Welding “A day of Viking Rodeo the arts!” Baseball Friday, 9 May starting 3 May cancer aware- On the road to the at 7:00 a.m. • Pg. A3 ness exhibit • Pg. B1 tournament • Pg.B4 THE VIKING Thursday, May 8, 2014 Grayson College Volume IV, Issue VIII Commedia Pinocchio a success Robin Robinson This production was di- Director of Drama & Theatre rected by Robin Robinson, GC Theatre Director. Ten- The Grayson Theatre de- na Matthews, GC Design/ partment presented The Tech Director was the light Commedia Pinocchio in designer and Technical Di- Cruce Stark Auditorium 30 rector for this production. April, 1 May and 2 May at 10 Thea Albert, theatre adjunct a.m. and Saturday, 3 May at professor, has helped guide 7 p.m. for local community the three student designers and school groups. This was for this show. Nick Ellis and a show for young audiences Skyler Alton, both Sopho- and for the entire family. more theatre majors were This 45-minute comedy the costume designers and told the classic story of Pin- student Katie Sisemore de- occhio, a puppet who want- signed the set. Jordan Moore ed to become a boy. This ver- was the Stage Manager and sion was a creative approach Dustin Meadows was the written by Lane Riosley, who Assistant SM. Other crew is an award-winning play- members were Krystina wright. Her script tells the Burns and Tommy Stowers. story from characters who The ten actors on stage are a traveling troupe of ac- each played a variety of (Pictured left to right) Brandon Langston, Jasmine Shannon, Ryan Ramirez, Madison Sizemore tors who choose to perform roles making this show de- and Gabe Parker fulfilled the roles of several characters throughout the course of the show. After- this story in a “Commedia” manding to perform. Com- ward, the cast signed autographs for area children and took pictures. style. media is a style that focuses on the performer, so actors man, Denison, Paris, Sam theatre education,” stated sang, performed gymnastics Rayburn, Bonham and Rox- Robinson. and portrayed characters. ton attended these perfor- Saturday, 3 May was an ex- The actors in this produc- mances. citing evening since the Art tion were Jasmine Shan- The Theatre department department had a reception non, Gabe Parker, Brandon is committed to performing for their show in the gal- Langston, Dakkota Foster, for young audiences each lery, the Music department Brandon Stockton, JT Med- year to serve the commu- played music in the lobby ders, Alex Watkins, Ryan nity as well as it serving as a and the Theatre department Ramirez, Arron Hogue and learning tool for the theatre performed in Cruce Stark Madison Sisemore. majors. “This type of perfor- following the reception. There were three matinees mance offers opportunities This evening celebrates the of this show for area school for our students to learn and mission of the Fine Arts de- The actors’ high-energy rendition of the classic tale kept the groups as well as the com- experience a different genre partment at Grayson. audience engaged through the 45-minute performance. munity. Schools from Sher- which is important for their Evening of Excellence brings out the college’s best Get Involved GC’s Evening of Excellence honors the accomplishments of outstanding students. Approximately 540 guests registered at Sweet Treats Stop the event, a full house in the Student Life Center. Students received certificates and congratulations from the administration. First Wednesdays 9:00-10:00 a.m. Donna Kumler presented the prestigious Old Settler’s Asso- Student Life Center, 2nd ciation essay contest awards to Liz Crawford (first place) and Floor David Hall (second place). May First-Tuesday Connection Breakfast Tuesday, 6 May 8:00-9:00 a.m. Main foyer, South Campus Springfest / Senior Day Thursday, 8 May 11:30 a.m - 1:00 p.m. Life Center East Patio Come celebrate the conclu- sion of the spring semester prior to finals week. Student Club Appreciation, free lunch, activities and more! Student Government Association First Mondays 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. The HUB BSM Luncheon Wednesdays 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. Baptist Student Union BSM Bible Study Mondays 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Baptist Student Union Many students invited friends and family members to this dis- tinguished event. Awards were given by department. Brought to you by SGA (Student Government Association) and Student Life Page A2 Campus Life May 8, 2014 GC summer programs Lauren Hummert entertainment to any child. Enrollment Specialist Shirley Greenway, one of the Pre-med: GC Health Be on the lookout this Career camp’s instructors summer for LOTS of kids says, “I love participating in and LOTS of learning hap- College for Kids for many pening at