2017 Lincoln Community Foundation Annual Report 2017 OVERVIEW “There seemed to be nothing to see; no fences, no creeks or trees, no hills or fields. If there was a road, I could not make it out in the faint starlight. There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made.” Willa Cather, My Antonia, 1918 The Lincoln Community Foundation found We have inherited the grit and wisdom of our TO HELP BUILD A GREAT CITY; TO ways to support the inspiring opportunities in our ancestors who launched this state over 150 years NURTURE, HARNESS AND DIRECT THAT community: ago, built a land grant university referenced by ENERGY, IS THE ASPIRATION OF THE others as the Harvard on the Prairie, constructed a • In honor of the state’s sesquicentennial, a gift state of the art Capitol during the depression that LINCOLN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. was made for the creation of the Gold Star now houses the only Unicameral in the country. Families Memorial. Visit the beautiful black Lincoln is the envy of cities across the USA with our granite monument at Antelope Park. one public school district. We could go on and on. • Supported the release of the latest Lin- We have tackled great challenges and embraced Barbara Bartle Tom Smith coln Vital Signs report at a summit en- marvelous opportunities. President Chair of the Board couraging citizens to “step up” to the P r o s p e r L i n c o l n c o m m u n i t y a g e n d a . Prosper Lincoln is helping us shape our The sesquicentennial for Nebraska was not to be See the latest at www.LincolnVitalSigns.org or community’s destiny. This is the time to be bold, eclipsed by the remarkable experience on August 21 PURPOSE www.ProsperLincoln.org. to be brave and to be benevolent. We challenge featured on the cover of our 2017 annual report. The all who love Lincoln and desire it to be a city like • Hosted the largest ever Give to Lincoln Day, The Lincoln Community Foundation was established in year was a memorable one for the state of Nebraska no other, a city where young people want to come raising nearly $3.7 million for local nonprofits. 1955 to help donors serve and improve the community and the Lincoln Community Foundation: work, play and build their lives, to put that love into Save the date for 2018’s event on May 31. through philanthropic gifts to nonprofit organizations. action. What mark will you leave? • Assets rose to an all-time high of $135 million We are a connecting point for people who are interested • Offered a match on gifts from donors to en- in moving Lincoln forward. We are a facilitator, a partner • 117 new funds were opened dowed funds designated to their favorite house and a collaborator. We have a relentless desire and energy • Donations to LCF exceeded $20 million or worship or nonprofit, in an effort to help to make Lincoln a better place. Our name says it the best. • $12 million were granted to 877 nonprofits o r g a n i z a t i o n s g a i n l o n g - t e r m s u s t a i n a b i l i t y . Learn more at www.LincolnForever.org. We are Lincoln’s community foundation. 2 2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2017 PROFILE 2016 2017 ASSETS: $135 Million CONTRIBUTIONS: $20 Million ASSETS Investments $ 102,405,856 $ 120,907,187 Total Gifts to the Foundation Cash 3,914,996 4,004,268 Receivables from estates and other 6,687,698 6,740,527 Property and equipment 3,234,008 3,089,802 Future interests 246,282 271,984 Total Assets 116,488,840 135,013,768 FUNDS: $128 Million GRANTS: $12 Million LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Annuities and trusts payable 581,518 979,588 117 New Funds Opened Grant and other payables 801,025 526,898 Funds held for agencies 4,636,710 5,200,597 Fund balances 110,469,587 128,306,685 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 116,488,840 135,013,768 Scholarships Environment & Animals Health & Human Services $ 9,354,950 $ 313,131 $3,223,655 REVENUES Contributions 11,228,880 20,079,351 LCF Operating & Split Interest Investment income 12,321,014 12,586,873 $19,234,995 Changes to future interests 81,628 206,011 Total Total Education & Youth Religion Related $128,306,685 $3,894,361 $12,186,540 Grants: Discretionary $1,952,746 Total Revenues 23,631,522 32,872,235 $32,269,599 GRANTS AND EXPENSES Grants: Donor Recommended Grants and scholarships 10,856,808 12,186,540 Community Involvement $67,447,141 Arts & Culture Mission initiatives 388,202 502,045 $2,167,730 $ 634,917 Supporting services 2,246,651 2,346,552 Total Grants and Expenses 13,491,661 15,035,137 Change in net assets 10,139,861 17,837,098 Net assets beginning of year 100,329,726 110,469,587 NET ASSETS END OF YEAR $ 110,469,587 $ 128,306,685 For complete financial information, visit our website at www.lcf.org. 4 DONOR GIFTS Recognizing all gifts made to Lincoln