GOOD MORNING, IowA CITY! If you noticed what kind of day it was yesterday then you' ll know what it' ll be like today, it says here. Ealabliahed 1868 Vol.79. No. 140-AP News and Wuepholo Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. March 8. 1947-Five Cents , ee Imme iate tri e Ban on eWls• Joe Sheeketski Accepts Oller U.S. May Send Government Urges High (ourt Guns 10 Greece As Head Coach at Nevada U. Mr. Truman Calls Not to Wait Usual2S Days Special Conferenco \\'.\SJ(I:\(jTO:\ ( AI') -.HtllflU'.I' UeD!'I'al ('luI'k UII'We! 10 Line Mentor Says (·Iillet. Ih,' ,1I1I1'('IIlI' 'ollrt', "nll·"tt·ikp" .'diet 1Ig'ltill. t lilt' luil tI To Consider Aid Terms So 'Flattering' ~lill" \\'"I·kl ......\'(·,il·~·ltl,\' I, .John L. Lt'lI'i prot< tl'll tit t thl' H. Couldn't Refuse WASHINGTON (1', - Ab'lut t!1" t'rll'lII'1I1 i llellOt! /I, "lIIl1. dl' lIlall" for thl' milll' 01'1'1'8101 . (,lark dl'llftl'd 1:1 i'-'/I' 1'(1111'1 IIskinK Ihut it IIlillldatll $125,000,000 worth of guns lind IIlllli"u tI.1' III.will'" Lewi-" IIntl I Itt' uniun bf' i",,'U('(\ "rurlltwith" illstl'au of Jpe Sheeketski, assistant [owa (lther military suppJie. mllY be Iluitinj.! th(' 1·1I ... 111II11l1·.1 ~.J tillY". Thllt (\('Iu.\' wOllld brill/{ it lip to football coach, has accepled u five sent to Greecc, it wa reported 1Hr contract at a very "attrac­ ycsterday after Presidel\! Truman :\1111'1·\1 :ll. IIlId (,III,'" t1l'c\Il)"L'd th n' i. "dllllg-i'I'" of IlllothO'r tiVe" salary to be head football abruptly cancelled n Caribbean ,uft I'Hul ,tl'ikl' 111l'1I bt· '1111 (' uf tltt' dl'lldlillt' "et by I~c\\'i . whell roach and director of athletics at trip and ~al1ed I:ongrcsslunal lead­ ht· III'dt'l'('(\ thl' minr.'" hlll·k tl) lI'ol'k Doe, 7, the University of Nevada, it was ers to conIer Monday on what 'lurk ImM't! hi, Hlotiun "upon the public inter -I in til(' (' announced by officials of that one of them called "the most fn'e­ 1·lhl,.·' 1[(. lIotifil·t1 uniull IIttot'n'r that hI' will IIPP 'ItI' bdol" !thool yesterday. luI situation" In American his­ tl", t'ulll'l ~r()l1dll.l· til :I,k Ihlll it bt- g'rlllltP(1. Sheeketski saId the offer was tory." 'I'llI' dl'l:i..,itlll whi(,1t IIJlhl'ld t hl' conll'mpt ('o/widinn'l IIllltin"t made in a Thursday night tele­ At issuc was whcther the United !'(,lli" Hilt! tIlt' IIlIil)lI TllI\l UII." giJ\'t' fin' dll.\~ uft,·/' i", UIIIICP of phone conversation with Harry States would ~teJl into Iht> I.rc· th tIl(' 11l1lll1ll\tt· 1'01' 1..I\'wi.., III J'("Cilld hi" ctllltruci lrl'luilllltinll llotiCI! frost, chairman o[ thc board of opened by B~it:\In' cle 'i$i"l to athletic control. He added that the liquidate h(.l· "u'rm t , in f; 'ee - I',/lIint!('1I1 to II ..,II'i!.:!· CIIII-IIl1d nolif)' tIll lIlilll'l. or thl' IIctioll. oller was so "fla ltering" he and . clscwher:!. Grec"c i , ,he If Itl' Illil to «I .. 'I). thl' full ':U)()O,OOO filiI' 1l ... 'I'S'I·t! I" F('(lt'1'l11 /Ouldo't rcfuse. ,eene ot artneri "nnflipl r. I' "en ')IICLt(· 'I'. ,\11111 Uuld ... l ()'IIUg-1t Itg-Hill,1 the union will bl: illlpo 'I'd; lie will leave for the ncw as· the anti-Communist Ilo-.:ern)\'ent othl'l·\\i..,t, it will ht' "11t to ,'iOO.OOO. IfnlJleJlt about April I, succeed· and left! t f ~s Ll' lIi,. IPl/ill!.!' I Itt' "'lIull' 'Ilhu)' t'lJll1l1liltrc Ihut the glll'cl'nllll'nt i. In, Jim Aiken. now head coach Reterring to thc Grcek 5: IIntlon blocking pcace in the cool indus- II the University of Oregon. and its implicalil n. Chll l"!l'"n try I,y playing the role of "muscle damagc at all," hc said. "Thc coal hecketski said that he leaves Eaton (R-l'iJ) of lne hou. l' 01'­ mlln" and "polic~ putrol." suid Iowa and his association with Dr. eign artail's cOmmittce 1',,11' i it Ilatly he had no sU/lieslion on operator - would havc negotlated. Eddie Anderson. head Iowa coach, "the most fateful situllliun 111 thc BUDDIE!- enator Rob~rt A. Tart (Ohio) hake .. hand \\ Ith rello\ ' R publican John L. l.tlll dtn how to prevent anothcr nuhon­ But they knew they didn't have with "deepest regret." history of our counU·v." Lcwls testllll'd before Taft's tnate labor committee. The mile bl!lIe the harp \\ord~ that PB ell wide coal strikc. to under the circumstances." Arter being gl'aduated from 250-Million l'ro.ll'ram bct\\e~J1 the two when Tafl que lIoned Lewis at Ie nKth durlnlf hearlu, . (;\P WIREPIIOTO) • • ELLENDER: "Well, ther woulrl Notre Dame in 1933 with a bril­ lJe declared thaL except tor havc had jo come to your terms." liant grid record, Sheeketski was federal po es Ion of the mine, hired as assistant to Anderson, LEWIS: "We could have bar. JOE HEEKET KI I etU~ II dl· ~~;~~;~::~r.