Grayson College. reasons, but seeing the ex- The Center for Workplace citement on the students’ Learning (CWL) is excited faces is the most rewarding. to announce the Summer In the Health Science fields, Youth Program and College the students learn through for Kids. The entire program hands-on participation. In is designed to provide chil- addition to learning about dren with an exciting range their own health and well- of unique opportunities to being, they take home a bet- explore careers, gain knowl- ter understanding of what edge, develop new skills careers are available for the and, most importantly, have future. College for Kids is a FUN! great way to introduce the With over ten programs students to Grayson. My son being offered, there is some- attended this program in thing available to spark any fifth grade and seven years child’s interest. All of the later, on the way to his first camps are being taught/su- day as a freshman at the col- South Campus News pervised by a member of the lege, he commented, ‘I re- Grayson College faculty or member going here as a kid staff. and I really liked it’.” EOY BBQ: food, fun and civic awareness A few of the camp top- It is the CWL’s goal to pro- Kimberly Weber hosting a donation drive for etary donations. ics include world travel, vide this camp each summer Administrative Assistant immediate needs. Several music, crime investigation, to area youth and to offer a donations were made. Most art, science, storytelling diverse amount of programs Wednesday, 23 April, the wore teal ribbons in support and zombies, from a highly each year. South Campus held its final WHY DENIM DAY? education perspective – of For more information SSE for the year by hosting In 1999 an Italian High course! With enthusiastic regarding each camp, cost its annual End of Year Pic- Court overturned a rape instructors and interesting and registration procedures, nic. conviction because the vic- activities, these 4- and 5-day please visit www.CWLGCC. Students were served BBQ tim was wearing tight jeans camps are an excellent way org or call 903-463-8765. from Daddy Rexes Twisted at the time of the assault. The to provide education and BBQ in Anna, Texas. They justices stated that the victim also enjoyed chips, drinks must have helped her attack- and a brownie sundae bar. er remove her jeans, from GC professor receives local Sam’s Club joined us to of- which they inferred con- fer student’s deals on mem- sent. People all around the teaching award berships and provided addi- world were outraged. Wear- Lori Henderson was tional treats. ing jeans on this anniversary named April Katy Country The Grayson Crisis Cen- became an international Teacher of the Month by lo- ter was also on hand for Lori Harlin’s calculus class symbol of protest against er- cal radio station 93.1 KMKT. Denim Day and a donation partaking at the EOY BBQ roneous and destructive atti- Lori teaches mathematics at drive. For a $5 donation to tudes about sexual violence. Grayson College and Van the Crisis Center, employees of friends or loved ones that One in four Texas women & Alstyne High School. Hen- were allowed to wear jeans have been victims of sexual one in ten men will be sexually derson was nominated for for the day (students could violence. For those wishing assaulted in their lifetime. In- this distuingished award by make donations). The Gray- to help, contact the Grayson formation provided by Grayson Van Alstyne High School son Crisis Center was also Crisis Center to make mon- Crisis Center. Principal, David Brown. The college thanks Lori for her great contribution to the Health and Wellness Center students of Grayson County. coming to South Campus Health and Wellness Center. New Programs Kimberly Weber term, but we expect to be Administrative Assistant The area has been given a fully equipped for Fall 2014. Would you like to work as an fresh coat of paint, and fit- Students will be required to Electrician or for the Occupational ness equipment began to Due to the growing stu- check in with the office, and Safety and Health Administration? dent population and the arrive Friday, 25 April. The leave their student ID and importance of health and center will offer a varied as- driver’s license to gain access boob wellness for Grayson’s fac- sortment of weight train- to the area. This resource ulty, staff and students, the ing and cardio options. The is only offered to students, facility should be available Inquire with an advisor for more South Campus has been faculty and staff of Grayson information about these new fields transforming some under- for use (with limited re- College. Children are not utilized space into a new sources) for the 1st summer allowed. of study.
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