rated from tegula. camera. 6. Admedial lines weak, reaching 1/3 scutal length; parapsidal lines not developed; adlateral lines longer Identification of the fossil than half of scutum; transverse postscutal furrow deep, smooth; scutellum without posterolateral lobes; posts- Petiolate gaster with sting, simple trochanters, short cutellum transverse, short (Fig. 5). pronotal collar with straight posterior margin and prono- 7. Episternal sulcus developed, not areolate; hyper- tal lobes which are well-separated from tegulae at- sternaulus short, not reaching 1/3 mesopleural length, tribute the studied specimen to Apoidea. not areolate; scrobal sulcus, omaulus, sternaulus, and Short pubescence consisting of simple setae, cylin- postspiracular and acetabular carinae not developed. drical hind basitarsomere with cleaning bristles, ab- 8. Hind femur not truncate apically; mid tibia with a sence of frontal prominences that cover antennal sock- single apical spur almost reaching 1/3 tibial length; ets from above, and middle tibia with a single apical tarsomeres unmodified; claws simple; arolii developed; spur attribute it to apoid wasps of the family Crabro- foretarsal rake absent. nidae. 9. Forewing (Figs 5, 8) with complete venation, Mandible without ventral notch and lobe, mesopleu- including distinctly enlarged pterostigma, and closed ron without omaulus or scrobal furrow but with narrow long marginal cell with acute apex touching wing mar- episternal sulcus and weakly developed hypersternau- gin; three submarginal, two discoidal, and two subdis- lus, forewing with enlarged pterostigma, apically acute coidal cells; cu-a antefurcal. marginal cell that touches wing margin, three submar- 10. Hindwing with two closed cells (Figs 3, 6, 8) ginal and two discoidal cells attribute the fossil to the and five hamuli; vein RS straight and shortened al- subfamily Pemphredoninae. though anteriorly directed to wing base; cu-a postfur- At the same time, the following character set is also cal; jugal lobe invisible. similar to that found in different pemphredonine tribes: 11. Propodeum (Figs 3, 6) not elongate, with dis- parallel inner eye orbits, short clypeus, antennal sock- tinct bent between dorsal and hind faces; dorsal and ets contiguous to frontoclypeal suture, unmodified ocel- hind faces of almost equal length; hind face with oval li, forewing with complete venation, distinct bent be- medial pit; lateral carinae or areolate lines absent on tween dorsal and hind faces of propodeum, outlined propodeum; dorsal area of propodeum distinctly out- propodeal dorsal area, absence of psammophores, fo- lined laterally with areolate lines, semi-oval, reaching retarsal rake, scrobal sulcus, lateral propodeal carinae, posterior margin of dorsal face. separated sternal petiole, and pygidial plate. However, 12. Gaster without separated sternal petiole (Fig. the whole complex of characters does not allow to 6); segment I not longer its width; sternites convex; assign the examined specimen to any tribe of the sub- pygidial plate absent. family Pemphredoniae. Consequently, it is placed within the separate tribe, Rasnitsynapini trib.n. of the Pem- Comparison with tribes of the subfamily Pem- phredoninae. phredoninae Members of the three pemphredonine tribes. i.e. Taxonomy Entomosericini, Odontosphecini, and Psenini, have com- plete forewing venation. The tribes Entomosericini, Odontosphecini, and Pse- Order Hymenoptera Linnaeus, 1758 nini differ from Rasnitsynapini trib.n. by having an- Superfamily Apoidea Latreille, 1802 tennal sockets not contiguous to more or less elongate Family Crabronidae Latreille, 1802 clypeus, by moderately enlarged pterostigma, and by Subfamily Pemphredoninae Dahlbom, 1835 presence of pygidial plate. Tribe Rasnitsynapini Antropov, trib.n. The tribes Entomosericini and Odontosphecini dif- fer from Rasnitsynapini trib.n. by having non-parallel Type genus Rasnitsynapus gen.n. (stem: Ras- inner eye orbits (convergent below in Entomosericini nitsynap-). or above in Odontosphecini), broad and distinctly ante- riorly narrowed submarginal cell III reaching apex of Diagnosis of the tribe marginal cell (Odontosphecini) or projecting apex of 1. Eyes bare; inner eye orbits almost parallel; ocelli the cell (Entomosericini), having both recurrent veins unmodified, in an obtuse triangle. that end at submarginal cell II, discoidal cell I being 2. Antennal sockets contiguous to frontoclypeal su- New tribe of fossil Crabronidae from New Jersey amber 231 Figs 15. Photos of the general view of the sample and fragments of Rasnitsynapus primi- genius Antropov, gen. et sp.n. (Holotype, $, no. NJ-6999.). 1 sample of amber with the body, total (dorsal view); 2 sample of am- ber with scutum, scutellum, postscutellum, and right forewing, total (ventral view); 3 body, specimen at high magnification, dorsal view; 4 body, specimen at high magnification, lat- eral view; 5 scutum, scutellum, postscutel- lum, and right
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