~;~~:::~. :~~~I'~!I~~~l:; IGOP Senator Slams Leaders Damocrat~ Protest the union could gained it out." then head coach at Holy Cross. New Head Coach at Nevada Greece thl' year. OUI('lal" Who pute with the private owner. When Anderson left in 1938 to • • • • • • take the head coaching job at the ---- ~~;;~~ ~~iSn~Sm:l~all~ida:r~~~r~~~ A F h G t B· R I GOP Move To Cut This Jed Senator Tall (R.Ohio) Taft told Lewl that "the University of Iowa he signed on, about half of thc tOtal prob- to concludc Ihat thc pits appar- Que tlon I whether you can tie Sheeketski as an assistant. Young Republican ably would bc earrnarked {or S res men e Igger 0 I P ff· F d Laler Sheekelski was released oslo Ice un s ('ntty will be shut down again UP the whole country. throw from the contracl enabli ng him to League Drops Action ~~~~f;~ne~~:er~he Greek army to WASHINGTON (IP) - Sena tOl' Iicans lor Monday night to July 1, when the government Is teel workers out of work and remain at Holy Cross as head fool­ The officials said that putting BushCield (R-SD) told the 'enate eus renl <.:ontrol . WASHINGTON OP, - Thc first -Iat ed to tum them back to the thousand of other workers. ball coach. ScnatOl' Dworshak (R-Idaho), Republic-an movc tow;trd n 6 .... operators. an end to the civil btrife was ye.terday that Congre s' Repub- 000.000,000 budget cul brought a The union leader c me to tesU- Jud because you and the opera- After the 1941 'cason Shecket­ On Dorm Increases d deemed essential to making d- Iiean leader;; "are in confu. ion" reC'()Jnmcnded rcdUI'Uon of $897,- fy agam t pending general labor lors cau't acre ." ski entucd the FBI. He returned fectivc any largc scale Amcl'ic;!11 ~~~e ~~~dn~h~h~~~t ;~~~~'\'~I~ ' ! 10 the coaching business as Notre Thc Young Republican league efforts 10 get Grecce back on her and "we havc failed in cvcrything in the reque:;t or the GOP rrc ~h - 072 ,750 in lJ-ea l"y-t)() offke legi tntion and he minced no • • • Dame backfield mcnlor during the in a special telephone poll yester­ feet cconomically. we have promi~ed the voters." men. funds ye terday, but Democrat word" LEWIS: "Wouldn't the aiterna- 1945 ~eason. day repealed its Thursday night From, United Stl}les World War "I predict that unln~ " the Re- One o( the ~roup, who \Vlth- houted that it was a false tart, a The enatc caucus room was tLve be lair treatment. {at' tile coal h('l<I \I oC hI nom', citl! the." sh lin" und a '·phuny." jiimmcd e>:en be~orc the bushy- He came til [llwa last year as I'esolution requestfng an appropri­ I! surplUlies, now cached lar/;ely publicans come alive and carry complaint 'rhO' D 1110 rat 81' u'd thlll brow~ union chlcr. arrived. For miner?" line coach l.nd lUI'ned out onc ation by the slate legislaturc to in occupied Germany, such ma- out the prorn] es that were maric I. Leaders have been too ))rone 800.000,000 uf Iho total I'~duction 140 mll1~t~t he sqUIrmed on his TAFT: "You can ay the trcut- 01 Ihe best Iincs in thc Big Nine. countel'act increased university terials as trucks, tank~, plancs anti to the voters in the last clil', tion," to leave thc ll'eshmen in the dar" AI)I,1rO\'cd by thc hou~e appropria- l'h~l.r .... hI e thc committee fir t ment is unfllit'. Wc might ay you His one year con tract was re­ room and board rates. clothing might be transferred by he SDld. "they WIll agulO tail about thcir intentions and to.J tions committee is II mere book- h. ,lld WI.tHam L. McGrath, a are unIair In your demands. Thu Chairman Dean M. Lierle Jr. an administrative ordcr. But whCn the Ilext clechon comes (1- rentty renewed. quick to "try to stuH legi lll\i"11 J< cping uperalion. They aid it ClIlcinn It m~nuracturer who real qu lion is, should we undcr­ said the votc was taken aftel' con­ congl'cs must enact speCIal 1 g- round," The University of Ncvada is not duwn our throat.> " wn si mply knue-kcd 0(( thc 2,- url/ed changes III th~ labor laws take to impo:e compulsoL'Y srblt- I member or any orguni7.Cci con­ ferences with univeristy officials islation it arms arc supplied frorn Blishfieid said "practiCAlly '!ft- Z, Tb delel(ated leaders ha\'c 031.000,000 estimate for tax rc- as I'lgorou,ly a LeWIS later pro- ration or some other govcrnmcnt.
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