Community Foundation during the 2017 calendar year. AARP Nebraska Prem L. Bansal, PhD and MK Bansal John and Jacqueline Berry Dianne and Ron Brown John and Valene Carlson Mary Abby and Archie Clutter Abel Foundation Amanda and Scott Barker Margaret and Steve Berry Lana and Robert Browne Nancy and Dennis Carlson Carey Collingham Elizabeth N. Abel Dave and Maruta Barnhouse Bettenhausen Family Foundation William and Lesley Browne Doug and Mary Carper Lilly Coniglio Ashley Abramson Thomas and Karen Barrett Scott and Margaret Bigelow Browns Shoe Fit Rosalind and James Carr John H. Conley Rev. N. Dwain and Virginia Acker Steven Bartels and Christine Carbon-Bartels Devon Bijansky Bruning Sculpture, Inc Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Chris and Sheryl Connolly Joe and Jeanette Adams Barbara and Bob Bartle Charles and Sara Bills Mary Bruning Jamie Carson Jerry and Lori Connot Nanci and Mike Adams Margaret Bartle and Terry Wittler James and Carol Bishop Bryan Medical Center Staff Fund Jennifer Carter and Andre Barry Mike and Cindy Copich Gary and Deb Ahl Dr. Rod and Debbie Basler Robert and Jeanne Bishop Dr. Sam and Lorrie Bryant Rick G. Carter Ed Copple Shams Al-Badry Lizabeth and Joseph Bavitz Steve and Regina Blazek Kelley Buchheister Kyle and Koren Cartwright Tom Craig AshLea and Tate Allberry Baylor Enterprises Ken Bloom and Sarah Kelen Sally and Roger Buchholz John Casey Brad and JoNell Crain Barbara Allen Baylor Evnen Curtiss Grimit & Witt James and D’Arcy Blosser Robert Buchman Cattle Bank & Trust Forrest Critchfield Ameritas Charitable Foundation Patrick and Ellen Beans John and Jan Blumer The Buffett Early Childhood Fund Dr. Chris and Deb Caudill James Crook Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Jill Becker BNSF Railway Foundation Lucy Buntain Comine and Lawrence Comine, Jr. Erin and Quiller Caudill Crouse House PC Craig and Devon Ames Scott and Amy Becker Susan Bockrath and Edmund Hamann David and Laura Buntain Roger and Becky Chamberlin Gene and Linda Crump Save the date, May 31, 2018 Bruce and Betty Anderson Thomas J. Beckius Marcia Boden Dave Burden Kristi Chambers Mary and Mark Cuddy Erik and Carol Anderson Christopher and Kama Bedient James F. Boedeker and Sally I. Kirsch Donal and Ilena Burns Charles Schwab Shannon and Daniel Cullan Forrest and De Ette Anderson Stanton and Amy Beeder Connie Boender Judson and Karen Byleen Thomas and Mary Jo Cherry Joep and Valerie Cuppens THANK YOU LINCOLN! Mike and Barb Anderson Allen and Linda Beermann Bill Bonacker and Sherry Cox Jim and Judy Cada Brian and Nancy Christensen John and Cinda Curry Larry and Ruth Andrews Clark and Jodi Bellin Bryant Bone Daniel and Rebecca Caldwell James Christensen D.A. Davidson & Co. Catherine Angle* Ted and Claire Bellin George and Janice Boosalis Robert and Beth Caldwell Mark A. Churchill and Laurie Witters-Churchill Dana F Cole & Co LLP Bethany and Brendan Arnold Carrie Bence John Boosalis Jean and Max Callen Cintani Family Foundation Data Source Media $3.7 Jim and Lorie Artz Travis and Laura Benda Shannon Booth Biberdorf Larry and Mary Lynn Callen Bill and Marilyn Cintani Shirley and Jerry Daugherty Assurity Life Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund Brian Bornstein and A. Christine Emler Cindy J. Cammack and David Reifschneider Sharon and Robert Cirone Jennifer Davidson MILLION RAISED! Andrea Avila Alison Benson Dick and Sue Boswell Donald Campbell CJJ Communications Morgan and Anne Davis B & J Partnership Gary Bentrup Carol and Steve Bowen Doug and Mary Campbell Claire M. Hubbard Foundation Elinor and Richard Dawson Teresa Bachmann Andrew and Cara Bergen Robert L. Boyce, III and Lynette L. Boyce Jack and Sally Campbell Patrick and Linda Clare Robert Dawson HELPED Jessica and Shawn Baden Julie Berger Dawn and Chuck Braithwaite Mark Campbell Timothy and Amy Clare Allen Dayton MORE Ritch and Raette Bahe Patrice Berger Chad E. Brassil and Joyce Besch Dick and Kathy Campbell Rhoda Claridge Douglas and Jeri DeBoise THAN Gene Bahm John and Kris Bergmeyer Angie Brauner Robert and Candace Campbell Richard and Virginia Claussen Jayne Debus Neema and Carly Bahramzad Davide Bergo and Tafe Sup Amber and Matt Brethouwer Susan Campbell Thomas Clemente Scott and Kjersti Deckert 364 Rich Bailey Daniel and Cindy Berlin Jeremy Bridges Norman Carden Cliff Trehearn Insurance and Financial Services Stan and Joan Dell 17,000 Scott A. Baird and Leirion Gaylor Baird Fred and Phyllis Berner BJ Brittenham Charles and Gwelda Carlson Bobbi and Sam Clinch Pamela and Rick Dellenbaugh LOCAL Pamela Baker John and Marilyn Bernthal Julie Brittenham John and Pam Carlson Kristen and Geoffrey Cline Kerri and Nate Denell NONPROFITS DONATIONS 6 2017 Give To Lincoln Day donors can be viewed on our website.
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